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Propositioning the Rich Italian

Page 8

by Propositioning the Rich Italian (lit)

  Mona patted her hand reassuringly. “That’s okay. We can work on it.”

  With that said, she led Tierra into the house with Antonio following behind them. The noise level inside made her slightly nervous, yet as they stepped inside, Mona raised her voice loud enough to be heard over everyone.

  “Quiet, everyone. Antonio and Tierra have arrived. Act like you have manners.”

  The noise level died so suddenly it was deafening. Even worse, an additional six pairs of eyes were now on her. Suddenly, a handsome man who had to be one of Antonio’s brothers broke away from the group. The smile on his face wasn’t as potent as the one Antonio was capable of delivering. He reached for her hand.

  “Ciao, Tierra. My only regret is that I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting you first.”

  She lifted one eyebrow in response to his slick charm.

  “And which Carabelli are you?”

  “Leonardo, but please call me Leo.”

  “Tell me, Leo, does that line actually work?”

  A few snickers sounded from around the room, and Leonardo gave her a wounded look. Before he could respond, he was pushed aside by a woman who could only be Amalía, a clear look of disgust on her face.

  “Unfortunately, it does, which is why he uses it.”

  Holding out her hand, Amalía smiled. “I’m Amalía, the only sane Carabelli around here.”

  Amalía gave a brief look over Tierra’s shoulder. “Besides Antonio, of course.”

  Tierra smiled at the statement. “That’s good to know.”

  Amalía gave her a puzzled look. “What is?”

  “The fact that I’m involved with the sane Carabelli male, of course.”

  Amalía laughed before leaning forward to kiss Tierra on both cheeks. “I like her, brother. You made a good choice.”

  Before Tierra could respond, Amalía moved toward Antonio. Slowly, the rest of the Carabelli family introduced themselves to her. With the exception of one who stood in the corner in a brooding manner, one that reminded her so much of Hayden’s, she did a double take. She realized the remaining Carabelli male had to be Carlo. She walked toward him slowly. Carlo’s frown seemed to deepen. She stopped directly in front of him with a smile.

  “I have met everyone else, so that means you must be Carlo.”

  There wasn’t any response from him, so she tilted her head to the side. “Who is she?”

  She had the satisfaction of seeing his glower replaced by a look of shock but only for a moment. A muscle ticked in his jaw, a dead giveaway that her statement hit close to the real issue. Her smile widened. She recognized look. She’d seen it plenty of times with Hayden. It also meant he wouldn’t talk about it until he was ready to.

  “Well, it is a pleasure to meet you.”

  With that said, she turned to walk away but paused. She spun back to face him.

  “Whoever she is, I hope the two of you work it out.”

  He didn’t respond, so she went to walk away again only to pause when she heard him speak.

  “So do I.”

  She shifted to look back at him. His stance told her he hadn’t moved, yet she knew he made the statement. Shaking her head, she made her way toward Antonio, who sat next to his father, Bruno. They seemed to be deeply involved in their conversation, but she joined them, excusing herself as she did. Antonio smiled at her before pulling her into his lap.

  A few moments later, Mona announced dinner was ready, and everyone began moving toward the dining room. As soon as she entered, an overwhelmingly wonderful aroma assailed her nose. What really caught her attention was the amount of food lining the table. She looked over at Antonio.

  “Are we having a celebration?”

  He winked at her. “Anytime we have dinner, it’s a celebration. I hope you’re hungry.”

  She was, and the plethora of food on the table made her salivate even more. She was stuffed when she finally pushed her plate away. The Carabelli’s made her feel like she was at home in Boulder City. The Carabelli’s talked non-stop. Sometimes the conversations grew to a fevered pitch because so many people were speaking at the same time. Other times the conversation settled to a normal volume because everyone was involved in it. She laughed as Antonio leaned back and patted his stomach. How he had room for anything else, she didn’t know. Personally, she might not be able to move.

  “Did you make anything for dessert, Mom?”

  Mona nodded at Antonio before pushing away from the table. “As a matter of fact, son, I did, and it is your favorite.”

  He began to laugh as his mother left the room. Tierra looked over at him with puzzlement.

  “What are you laughing at?”

  He looked at her, his expression full of humor. “You will see.”

  Mona returned a short time later, and Tierra figured out why Antonio had been so amused.

  “Panna cotta,” she whispered.

  As she did, her mind went back to the scorching events of last night. Her gaze met his, and she saw budding desire there. He leaned toward her, touching his lips to hers in what she thought would be a brief kiss. However, that wasn’t the case. When Antonio finally pulled back, she struggled to take her next breath. Heat singed her cheeks when she realized they had become the center of attention. Smiles tugged at the mouths of everyone around the table. Amalía was the first to speak up, a teasing grin tugging at the corners of her mouth.

  “Well, it is good to see my brother has found a woman who likes the same kind of dessert that he does and doesn’t mind his insatiable appetite.”

  Tierra ducked her head in embarrassment. When she was finally able to meet Antonio’s eyes again, tempted to tell Amalía that she was wrong. She and Antonio might like the same dessert, but Tierra wasn’t certain she could keep with Antonio at all.

  Chapter 9

  Antonio looked over at the beautiful woman curled into his side, fast asleep. They were on their way back to the hotel. He was glad he let Macéo borrow his car today, otherwise he would be missing out on this. She must have been worn out from dinner with his family, but she told him she enjoyed herself. He liked how well she got along with his family as well as the way she held her own with them. His family could be a handful at times, and he wanted her to know what she was getting herself into by choosing to get involved with him.

  His family also thought highly of her, and as he expected, Tierra and Amalía got along very well. There were times throughout dinner when the conversation switched over to rapid Italian. He translated for Tierra whenever she asked him to and a few times when she hadn’t just to make sure she followed along. But overall she kept up, impressing him.

  What impressed him more than how she managed to get Carlo to speak more than his normal monosyllable word or two. Looking down into her beautiful sleeping face again, he knew he’d been right about her. The more time he spent with her, the more he felt two weeks wouldn’t be enough. When he looked up, he saw they were near the hotel. As much as he hated to, he had to wake her. She stirred slowly before opening her eyes. A soft smile appeared on her face.

  “Did I fall asleep?”

  He nodded and her expression turned sheepish.

  “Sorry. I think between the jet lag and lack of sleep, I’m more tired than I thought.”

  He smiled. “Don’t forget to add my family to the equation. Tonight they were a little more animated than usual.”

  She looked at him with surprise. “Are they normally more tame?”

  He chuckled. “Tame is a word that can never be used to describe my family. They aren’t normally as excited, but the noise level is always the same regardless.”

  Before she could respond, they pulled up in front of the hotel. He thanked the driver. He slid from the backseat before turning to assist her out. They made their way into the hotel and toward the elevator. When the doors closed, he stared down at her.

  “Were they staring this time?”

  When she stared blankly at him, he smiled. “The people in the lobby.�

  The look on her face became one of confusion. He knew he distracted her to a degree that she hadn’t even thought about the people in the lobby.

  “Buon,” he murmured before the elevator doors opened on her floor.

  He led the way to the room, stepping aside to let her enter first. He flipped the light switch on the wall, turning on the lamp beside the bed. He smiled as he watched her walk over to the bed and collapse on top of it.

  “Still tired?”

  She gave a slight nod, and he walked toward the bed, then reached for her feet, sliding her sandals off. The only thing he regretted was she didn’t have on a garter belt and stockings. He would find a reason for her to wear them again before she left. Seeing her in them inspired some fantasies. She moaned as he began to massage her foot, and when he let her roll over onto her back, all traces of sleepiness in her eyes replaced by desire. He was glad his touch had an effect on her because just being in her presence had that effect on him.

  “Did you really have a good time with my family?”

  She nodded, a genuine smile appearing on her face “Yes, I did. Thank you for inviting me.”

  “The pleasure was all mine,” he stated before leaning down to press a quick kiss on her lips. When she opened her mouth to him, the kiss lasted a lot longer than he intended. When he drew back, she was breathless, and his breath was just as raspy. She smiled as he groaned. Standing up, he held his hand out to her.

  “I know you are tired and probably still a little sore from last night. Let’s get ready for bed.”

  She took his hand, allowing him to tug her upward until she stood beside him. Her expression spoke of everything but sleepiness.

  “Sleep isn’t what I have in mind.”

  He looked at her, unable to hide his surprise. Knowing she wanted him and wasn’t afraid to say so turned him on more than he ever thought possible.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  She stepped closer to him, her expression becoming slightly shy. “You and me naked to begin with.”

  She reached for the buckle on his belt, and his hands come up to join hers. He had both of them stripped down to their underwear quickly. When he saw the underwear she wore, he paused. His desire for her rose another notch. He fingered the lace of the bra.

  “I love the underwear you have on, and I love the way you keep surprising me with it even more.”

  She smiled as he slid the lacy straps of her bra off her shoulders, revealing her breasts to his gaze. When his lips touched her, she grasped, leaning into him. She didn’t relax into his touch long. When she pulled back from him, her expression was feral.

  “Naked. I need you naked. Now,” she panted, and he was more than happy to oblige, removing the remainder of their clothes quickly. When they were completely nude, he laid her on the bed. His attention and mouth instantly went back to her breasts, one first, then the other. She moaned with pleasure. He moved slightly, and they both exhaled softly as his erection aligned perfectly against her entrance. She reached for him, tried to bring him into her, and he growled in response.

  “Careful, cara,” he whispered. “My control is thin and I need protection. Besides, I don’t want to hurt you again.”

  She nodded, and her grip loosened, allowing him to find a condom and cover himself with it. The instant he had, she encircled him within her hands again, bringing him to her entrance. He entered her, but not as deeply as she wanted judging by her whimper of frustration. He slid in another glorious inch before stopping. Reaching up, she pulled him closer to her, but he didn’t move.

  “Antonio, I need all of you inside of me now.”

  The urgency in her voice combined with her lowered inhibitions made him give in. She was willing to demand what she wanted from him, what she needed from him. How could he say no? When she wrapped her legs around his waist, he couldn’t help his moan of pleasure as he finally entered her completely. She felt so snug around him, it took every ounce of control he had not to let go and thrust into her wildly. He began to move slowly, taking pleasure in her gasps. Judging by the expression on her face, he knew it wasn’t going to be long before she went over the edge. A second later, a pre-orgasmic smile appeared on her face before it became one of pure pleasure. Her body tightened around his as his name fell from her lips.


  She drew him into his own release, and he held her tightly, their hips moving in unison. When she convulsed against him again, crying out, he could only watch her in amazement as she experienced another orgasm right on the heels of her first one.

  She clutched at him, riding the wave of pleasure. It solidified his resolve to keep going, to make sure she was thoroughly satisfied. When she seized against him a third time, his mouth dropped open in astonishment for a second before her body pulled his into another orgasmic release with her. He clung to her just as tightly as she held him, reveling at the incoherent sounds she made. His release so intense, he closed his eyes before emitting a shout of his own pleasure. It was a long time before either of them moved. When he did he glanced at her, her expression filled with astonishment. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She swallowed a few times, then moistened her lips before trying again.

  “That was…” He studied her as she paused, seeming unable to find the words she wanted to say. Then again, there was no need. He knew exactly what she meant. It had never been like this for him, either. He was just as taken aback.

  “I know.”

  He rolled to the side, taking her with him. “Have you always been multi-orgasmic?”

  Her expression turned shy again, and she shrugged her shoulders. “No. Before you I was lucky to have an orgasm.”

  It was impossible for him to hide his shock, for he recalled their conversation from the first night that they met. “Even when you…”

  A dull flush of embarrassment appeared on her face at his mention of her pleasuring herself.

  “I meant with my ex-fiancé. Even though we never had sex, we experimented a little, but I always ended up having to fake it.”

  He arched a dark brow in her direction. “How did your fiancé not know you were faking it? Your body gives it away when you are getting ready to climax, and if not, the look that appears on your face right before you do should have.”

  Her expression became more embarrassed. She glanced away from him “Because I started out faking it, so he never knew the difference.”

  Antonio shook his head in distaste. “Cara, every day I am more glad you didn’t marry this man.”

  Her gaze skipped back to his. When she spoke, he could hear the sincerity in her voice. “So am I.”

  * * * *

  Tierra brushed her hair before securing it in a ponytail, feeling a little dejected because she would have to spend most of the day away from Antonio. Even after their passionate encounter last night, they woke early, and he tenderly made love to her again. His touch so was gentle, she fought back tears the entire time. He ordered breakfast, and they enjoyed it on the balcony again until Leo called Antonio away to handle an electricity problem with the hotel. Reluctantly, he left her with a brief kiss and the promise to rejoin her as soon as possible. They had a tour planned for the day. Thirty minutes later he called to tell her that the problem was bigger than he originally thought, and it would take them a little longer to fix it.

  He told her their tour was still on and to be ready. Another thirty minutes later, he called again stating he was going to have to cancel the tour, but he would leave her in the hands of four of the best tour guides he knew. She’d been tempted to tell him she would just wait on him, but she didn’t feel like being cooped up in the room again all day, especially by herself. So she made the decision to go ahead and get dressed.

  She quickly walked toward the door when someone knocked. She smiled when she looked through the peephole and saw Amalía standing there with three other women.

  She was certain she recognized one of them as a member of the ho
tel staff from when she checked in. Opening the door, she greeted the women who stood in front of her before embracing Amalía. She really did like Antonio’s sister. They had a lot in common when it came to trouble in finding the right man.

  “Hi, Tierra. These are my friends Sophia, Talía and Daníella. Sophia is the head of hotel hospitality. Talía’s the public relations and marketing manager, and Daníella’s the head tour guide for the tours booked here at the hotel.”

  Tierra smiled at all three of the women. It was obvious all four of the women were good friends. It didn’t take her long to realize she liked Amalía’s friends as well. After Shannon, she thought she would never be able to befriend a woman again. The more time Tierra had to reflect, the more she realized Shannon was a selfish, jealous bitch and always had been.

  “Where are we going?” she asked when the elevator doors closed.

  “We are taking you to lunch first, then to see La Bocca della Veritá.” Daníella replied.

  She looked at them in confusion. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what the means.”

  Amalía smiled. “The Mouth of Truth.”

  Daníella gave her an apologetic look. “I apologize. Amalía told us you speak Italian, so I just assumed you would understand.”

  The elevator doors opened, and the four women breezed through the lobby toward the elevator that would take them to the parking lot. Tierra looked at the four women, filled with amusement.

  “Trust me when I say I speak enough to say a few basic phrases, but that is as far as it goes.”

  Amalía shook her head before locking arms with her. “I would say you could do more than that. You seemed to be keeping up with our conversation pretty well last night at dinner.”

  They stepped out of the elevator in the parking lot, and Tierra smiled. “Because Antonio translated for me.”

  Amalía waved her hand dismissively. “You were still able to keep up very well on your own.”

  Tierra shook her head, knowing there wasn’t any point in arguing with Amalía. She would never win. Dinner with the Carabelli’s last night taught her that.


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