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Kasadya Hellhound Twisted

Page 14

by Swart, Karen

  All right, I freaking get the message, we are destined blah blah. “I think they have been waiting all this time for Kasadya, to be redeemed to human form,” Chax finally finished. Max was up and moving fast, he walked over to me and turned around, facing Chax.

  “No, I will not permit it. If Kas has a gift it will not be used for evil, and I will not allow you to drain her for that purpose,” Max threw back at Chax and my jaw was hanging open again. What the hell? Chax walked to square off with him.

  “And you think that I would?” Chax challenged him. Max smiled at him and leaned in.

  “Yes, I do. I have seen no compassion from you since we met. How you treat her sometimes also gives me a fine idea of what you are capable of,” Max sneered at him. Oh no, here we go. Chax’s face immediately changed back to the old Chax. Crap, and he was doing so good today.

  “So you think because I don’t entertain her decisions and give into her choices, that I am cruel to her and that I would only use her for my own goal?” Chax continued on, his face showing no emotion whatsoever, but I knew he was totally freaking pissed.

  “Indeed,” Max replied, stepping forward to get up into his face. Now they were face to face.

  “Gentlemen, this is not the time for your argument, if what Chax says is true we need to discuss this,” Astin said stepping in between the two to split them up.

  Max and Chax still looked at each other, even with Astin’s head blocking the view. “Damn,” Nanini said next to me, so I looked at her and scowled. She just shrugged and gave me a devil smile.

  “Chax, what do you propose?” Astin asked, looking at him and then at Max, who was still ready for a fight.

  A few seconds went by while Chax and Max concluded their stand off and then Chax replied, “We would need to test this, in a safe and controlled way. Amon and his facility would also be able to track all the changes that take’s place, like with the demon here,” Chax continued.

  “Are you all mad, you want to take the outcasts and turn them? The princes will declare war and you will start the apocalypse,” Draco pitched in. We looked at him, smiles starting to form on all our faces. “You are mad, the lot of you. But you are the worst,” he finished pointing at me.

  “Now, Draco, seeing that you just became our lab rat, I won’t speak up that much. It could get very ugly,” I teased him, his eyes going big as he looked at the rest.

  “You are not cruel by nature,” he remarked. Nanini and Kali both burst out in laughter. I suppressed mine and kept a serious face.

  “Demon, you have no idea what you just walked into, do you?” Lotan asked, playing with his dagger by throwing it up in the air and grabbing it again.

  Draco followed the motion and I could see his complexion going white. “Now that the demon is quiet, how can we assist?” Amon asked, looking back at Chax.

  “We would need to explain this to the council, my friend, and that won’t be an easy task,” Chax replied, looking back at me.

  “The council? They will not agree to it,” Astin pitched in, Annabelle nodding to agree with him.

  “Yes, you have a better chance of catching a demon prince,” Don continued.

  “True, but we never had two Archangels to stand with us,” Chax said, looking at Raphael and Michael who nodded at him.

  “I don’t think that will work, Chax. Perhaps we could try another route,” Lada spoke up. We turned and looked at her.

  “What do you propose, Lada?” Chax asked.

  She looked at all of us. “I would gather my proof first, what you have at the moment isn’t really reliable. This is not Exsilium, so I would use recording and so forth, take this demon and test everything. Once we have enough evidence of what is really happening, then you bring the council here and present it to them,” she explained.

  “I agree, we don’t have enough to win them over, we need more solid proof,” Amon replied, embracing Melissa who was smiling at him.

  “Indeed, we must ensure that we have the weapons against their attacks, and you know how they can go on,” Astin agreed.

  Chax looked at them then at the Archangels. “Perhaps we can do more than one demon, in that we would have sufficient evidence that it is just not with this one,” he finished.

  And so the plans were laid out, with Max and a few more objections all the demons would be placed in a secure and charmed cell here at the compound. I must admit that made me feel better too. Having demons running around the place wasn’t a good idea. Melissa, Amon, and Don would set up everything to ensure we got our proof, and that they were monitored correctly. The fallen staying here would be in charge of keeping an eye on all of them.

  “That settles it, we need to get back and try to get some sleep in,” Chax finally said. We greeted the others and shifted back to Chax’s house, but Chax shifted out immediately, leaving us to do as we pleased. Maybe he’s going to see the other demons or something? All the others started to disappear and I decided to go take a bath. Walking up the stairs, Max joined me.

  “Kas, tell me what happened today?” he suddenly asked. I stopped and looked at him, confused as to why he would still be on that subject.

  “I already explained,” I replied.

  Scowling, he looked at me. “A training session doesn’t leave a trail of blood down your back, and a blue mark covering your entire left shoulder,” he finished, folding his arms over his chest and blocking my way.

  “It just got a little rough, that’s all,” I replied, trying to pass him.

  “You have never lied to me before, why are you now?” he asked.

  That had me speechless. Wow, he is right, I have never lied to him. Well I just never had a reason to. Do I have a reason now? A quality of Max I adore and hate sometimes is his protective nature, but seeing him and Chax together I don’t think it would be a good thing. “Max, it’s like I explained, just a training session,” I stated and regretted it. I saw in his eyes how much damage I had just done.

  “I see,” he replied. Turning around, he stormed off. Crap, crap, and double crap! Furious with him and myself, I also turned around and stormed to our room. Reaching it I found Kali and Caim in the hall, holding her luggage.

  “What’s up?” I asked as I reached them.

  “Caim is taking me to my own room,” Kali explained with a smile.

  “Oh,” I replied. I should have thought about that. We have gotten so used to each other that privacy wasn’t really an option anymore.

  “Don’t stress, Kas, it’s time you have some space. And I am just like down the hall,” Kali encouraged before she and Caim walked away.

  “Yeah,” I whispered as she left. I walked into my room and closed the door, bracing myself against it. My back was killing me, but it was Max’s eyes that were really doing the damage. Crap, I think I just messed up my relationship before it even really started. I hit the door and stormed off to the shower, pissed at myself. I opened up the water and got undressed. Stepping inside the streams of warm water, I grabbed the wall and let my head fall. I freaking messed up again, why in hell can’t I do something right?

  I finished up, got dressed in a tank top and yoga pants, and planted my butt on the bed. I sat there contemplating my options to fix my mistake. Should I tell him the truth and watch as he first hit disappointment, and then anger. I know what he would think if he heard Chax had to break my wing, he made it clear that he doesn’t like Chax at all. They would have a huge freaking fight, and although Max is a great warrior not even I could beat Chax today. He is just too old and too good. He will have his ass handed to him, and then be even madder at me. Nope, the truth is not an option.

  I looked in the mirror. Hell, Kas, you are so over your head with this. My first fight with a guy and I am kicking myself over it. Damn stupid emotions, they always get the best of me. I jumped up, stormed out of my room, and hit the hallway. I stopped at the first door and knocked.

  “Yes?” Ben answered.

  “Sorry, wrong door. Where can I find Max?” I ask
ed through the door.

  It opened up and an almost asleep Ben stood there. “Three doors down on your right,” he answered with a puzzled look.

  “Thanks,” I muttered and stormed down the hall way. One … two … three on the right here we go, I stopped and was greeted with a soft melody playing on the other side. Leaning my head on the door I tried to figure out why it sounded so familiar. “All these fears deep inside,” the voice sang, so beautiful and then it snapped in … Enya. I stood back and looked at the door. Wow, Max listens to Enya, who would have seen that one coming. Shaking it off, I knocked. The music was cut off immediately and a furious Max ripped open the door, ready to kick butt. When he registered who was standing there, he first hesitated, and then turned around and walked back in.

  Oh no you don’t! Before the door could slam shut in my face, I grabbed it and pushed it open, shoving Max back inside and closing it behind us. “I am not in the mood for this, Kas,” he growled and tried to open the door to shove me out again. I pushed him against the wall and pinned him, which was a little awkward since I was a head shorter, but it worked. “What are you—” He was cut off from saying anything more because my mouth was covering his.

  First there was no reaction, and I almost started to panic. Finally my forced kiss was returned by a very furious one. I released my hold on him and wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling his arms closing around my torso. Panic turned into excitement and I pushed the kiss even harder. I grabbed his hair to get a better angle. I was rewarded with the same intense kiss from him, and then wham we were full steam kissing the hell out of each other.

  My hormones kicked in and I turned him around, pushing him back towards the bed. His legs caught the end and he fell backwards, me following. Oh my soul this was awesome! It felt like every inch of my skin was on fire, but a really freaking good one. I pushed him back and rose up, looking down at him. His lips were puffy from my kiss and I am sure mine were just as swollen. Wow, he was so handsome, why didn’t I see this before?

  I grabbed my top and started to lift it up when he stilled my hands. “No, Kas.”

  Confused, I looked at him. “What’s wrong?” I asked, shocked that he would stop me. He dragged my hands away from my top and held them, looking at me with a smile.

  “This is not how it should be,” he answered. What? Was I doing something wrong? I mean, I’d seen a lot of movies, and I am sure this is how it works. I felt the red embarrassment slam into my cheeks. “Kas, stop. I can see what you are thinking. You didn’t do anything wrong, trust me. But when something like this happens it must be … real and about love,” he said, grabbing hold of my face and forcing me to look at him.

  OMG! What he just said slammed into me like a punch to the gut. I just freaking threw myself at him! I was off the bed and out the door before he could even get a word out. I stormed down the hall and ran smack into someone, knocking them into the wall. “Crap, sorry,” I snapped and grabbed whoever it was to try and get them back up.

  “Kasadya?” Chax asked and I was left open-mouth and utterly freaking dumb looking at him.

  “Kas, wait,” Max said, stopping behind me. Oh hell! I turned completely red from head to toe, when Chax looked at him and then at me, a very disapproving scowl taking place on his face.

  There was a very awkward silence for what felt like an hour. Chax’s eyes were all over me. And I realised that I hadn’t pulled my top down, that it was still just under my breast. I was about to freaking combust from that look he had. Finally his eyes moved to Max and that’s when I saw the huge reason why I’d lied in the first place. I looked at Max, and hell yeah, they just sized each other up and were both furious. “You question my intentions, yet look at yours,” Chax sneered out. Oh no, no, no, no.

  “Guys, wait! Don’t do this,” I tried to intervene, but Max placed his hand on me and pushed me back, stepping up right into the kill zone.

  “Nothing happened,” Max growled back.

  Chax’s evil smile appeared. “Good, I will not tolerate your weakness in my house, and not around her,” he answered.

  A menacing laugh came out of Max. “At least I don’t get my fix by hurting her,” he said to Chax. For about two seconds there was nothing except silence and then wham, the first punch rippled through the air with a sonic sound spiralling down the hall.

  Chapter 12

  Max was punched straight down the hall, where he ended up smack against the wall. Bracing his hands on the wall, he looked up. I stepped back. He’d just transformed, and flashing red eyes were looking straight back at us. Oh crap!

  He stormed forward and I stepped in front of him. I had to stop this now before they killed each other. I was pushed back out of the way as Chax stormed past me. They met in the middle and hit each other full force, the hallway walls cracking under the power. Doors flew open and everyone else stormed outside to see what the hell was happening.

  “What in Heaven’s name is going on?” Caim asked as he stopped next to me. I looked up at him but didn’t answer. I needed to stop this. I transformed, ready to battle two very strong males. One whom most likely was going born and the other the strongest I have seen so far. On my first step, I was grabbed from behind as arms locked down around me. I looked back and saw that Caim, now transformed, had me.

  “I have to stop this!” I yelled at him.

  “If you step in, they are going to hurt you. They need to fight this out, Kas,” Caim replied, holding onto me.

  I turned to look back at them. Max ended up inside the wall, his wings trapped, and Chax was hitting him. Oh no, I needed to stop this. “Holy hell, they are going to kill each other,” Lotan said from behind me. My heart was pounding against my ribs, and I was starting to freak out. I fought against Caim, but he was like an octopus wrapped around me and not letting go. Max’s head whipped forward and connected with Chax, sending him backwards, and he followed hitting him. The sound of their punches were shattering, the walls cracking and trembling from it.

  “Caim, I have to stop them, we can’t just stand by and watch them kill each other!” I was going out of my mind. Watching them throw each other through the wall, hitting and kicking. And with each blow the tempo picked up rather than calmed down.

  “Take it outside, Chax!” Caim yelled. And poof they were gone. Caim let go of me and I shifted to the gate outside.

  A roar sounded with my landing, and on my right I watched as Max plowed Chax threw the trees; they splintered with each impact and fell to the earth. Oh my freaking soul! I ran over to where they were still fighting. Chax had turned to the fight and now Max was being drilled into the earth. Almost there, I was slammed to the left as something rammed into me. Confused, I looked around but no one was there. I turned around and found the rest a few yards behind me, heading in my direction.

  What the hell just hit me? Shaking it off, I was up again and moving for them. I could see Max kicking Chax in mid-air sending him to the left, and moving to catch up. Again, something slammed into me. I hit a tree, and falling down I braced and stopped on all fours looking for the stupid idiot. Again there was nothing there. Okay, this is just pissing me off. I closed my eyes and let my hellhound sensors find the one hitting me.

  There above me, I picked up the idiot, and I looked up to find Nanini smiling down at me. “Dude, it took you long enough,” Nanini answered when I looked at her.

  “What are you doing?!” I yelled at her.

  “Caim said we need to stop you from getting into the fight, he said you would get hurt. So here I am,” she replied, a smile spreading across her face.

  “Don’t make me hurt you,” I growled, and got back up, advancing to the scene still going on. A green light bomb hit me from the right, but this time I took it a lot better. I turned, looking for the owner, and found Ben all serious face, another light bomb in his hands. “Ben, don’t do it,” I warned him. A bomb hit me from the back, and I took a step or two forward. I turned around and looked at Nanini.

  “They are goin
g to kill each other, I won’t allow that!” I yelled again.

  “Shift her out, Kali,” I heard Caim say and turned just in time to see a feathered fist reach my face. Kali’s punch sent me flying backwards and I landed with a thump. Shaking my head, I got back up but found myself surrounded by bars. What the freaking hell! I flew up and grabbed the bars, shaking them.

  “Let me out!” I roared.

  “Sorry, Kas,” Kali said to my left, but when I looked she was already gone.

  Furious, I roared, the sound echoing through the room. “Kas, calm down,” Amon said. I turned to look at him.

  “You have got to let me out. They are going to kill each other because of me!” I tried to reason. A look of sympathy came as my answer. Pissed, I rocked the bars again, and screamed.

  “Kas, we have sent some assistance, but sometimes things like this are necessary. I have seen how much tension was between them. This will be a good release,” Amon explained. I tried shifting, but nothing. Touching the bars, I could feel the charm on them.


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