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Kasadya Hellhound Twisted

Page 15

by Swart, Karen

  “Max is going born, and you are talking about tension release? Who do you think is going to kill him?” I was so mad even my wings were trembling from it. What have I done? Damn it, all I do is screw things up, I am so sick of it!

  “Kas,” someone else said. I looked up to find Seth standing there. Oh thank you God.

  “Seth, you have to help me. Chax and Max are going to kill each other and they locked me up,” I pleaded with him.

  He looked at Amon. “I have it. You go help the others,” Seth told him.

  Amon nodded and shifted out, leaving us alone. My jaw was hurting real bad from biting down on it. Seth walked over and took up a chair then sat down in front of me. What? My jaw was hanging open. Would they all just stand by and watch this happen? “We have it under control, Kas. Relax,” he said, leaning back into the chair and crossing his arms in front of his chest.

  I always wondered what people meant when they said they were in despair. I saw it in movies, and once I heard a girl at school say it when her friend died in a crash. Never really got it, but now I did. I broke down crying like mad. Hysterical girl crying and everything was pouring out of me. I ended up on a bed and just gave into it.

  I heard the door open and next I felt arms around me, and that made it even worse. “It’s going to be okay, Kas. Vulcan won’t let it go that far. We have sent a lot of fallen to help. But you know us guys sometimes just need this,” he soothed me.

  “He's going to kill Max, because Max is going born,” I sobbed out. He brushed my hair and rocked me.

  “That’s why I came for Amon, as a male spirit fae he will be able to knock him out and save him from his death.” That still didn’t make me feel better; in fact it made me feel worse.

  “All of the people I have come to care about are counting on me to do the right thing, and I only end up hurting them,” I cried again.

  “That’s not true, Kas. We all make mistakes, it’s part of life. It’s how we learn what a mistake is in the first place to make sure we don’t do it again,” Seth explained.

  I shook my head. “You don’t understand. I am messing up real bad. Even my best friend’s life is in danger because I didn’t look out for her.”

  “Are you talking about Kali?” I nodded and wiped at my tears. “Why would Kali’s life still be in danger?” Seth asked, confused. I froze. Crap, there I just did it again. I pushed away from him and tried to muster a smile.

  “You know our job isn’t a picnic,” I explained casually and shrugged off his question. He looked at me for a moment, his eyes travelling over me.

  “You’re not really good with the lying thing you know. So either you can tell me and I will try to help, or I will tell Chax something is up with you two,” he threw back and my jaw was hanging open. What the hell just happened? “I see. Well Chax has his ways with things like this.” He got up and started to walk to the gate.

  Is he going to split on me? Oh hell no, I was up and pushed him against the bars before he could even respond. “Don’t! You will so mess up everything,” I growled at him. He looked at me and smiled.

  “It’s your choice, Kas. But given that Chax has never been a fan of secret topics behind his back, trust me when I say you’re dead meat,” he finished and shoved me off him. I backed off and looked at him; my despair turned into anger in less than three seconds.

  “You wouldn’t,” I dared him.

  He shrugged and moved for the gate. Is this like a card game where I had to call his bluff or something? Crap! “Okay, damn it.” I was so freaking pissed at him. He turned around and walked back to the bed, sitting down and looking at me. How to begin this story? “Okay, the day we returned to Exsilium we first had to get Kali back from a demon prince. Gluttire to be exact. And the jerk he is, he placed a charm on Kali that is slowly killing her. If I don’t get some stuff for him as payment to remove the charm, she will die,” I finished and looked at him.

  He considered me and waved with his hand for me to continue, in return I looked at him, confused. “What stuff?” he finally asked after shaking his head. So here is the tricky part, I tell him and he goes running to Chax anyway. So basically I am so screwed. Turning around, I looked at the bars and the room beyond them. Just one cell it would seem, with some chairs standing around. Wonder where the hell I am? “Kas, explain,” Seth pushed on, but I didn’t turn to look at him.

  “He wants the blood relics as payment,” I finally said once I heard him get up from the bed. He stopped, of course, but I didn’t look at him. Silence followed for what seemed like forever. I didn’t look at him, I just couldn’t.

  “He knows that they are kept here in Exsilium, doesn’t he?” he asked and I nodded in return. “Give me a day and I will find you the location, but I will go with you.” He had surprised me and I turned to look at him.

  “Why would you do that?” I whispered, unable to find my voice.

  “To correct a mistake made,” he replied, a sad smile on his face.

  “The situation has been dealt with,” Amon said behind us, making me jump. Wide-eyed, I stared at him unable to form a word, my mind frantic about that message.

  “Are both of them still alive?” Seth asked, coming to stand next to me.

  “Yes, they are badly injured and with Maia, but alive. They both regained control of themselves,” Amon replied, his eyes staying on me.

  Finally my heart started to beat again and I released the breath I was holding. I felt myself shrink in size. All this time I never let go of my hellhound form, never even thought about that. But I sank to the floor, my human legs unable to hold me up anymore. “Kas?” Seth was next to me, I looked up at him. “Breathe, you’re hyperventilating,” he said, concerned. I am not hyperventilating, it’s simply my way of breathing, I thought. This is what I call my normal hysterical, release valve.

  “Kas, you have to breathe, damn you!” Seth yelled at me. Geesh, he needs to back down now or I am so going to punch him. Hands grabbed me around the shoulders, so I turned to see who would do such a stupid thing.

  Amon’s eyes were big. “Come on, Kas, hell you are stronger than this,” he said to me. Hell yeah I am. I have no idea why the two of them are going on like this; I didn’t feel like I was suffocating or anything.

  “Kas!” Seth yelled again. For Heaven’s sake, this was not so bad. I just needed to get the adrenalin and crap out of me, back off.

  I was hit across the face and it stung like hell. Air slammed into my lungs and I coughed, trying to push it back out again. In and out I breathed, and felt as the air stung my lungs with the impact. Confused, I looked up at Seth. What the hell just happened to me? I looked at Amon, trying to find an answer, and I could see on his face he was really concerned. “What?” I finally managed to get out, looking at Amon. He shook his head and got back up again.

  “I think you just had a panic attack,” he answered. Oh come on, me a panic attack? What a bunch of crap.

  “I don’t do panic attacks,” I growled out at him.

  “You do now,” Amon replied. I am not getting into this.

  Shaking it off, I got back up on my feet and recomposed myself. “So they are at Maia’s you said,” I confirmed with him.

  “Yes, but I think it would be better if you go home, Kas, and get some sleep. They would be all healed up by tonight.” He shut me down. Fine I could take a hint.

  “Agreed.” I walked past him and Seth, and out of the cell. The first step outside the cell it felt like another kick to the guts, as magic slammed into me. I looked back at Amon. “What the hell is this?” I asked, gesturing to the cell and room.

  He walked outside and came to stand next to me. “Our first demon cell, what do you think?” he asked, smiling. I looked around the room. Okay, so we have a cell with just a bed in it. And a chair with a table standing outside it.

  “Is that why I could not shift out, it blocks all magic?”

  “Yes, the charm is the strongest we could do. It’s pretty powerful and I hope it does the
trick. This whole demon business is giving me doubts,” Amon explained, Seth nodding at his words.

  Only then did it click in that Seth had made an appearance on this adventure and I had no idea why or how. “How did you get involved in this?” I asked, gesturing to him.

  He smiled. “Because Chax invited me,” he answered, grinning. Okay, now that’s weird. Last time I checked they didn’t like each other, and I would think Seth would be the last person on Chax’s get on board list. I nodded, not wanting to talk about it; there were just some things I really didn’t want to know.

  “Will it hold the demons?” I asked Amon instead.

  “I think so, but if all else fails …” Amon replied, taking out a remote and pressing the button. The bars on the cell zoomed from the electrical current running through them. Wow, then we have extra fried and crispy demon chow. I smiled just thinking how totally freaky that would be.

  “Okay, I’ll see you guys. I have to get some sleep,” I replied, shifting out.

  I landed outside Chax’s home and looked at the scene. There were almost no trees left standing. Taking a deep breath, I walked to the house and stepped inside. No sign of the fight existed in the lounge, all the way up to the stairs. But as I stopped at the top, I could see the walls had taken more than a few punches.

  “They are well, Kas,” Caim said next to me. I turned and looked at him. I should kick his butt for what he did, but for some reason I just couldn’t.

  “Good,” I replied and walked past him to my room. I needed sleep real bad.

  “It was to be expected, don’t blame yourself,” Caim said behind me. I turned around and was about to tell him to suck it, but he was long gone. Way to rub it in Caim! I stalked to my room and stormed inside, banging the door behind me. I needed to sleep, but with all these emotions crashing over me, it would to take a miracle. No, correction, it would take a fight, and a nasty one. I grabbed my gear and put them on. Sliding my swords into place, I thought about messing up again, but just shrugged it off. It’s bound to happen anyway, might as well have fun while doing it.

  I took one last look around me, and almost caved, but remembered that this is me. I am Kasayda the freaking hellhound that messes up everything she touches.

  Chapter 13

  I landed on the street, the dark covering my shift. Loud thumping was coming from the club I’d landed next to. I remembered this one from one of the earlier raids I’d done with Amon and Max. It was freaking huge, but even more it was human owned and not demon. Our contacts got a scoop on this place when a few demons were marked on the scene.

  They were apparently drifting around the crowd, looking for dinner. So we checked it out and killed them off. But a demon is as a demon does. I knew one or two would be back. See, I could think ahead. This way there wouldn’t be any huge numbers to worry about; it would be easy to pick off the few that would be inside. Then when I got back no one would ever know about it. Kali would be so proud of me. The thought of Kali brought more heartache and guilt, time to get a work out.

  I moved to the doors of the club, a line waiting outside to get in, but the last time Kali and I had no problem of getting in. The bouncers were picking out the crowd and we fit in perfectly. I reached the doors and stepped up the stairs. The line of people were mad and shouting nasty things at me, but I just smiled at the bouncer. He was already opening up the rope and smiling back at me.

  Inside the music slammed into me, the people going wild under the rave music. I looked around at the crowd, searching for my easy pickings. Damn, no demon in sight, so I started to patrol the club looking for them. A lot of languages bombarded me, South Africa has eleven languages and it was a huge mixture in clubs like these. “Hel maar jy is mooi,” one guy said, turning tail around me. I had no idea what he said, but being that he was human I didn’t really care. I reached the bar and turned around, looking for my prey. More guys tried their pickup lines, even a few English ones. I just ignored them, blowing them off when it came to things like this.

  As my eyes landed on the doors my fun finally walked through them and stopped, surveying the club. Two male demons, their eyes flashing a weird maroon colour, tried to find their own prey. Fabulous. I started my descent, stalking them with each step. I would need to lure them outside to kill them, way too many eyes in this place. One grabbed a girl with blonde hair, folding his arms around her torso; the other still looking for his prey. Well we would need to help him. I glided into his view, but there was no smile on my face.

  His eyes landed on me, and he was assessing me, just as I was assessing him. I walked towards him, a predator walk to his eyes, and a flashing walk to humans. I watched as his eyes lit up like fire. Gotcha. He wanted more than a quick meal; he wanted a fight to make it more fun. As I reached him I stepped to the right, my hand travelling to his shoulder. I walked around him, my hand moving across his back to the other shoulder. When I reached his front I kept walking, straight for the exit sign.

  I didn’t need to take a look behind me; I knew he was following me. I just made his mission a lot easier. Fresh air slammed into my face as I stepped out into the dark alley. I walked to the brick wall and turned, taking a casual stance, and yip sure as hell here comes Romeo all excited.

  “Pretty little thing you are, but you aren’t fooling me,” he said, coming closer.

  “Really, are you sure you could handle me?” I taunted him. He smiled white teeth with razor edges showing.

  “Girl, I can give you a night you’ll never forget,” he answered, closing in with his own predator stalk. I smiled, knowing that this would be over so quickly. Maybe I should take him up on his offer and have some fun before I killed him? “Oh honey, I am going to make you beg,” he promised. Ah now there is an idea. He stopped in front of me, his eyes now a burning blood red. I wondered if we got that from their side. His hand snaked out to grab my hair, but I grabbed it mid-air. He was shocked at the move, but even more that my strength was not what he had anticipated.

  “Oh honey, I am going to make you beg.” I smiled back at him.

  My fist hit his face with an eerie crushing sound. He staggered into the opposite wall and smacked right into it. He recovered and looked at me, trying to figure out what was going on. I took a casual stand and just smiled at him. This one is really slow. He stormed forward, trying to punch me, but I sidestepped and brought up my knee right in the guts. “Argh!” he shouted and grabbed his stomach. I helped him out with a kick to the face, and watched as his head hit the wall again.

  He staggered back up, bracing himself against the wall. “Well done, now enough playing,” he sputtered between blood and loose teeth. I just kept my smile, he still thought I was human, not one time did his eyes flash with fear. And that flash of fear was always there, the moment they found their executioner. He got back up and transformed to demon. Just my luck, a dragon boy. Covered in scales like a huge dragon, his head looked like a cross between an eagle and a crocodile. And of course, the tail covered with horns swinging at his back. I took in a deep breath to prepare for the next blow, almost coughing from the stench of the odour around us.

  I kept my casual stand, and could see he was baffled that I wasn’t turning around and screaming. He stepped forward his eyes on me, as he watched me stand still waiting for my death, or so he thought. Grabbing me by the hair, he yanked my head to look at him. “So eager to die, human?” he hissed into my face. I understood now what Chax meant by seeing beyond what you see. If this stupid idiot just stopped once and assessed me, he would have known no human girl could have done that damage. I transformed, his hand drifting up as my size grew. I already had one sword in my hand. He was so engrossed with me, he never even saw me draw it. As I towered over him, he took a step back, the fear that I was looking for now visible. “Fallen,” he choked out.

  “Surprise, idiot,” I replied with a quick move from my sword. I watched as his head fell to the ground, its body twitching beside it. Smiling, I bent down and got rid of the body. Straighten
ing myself I got back up and was ready to go get sucker two.

  “Disappointing, aren’t they?” a male asked behind me. Turning around, I faced him; my sword by my side dripping with demon blood.

  In front of me a guy was leaning against the wall, one foot braced against it, and smoking a cigarette. “They are so predictable,” he went on when I didn’t answer him. But not seeing his eyes made it difficult to know if this was a demon or another human.

  “Indeed,” I replied, trying to determine the nature of this one.

  “Perhaps something more intriguing?” he continued. My hellhound senses kicked in full time the moment his foot landed on the ground. Demon.

  He moved fast and I countered, pushing him away. He turned around from the punch and faced me again. With the little light streaming into the alley I got to see his face. It was the demon prince that grabbed me around the throat. He smiled, rubbing off the blood that was dripping from his lips. A flash of silver caught my eye and I ducked just in time, his swords swiping past my face. I backed off a little—I needed to know how he moves—and drew my other sword. Just like with all the other demons, I first got a picture of their moves during a fight. That’s how I know that you wait for a bull guy to reach you, pick up his head and then strike.


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