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Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series

Page 6

by Madison, Reese


  “Your mother was pregnant when they met. He adopted you three days before your mother was killed.”

  “What the… ? I don’t understand!!”

  His eyes caught mine before the full panic attack set in. “Your real father is Paulie Marconni. He’s one of the biggest mob enforcers in the country.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “Your mother was one of his whor… girls. Back in those days it wasn’t common knowledge that antibiotics and birth control don’t mix, at least that’s what Myles seems to think.”

  “My real father works for the mob??”

  “Yes, and he wants to meet with you in Las Vegas.”


  “You just inherited over four billion dollars in cash and assets. He probably wants your money.” He put his head down in my lap. “I’m sorry about your father.”

  “Which one? The distant money hungry liar? Or the criminal?” And here comes the anger part of mourning. That was fast.

  Lou stood up and scooped me back into his arms. “Shower, food, then we need to go.” He set me on the toilet with the lid closed and reached over to start the bath tub. “Hot or warm?”

  “Warm.” I replied automatically. My father is not my father, and now he’s dead. My brain is processing his constant distance during my upbringing. He was absent at best.

  I don’t think he ever loved me, because I wasn’t his, and he knew it. Shit. This really stinks. I’ve never felt so alone in my life. The weird part is, I’ve been alone all my life. Except for Myles. Suddenly I miss Myles so much my stomach hurts.

  “How could my mother sleep with a mob boss?? Let alone be his whore.”

  Lou took my hand and looked me over, “Want some help?” He said it sweetly, not with sexual malice. He’s trying to comfort me with his playfulness, and normally I might appreciate it, but not right now.

  I managed a small smile, “No. Thank you Lou. I think I need a few minutes alone.”

  He lifted my chin, “Take your time, just don’t fall asleep in the bathtub.”

  “Why did they kill him?” I looked up for his crystal blue eyes.

  “I don’t know sweetheart. Myles seems to think a business deal went bad and Paulie blames your father. He probably wants you to make up for whatever he lost now that you’re rich.”

  “Now what do I do?” I feel so lost.

  “When we get to Vegas Myles should have some more information. He’s keeping me on the job until we’re sure you’re safe.”

  “I’m sorry. If you want out you can leave me to Myles. I’m sure he can take over for you.”

  “Absolutely not. Your father paid the club good money to keep you safe, and that’s exactly what I plan to do.” He kissed my forehead. “Take a nice long bath. I’m going to make some calls.”

  I was suddenly overwhelmed with the need for a hug so I lunged and latched onto him holding him tight. “Thank you.” Tears filled my eyes and overflowed immediately.

  He put his arms around me, “It’s okay baby. I’m sorry about Mr. Whitmore. We’ll figure this out, I promise.”

  I stepped back, “It’s not that. I barely new my father. Now I know why. The whole thing is… crazy. I don’t know how to deal with this.”

  “That’s why you have me and Myles, we’ll do everything we can to help you. Okay?” He’s running his thumb over my cheek.

  I nodded. “Thank you.”

  “Stop thanking me and take a bath.” He kissed my forehead, and left. Suddenly the room felt empty and cold. I stripped down and got in the tub. I had to add more hot water to fully shake the chill that have been settling over me since I woke up. It made me think about what Red had told me about Lou’s cut.

  He hasn’t said anything about finding me wearing it in the bar. Did he forget? Probably. Things have been pretty hectic. That’s when I caught myself thinking too much about Lou when I really need to be focusing on my current problem.

  Paulie Marconni. Sounds like an Italian pasta dish.

  We rode up to Las Vegas after breakfast. I didn’t eat much, my nerves are shot. Lou checked us into the Luxor under that Bret guy’s name. I guess he’s another brother. I can’t think straight enough to process Lou’s extensive family.

  “Here we go baby.” Lou handed me a room key and an elevator key after we checked in. “In case I lose mine or you need it for any reason.” He put his arm around my shoulders.

  “When will Myles be here?”

  “About two hours. Want to gamble after we unpack?” He asked obviously trying to distract me.

  “No. I think I want to make some calls back home. The house needs to know about my father’s death. Mr. Laraby is going to have to take over the books since I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone. I need to call the family lawyer too.”

  “No problem.” He held the elevator door for me. “I’m going to try calling Paulie again.”

  “Myles said Paulie wants to meet with me right?” I asked him trying to focus. Everything feels so unreal, like I’m watching my life from the front row of a movie theater. Things like this do not happen to boring women like myself.

  “Yes, but it could be a trap honey. That’s why I want to speak with him first. He’s probably not returning my calls because he doesn’t realize I’m in on this job.”

  “Was it Paulie who shot at us in the RV??” I can’t believe I didn’t ask this before.

  “Possibly, but not likely. That was probably Turner’s twin sister. Those two have been exchanging punches forever. I doubt she was after you, she most likely just wanted to put a couple bullets in the RV to tell him to get out of her territory.”

  “Why would she do that?”

  “Turner likes to go back into her territory to screw with her. Last time he stole all the petcocks from her collection of bikes, then bought up every one for a hundred miles. I thought it was pretty funny, but I think she’s still pissed.”

  “What is a petcock?”

  “It’s a valve that controls fuel to the carburetor on older bikes. Chardonnay loves old bikes. Anyway, it’s been an old joke that we bikers forget to ‘turn the gas on’. The first year I was riding I had a piece of tape on my handlebars that read ‘Turn the gas on dipshit’. Anyway, if you remove the valve the engine doesn’t get fuel, so it doesn’t run.”

  “Oh. That was a very nice explanation, minus the language. We really do need to work on that filthy mouth of yours.”

  He ran his thumb along my jaw. The gesture and sweet compassionate look in his eyes held me frozen in place. “You could use yours to clean mine.” He suggested with a quick smile that told me he was distracting me again. Although I get the feeling if this was a better place and time he might have kissed me. Would I have let him? Interesting question I cannot deal with right this moment.

  He motioned for me to step out of the elevator and into a very large room. A very fancy room. It reminds me of the library at home with all the rich reds and warm browns. “This is the Tower Premiere Suite, Bret owns the entire floor, so we’re alone except for security.”

  “Wow, this is really nice.” There’s a large dining table, a living area, a good sized kitchen, and a bedroom with a huge king size bed. I like that there are doors separating the bedroom from the living space. Maybe I can sleep alone for a change. The thought suddenly depressed me. That’s weird. Will I miss Lou’s big warm… safe, and now comforting body wrapped around mine every morning?

  His voice snapped me back to the here and now. “Excuse me honey, that’s Myles.” He answered his phone, “Hey buddy, you’re here already? . . . Good. I left instructions at the front desk, come on up.” He hung up. “Looks like he caught an early standby.”

  I felt a rush of relief that Myles is here. I looked out the window, “What is that castle
like hotel called?”

  He came over and stood behind me with his left hand on my shoulder and pointed with his finger against the glass, “That’s Excalibur. They have a jousting show you might like.”

  “I doubt it. I’m more of a dinner show kind of person.”

  “It is a dinner show. I’ll take you if we get a chance. Are you okay?”

  “No. I can’t seem to focus on one thing at a time. I try, but there’s just too much to process at once. My father not being my real father. My real father is a mob enforcer. The man I thought was my father is dead, brutally murdered at that. Then there’s being on the run like this, your confusing signals. It’s just too much. I need a drink.” I laughed.

  “Wine okay?”

  I turned around. “Wine would be great. It’s a little early for Southern Comfort.”

  “Not here. In Vegas there is no such thing as the wrong time to drink.” He went to the kitchen area so I followed.

  “I bet it’s beautiful here at night with all the lights.”

  “Yes, but not quite as beautiful as you sweetheart.” He pulled the cork free, found two glasses, poured, and handed me one. “Breathe baby.”

  I exhaled, “How did you know I was holding my breath? I didn’t even know.”

  “I can tell.” He took half the wine down in one swig. “Hm, not bad. Bret always did have good taste.”

  “Bret, he’s another brother?”

  “Half, yes. He’s also a very strange bird. Don’t worry, we won’t be running into him.”

  “Good, I’ve had enough of crazy men lately.” I took another sip. “This is very good, buttery, but not too rich. Apricot. Oak barrel. Tastes almost French, but I’m betting it’s German.”

  Lou picked up the bottle and read. “Good Lord, how did you do that?”

  “Practice. I took a lot of extra classes in college.” I shrugged not wanting to go there right now.

  “When you said ‘crazy men’, does that include me?”

  I laughed, “Yes, it most certainly does. In fact, you are the forerunner.”

  “I am??” He asked like he was surprised.

  “Yes. You flirt and call me pet names only boyfriends and husbands should use when talking to a lady. We are not a couple, so it leaves me perplexed as to why you would do this.” I decided to explore the large rooms and started walking around. More than anything, I don’t want him to catch me with those bright blue eyes and say something to knock me off balance again.

  “I figure I got your first kiss, I should have the right to call you whatever I want, at least until you find another man.” He pushed his hand through his dark brown hair that’s just long enough to tie back, if he wanted to.

  I closed my eyes. What is he talking about?? Another man? He’s not my man!! I opened my eyes and took another sip of wine, this one a little bit larger than a lady should take, but I’m so flustered!

  He’s sitting on the large red couch sprawled out with is feet on the table. “Can I ask you a personal question?”

  I shrugged and went to top off my wine. “Sure.”

  “Where do you see yourself in five years?”

  I laughed, “Probably sitting behind that big desk shuffling papers.”

  “No, I mean aside from that? Do you want marriage, kids, the white picket fence, all that crap?”

  I looked up as Myles came through the door. Saved by the ex-Marine, thank you Myles. I went and hugged him for a long time. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  He patted my back, “I’m on the clock Miss Whitmore. You can hug me when this is over.”

  I stepped back. Myles has certain quirks. If he’s working, he’s very serious and militant. If we’re safe somewhere he’ll hug me back and make jokes. This is working Myles, my protector, my big brother, and my best friend.

  “Okay.” I don’t apologize because he gets upset if I do. I don’t know why. Myles is a bit of a mystery, even to me.

  He shook Lou’s hand, “Good to see you again friend. Have you been able to contact Paulie?”

  “Not yet, but I left word for him to call me. I don’t think he’s connected me to Miss Whitmore yet. Probably thinks I need a favor, so I’m not surprised he’s not replying right away. If you get a hold of him again, drop my name.”

  “I talked to him on the way up. He thinks I’m the one that took Miss Whitmore out of North Carolina. We have a meeting at sixteen-hundred down in the casino.”

  “Tonight?? I have to meet him tonight??” I panicked and stepped back.

  Lou took my hand, “No honey, just me and Myles for now. We need to know his intentions, read his face for lies, and arrange for the safest meeting we can.” He explained.

  I nodded, “I wish you didn’t have to do this for me.”

  “It’s our job.” Myles chimed in then handed Lou a thick manilla envelope. “It’s all there.”

  Lou handed it to me. “I don’t want the money. The club will give me the agreed upon cut when I get back. Slider already has the full payment.”

  “This is for staying on the job, like we discussed.” Myles looks confused.

  “I said I’d stay on the job, not that I wanted more money. This is personal now. I want to see Miss Whitmore through this, if you still want my help.”

  “Yes, your help will be valuable, but you should take the money, this could take a while.”

  “No more money.” Lou insisted. “Miss Whitmore is a friend now, I don’t take money from friends in need.” He clarified and looked at me. “Still think I’m crazy?”

  I laughed, “Absolutely.”

  He shrugged, “Then crazy it is.” He held his hand out for Myles to shake. “Shall we get this party started?”

  Myles nodded. “Let’s do it. I’ve got four guys downstairs and four out in the hall. There’s a car waiting by the front and by the back if we need to get her out of here. I also have keys to the service elevators and all other locked doors. I called her father’s pilot Bob, he’s on standby with a chopper at a neighboring hotel.”

  I just felt my jaw drop. How in the world did my mild-mannered ex-marine manage to do all that in what? Hours? I wanted to say something complimentary to the man, but my brain is once again struck dead. What is wrong with me??

  Lou’s eyebrows went up, “Damn man. You did all that?”

  “In the event of Mr. Whitmore’s demise I get full control of his resources as long as I’m employed by Miss Whitmore.” He looked at me, “I assume I still work for you?”

  “Of course!” There’s my voice! Good, at least that part of me is still functioning properly.

  He looked back at Myles, “Then it’s settled. We’ll go down at sixteen-hundred, talk to Paulie, and go from there. If Miss Whitmore refuses to meet with Paulie, or he loses his shit, we’re out of here immediately.” He looked at me, “Put anything you can’t live without in your pockets, not a purse. I want you free of baggage if this blows up.”

  “Okay.” I’m feeling a little dizzy so I sat on the big red couch.

  “Are you okay honey? You look a little pale.” Lou sat next to me taking my hands in his.

  I looked into his eyes and felt an instant wash of relief. He’s still here. Whew. Everything will be fine. Lou is here, and Myles is here. My protectors. My big strong strapping men. The one holding my hand with the concerned blue eyes is the one I want to lean into right now.

  I nodded, “Maybe I should try to eat. Can we go downstairs? I think the chaos will be a good distraction while we wait for six o’clock.”

  “No.” Myles started sweeping the room for bugs. He taught me this years ago one night when we got bored. Myles knows a lot about security, he’s taught me a good few things over the years. “You stay in this suite until I give the word. I’ll have something brought up if you want.”
br />   “Do you think the room is bugged?” I asked. Oh well, so much for a distraction.

  “Not by Paulie. The guy who owns this suite on the other hand, would.” Myles informed me.

  “Someone would bug Bret’s room?” I asked.

  “Not likely, but he’d bug it to spy on us.” Myles replied.

  “How do you know my brother?” Lou asked obviously surprised.

  “When I got out of the Corps I came here to do some gambling, and other things.” He’s avoiding telling Lou he was here to have sex with escorts. I already knew this, but maybe he doesn’t want Lou to know.

  “We met over a poker table down at The Tropicana when it was still a big deal here. Hell, when it was still here. Anyway, I took a shit load of his money, so he put up a company. A security company. It was small, but effective. I won that round too.” He plucked a little black thing from a flower pot and examined it. “Dumb-ass, the least you could do is use something that’s not in our inventory.” He said into the device then dropped it in the ice bucket.

  Lou laughed, “Figures Bret would bug his own room, and make sure we knew it was him. I don’t know why he cares what we’re doing anyway.” Lou complained.

  Myles kept hunting, “It’s just to amuse himself. Bret has a problem, it’s called too much money and a whole lot of boredom. If he feels slighted in any way he’ll fuck with you just to amuse himself.” He looked up at me, “Sorry Miss Whitmore.”

  I waved it off, “Cuss all you want. At this point I just want this over with.” I looked at Lou, “Even if everything is safe, do I still have to meet this Paulie? I don’t know if I really want to.”

  “We’ll see. I think you should find out why he’s going through all this trouble, and why he killed Mr. Whitmore. Otherwise you’ll be left wondering and looking over your shoulder the rest of your life.” He explained.

  I sighed, “Alright. I’ll meet him, if I have to.” I know I sound like a whiney little girl, but I can’t seem to help it.

  Lou ordered a late lunch for the three of us, the extra security guards upstairs, and for the guards downstairs. I thought that was very sweet, until he charged it to the room. Hopefully he’ll pay Bret back when this is over.


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