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Daring to Love: A Contemporary Romance (The Armstrongs Book 3)

Page 9

by Gray, Jessica

  Chapter 17

  Charlene awakened to feel Evan behind her, using his hands and his lips to drive her crazy once again. She glanced at the clock on the side table and groaned as he found a sensitive spot sure to light her up.

  They had only gotten a few hours of sleep the night before, making love and then dozing before waking up and doing it all again. Her muscles where aching from the unusual strain on them, but as he slid into her from behind and leisurely took them both over the edge, she couldn’t complain.

  They lay there for a few minutes until he finally gave her a gentle shake, “We need to get cleaned up and head down for breakfast.”

  “Do we have to?” she whispered, keeping her eyes closed as if to hold onto the feeling of the moment.

  “I’m starving, and this time for food.”

  She chuckled. “Okay, shower with me?”

  Evan laughed behind her, “I’ve created a monster. Come on then.”

  They showered and then headed downstairs to the breakfast salon, a stunning room that featured floor-to-ceiling windows to the east. They saw the powder white Rocky Mountain range and witness the most spectacular sunrise. Layers of pinks and oranges, offset by the purples and blues of the mountain tops made a stunning array of color. I could start every morning like today.

  They ate a hearty breakfast of Belgian waffles with berries on top, perfectly cooked bacon, freshly squeezed orange juice, and the best coffee Charlene had ever tasted.

  After breakfast, they put their skis back on and powder skied down to Eagle Mountain village on the back of the mountain, laying tracks into the freshly fallen snow. The hotel had promised to deliver their luggage back to the concierge desk in the village within the hour, and neither one of them was surprised to see that it had beat them down the mountain.

  With one last kiss, Charlene watched Evan head back to his own place. He had a plane to catch in a few hours and had already arranged for one of the off-duty ski patrol to drive him since she was scheduled to work.

  “I’ll see you in a few weeks. And I’ll talk to you each morning and each night.”

  “I’m already missing you,” she told him, biting back her tears.

  “I miss you more. Talk to you tonight, okay?”

  She nodded her head, and then wrapped her arms around him one last time. All too soon, he was gone and she was left with the prospect of working another day. Two dreadful lonely weeks without him lay in front of her.

  True to his word, he called her each morning and then again in the evening, but it wasn’t the same.

  Charlene had lots of time to think about her love for Evan and about his offer to open the kid’s skiing school together. She’d wanted to jump at his offer the moment he’d first mentioned it, but she hadn’t been sure. Sure about him. About their relation. What if they broke up? What would become of the school?

  After pondering the pros and cons for the umpteenth time, she’d decided to go all-in with him, and she died to tell him her decision.

  At the end of the week, she was so lovesick she asked Darcy to cover the last few classes for her. Darcy readily agreed, having watched her friend sink lower into sadness each day since Evan had left.

  “Sure, no problem. I just finished my last class today, so I have all next week free.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  “Are you going to Chicago early?”

  “Yes, if I can get my ticket changed. But first I have to go talk to the boss man.”

  “I don’t envy you that job.”

  Charlene sighed, “Neither do I, but at least I won’t have to come back here next year. Wish me luck.”

  She headed over to the ski instructor office and found her boss Carter scowling as he looked at some papers in front of him. She rapped her knuckles on the doorframe, “Hey, have you got a minute?”

  He looked up and then waved her inside, “What’s up Charlene?”

  “Well, I guess I’ll just get right to it. I’m quitting.” She saw his jaw tighten and hurried to finish, “I already spoke with Darcy, and she has agreed to take my classes next week since she finished her last one today.”

  “Charlene, you can’t just up and quit the week before the season ends.”

  “Actually, I just did. And I won’t be back next year.”

  “What? What do you mean you won’t be back next year? You’re one of my best skiing instructor’s. You have to come back.”

  “I’m not coming back. I’m going after my dream…”

  She could see the wheels grinding in his head, before he answered her. “About that…I found a small budget that we could use develop the kids idea together.”

  After all those times when he resisted her ideas, now he was finally agreeing to them? Why didn’t he do that earlier? Why did she need to resign, for him to evaluate her wishes? Was this how business worked? With threats? If that was the case, she didn’t like it.

  Yet, his offer is tempting. You already have relationships established here…But Evan isn’t here and you want to be with him. “That’s a generous offer and thank you for the compliment, but I’m still going to have to pass.”

  “Is there anything I could offer you that would make you change your mind?”

  She shook her head, her mind made up. The prospect of living and working alongside Evan, and the chance to be her own boss was so much more tempting. "No, there really isn’t. I do have to get going though; I have a plane to catch."

  She smiled all the way back to her apartment, feeling happy for the first time since Evan had left. She didn’t call him she was coming. I’m gonna surprise him.

  Darcy drove her to the airport two hours later, and it wasn’t until she was seated on the plane that she began to have second thoughts. What if he’s decided I don't fit into his world? What if he suddenly regrets this and wants us to be just a fling?

  Yes, they had been talking on the phone every morning and every night. He had said the most wonderful romantic things to her, and he had seemed to miss her as much as she missed him, but still, she was about to crash unannounced into his daily life. What if he’s not delighted to see me?

  Thankfully, the entertainment program distracted her from her worries, and two hours later, she was finally standing in front of his apartment. She had to ring the doorbell twice, because her hands were trembling so badly. With her heart beating up to her neck and her hands pressed against her stomach to quell the butterflies that were threatening to make her ill, she waited agonizing long moments until the door opened.

  He stared at her for a heartbeat in shock, and then flashed her his broad grin and grabbed her for a hug. He squeezed her so tightly, she was almost afraid he was going to break one of her ribs.

  His mouth devoured her, and she clung to his body, kissing any place she could reach. Between two feverish kisses he stopped to catch his breath and murmured to her, "Thank God you’re here. I was about to catch a plane to Eagle Mountain this afternoon. I couldn't stand being without you one more day.”

  Her heart filled with warmth and she wanted nothing more than to shut the door to the outside world and lose herself in his arms. He’s the man I love. Forever.

  All the worries and doubts disappeared and she pressed her face against his chest, the familiar pounding spreading flames all over her body. She would never grow tired of looking at his handsome face, and his gorgeous body.

  His kisses stole her breath, and for the life of her, she couldn’t remember why she had been worrying so much on the plane. Evan was everything she ever wanted and he was right here, holding her in his arms.

  Only when she heard his words, "Let's go inside," did she notice that they were still standing at his front door.

  She jumped at him, putting her legs around his waist, already hot and wet for him. She was here, and she wanted him. Now. “Where’s your bedroom?”

  He kissed her, walking backwards, “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Chapter 18

  “Are you sure about th
is? I don’t want you to feel like I took advantage of you.”

  “Of course I’m sure. I’m so glad you decided to let me help be your partner with the skiing school.” Evan said.

  „I don’t want to be a freeloader here,“ she said.

  "You’re nothing less than a freeloader. You'll be up to your eyebrows in work, darling. Most of the heavy lifting has to be done by you, I just bring the money to the table."

  “I know, but still.“

  “Don’t worry, darling. We make a great team, you’ll see. Move in with me and let’s revolutionize the way kids are taught to ski.”

  Evan and Charlene had been talking over the details for the skiing school „Evan Armstrong Ski and Play.“ He had convinced her to use his famous name for leverage, it would give them lots of media attention, free advertisement and attract busloads of customers right from the start.

  While he lent his name, she would be the boss, running the day-to-day operation of the ski school. He’d help her during summer with the setting up and overseeing construction of the playground area, but would stay in the background, at least for as long as he pursued his competitive career, then he’d join her in the school.

  Suddenly the inevitability of retiring from his competitive career wasn’t so daunting anymore. Actually, he couldn’t think of a better future to be looking forward to and almost longed for the day to end his career. Just almost.

  He glanced at her and his heart filled with love. In such a short time, she’d snaked into every crevice of his life. And he loved it! He couldn’t imagine how he’d lived without her before.

  Evan chuckled when she insisted to contribute some of her money in addition to his investment. He was about to wave her off, but her heated cheeks and the determined glance in her eyes, made him realize how much it meant to her. If she wants it that way, so be it.

  Three days after her arrival in Chicago, Evan told her they’d have a meeting with his brother and his father to engage their help in opening up the skiing school. When they arrived, at the office Ken’s and Douglas’ building company „Stronger Constructions“, both of the men hugged Charlene. Evan could see the nervousness falling of her with the warm welcome into the Armstrong family.

  When Douglas turned toward his brother, he rolled his eyes and said, „What is wrong with you brother? That awful hair color could put our halogen spot lights to shame.“

  Even shrugged, not willing to go into the details.

  But Douglas wasn’t finished with him yet, „Another lost bet? When will you grow up, man?“

  Before Evan could answer, his dad stepped in and said, „Let’s go to the conference room, Shall we?“

  Evan nodded, but he hadn’t missed the wince in Charlene’s face at the words of his brother. You have to stop betting. Doug is right, it’s time to grow up. Do it for her. Bob’s voice said and for once he agreed with him.

  His father’s voice brought him back to the here and now, “Once you got all of the paperwork filled out, we can submit it to the state…”

  “Damn, I’m not going to be much help,” Evan told them apologetically. “I have a few meet and greet for my sponsor and the national ski team that I can’t get out of.”

  Charlene smiled at him, “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure I can figure the forms out.”

  Douglas chimed in, “If you come here, I can help you.”

  At her nod, he called his secretary to check for open spots on his schedule. Evan laughed, his brother had never been able to remember an appointment. He’d be absolutely lost without his secretary.

  “Thanks, Doug.” Evan told his brother.

  On the way back home Evan asked her, „So do you hate my hair as much as everyone else?“

  She giggled and ran her hands through his thick hair, „Not at all, it’s so soft and sexy.“

  He rolled his eyes, about to tickle her, when she added, „As for the color I just close my eyes. Like this.“

  That woman is incorrigible! She closed her eyes and raised her lips for him to kiss her. But I’ll kiss her anyways.


  Charlene left the next morning to meet with Douglas and go over some of the paperwork. Evan had apologized a million times for not being able to help her with the administrative details, but she’d shrugged him of. She could do that, right? And she had his brother’s help. Nothing to worry about.

  Still, she felt nervous to meet Douglas alone. Sure, he’d been perfectly nice yesterday, but there was something about him, she couldn’t quite classify. Something that triggered discomfort in her.

  And her hunch had been right, after their meeting, he closed the door to his office and came close to her. What could he possibly want from me?

  “Charlene, you’re the first woman Evan has introduced to us as his girlfriend. That means he’s dead serious about you. Actually, I can’t remember ever having seen him that much in love.“

  She didn’t know what to answer, but apparently Doug didn’t expect her to, because he continued his monologue, „You’re really good for my brother. You can’t imagine how many times we’ve all stayed up late worrying about his latest dare devil scheme. Now, he seems to be ready to settle down. We attribute that to your influence.”

  “Thanks,” Charlene told him, waiting if he had something else to say.

  When Douglas approached her even more, she had to suppress the urge to draw back, “That said, don’t mess with him. If you’re not serious about being with him, leave now. Today.“

  She squirmed beneath his scrutiny and her first impulse was to tell him it’s none of his business, but then, it was kinda cute, how he was looking out for his youngest brother. Douglas had been such a great help, and she really liked him, so she simply answered, „I’m here to stick around. You’ll have to put up with me for many years to come.“

  He flashed her a bright smile, that was almost as gorgeous as Evan’s. Just almost.

  “That’s fine with me, I like you. Welcome to the family.”

  She was dying to tell Evan how much his family protected him, but when she opened the door with the key Evan had given her, she almost jumped back out of the door again. „You scared me!“

  „Why, don’t you like it?“ He grinned at her, and her legs turned to mush. Always. Will I ever get used to his gorgeous grin?

  „On the contrary, I love it, but who’s that gorgeous looking guy with dark brown hair? And what did you do to my yellowhead?“

  „You’re such a cheeky girl!“

  „I know and that’s why you love me so much!“

  He chased her around the tiny apartment and Charlene fell breathless into his arms when he caught her. When their eyes met his look was full of desire, but something else, too. Something sweet and profound.

  Chapter 19

  Evan tried to calm his jitters, but not even meditation worked today. The atmosphere behind the stage was boiling with adrenaline. In one hours’ time, they would know who had won the Sports Star Awards. The nominated athletes were joking around with each other. Anything to keep the tension down.

  When Nick, the winner of the two-man and the four-man bobsled World Cup competition came up to him, Evan mentally groaned and tried to move out of his way. Nick was the typical bullshit artist, always on the lookout to pit his strength against someone. Stupid risk taking included. Just like you.

  Bob, can’t you shut up just for today?

  Just saying….

  Nicks taunting interrupted his inner dialog, “Skiing is for chickens.”

  “Watch it, dude” he cautioned the man. “And skiing isn’t for chickens, just so you know. It takes skill and lots of hard work to do what I do.”

  “Real men rush down the bobsled run not some knolls with fluffy snow.”

  He felt his temper rise, “Maybe real men hide behind the bobsled so they don’t have to admit they can’t handle a double diamond black run.”

  Evan turned his back to Nick, when he grabbed his shoulder and said, “Don’t turn your back on m
e, asshole. You know what, Armstrong? I bet you’re too much of a chicken to race down the bobsled run in Chestnut Mountain on your skis.”

  Blood rushed to his head and just when he was about to accept Nick’s challenge, just like always, an image of Charlene entered his head and how disappointed she’d be with him.

  Shaking his head, he declined to take the bait, “Sorry, but no.”

  “You chicken shit. That’s what you are.” Nick threw several other curses in his direction as Evan headed for the opposite side of the backstage area. Walk away, that’s how to handle a bully like Nick. Just walk away.

  He was surprised that it wasn’t all that difficult. Dean had been right, he’d do anything to make Charlene happy and suddenly it was easy to reject a challenge. Evan recognized that not hurting Charlene was a lot more important than trying to impress anyone. The only person he needed to impress was her, and he could do that in much more pleasurable ways.

  I’m proud of you!

  Oh gosh, is that really you talking, Bob?

  He grabbed a bottle of water off a waiting table and took a drink. When a few drops spilled on his suit jacket, he reached into his inside pocket to pull out a handkerchief and instead found a note scribbled on a piece of scratch paper.

  "Evan. Whether or not you win the election, for me you’ll always be the number one. I love you. Charlene."

  Yes! He didn’t need to impress anyone. Not even her. She loved him just the way he was.


  Charlene didn’t know where to hide her fidgeting hands. Why had she agreed to come to the Sports Star Awards in the first place? She’d have to sit at the table with Evan’s family. His parents, his second oldest brother Dean and his fiancé Melissa, Douglas, and his only sister Samantha.

  At least she already knew Douglas and his father Ken. Douglas spotted her from the entrance and walked towards her, giving her a big hug, “Here you are Charlene, let me introduce you to the rest of my family.”

  When he chivalrously led her over to their table, she felt her nervousness fade away. Thank God, Douglas is here.


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