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Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3)

Page 10

by Heather Allen




  Chapter 24


  A thought occurs to me as I sit across from Alody, eating clams from the shell. This I can stomach way more than fish.

  I wonder if my blood will help her father. I know it didn’t heal Ever right away when she was shot with the arrow but it helped speed the process a little. I’m not sure of her father’s injuries though.

  I look over at her. She is staring out across the room lost in thought. Her profile is so soft and beautiful, I could get lost in it.

  After her father fell asleep, we swam to this room which is similar to the first room I waited in. It is filled with tables and benches. She explained that this is where they have their meals. A long shelf extends the entire far wall housing different food items. It amazes me how these people just gave up their normal way of life and closed themselves up from the open sea to stay safe from Roman. The more I hear about him, the more I’m convinced he is just an all-around bad dude. I admire her completely for what she is doing. Her father is in charge and if he passes, she will be the one to make all of the decisions. She turns her gaze to me and frowns.

  “James, I said this before and you ignored me, but I really don’t think it’s safe for any of us if you are here. Roman will be looking for you. He’s left us alone for a little while now, but I know he will be back to finish the job. He won’t put up with any kind of rebellion.”

  She is so tiny but so confident. I can’t help the smile that spreads at this thought. I look down at the table to avoid her gaze and notice a heart carved into it. It strikes me as an odd thing to be here. I trace it with my fingers and notice the initials KP + DP. She reaches out and traces them behind my fingers.

  Her voice has softened, “They are my parents. KP is Kara Prince, my mom and DP, is Derek Prince. My mom got sick and passed about five years ago. But here they are together always.”

  As her fingers touch mine, the now familiar spark flows up into my hand. I look up and meet her beautiful green eyes. I stare at her and savor the warmth flowing up my arm. She smiles slowly at me and asks carefully almost shyly, “Do you know what that means?”

  I’m confused. I ask, “What?”

  She grabs my hand firmly, “That electricity when you touch me?”

  I shake my head, “You know about that, when you touch me? It’s as if a shock shoots through me. Wait, it happens to you too?”

  She nods and sm/fo>

  She looks back to the table and traces the heart again.

  “My mom told me about it. I thought she was full of it at the time. The whole idea of it seemed so out there.”

  She turns to look back at me, “But here you are and this.” She lifts our entwined hands.

  I’m unsure of what exactly she is talking about. Maybe she is missing her mom and with her dad being hurt...

  “It’s an old mer-people tale about being promised to another person. Most, don’t believe in it anymore but my parents did. My mom told me that when I meet the one I am promised to, the one I am to be with forever, I’ll know.”

  I ask without even thinking about her meaning, “Do you believe in it?”

  Her eyes seem to bore into me, “I’m thinking now, it just might be a real thing.”

  I digest this. It would explain my sudden feelings for this girl that I can’t seem to turn off. But that is impossible isn’t it? A promised person, as if you don’t have a choice. Not sure how this sits with me. I look back up into her eyes and I know she’s right. I can see it in the look she is giving me. This is the girl that completely knocked me off my feet the moment I saw her. The jury is still out on how I feel about this.

  I ask, “Do you want me to go?”

  I have no desire to leave her, ever. But if she asks, I will do whatever I need to, to help these people.

  Her mouth turns into the most adorable pout and I want to kiss her at that moment. It is so enticing but I squeeze her hand a little instead. If she really wants me to leave, kissing her will make it harder to leave.

  “No, James, I really don’t want you to go. But some of the others are talking about turning themselves in. They think Roman will go easy on them if they come without a fight.”

  My eyebrows go up, “Do you believe that?”

  She shakes her head slowly, “No, I think he is against all Erebus and it won’t matter how we go about it. He wants everyone not of pure blood, gone.”

  The mention of blood reminds me of her father.

  I decide to change the subject. If we can avoid this conversation a little longer maybe I can convince her that I can help if she allows me to stay.

  “I’m not sure if it will help but I do have healing abilities in my blood. How was your father injured?”

  “Roman stabbed him in his side with a spear. It pierced his lung. We have prolonged the damage with some natural things from the sea but I know he doesn’t have long...” Her voice cracks at her words.

  I climb off the bench, “Let’s go and see if I can help then.”

  She slowly gets up and tells me, “Roman has some medicine that heals almost any injury. I was on my way to try and get it when I ran into you. Do you think your blood will work? I’ve heard different things about healing with the blood of others.”

  I shrug my shoulders, “I really don’t know. My sist knt thinter was shot with an arrow. It took three days but she came back from it. We thought we were going to lose her.”

  She nods and starts swimming toward the door to the tunnel that will take us to her father’s room. I pray that this works. I can see that she’s been through enough already.

  Chapter 25


  The realization that Jack and I are meant to be, keeps me grinning from ear to ear. With this knowledge I feel as if every decision I’ve made in the past year has been for a purpose. And every decision I make from now on, I can make with more confidence, knowing I am meant to be here. I am supposed to be here and this life was truly meant for me. I want to jump up and down now and shout out that I finally know who I am. But I resist.

  Alex is still very obviously getting over the fact that I am completely out of his grasp. I can only hope he finds his person soon.

  We decided to hang at his dwelling for the day. He met with Roman but didn’t share what was discussed. Truth be told, I am still a little leery about his intentions. I know he will do anything and everything to keep me safe but apart from that, I feel like he could go either way. Not long ago he was passionately explaining to me why it is so important that the mer-people stay pure to their people, which means not loving someone from land. I feel as if it’s been one of those outdated laws, deemed as a crime under the sea. I believe they are way overdue for a change but I’m not sure Alex share’s that belief. For all I know he is still planning with Roman to take Jaspen down.

  I have to keep my focus clear and find out everything I can. The sooner I do, the sooner I can go back to Jack.

  “Hey, do you want to go and see the city today?”

  That actually sounds really wonderful. It’s so beautiful here. I can think of it as gathering information, right?

  “I would really like that. It’s so pretty here.”

  He chuckles, “Yeah, there’s more history here than any of the other cities.”

  I ask, “Is this the first city in the sea?”

  “I’m not sure which was the first, there are a lot of them. I know that Seamus’ was old too but not quite as old as this one.”

  He loads a bag with lots of fruit for my lunch and drapes it across his body. I follow him out and we swim through the center of the city. He points to various buildings and tells me how long they’ve been here and what they’re used t knt body. I for. I am amazed when he throws around time periods as in five thousand years, and ten thousand years. Of course those buildings are a little more decrepit than the newer ones but the beauty that I can see, was once there, can never
be replicated.

  We swim out of the city after a number of hours to the largest coral bed I’ve ever seen.

  “I thought we could get a bite to eat here and then I’ll take you to some of the caves.”

  “What kind of caves? ” The mention of caves perks my interest. I wonder about the Erebus here. He hasn’t mentioned them at all.

  “Are there Erebus caves here?”

  He nods taking a bite of a sliced up fish. I have to look away. I don’t think I will ever acquire a taste for fish.

  “Yep, those caves are on the other side, on the outskirts of the city.”

  I wait but he doesn’t elaborate.

  I squint at his small amount of information, “Are they… Has Roman left them alone?”

  He shakes his head as if this is a normal conversation and answers nonchalantly, “No, he is worse than Seamus ever was about land and sea.”

  Again, no more information, just a direct answer to my question. His brush off starts alarm bells ringing in my brain. Earth to Ever, I think you’ve done it again. That trust thing comes so easily. What were you thinking taking everything at face value from him? He probably has the most to lose in this.

  I carefully choose my words, “Alex, I know we are okay. But where are you with things?”

  I watch his reaction intently. He stops chewing and continues to stare at the fish darting in and out of the coral a few feet away. I just knew it. How did I let this crap happen AGAIN? I am such a pushover, it’s pathetic. I pick up the bag with the fruit and shoulder it. I look over at him again and he’s statue still as if he moves, he might give away too much. Too late for that, there is no way this thing is going to work. If he is still with Roman, there is no doubt in my mind Roman will figure out I’m an imposter. I start to swim back to the city.

  Then I hear Alex call out to me, “Ever, wait.”

  I stop and hover in the water refusing to turn around. Will I never learn?

  His voice is closer when he speaks again, “I can’t fight for it. I know you don’t understand. I just… just understand that I will do everything to keep you safe and I won’t hurt you, or James or Jack. It’s complicated. I have to stay here and fight with the Lior.”

  I turn, knowing that this is a crossroads for me. I have to trust Alex and get what information I can, knowing he can’t help me, otherwise go back home with nothing. I look up and the green in his eyes is lighter than I’ve ever seen it. I know then that going home at this point isn’t an option but neither is wasting my time sightseeing while Alex helps plan to annihilate my new home. I nod at him acknowledging this new information and turn back around to swim back to his dwellinto ghtseeing g. Now I need to come up with some way to find the information for Jaspen and Jack, without Alex’s help. Never an uncomplicated moment in my life!

  Chapter 26


  As we enter her father’s room, I notice the light is brighter and the woman from before, Jenna, is sitting near his bunk mopping his brow with a cloth. She glances at us as we enter but quickly returns back to what she’s doing. Alody walks quickly to his side and grabs his hand situating herself on the floor in front of Jenna.

  “Daddy, how are you feeling?”

  His eyes slowly open and it seems as though he is trying to focus. I notice they don’t seem as blue as they were last night. They seem a bit cloudier. I can tell he is worse than the last time we were here.

  Alody leans in to hear something he is saying. He starts coughing and she pulls her head back and whispers, ”No, no, no.”

  I watch as her shoulders slump and sobs overtake her. I walk up and place my hand on her shoulder. She quickly wipes her tears and grabs my hand pulling me down to my knees. I look back and notice Jenna has moved. She is standing across the room staring at me with a disapproving look.

  I look back down at her father and she tells him, “Daddy, this is James.”

  His eyes flutter open again and he focuses on my face. I can’t tell from his expression how he feels about me being there.

  “James has healing abilities. He’s going to try.”

  His hand suddenly comes up cupping her cheek. The words that leave his lips break my heart, “No, it’s too late.”

  to gh>

  His hand drops and his eyes close briefly. When he opens them again, they seem a little clearer. He whispers, “I love you Alody girl.”

  She wraps her arm around his middle and sobs into his shoulder. His hand comes up to just barely pat her back. This whole thing makes me feel so helpless. I just want to do everything I can to help him but I am afraid he is right, it might be too late. I turn to Jenna who is now looking at me curiously.

  “Do you have a knife?” She nods and hurries out of the room. I look back down at Alody and I think about how strong this girl has had to be. She has lost her mother and the life she knows is gone just because of where she came from. Now her dad… I just stumbled upon her but I silently vow to do everything I possibly can to help bear her burden. No one should have to face the things she has.

  Jenna enters the room and hands me the knife. She glances down at Alody and her father. I can tell from that look that she isn’t just here as an observer. They mean something to her. I nod to her as I turn to try the only thing I can think to do.

  I place my hand on Alody’s shoulder and quietly suggest, “Alody, let’s try.”

  She looks up at me and back to her father. He has fallen asleep. She moves back and lifts his shirt where a wide gash spreads across his side. I use the knife to slice the skin across my palm. Blood instantly flows out. I squeeze it out over his wound trying to saturate it as much as possible. She watches intently but I already know nothing will happen for a while. When we used my blood for Ever we experimented each day with the best way to get it into her bloodstream. The best thing is this, through the wound. The worst part is just waiting. I know. It was torture knowing it might not work. I couldn’t stay there and watch in case she did die. I didn’t want to be there.

  I turn to find Jenna holding a cloth out to me. I wipe the knife and hand it back. Then I wipe the excess blood off of my palm. The cut has almost closed completely.

  She walks up to me and asks, “May I?”

  I offer her my palm. She turns it over in her hands and gasps placing her hand over her mouth. Her eyes turn up to mine and she drops my hand. Then she glances over at Alody and her father. I already know there won’t be any change in his condition yet.

  She turns back to me and asks, “Who are you?”

  “My name is James Harding. I am Metea’s far removed great grandson. I have her healing ability.”

  She looks suddenly scared. Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned Metea. She backs up.

  I feel a hand wrap around my arm, the warmth spreads through me as Alody comes up beside me.

  She explains, “Jenna, he is here for us. He wants to help.”

  Jenna shakes her head and exclaims, “Alody, this is bad. He can’t be here. They will come after us again, especially if he’s here. What if he is here for Roman?”

  I decide to qualm her fears. It seems like her emotions are getting a little out of control. She seems actually afraid of me as if I am here to hurt her.

  I put my hands up as if in surrender, “I promise Jenna, I am not here for Roman. And as far as Metea is concerned, I told you a, I3embout her, just so you know why I can heal. I am far from a fan of hers and she doesn’t like me either. I’m actually Jaspen’s immediate grandson.”

  She falls to her knees. I look over at Alody concerned and she gives me a death look. I guess I wasn’t supposed to mention Jaspen either. I just thought if they know I am related to an Erebus… maybe he is not a very good example.

  Alody scurries down to her side and assures her, “It’s okay Jenna, I promise. He only wants to help. We’re going to be okay.”

  She looks over and asks Alody, “How do you know?”

  Alody glances back up at me. In that look I can see it. Her feelings for me
fill that look. I know finally that I am done for and I want to be. She is everything and I barely know her but I don’t care.

  “Jenna, I think he’s my promised.”

  Jenna stops all movement. She stops trying to get as far away from me as possible. She stops trying to get away from Alody and she takes Alody’s face in her hands, “Are you sure?”

  I watch as more tears flow from Alody’s eyes and a few fall down Jenna’s cheeks as Alody nods. She smiles hugging Alody to her. She glances up at me and instead of the fear or anger I see a slight hint of happy. Maybe we’ll all be okay.

  Chapter 27


  I arrive back at Alex’s dwelling pretty furious with myself. I ‘will’ the door open and go straight to ‘my’ room, at least for the moment it is. Who knows if Alex will change his mind and tell me to go back. He is pretty much washing his hands of me. I guess that is to be expected though. We have no ties anymore. Well, we never did, but now he knows for sure there is no chance for us as a couple. I throw the bag of fruit across the room and apples spill out, slowly sinking to the floor. I hear the door close and know he followed me back. I fall onto the bunk face first and for the first time in a long while feel homesick for my home on land with my parents. Maybe it’s my bedroom that was my safe place for so many years. I can feel his presence. I roll over to my side and peek out of my arms to see him hovering in the doorway.

  “Ever, there’s so much I’ve come to find out since I arrived here.”

  I grimace at him, “Well, enlighten me then.”

  He sh, I3eed akes his head, “I can’t.”

  “Yes you can, you’re choosing not to.”

  He comes closer and sits next to me on the bunk. I scoot over reluctantly and huff at him. I intend on making this very hard for him. I think the part that upsets me the most is that I have finally found my place and he won’t even help me keep it.


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