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Propositioning the Rich Italian

Page 7

by Propositioning the Rich Italian (lit)

  She needed to get her emotions back under control before Antonio rejoined her. Shortly after he closed the door, a knock sounded out. A quick look through the peephole revealed room service arrived. She opened the door, standing aside as the attendant wheeled the cart in the room. The woman moved efficiently, opening the curtain to the balcony and setting breakfast up before disappearing again. When Antonio opened the door, Tierra stood there waiting for him.

  “Breakfast is here.”

  He smiled. “Buon”

  She stepped out on the balcony with him close behind. She grinned as he made her sit while he uncovered the plates. Her smile widened at the sight of the pancakes, bacon and sausage on her plate. She moaned in appreciation when he uncovered a plate of fried eggs for her. “What would you like to drink?”

  She chose the espresso because she fell in love with it yesterday morning. He poured her a cup and added a few lumps of sugar and cream. Several moments of silence passed as they begin to eat.

  “Tell me about your family.”

  She gave him a genuine smile because she loved her family. “My parents are wonderful people. They support me even when they don’t completely agree with my choice. I don’t know what I would do without them. My brother, Hayden, is four years older than I am. We used to be close, but lately things have been strained between us.”

  Tierra paused to take a sip of espresso. “Not in a bad way. He is just going through a lot right now. Unfortunately, he lost his wife and unborn child.”

  Tierra couldn’t keep the note of sadness out of her voice. She loved her brother. He was her best friend. The person she could talk to about anything, at least until recently. Now her brother didn’t do much talking at all, and she missed it. Missed the closeness, his sense of humor.

  Not wanting to cloud the day with sad thoughts, she turned her attention back to Antonio. He studied her intently, making her want to fidget, but she refrained.

  He smiled at her. “You like the coffee, no?”

  She looked at him and nodded. “I have never had coffee tasting as exquisite as this.”

  He took a sip of his own drink. “I am glad you like it.”

  She took the last remaining bite of her pancakes, knowing she shouldn’t. At this rate, she would go back home with an extra five, possibly ten pounds on her if she didn’t slow down.

  Unfortunately, Antonio tempted her by placing some of the best tasting food in front of her. She would need more exercise to counter the food she consumed. Her thoughts went to last night. She flushed and took another sip of her espresso before staring deeply into the cup. No way could she look at him now, not without wanting to drag him to the floor of the balcony to have her way with him.

  “What are you thinking about, cara?”

  She knew by the tone of his voice she been busted again. Trying her best not to look him in the eyes, she shook her head.

  “Nothing,” she stammered, hating that she couldn’t be dishonest to save her life. She could hear the smile in his voice when he spoke.

  “For some reason, cara, I don’t believe you.”

  He moved closer to her, and she hurriedly sat her cup down. The last thing she needed to do was burn either of them with hot liquid. He reached for her hand, and it chose this inopportune moment to start shaking.

  “You seem nervous, cara.”

  “I am,” she replied

  “Perché? I would never do anything you don’t want me to.”

  She gave him a deadpan look. “That’s what scares me.”

  He laughed, and she couldn’t help but smile herself, certain she sounded ridiculous, but it was true. He made her nervous because the things she would consider doing with him could only be defined as bad. When he placed a kiss on the back of her hand, she felt it all the way to her toes. Once again, she was getting into dangerous territory and she knew it.

  “What do we have planned for the day?

  He gave her a sexy look. “I’m thinking we could spend the day in bed.”

  * * * *

  Her eyes widened, and he smiled at the deer-in-headlights expression. “After yesterday I figured we could use some rest and relaxation.”

  She gave him a look of disbelief. “And just how do you plan on doing that?”

  He knew thoughts about last night raced through her mind, but he truly did plan on spending the day in bed undisturbed. It was a great day to take it easy. He wanted her as relaxed as she could be before she met his family tonight. There was no denying how huge of a step this was for him. She would be the first woman he ever considered bringing around his family, the only woman he ever would if he could help it. If he gave his family this one thing, he would be able to find as much incentive as he needed to keep Tierra from walking away from him when their two weeks were over.

  “I thought we could lie in bed and relax. Maybe talk about our respective lives.”

  Her expression told him she didn’t believe him. He couldn’t blame her. The rude erection he sported since he came out of the bathroom and saw her standing there in his shirt waiting on him couldn’t be more evident. Still, he knew she had to be sore from the gingerly way she sat and stood, and it would be insensitive for him to push himself on her.

  He would give her time to recuperate before he showed her that kind of pleasure again. Frankly, it was already a struggle. After having her body wrapped so snuggly around his, it wasn’t something he would forget anytime soon. Still, he had enough self-control to keep his passion under restraint.

  Her expression full of indecision when she spoke. “You thought the two of us would lie in bed all day?”

  He nodded. “I thought it would be a great idea. As a matter of fact, hang on a second.”

  She watched as he stood up and headed back into the room before pulling the sheet off the bed. He made his way back out onto the balcony. She watched with puzzlement as he laid the sheet on a chaise chair in the corner.

  He pulled the large umbrella over next to it. When he finished, she saw what he’d done. He’d given them a shaded and very comfortable spot to rest in. When he held out his hand to her, she took another sip of her espresso, then walked over to join him. He lay down first, lifting the corner of the sheet so she could join him. She snuggled closer to him, surprised they were actually getting a cool breeze. The heat could be stifling. She looked up at him as a concerning thought crossed her mind.

  “Can anyone else see us?”

  He shook his head. “These balconies are designed to look out not in. But that is also the reason why I covered you with the sheet.”

  His confidence reassured her, as well as a quick glance around the balcony. She hadn’t noticed it before now, but it was designed for privacy as he said. Laying her head on his chest, she smiled. “This is a very beautiful hotel. It is one of the reasons why I picked it.”

  “I am glad you think so, and I am glad you chose it. My mother’s grandparents bought it from the prior owner when it had almost been in ruins. Over the years, they turned it around. My mother, being an only child and my parents wanting to retire in order to be able to enjoy their senior years, threw me and my siblings into the ownership role.”

  He paused, rubbing his hand up and down her arm. “With a lot of hard work and dedication, my siblings and I turned the three star hotel into a five star deluxe. Yes, a lot of time and money have been put into the effort, but the return and success we have received because of it is worth it.”

  “Do you enjoy what you do?”

  He nodded without hesitation. “Yes, I do, but there are times when I realize something is still missing.”

  She stared at him with puzzlement, trying to figure out what a man like him could want when it seemed liked he had everything.

  “What is missing?”

  “Someone to share it with.”

  Chapter 8

  Tierra took a deep breath as she dialed her parents’ number. She was already nervous over going to meet Antonio’s family. Her mother answered on the
third ring.

  “Hi, Mama.”

  “Hey, baby. How are you?”

  She smiled at the soothing tone of her mother’s voice. “I’m good, Mama. How are things there?”

  “They are getting better, although Quincy had the nerve to show up here yesterday.”

  Tierra shook her head. The man did have some nerve to show up at her parents’ house after leaving her for another woman, especially when that woman had been her best friend.

  “Luckily, Hayden left just before his arrival, but I still had to talk your father out of getting his gun.”

  She couldn’t help but to laugh. “You probably should have let him.”

  “Well, as tempted as I might have been, your father wouldn’t survive in prison.”

  She chuckled, knowing her mother had a good point. “Well, I hope you told him to get lost and never come around again.”

  “We did, but I don’t think he will listen until you tell him.”

  “Well, I will as soon as I come home from vacation.”

  Her mother remained silent for a few moments. “Are you having a good time?”

  Tierra laughed at the question. She replied without hesitation. “Yes, Mama, I am. I really am.”

  Her mother paused, and Tierra could tell she wanted to say something, but her mother refrained.

  “That is good, dear. Just promise me you are being careful.”

  “I am, Mama, and I will.”

  She knew her parents were worried about her being in another country by herself.

  “I am going to let you go, but your father wants to speak with you.”

  “Okay, Mama. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  She waited as her mother went in search of her father. When her father’s voice came over the line she, felt a twinge of sadness, but quickly pushed it aside, instead choosing to talk to him about her trip in Rome and the things she done so far, leaving out the part about Antonio. Her father was the last person to whom she should mention Antonio. Unfortunately, she became distracted when Antonio walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his slim and toned waist.

  The rest of her conversation with her father became a blur, and by the time she hung up, her mouth felt dry. Her gaze followed him across the room before she watched him get dressed. She was certain it should be sexier for a person to get undressed, but watching Antonio get dressed quickly changed her mind.


  Her eyes met his, which were full of humor. She realized he’d spoken to her while she’d been busy drooling over him.

  “What did you say?”

  His smile widened. “I asked if everything is okay with your parents.”

  She nodded. “They’re fine.”

  He gave her a knowing look “Are you okay, cara?”

  She managed to nod before standing up, needing to put distance between them before things got out of hand.

  “I’m fine,” she stammered before trying to make her way toward the bathroom. He reached out to stop her, and she felt a jolt of electricity travel up her arm, his smile utterly wicked.

  “I don’t believe you, cara.”

  Sadly, she didn’t believe herself, either. If nothing else, her stammering was a dead giveaway. She looked up as he neared her.

  “I think we are going to be late, cara.”

  Her eyes widened when she grasped the meaning behind his words. She shook her head. There was no way she would be late to his parents’. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out why. She shook her head again, before attempting to pull away from him.

  “We can’t be late.”

  His gaze became more wicked. “Sure we can, cara. My family would understand why we’re late.”

  She winced, but luckily the statement killed all thoughts of passion she had. “That would be the problem.”

  Antonio’s expression changed to one that could only be described as dangerous. “My family would never disrespect you, cara, and if they do, you tell me.”

  His expression told her she would never have to take him up on the offer. He brought her out of her musings by placing a kiss on the back of her hand.

  “Go get ready, cara. What I want to do you right now can wait until after dinner. I definitely wouldn’t want to rush our pleasure.”

  She drew in a sharp breath at his visual but managed to make her way to the bathroom on shaky legs. When she turned on the shower, she realized she was in trouble. She’d only been in Antonio’s presence for two days and he already had her thinking irrationally. Closing her eyes briefly, she prayed for the ability to remain sane for the next ten days.

  Opening her eyes, she knew it would be difficult but felt she could manage the task. Stripping quickly, she stepped into the shower. The warm shower helped her to clear her mind. She needed to be lucid when she met his family tonight. She wanted to make a good impression on them. The thought gave her pause. Why did she care if she made a good impression on his family? She wasn’t going to see him after their two-week affair ended.

  Walking by the mirror, she glanced at her reflection before sticking her tongue out. She cared because her mother raised her to. Even at the age of thirty-two, she knew her mother would still chastise her if needed.

  Wrapping a fluffy towel around her body, she took a deep breath and prepared herself to walk back into the lion’s den. Her predator sat out on the balcony again, his feet propped up and the newspaper open. She could tell his attire was similar to what he’d worn the other day, only this knit shirt, a red print of some sort. His jeans, a little darker than the stonewashed ones he donned yesterday, but just as worn. Either the man was hard on laundry or his body was hard on pants. The latter she didn’t doubt because he did have a hard body. She almost choked on the thought.

  Turning away quickly, she reached for the outfit she’d picked out, before rushing back into the bathroom and away from temptation. She dressed quickly, slipping into the floral green cap sleeve dress. Several minutes later, she stepped out of the bathroom. Antonio hadn’t moved. She smiled, shaking her head as she reached for her bottle of lotion. A few moments later, she was completely dressed and ready to go. She headed for the balcony, Antonio looking up as soon as he heard her. He smiled before closing the newspaper, then stood up.

  “You look very beautiful, cara.”

  She smiled back. “Grazie.”

  “Are you ready to go?”

  She nodded. “As ready as I’m going to get.”

  He smiled, tugging her into his arms. His hands cupped both of her cheeks before he leaned forward to place a brief kiss on her lips, a strong underlying passion there, but it was more than that. He drew back before she could figure out the rest.

  “Let’s go.”

  Before taking his hand, she handed him the hotel key. They made their way to the elevator and rode it down to the lobby. She stilled herself for the stares, wishing the elevator could go straight up to the room but understanding why it couldn’t. The hotel catered to very famous people, and the need for security was non-negotiable. If someone managed to get by security and into the parking lot they would still have to come through the lobby. No way could anyone get through the lobby if they weren’t supposed to be there. The elevator doors opened. As usual, they received stares. Sighing, she looked over at him.


  He looked down at her with an expression reserved only for her. “Sí, cara?”

  “Have you noticed every time we come through the lobby together, people are always staring at us?”

  He looked up in surprise before giving a quick glance around. “I can’t say I have noticed, cara.”

  She smiled. “I guess you are used to it?”

  He shook his head. “No, cara. When I am with you, you are where my thoughts are.”

  She tripped literally and figuratively. He looked at her as if he hadn’t said anything out of the ordinary, and she gaped at him. Before she could say anything, he stepped closer to h

  “Well, cara, since they are already staring, we might as well give them something to look at.”

  Before she could ask him what he meant, his lips came down on hers and she was instantly caught up in another one of his steamy kisses. When he pulled back, she struggled to breathe normally.

  “Do you think that was enough for them?”

  She nodded slowly, still a little dizzy. His kisses made her forget her name. He took her hand again and led her out of the front of the hotel.

  She gave him a puzzled look. “Is your parents’ home within walking distance?”

  He shook his head. “No, but I let Macéo borrow my car. However, I have assured that we have reliable transportation.”

  A black sedan waited out front for them. The driver stood there with the door open. Antonio slid in behind her. She listened to him give the driver the address before he leaned back and wrapped his arm around her. The trip to his parents’ house went by in a blur. A short time later, they pulled up in front of a beautiful home.

  The front door swung open as they reached the last step. A woman looking to be the same age as her parents appeared.

  “Get ready,” he whispered to her under his breath before stepping forward to greet his mother.

  “Ciao, Mama. I have someone I would like for you to meet. This is Tierra.”

  Tierra faced a long moment of scrutiny before a smile appeared on Antonio’s mother’s face. The next thing she knew, she was being embraced warmly. When his mother pulled back, Antonio gave Tierra a wry look.

  “Tierra, this crazy woman is my mother, Mona.”

  Tierra smiled. She hadn’t been in Mrs. Carabelli’s presence long, but she already like her.

  “Ciao. È piacevole incontrarlo.” Hello. It is a pleasure to meet you.

  Mona looked at her in surprise. “Parlate italiano?”

  Tierra shrugged. “Pochissimo.”


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