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Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series

Page 7

by Madison, Reese

  The guys talked about various scenarios and how they should be handled. I tuned them out to try and organize my own thoughts.

  What do I do when this is over? Go home and sit behind that desk again? I’ll probably have one hell of a mess to clean up if my father was into making dirty business deals.

  My thoughts shifted to what Lou had asked me before Myles got here. Do I want the picket fence? That’s a good question. I guess part of me always thought some nice looking young man would cross my path and we’d fall madly in love, have kids… . kids. Do I want kids? Not really, at least not now.

  Then there’s Lou. His hair is too long, but a nice chocolate swirl of colors. I think even if he got a haircut, he should leave the front longer than it should be. I’ve grown attached to the way he’s always shoving it out of his face.

  Then there’s his long legs and lean waist. I’ve seen him without a shirt, and minus the tattoos he’s quite a piece of work. Something to be drawn with charcoals that capture the shadows his abdominal muscles create.

  I’m not sure if I like the tattoos or not. He has such a lovely body, but then again some of the symbols and artwork look important to him. They are all well done, and quite good artistically speaking.

  “Barbie!” Lou almost yelled making me jump.

  “Shit! Sorry. What?” I looked at him. Did I just cuss? Lou’s foul mouth is rubbing off on me. I got a quick flash in my head of Lou’s mouth on my neck and shivered. Well that was weird… and kind of nice. It left behind a slight adrenaline rush.

  “Where were you? I’ve been trying to get your attention for two minutes.” He scolded me.

  I felt my mouth twist up, “Nowhere, just thinking.” About you. Dammit!! I can’t be having thoughts about Lou! He’s a drifter, always going from town to town, job to job.

  “It’s almost six. Myles is going to leave you a couple guns, let’s hope you don’t need them.” He pointed to the table.

  I picked up the Glock first and checked the chamber, cartridge, and safety. Then I picked up the .38 to check the bullets. Hollow points, that’ll work. “These should help.”

  Myles stood up. “I’m going to brief the guards outside the door. Lou, I’ll see you downstairs.”

  “You got it.” Lou replied then shifted taking both my hands in his. “Look at me baby.”

  “I can’t.” I looked out the window.

  “Why is that?” He asked softly.

  “Because I’ll want you to kiss me again before you go.” I admitted letting the adrenaline fuel my bravery.

  “Is there something wrong with that?” He sounded a little hurt.

  I looked at him and saw the humor in his eyes. “Don’t tease me Mr. Colson. I have enough on my plate right now.”

  He sobered, “Very true. How about a quick kiss goodbye then?”

  I nodded because I want his lips back on mine so bad it burns in my throat.

  He leaned in and touched his lips to mine. I barely got to taste his tongue on mine before he stood letting go of my hands. “Alright kitten, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”


  He pulled on his cut, “Yes?”

  “Thank you, for staying, and helping Myles.” Tears stung my eyes.

  “I’m not doing this for Myles. Keep the guns close, the volume down on the television so you can hear what’s going on in the hallway, and lock the door.” He instructed firmly. Gone is the soft Lou, with soft lips, and almost soft beard that tickles my chin. This is the protector. The man on the clock.

  I nodded. “Okay. Be careful. Please.”

  “Always.” He turned and left without looking back.

  I touched my fingers to my lips. I can still feel his presence here. What am I doing letting this man kiss me?? I must be two biscuits short of a dozen if I’m kissing gypsy bikers with long hair and dazzling blue eyes.


  The next hour was the longest of my life. When the door opened and the guys walked in I almost ran to them, but I couldn’t decide which one to go to first, so I stood up without moving from my spot instead.

  “How did it go?” I asked feeling my heart racing.

  “Paulie is downstairs waiting for you. We’ll be with you the entire time. He has a business proposition for you.” Myles didn’t sound happy.

  “What kind of business proposition?”

  “He wouldn’t divulge the details, but we agreed on a secure place for us to meet in ten minutes. You should know that if you refuse his offer, he’s going to come after you, in every way possible. Business, and personal. He either wants your cooperation, or your life.” Myles continued.

  I sat back down hard. “He’s going to try to kill me tonight?”

  “No. We agreed you would have two weeks to bury your… Mr. Whitmore, then if you refuse him he’ll come after you. I’m sure we can have you well hidden by then.” Lou chimed in this time.

  “Why the grace period? Why not just take me out here?”

  “It’s an old custom. Paulie also likes a good game of cat and mouse. He’s very angry about whatever went down between himself and your father. I think he wants to see you squirm as he drags out his revenge. He’s sick, that’s what makes him a good enforcer. When your reputation precedes you people tend to think twice before messing with you and yours.” Lou explained rather well. He’s pretty good at that. Huh.

  “So, if I go along with whatever this is, then he leaves me alone?”


  “And if I don’t, then I spend the rest of my life running and looking over my shoulder.” I determined.

  “I’m sure he would give up after a while, but you’d still have to lay low.” Myles picked up a kevlar vest. “Put this on just in case.”

  “I thought you said he wouldn’t try to kill me tonight?”

  “It’s not likely, but I’m not taking any chances. I raised you Barbara. You’re the closest thing I have to a daughter. The closest I’ll ever have. For the last twenty-three years you’re all I’ve known. I won’t lose you to some mob asshole.” He informed me simply as he strapped me into the vest.

  Lou put one of his own on. “You’ve been with her since she was born?”

  “Yes. From the minute her mother died I’ve been her parent. Mr. Whitmore dove into his work and left me to see to her care. I changed her diapers and wiped her tears. If anyone is her father, it’s me, not him.” He replied angrily.

  I started crying at his words. Myles doesn’t talk like this very often. “I love you too Myles.”

  He nodded and stepped back, “Alright kid, let’s get this over with so I can get some sleep for a change.”

  “Amen too that.” Lou agreed.

  “I may never sleep again.” I complained as they led me out of the room and down to the casino via the elevator.

  We walked to a private gambling room with one poker table, one blackjack table, and a few other tables I didn’t recognize. I think that one is a roulette wheel. I know next to nothing about gambling. I can play a mean game of rummy with Myles, but that’s about as far as my card playing knowledge goes.

  A tall grotesquely round, Italian looking, bald guy in a grey pinstriped Armani suit stood up from one of the tables and looked me over. “Well well, the spitting image of your mother.”

  “Can we just get this over with?” I asked curtly. I want out of here. This room stinks of scumbags.

  He nodded, “Sure, have a seat.”

  “I’d rather not. I understand you have a business proposition for me?” I want to get to the point so I can go back upstairs and curl up in Lou’s arms for what will likely be a good cry, or perhaps a soothing sweet kiss.

  “I would appreciate if you would sit.” He insisted.

  My inner bitch blew on her fingernails and drew up some serious
Salem Charm. God bless that school. “I would appreciate it if you would stop telling me what to do, and tell me what you want.” Ooh, that sounded good even to me. Now if my heart would stop pounding I might survive this.

  He sat back in the chair that looked like it could barely hold the weight of this big fat man. I guess that’s where my weight issues come from. “Your mother’s looks and my guts. Well, at least you have something going for you. Alright. Have it your way. I want you father’s assets. Keep the cash, I want the businesses and all that belongs to them.”


  “Because he fucked me out of eight million dollars, that’s why.”

  “Fucked you out of, or stole?”

  “Is there a difference?” He snapped.

  “Yes, if he botched a deal that resulted in you not obtaining said eight million dollars, then the money was never yours to begin with. If the money was yours, and he down right stole it, then I’ll see that you get the money back, plus interest if you would be so kind as to agree to stay out of my life.” I can hear the venom in my tone and it’s giving me another adrenaline rush. This one is a burning rush that reminds me of the rush I get shooting. It’s very empowering.

  He looked impressed. “It was a botched deal, one I had invested a lot of time procuring.”

  “That, Mr. Marconni, is the price of doing business. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Unless you can provide some kind proof that my father took money from you, this discussion is over. I will retain my father’s assets, and his cash. Will there be anything else this evening Mr. Marconni?” I tried to sound like a bored waitress.

  “You have two weeks to bury your father. Then I’m coming after you so hard and fast you won’t know what hit you.”

  “I’m afraid you’ll have to catch me first. Good day to you sir.” I turned and started for the door.

  “Oh, Miss Whitmore? One more thing.”

  I turned back, “Yes?”

  “If you’re going to do this, I’m going to expose you to the mob as my child.”

  I thought for a second, “Well then, this shall be a most entertaining dual Mr. Marconni. I look forward to the challenge, and to the day where I bury the sperm donor who was so kind as to donate to my DNA. I’m afraid we’re both going to discover just how much we are, and are not alike. Good evening sir.”

  I turned and walked through the doors and straight for the bar. The guys are on my heels, but I can’t look at them yet.

  The bartender came over wide-eyed seeing all the bullet-proof vests flanking me. He probably thinks I’m famous, or rich, I don’t have the looks of a celebrity. “What can I get you Miss?”

  “Double SoCo, rocks, and get my friends here whatever they want, on me.” I almost smiled at the look on his face, but I’m still shaking from that encounter.

  Was that really me in there? I was scared out of my mind until I stood my ground. Then the adrenaline and Salem Charm kicked in. Wow that was quite a rush!.

  I took my drink and two sips before looking at Myles, “How’d I do?”

  His eyebrows went up, “You have to ask? You were fucking amazing.”

  Lou put his hand on my shoulder so I looked at him now, “You were incredible. Who was that woman in there? I about fell out of my boots when you told him off the way you did. Talk about an ice queen. Remind me not to piss you off.” He shook his head and placed his order with the bartender for a beer.

  I took another soothing sip then said, “I don’t know about all that, he scared the begeezus out of me.”

  They both laughed as the bartender continued to hand out drinks.

  I sat on a stool now that my legs have discovered they can’t function without the surge of adrenaline running through them. “Oh man. That was a rush!” I laughed.

  “You’re telling me.” Lou complained. “I thought you were going to goad him into a gunfight right then and there.”

  “He wants that money too bad. I’ll die before I give that bastard a dime.” I promised.

  Lou lifted my chin, “You realize you can’t go home. That’s where he’s going to look for you first.”

  “I know. I’ll figure something out.”

  “We can have Mr. Whitmore cremated and his ashes sent here if you want.” Myles suggested.

  I shrugged, “Do whatever you want. I’ll pay for the services and funeral, but I have no desire to go, or to have his ashes here. Put him on the mantel at home, or in the ground, makes no difference to me.”

  “Maybe you should think about it for a day or two.” Lou suggested.

  “Maybe I was lied to my entire life and now I’m left picking up his dirty laundry. He’s never been there for me, why would I be there for him?”

  “Just think about it.” Lou encouraged.

  I looked at him, “If you’re going to second guess every move I make, you can leave now. Besides, the job is over. Myles can take it from here.” I assured him.

  Lou’s eyes suddenly filled with anger. “Are you asking me to leave?”

  “No, I’m telling you if you’re going to second guess my every move, then yes, you may leave.”

  “I think we should have a little talk.” He decided. “Privately.”

  “I’m done talking tonight.” I stepped around him and headed for the elevators. I don’t know why I’m suddenly lashing out at Lou. I need to be alone to think. This whole mess just got real serious, and I feel like I’m in way over my head suddenly. I can’t believe I just challenged a mob boss. Somehow I’ve lost my marbles in the last week.

  Myles pulled Lou aside while we waited for the doors to open. “Dude, let it go for now.”

  Lou nodded, “Alright.” He sighed, “For now.”

  “Thank you.” Myles smacked Lou on the shoulder and walked back to me. “Want to get drunk and watch stupid television shows we hate?” We like to mock the bad acting in old television shows. I secretly love the shows, maybe Myles does too. It’s a mystery I’d rather not solve to be honest.

  I laughed, “Yes, desperately.”

  “Right this way.” He held the door open for me.

  Lou remained outside the elevator doors looking in at Myles. “I’m going to go out for a bit, give her some space.”

  I looked at him, “You don’t…”

  “Yes. I do. I’ll see you in a bit.” He turned and left disappearing into the casino.

  “Shit.” I looked up at Myles. “I messed that up pretty bad didn’t I?”

  “No. He’s madly in love with you Barbara. Can’t you tell?”

  “What?? He is not!!!”

  “Sorry kid, but that poor guy is head over heels for you. I called him out on it on the way back from the first meeting. I don’t think he realized it until then, kind of fucked with his head.”

  “Oh no.” I covered my face. “I am such an idiot. I just told him to leave.”

  “He’s not leaving. It would take a lot more than some snippy comment from you to run him off.”

  “Where did he go?”

  “Not a clue, but if I was him, I’d be halfway to a good drunk by now.”

  I laughed, “Oh God. This should be interesting later. He better not puke on Bret’s pretty floors.”

  “Don’t worry about that, it would serve Bret right, the guy really is an ass.” He assured me with a hint of humor in his voice.

  I laughed. “Poor Lou. I feel like I should go find him.”

  “I think maybe he could use some time alone to sort out his own feelings.” The doors opened so he looked out first getting the nod from the guard by the door to continue. “What about your feelings? Do you like Mr. Colson?”

  “I like him just fine, now.” I added remembering our rather bumpy start. “I can’t love him, it would never work. Besides, we barely know each other.” I went
to get a bottle of wine, corkscrew, and a glass to take to the couch.

  “You never know, you could be made for each other.” He teased grabbing a beer and joining me on the couch.

  I laughed, “No, we are certainly not made for each other. Look at my life, look at his. It would never work. He’d be bored with me in a week anyway.”

  “I seriously doubt that. And your lives aren’t so different anymore. If you think you’re going to be able to just sit still and shuffle papers at your desk all day you’re wrong. Paulie is going to chase you down until he gets what he wants. You’re going to have to stay on the run, unless you want to hand over eight million dollars.”

  I groaned and downed the first glass. “I hate it when you’re right. But still, he doesn’t have to run with me. He’s got his job, I have my drama… it’s too much. I doubt we’d be able to stay on the move together. I don’t even know what I’ve gotten myself into yet.”

  “I can have everything about the company brought to you. You can work from just about anywhere these days with all the latest technology and internet popping up everywhere.”

  “I know.” I reached over and picked up the remote. “It’s not just that. He’s a big bad biker. I’m a Barbie, as he calls me.”

  Myles laughed, “I’m surprised you let him get away with calling you that.”

  “He calls me all kinds of things I wish he wouldn’t.” I complained over my wine.

  “Like what?”

  “It doesn’t matter. The pet names don’t bother me as much as being used as a body pillow every night.”

  Myles choked on his beer, “WHAT??”

  I waved him off, “It’s not like that. He doesn’t touch me. He said he does it so he can protect me better, and I always fall asleep with my back to him, but somehow he ends up draped all over me in the morning. In the RV I understood, the bed was small, but in a king size bed you’d think he’d find enough room of his own not to smother me.”

  Just then Lou opened the door and Myles stood up. Lou looked at Myles, then at me. “Is something wrong?”


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