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Summer with the Soldier

Page 16

by Amy Lamont

  I laughed, feeling as if pure joy poured through me.

  “It’s time ladies.” Delores herded us down the stairs.

  At the bottom step, I expected her to lead us through the big double doors into a chapel. Instead she turned down a hallway and led us to what looked like a rear entrance to the building.

  I looked at her in question. She shook her head. “You’ll see.” Delores turned to my friends. “Ready, ladies? I’ll let them know to start the music and you can each make your way down the aisle to the front.”

  Amid giggles and last minute hugs, my bridesmaids stepped through the doors one-by-one. I did my best to peek, but Delores seemed intent on keeping me from seeing where the doors led.

  When the door closed firmly behind Paige, the last of my bridesmaids, Delores turned to me. “Your groom has one more surprise for you.”

  I looked at her hands expectantly, but she failed to produce the envelope I’d come to look forward to.

  She shook her head and offered me a gentle smile.

  “Captain Murphy said you wouldn’t need any explanation for this one.” She nodded to something over my shoulder.

  I turned to look and gasped. “Daddy!”

  I ran to my father and he folded me in his arms, holding me tight for a long moment. When he pulled back, he pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I wasn’t going to miss out on walking my baby down the aisle. Can’t say I’ve been looking forward to this day. Not ready to give you up quite yet. But I do like your choice in husbands.”

  I beamed at him. I think my tear ducts were done for the day. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you myself. It all happened so fast.”

  He hugged me again. “Sweetheart, Logan called and explained. And your mother and I know you. You lead with your heart. You were probably already halfway to Vegas five minutes after Logan proposed.”

  I grinned. It certainly had felt that way. Then something occurred to me.

  “Mom’s here?” I squealed.

  He chuckled and crooked his arm toward me. “If you’d do me the honor of allowing me to escort you up the aisle, you can see she’s sitting exactly where the mother of the bride should be.”

  My cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so hard. How had Logan known I was having second thoughts? Not about him, but about not being surrounded by friends and family while he and I exchanged our vows. And how on earth did he arrange all this so fast?

  My father cleared his throat, pulling me from my thoughts. “You going to keep that boy waiting?”

  I hooked my arm through his and marched us towards the doors. “Not another second.”

  Delores materialized from whatever discreet nook she’d been in while my father and I had our moment. She opened the double doors for us just as the traditional wedding march started playing.

  My dad and I stepped over the threshold...and right into a magical summer garden. My breath caught. The sun had just dipped below the horizon. The garden was lit by the colors of the sunset and thousands of twinkling white fairy lights. Wild roses climbed trellises and arbors.

  A row of white chairs had been arranged in a semi-circle facing a raised dais under an arbor. Nate and Jared stood from their chairs alongside Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and my mom, all of them turning to look at me as I entered the garden.

  I registered all of that, along with the line of my best friends on one side of the dais and Hunter standing up at the other, before my gaze landed on Logan.

  And once there, it didn’t budge. My heart stuttered in my chest as I took him in, wearing his dress blues and looking more gorgeous than any man had the right to. I held his gaze as I moved forward, picking up speed as I went. He took a step down from the platform, coming to meet me. I barely registered my father kissing my temple as he placed my hand on Logan’s arm.

  I don’t know how long we stood there staring at each other before someone discreetly cleared his throat. And then had to do it again a little less discreetly.

  A smile spread across Logan’s face. “You going to marry me, Beautiful?”

  I nodded, a lump growing in my throat.

  Logan tugged me toward the dais where a woman stood in a simple blue dress holding a small book, waiting to marry us.

  I leaned into Logan, resting my head against his shoulder for a moment. I glanced up at him and whispered, “Thank you.”

  He grinned down at me, no sign of the blank-faced soldier to speak of, just my very own protective, loving Logan.

  He leaned down and kissed me, long and lingering. His kiss making all the promises I could ever want.

  Feminine giggles and male chuckles came from everyone gathered around us before Logan and I finally broke apart.

  And I couldn’t imagine a better way for us to start our life together—crazy about each other and surrounded by the love and laughter of our friends and family.

  In my heart, I married Logan in that moment, before we’d spoken so much as a single vow.


  I allowed myself to doze on the couch in the apartment I shared with Emma, Paige, and Katelyn. Though the moments we were all together there came fewer and farther between these days.

  I smiled and turned onto my side, tucking my hands beneath my cheek. I couldn’t believe how tired I could be from working six hours at an art gallery. The long-term temp job had fallen into my lap at the perfect time, just a few weeks after Logan had gone back to his unit. My mind never strayed far from my husband, but the job managed to distract me a bit.

  My husband. I snuggled deeper into the couch cushions. I still couldn’t believe I was Mrs. Logan Murphy. I missed him something fierce, but we’d talked as often as possible in the months we’d been apart.

  Logan had even snitched a supply of the hotel stationary he’d used to write all my wedding notes on. Every so often I’d open the mailbox to find a love letter from him written on that same stationary.

  My heart sped up and as I read the sweet and sexy things he wrote me, my mouth went dry and I found myself as turned on as if he was right there with me.

  Who would have thought the wisecracking Logan I grew up with or the stoic soldier he’d grown into could be so romantic? When I’d teased him about it, he said I inspired him.

  And now we were just a week or so away from being together again. Logan had shared his indecision about whether or not he should reenlist in the Army. His time would be up shortly after he got back from Afghanistan.

  His major concern had more to do with the guys he was leaving behind then any real desire to stay in the Army. He considered the men in his unit his brothers. He didn’t want to walk away and let them down.

  I’d wanted to rush in and warn him about tempting fate and how much I wanted him with me. But I’d fought the impulses. I knew they were selfish. I knew exactly who I was getting when I married him. I couldn’t expect him to change just for me, no matter how much I fantasized about us living in a little house and raising our family together. I did my best to be a sounding board and a supportive wife and to only offer opinions when I knew I was seeing only what was best for him.

  While I waited to hear what he decided, I could at least breathe easy now knowing he was back on U.S. soil. He’d talked me out of meeting him when he returned to his base in North Carolina last week. He had debriefing and administrative stuff to get through, so even if I stayed close to base, chances were he wouldn’t get to see me.

  I argued at first, but I finally admitted to myself that it was for the best for more reasons than one. Traveling probably wasn’t a great idea for me right now. Plus, when I sprang my own surprise on him, I wanted to be able to do it when we could spend the entire night celebrating.

  Maybe the next day, too.

  I fell asleep with a smile on my face, diving into dreams of Logan and crashing waves and crisp, white sheets. It might be October in New York, but my mind was constantly bringing me back to the summer with my soldier.

  “Jade.” Logan’s voice chased me through my dream.

/>   I turned onto my back, as I fought to stay under, to spend just a few more minutes with Logan.

  “Jade.” A big, warm hand smoothed the hair from my face. “Sweet Pea, open your eyes.”

  “Let me sleep.” I wriggled into the pillow under my head, unwilling to leave Logan behind in dreamland.

  A warm chuckle moved me one step closer to wakefulness as it wound through my mind.

  “Logan,” I murmured, fighting to stay in my dreams.

  “Right here, baby.” The amused voice sounded so close. Like I could reach out and touch him.

  “Miss you,” I mumbled, shifting onto my side, pushing my back into the back of the couch.

  “Open your eyes, Jade,” the voice whispered.

  My eyes fluttered open. For long seconds, my mind didn’t register what it was seeing. But then I caught up—I was staring into Logan’s beloved face.

  I lurched up. “Logan!”

  “About time, Sleeping Beauty.” He grinned.

  I threw myself at him. He caught me to his chest and his lips came down hard and demanding on mine.

  I moaned into his mouth. Nothing had ever tasted as good as my husband.

  He pulled me closer and shifted from his spot crouched beside the couch. He fell back on the couch, gathering me to him to straddle his lap, never taking his lips from mine.

  I'm not sure how much time passed before I reluctantly pulled my mouth from his. Part of me wanted to stay lost in that kiss forever.

  But a much bigger part demanded I look at him, drink in every inch of him and reassure myself he was really here, safe and sound and in one piece.

  I searched his eyes, looking for signs of the wounded soldier who had turned up on my deck so many months ago. I was gratified to find no sign of him. This was my Logan.

  I stared down at him and cupped his cheeks in my palms. “What are you doing here?”

  He offered me a slow, lazy grin. “I think if you have to ask that question, I’m not doing it right.”

  I rolled my eyes, but a small giggle escaped me. “You know what I mean. I thought it would be at least next week before I got to see you. I thought you were still getting all your ducks in a row.”

  I allowed my hands to explore further, assuring myself he really was here and healthy. And okay, partly just to take the opportunity to cop a feel of my super sexy, soldier husband.

  He shrugged and dropped his hands to my hips. “I wanted to surprise you.”

  I leaned forward to plant a quick kiss on his lips. “Mission accomplished, Soldier.”

  He urged me closer, drawing our bodies together. I almost let him, but at the last second I realized I’d be giving my own surprise away if I pressed against him.

  I eased back slightly. “How long do I get to keep you?”

  “Forever.” He pulled my hips towards him again. “I think that was somewhere in those vows we took. Did you forget already?”

  I shook my head. “Never. But you know what I mean, how much time do we have together before you have to go back?” My heart ached at the thought of him leaving again. I did my best to brush it off. I needed to appreciate the moments we had together, not waste them on wishes he could stay longer.

  “Well,” he said his voice low, “that’s the other part of my surprise.”

  I tipped my head to the side and waited.

  He smiled, a slow, easy smile I hadn’t seen in so long, not even in our time together at the beach house or in Vegas. “Forever. I’m out.”

  I blinked. “Out? You mean...out? Like no longer in the Army out?”

  I clutched the material of his black Henley in my fists. Fear gripped my heart, afraid to believe what he was saying.

  “Out of the Army. Aside from the occasional weekends. I decided to stay in the Reserves. But other than that, I’m all yours.”

  I stared at him, my eyes wide, for several long seconds before I once again threw myself at him. “Seriously? I get to keep you?”

  His hands slid up my back, holding me close to him. “You get to keep me.”

  I peppered his face with kisses as tears sprang to my eyes. “I’m so happy. I didn’t want to ask you to quit for me...” An icky thought occurred to me. “You didn’t quit just for me, did you? Logan, you need to know I would never change you.”

  He gripped me tighter. “I’d be lying if I said you weren’t part of the decision. But I was already halfway there before you and I got married. Three long deployments were enough. I just don’t think I have any more to give to the Army right now. I want to be here, building our life, our family. And I have the business with Hunter. I’m ready for some new challenges.”

  I offered him a soft smile, doing a small internal happy dance that his news distracted him enough to keep him from guessing my own secret. But given the way his hands started traveling over me, I figured I better spill the beans before he discovered it for himself. “I’m happy to hear you say that. I might just have the perfect challenge for you.”

  “Oh, yeah?” His voice was low and husky, his whiskey-on-the-rocks voice. His hands roamed my back and hips and I had a pretty good idea that he had an entirely different challenge in mind. “Tell me about this challenge.”

  I tilted my head and gave him a flirtatious look from under my lashes. “Well, to start off, maybe I should give you a little biology lesson.”

  His hands gripped my hips tighter. “I’m liking this challenge already.”

  I grinned and caught his hands in my own when he started exploring farther. “You see, when a man and a woman love each other very much, sometimes they have a hard time keeping their hands off each other.”

  I brought his hands to my breasts. His eyes dipped down to where I held him, caressing myself with his hands over my sweatshirt. I used my hands on top of his to start directing them lower.

  “And when they give into those feelings...” I guided his hands to the hem of my shirt. He didn’t need any more hints. He quickly dipped his hands beneath. I gasped when I felt his palms against my bare skin, but I fought to stay on course. I gripped his hands more firmly and prevented him from moving them any more.

  I continued. “...the man puts himself inside the woman. He does some things that make her feel amazing.” I bit my lip and stared down into his eyes. When I started speaking again, my voice dropped to a whisper. “And if the man and woman are very lucky, he leaves her with an amazing gift.”

  He smiled his sexy smirking smile and I could feel my heart speed up.

  “Is this your way of asking for another amazing gift?”

  I shook my head and leaned forward to nip his earlobe. “I wasn’t talking about an orgasm, but save that thought.” I sat back up on his lap. “I had a different kind of gift in mind. The kind of gift that turns a man and a woman into...” I pulled his hands up to the small, gently swelling bump that my stomach had grown into in the last month, “a family.”

  I eased my hold on his hands and worried my bottom lip between my teeth.

  Logan stared at me for a few beats, his hands completely still on my belly. As I watched, his eyes went from heavy-lidded desire to wide-open wonder. His hands began to move, tracing over the rounded contours of my stomach.

  “What? When?” He shook his head. “You’re…pregnant?”

  I nodded, still waiting, almost afraid to breathe, for his reaction.

  “When did you find out?”

  “About seven weeks after you left. I’d suspected sooner because I had some morning sickness and my breasts were a little tender. But the doctor confirmed it at seven weeks.”

  His pushed up my sweatshirt, baring my belly. He ran his hands over it again and again, as if he couldn’t quite believe what I was telling him. He needed to feel it and see it for himself.

  I understood the feeling. It seemed too amazing to be real when I first started suspecting. But I’d had a few weeks since then to get used to the idea. It still seemed surreal at moments, even when my little baby bump started pushing out, right as I
hit the end of my first trimester.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  I leaned into his hands and reached up to cup his face, bringing his gaze to meet mine. “I wanted to tell you like this. When we were together. I didn’t want you to worry about me when you were too far away to do anything about it.”

  “You’ve been sick?” The worry behind his eyes made my heart melt.

  “Just a little. Your son or daughter has actually been very good to me. Aside from a few bouts of nausea and a little heartburn and this bump, he or she hasn’t been making too much of a fuss yet.” I grinned at him. “Maybe he’s the strong, stoic soldier type like his daddy.”

  “Daddy.” He blurted the single word, his jaw going a little slack.

  I placed a finger under his chin and closed his mouth before pressing a kiss on it. “Yes, you’re going to be a daddy. In about five months from now. March twentieth.”


  His monosyllabic responses to my news were starting to worry me. “Logan, do you…are you not happy? About the baby?”

  His eyes flew to mine and he slipped his arms around my waist, yanking me so our bodies were pressed together, my belly cradled between us.

  And then he kissed me. His tongue flicked out and demanded entrance. I opened to him and he delved inside, urgent and insistent. I kissed him back with everything I had.

  His hands tugged at the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head and tossing it to the floor. His hands roamed my body, starting with my shoulders and working their way down.

  He wrenched his mouth from mine and leaned back so he could follow the path of his hands with his gaze. He held my breasts in his hands, measuring and weighing them.

  “Do they hurt?” He asked, his voice a growl. He reached around me to unhook the clasp of my bra and bare me to his touch.

  I shook my head and he dipped down to take a nipple in his mouth. A long, loud moan escaped me.

  His eyes moved to mine. “Okay?”

  I nodded. “They’re just a little more sensitive.”


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