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Daring to Love: A Contemporary Romance (The Armstrongs Book 3)

Page 10

by Gray, Jessica

  He introduced her to a woman in her sixties, with wonderful jet-black hair and the same sky-blue eyes as Evan. “Hi Mom, this is Charlene, Evan’s girlfriend.”

  “Charlene, this is my mother.”

  His mother looked at her with scrutiny. “Please call me Joyce, I’m so happy to meet you. Evan is a changed man since he met you.”


  Joyce took her hand and said, “No reason to be nervous, Charlene. We are a big and crazy family, but we don’t bite.” She said it with a disarming smile and Charlene instantly liked her.

  “I’m so sorry we weren’t able to get together last week. This is the time of the year when most of our donors’ funds start coming in.

  “Donors?” Charlene asked.

  Joyce smiled at her, “For the neglected children’s fund. And then we needed to try and get the bookkeeping all straightened out for the last year. I simply didn’t have a single free minute.” She laughed softly at herself and Charlene smiled.

  Joyce continued, “But I wouldn’t miss the Sports Star Awards for anything in the world. I’m so proud of Evan. Too bad that Trevor and Ryan, with their girlfriends - Nicole and Kendra, couldn’t make it, because they are on a trip to Tahiti.”

  “Tahiti? I’ve always dreamt about a vacation in the South Sea Islands.”

  “Yes, it would be fantastic right? Both couples got engaged recently and took the opportunity to celebrate their “engagement-moon. And Patrick my second youngest son is hunting for the perfect shoot in Asia.”

  “He’s a hunter?” Charlene asked incredulous.

  Joyce laughed out loud, “Oh no, honey, he’s a photo journalist. You’ll meet him in summer, he usually spends the summer in Chicago.”

  She could see how much Joyce cared for her family. She must have been a terrific mother!

  Her thoughts were stalled when two more couples arrived and Joyce introduced them to her as Dean and Melissa, and Melissa’s friends Rachel and Peter.

  At the last minute, a beautiful girl with long, thick, chocolate colored hair rushed in and quickly took her place before the program started. This must be his sister Samantha.

  During the breaks in the program, a lively conversation took place at their table, and Charlene didn’t feel once out of place or excluded.

  Rachel gushed about Evan and how she was such a fan of him. “Melissa, I can’t thank you enough for getting Peter and I tickets to the Awards. I must have watched all of Evan’s races on TV. He’s simply unbelievable.” Yes he is.

  “Don’t mention it. I’m glad you were able to get here from Santa Clara in time.”

  Rachel padded her big belly and answered, “Me too. We’re staying for the entire week, it’s probably our last getaway before the baby is born.”

  Melissa grew very silent and Rachel opened her eyes wide, “Tell me it’s true! You’re pregnant too?”

  Dean joined the conversation with a very proud smile, “We haven’t told everyone yet, but yes, Melissa is already in her fourth month. I’m so happy!”

  While Rachel continued to rave on and on about Evan, her husband Peter turned towards Charlene. “She’s been like that for days. She’s forgotten totally about me. I’m just a boring business man.”

  Rachel kissed him, having overheard his comment and taking exception to it. “You’re everything but boring, darling.” Everyone laughed as it was easy to see how much they loved each other.

  Rachel and Melissa continued to catch up on their lives, talking about grandma and her rose garden. “So, have you pruned the plants yet?” Rachel asked.

  “Not yet. It’s still getting a little too cold at night for much to be happening with them. Did Trevor tell you I did his garden?”

  “Yes, I would love to see it and then talk more about what I want to do to our backyard. Right now it’s just blah!”

  Charlene listened to the two women as they continued to talk about roses and gardens. They must be cousins or something since they share the same grandma. But, didn’t Joyce introduce them as friends? None of this made any sense to her and she made a mental note to ask Evan later about them. Her head was spinning with all the new faces and information.

  During a break in the program, she excused herself to visit the powder room and Melissa, Rachel and Samantha follow her.

  Dean called after his wife, “Don’t miss the election, Angel.”

  Samantha laughed, “I always imagined angels must be blond, with your auburn hair, you look more like a witch. A good one of course.”

  Now all of the four women giggled and soon the conversation had turned to a discussion about nicknames. Sam revealed that her brothers used to call her “Firecracker” but her boyfriend Craig wasn’t sold on that name and called her “Love”. The girls agreed that her nickname wasn’t very innovative and Firecracker definitely fit better to her temper.

  Charlene kept silent during the discussion, until Samantha asked her, "So, what does my brother call you?"

  She could feel herself blushing a deep red, and tried to side-step the question, but the girls insisted. “Come on, Charlene. Tell us. What fantastic nickname did Evan come up with for you?”

  “You have to promise you won’t tell anyone.” She waited until the other women nodded their heads and crossed their hearts.

  Sighing, she told them, “He calls me Wonder Woman."

  “What?” Melissa asked.

  “As in Superhero?” Rachel added.

  “Really?” Sam inquired.

  “Really,” Charlene confirmed.

  After a short silence the giggling started again and someone asked, “So, do you have a nickname for him?”

  Charlene couldn’t have blushed any more as she felt heat stain her cheeks again. “Sex God.”

  “What?! You call my brother ‘Sex God’? Eww..”

  “Please don’t tell anyone.”

  Chapter 20

  Evan had to ask the athlete besides him if he’d heard right, when they announced his name as the winner. The next minutes he functioned on autopilot: went up to the stage, took the award, held his speech of thanks, accepted congratulations.

  Finally he was able to headed for the table where his family was gathered, and pull the one person into a hug, that meant everything to him. Charlene. “Thank you for the note. You don’t know how much that meant to me.”

  Dean joined them a few moments later and Evan excused himself, “I need to talk to Dean for just a minute. Be right back.” He kissed her lightly on the lips before he walked off with his brother.

  He cut right to the chase, “So, it really is that easy?”

  Dean nodded his head, “Yes. It is. When you find the ‘one’ it doesn’t take years or even months.”

  “Thanks for the advice, man.” Evan pulled Dean into a bear hug and slapped him on the back.

  “Bro, I’m so happy for you. And Charlene is great. I can’t think of anyone better situated to handle you.”

  “Me? I’m easy to get along with.”

  Dean laughed and they returned to the table and the rest of their family. Now that the awards had been announced, Evan was free to sit at the table with everyone else.

  After the official program had finished, the band started up and couples left their tables to take to the dance floor. Evan pulled Charlene from their table and wrapped his arms around her. The band was playing a soft ballad, giving him the perfect opportunity to hold her close. “So how did you get along with my family?”

  Charlene smiled at him, “I love them all.”

  “They like you as well.”

  As the evening began to draw to an end, people began to say “goodnight” and head to their own homes. Evan was eager to finally be alone with Charlene and asked her, “Are you ready to go home?”

  She looked up at him with eyes full of love and nodded her head.

  “Come on then. Hey, folks. Thanks for coming tonight. Charlene and I are going to head out of here.”

  “Take care.”

it was Samantha’s turn to hug him good bye she whispered into his ear, "Good night Sex God.”

  He wanted to slap her but she was too fast for him and made a funny face as soon as she was safely out of his reach. That little brat! I should have beaten her up more frequently when we were kids.

  Later on the way out he said to Charlene, "You told my sister that I'm a Sex God."

  Her face instantly turned into a damn sexy dark red and she mumbled, "They forced me to." God how he loved her blushing!

  He pulled her into his chest, "Do you know what a Sex God will do to a naughty girl like you?"

  She licked her lips, apparently thinking hard, "Hmm… You could push me against the wall and take me right here. Hard and fast.”

  That idea sounded good. He wanted to do just that. The lust roared through his body, but he shook his head, "No, I tried that already and you enjoyed it way too much."

  "Or you could torture me with your hands and tongue until I beg you for more?"

  He shook his head again, "No. Judging by the gleam in your eyes that wouldn't be any punishment at all." He pulled her even nearer to him and could feel the heat radiating from her body, and her hard nipples pressing against him. Their little banter had aroused both of them.

  "Then I'm out of ideas."

  "Well. Good that I'm not. I can think of a million things to do to you." He held her at arm length and his gaze caught her bright red silk scarf. Scorching hot images featuring her naked body and the scarf came to his mind, while he slightly touched the scarf and said with a coarse voice, "That scarf might come in handy for my plans.“

  Her eyes widened in anticipation and he could see raw lust. They’d have a lot of fun later this night and he was more than willing to explore her kinky side.

  “I might have to tie you to the bedpost. For being such a naughty girl."

  A moan escaped her throat as she asked, "You'd really do that?" With these words she ground her hips against his center, rubbing her taut nipples against his chest.

  "I’d most definitely do that." Then he took her chin so she had to meet his eyes and what he saw there overwhelmed him. Her look was full of desire, but something else, too. True love.

  ***The End ***

  Please enjoy a preview of the story of Dean and Melissa

  I Love You Twice

  The Armstrongs, Book Zero

  Falling for Him, Book Seven

  Jessica Gray

  Preview I Love You Twice

  Mellie’s head was buzzing. With trembling hands she tied the apron around her waist and listened carefully to Denise, her co-worker and a veteran waitress at the Lake Perry diner.

  “Greet the customer, hand them the menus, take their drink order, and only then ask if they’re ready to order. If they are not, give them a few more minutes before you return.”

  Today was her first day working as a waitress at the diner. The summer season was just getting started, and she hoped to make enough money to pay for college classes in the fall. She’d turned 21 a few weeks ago and was ready to take on the world. In keeping with her new grown up persona, she’d decided to use from now on her given name – Melissa. It sounded much more mature than Mellie!

  A young family entered the diner and Denise nodded her head towards them, showing it was time to put theory into practice. Melissa gave her a hesitant smile and nodded her head. I can do this!

  She grabbed two regular menus, and two kid menus, complete with two cups of crayons. Approaching their booth, she smiled broadly and introduced herself, “Hi, folks. My name is Melissa and I’m going to be your server this morning.”

  “Good morning, Melissa. You’re new here, aren’t you?” asked the father in the group.

  “I am,” she admitted, “but don’t worry. I’ll take good care of you all.” She handed around the menus and gave the kids the crayons, “Do you two like to color?”

  The two little blonde heads nodded, eager to use the crayons. Melissa smiled and whispered to them, “Don’t tell anybody, but I like to color too.” She winked at the kids and then took out her pad and pen. “Now, what I can get everyone to drink?”

  After returning with their drink orders, she wrote down their food order, handed it off at the kitchen window and turned to see Denise watching her. “How’d I do?”

  “Melissa, you’re a natural.”

  Melissa beamed at her and felt herself stand a little taller. It was amazing what a few words of praise could do for a person’s confidence!

  “Order’s up!” came the call from the kitchen.

  Melissa turned and then paused for a moment, unsure of the next step. She had four plates to deliver to a table halfway across the diner, and only two hands. Denise smiled as she accurately interpreted her hesitation.

  “Hey, don’t panic. Before long you’ll be handling one of the large trays like a pro, but for now, let me help. You take two, and I’ll follow behind you with the other two.”

  “Really?” Melissa asked in relief. “Thanks, Denise.” The two women grabbed the warm plates and within a few minutes they were both back behind the counter and Melissa enjoyed her first success.

  The bell above the door jangled again. Our second guest this day! A handsome man entered the diner. He headed straight for the counter and sat down. Denise turned to Melissa, telling her, “Dean Armstrong. You can have him. He gives good tips. But, he’s weird. He’ll probably try to talk to you about some gross bugs.”

  “Bugs?” Melissa asked, not sure if she should thank Denise or not. She turned to look at the customer in question, but he had his head buried in the menu and all she could see was the top of his head.

  “Yeah. He’s a regular.”

  “Okay, thanks. I can use a few good tips,” Melissa told her, grabbing her pad and pen and heading in the mystery man’s direction.

  “Hello. I’m Melissa. Can I get you some coffee?” she asked, hoping to draw him away from the menu and get a good look at a man who liked to talk about insects. When he lowered the menu and looked up, Melissa forgot everything except for how gorgeous he was. He had broad shoulders, and muscular arms. Not bulging biceps, but lean and well-defined arms. Just the way she liked it. His dark, short hair showed a few unruly strands hanging into his forehead. Her fingers itched to bury themselves in his hair and feel the softness. But the most intense impression on her made his steel-blue eyes. Eyes that looked at her in a way she’d never experienced before.

  Her knees trembled, her heart raced, and then the fear set in. He’s perfect! But I don’t want or need a relationship! Men are way too much trouble! Melissa mentally chided herself for being swayed by a man’s looks. But you have to admit, he is absolutely gorgeous!

  Remember Happy? Your daughter? Melissa quickly reminded herself what had happened the last time she’d allowed a good looking guy to turn her head. She’d ended up alone and pregnant. Her daughter Happy would turn three soon, and since her biological father had taken off; Melissa hadn’t had a serious relationship or any relationship at all. It was better this way.

  The few guys she’d been interested in had disappeared the minute they found out she had a toddler waiting for her at home. Faster than she could blink! No, I don’t need a relationship. Happy and I are doing just fine by ourselves. Besides when would I have time for a boyfriend?

  Melissa had just finished high school and wanted to go to college. A college degree was the only way she would ever be able to provide for Happy without living paycheck to paycheck. That’s why she’d taken this job. To earn enough money this summer to pay for college when it started up in the fall. And between school, work, and taking care of Happy, there was absolutely no time left for a boyfriend. None at all!

  (End of Sneak Peak)

  To continue reading, pick up the book of Dean and Melissa :


  The Armstrong series continues with Douglas and Antonia in SURPRISED BY LOVE.

  Coming soon….. CLICK HERE to get an email reminder as soon as it's re

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  You might enjoy my other books as well:

  The Armstrongs:

  Each of the books can be read as stand alone novel and you can read it in any order you want, but for best enjoyment, you might want to read it in the order below.

  Book 1: Power of Love (Trevor and Nicole) http://jessicagraybo

  Book 2: Forever my Love (Ryan and Kendra)

  Book 3: Daring to Love (Evan and Charlene) coming soon

  Book 4: Surprised by Love (Douglas and Toni) coming soon

  Falling for Him Series:

  Books 1,2,3 and 5 should be read in order. Books 4, 6, 7 and 8 can be read as standalone novellas.

  Book 1: Rachel and Peter

  Book 2: Rachel and Peter in Spain

  Book 3: Rachel goes Business

  Book 4: Lara and David

  Book 5: Rachel and Peter’s Wedding

  Book 6: Stubborn Love (Clara and Nigel)

  Book 7: I Love You Twice – (Melissa and Dean)


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