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Soothe Me, Daddy

Page 12

by Elouise East

  “Henley is incredibly special, Isaac. You need to treat him with care and consideration, especially with the age difference. I’m not saying I disagree with it because I don’t, but please be careful with him. He’s a soft soul.”

  “I know he is, and he’s precious to me. I would like to ask him to move in with me. He’s been struggling with our work schedule, and I think having a place that is ours to come home to each time, even when I can’t be there, would be helpful to him. Do you agree?”

  He hadn’t planned on asking Pops for his advice, but the words just came out.

  “Don’t you think that’s a little soon?”

  “Not really. We spend so much of our time together already. If something is going to go wrong in our relationship, it would more than likely happen once we’re living together. God forbid, but if that happens, why not figure it out sooner rather than later?”

  Pops paused, gaze roaming Isaac’s face. “I think that’s an incredibly good idea. I like that you take care of him, Isaac.”

  “It’s who I am,” Isaac replied.

  After that, they did not mention it again, but he could see a new light shining in Pops’ eyes, and he was happy he’d been able to give Henley’s parents some peace of mind.

  So, tonight, he was planning on asking Henley to move in, officially. Henley already had a key, but Isaac wanted to do it properly. If he ever got home. Henley had rung from the road saying the traffic was awful because of an accident on the motorway, and with it being Friday as well, tailbacks were miles long. Isaac had been keeping an eye on the travel news and traffic reports. He’d not heard from Henley in over half an hour, though, so he tried calling him. No answer.

  He began pacing the floor, worry flooding his body until a key turned in the latch. He whirled towards the door, seeing a haggard, tired-looking Henley entering. Isaac hustled over to him and wrapped him in his arms, squeezing him tight.

  “I missed you, Daddy,” Henley said, voice strained.

  “I missed you, too, sweetheart.”

  They stayed in the embrace for several long minutes, Isaac breathing in Henley’s scent, reaffirming he was there and safe. Isaac pulled back, cupping Henley’s face and pressing their lips together in a sweet kiss.

  “Dinner is ready. I just need to warm it up. Are you ready for it now?”

  “Yes, please, Daddy. I’m starving!”

  “I thought you might be.” Isaac leaned down to help Henley with his shoes, led him to the breakfast bar and sat him down with a brief kiss. Isaac filled a glass with juice and placed it in front of Henley. “Drink up while I warm your food. Tell me about your day.”

  Henley’s voice was excited as he spoke about the store he’d visited that day. He and the manager got on well together, which was great news. A good rapport with managers always went a long way to building good relationships.

  When Henley’s food was ready, Isaac gave it to him and sat next to him at the counter. In between bites, Henley continued his story. Once he had finished, Henley appeared to wilt.

  “You’re worn out.”

  “I’m so glad it’s Friday. I love the job, but god!”

  Isaac chuckled. “Well, I have something I want to talk to you about.” Henley looked at him, and Isaac could see the worry creeping into his eyes. “Nothing bad.” He twisted on the stool to face Henley and took his hands in his. “As my mother would say, this may be locking the stable door after the horse has bolted, but I would like you to consider moving in with me.”

  Henley gaped, mouth opening and closing. Isaac gave him a moment for the idea to sink in before saying any more.


  For once, there wasn’t much of an expression on Henley’s face, apart from surprise. “Yes. I’d like you to move in.”

  “Move in here?”

  Isaac nodded, trying not to feel uneasy with how long it was taking Henley to give him an answer.

  “Hell, yes!” Henley shouted as he jumped up and wrapped his arms around Isaac’s neck.

  Isaac’s breath came easier, knowing Henley wanted this. “If you’d prefer, we can move to your house instead? I don’t want you to feel like you have to live here because I asked.”

  “No! I love it here. This apartment feels more like home than my house does. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve done what I could with it, but we’ve made so many memories here.” Henley surveyed the apartment, arms loosely encircling his neck.

  Henley was right. Although they had spent time at Henley’s house, most of their time had been here. “You could rent out your house. It would give you a bit more income on top of your wages.” He knew the house meant a lot to Henley, too. Isaac didn’t want Henley to get rid of it unless he had no other choice. And in the unlikely event, they didn’t work out, Henley would still have the house. Isaac refused to take away his independence.

  “When can I move in?” Henley beamed as he asked.

  “Well…funnily enough, we don’t have any plans this weekend, for once. No Friday night family dinner, no Saturday work night out, no Sunday family time. We have a whole two days, all to ourselves.”

  “But wouldn’t you prefer using that time to do something we want to do instead of moving my stuff.”

  “There is nothing I would love better than making sure my boy knows his home is right here. And if that means we move your things in, we move your things in.”

  Henley bit his lip as his gaze roamed Isaac’s face. “How about…we grab some people to help move me tomorrow and use Sunday as a rest day?”

  “I think that sounds like a good plan, sweet boy. Tonight, however, I think you need to be rewarded.” Henley’s gaze lit up. “You have worked so hard this week. I am so proud of you, Henley.” Isaac slid his hand up Henley’s spine to cradle the back of his head before taking his mouth in a hard, desperate kiss. Isaac wanted to reaffirm to himself that Henley was home, safe and his. But first, he needed to take care of his boy.

  With one hand on the back of Henley’s thigh, he pulled Henley’s leg to his waist before running his other hand down to do the same for the other leg. Once Henley was off-balance, Isaac picked him up and sat him on the breakfast bar, lips never leaving each other.

  Isaac unfastened Henley’s trousers, pulling his shirt free and unbuttoning it enough for him to pull it over Henley’s head. His lips went to Henley’s jaw, down the column of his neck to his chest. Once there, he painted it with his tongue, circling his nipples as Henley gripped the back of Isaac’s head.

  “Brace your hands behind you,” Isaac instructed, and as Henley did, Isaac yanked his trousers and briefs off in one go, quickly shucking the socks, too. The apartment was nice and warm, so he was not concerned with Henley getting cold. “Keep your hands there.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” Henley moaned.

  Isaac returned to kissing Henley’s chest, and after some more teasing finally flicked his tongue over the nubs, he alternated between licking and sucking until Henley’s hips were thrusting up into the air with nothing to gain friction against.

  Still fully dressed apart from his jacket and tie, Isaac made sure to keep his body away from Henley. This was for Henley to relax, which he would do once he had climaxed.

  Isaac nibbled his way down Henley’s abs, licking along the defined muscles until he reached his destination, which was rising to meet him with an angry looking head.

  “Please, Daddy.”

  Isaac could see Henley’s hands clawing at the counter, knuckles white, and as Isaac blew across the top of his cock, Henley’s arms failed him, and he dropped back to his elbows. Smiling, Isaac locked gazes with Henley and lapped up the precome seeping from the tip.

  “Oh god! Oh god!” Henley chanted, his chest heaving with the force of his breaths.

  Isaac wrapped his lips around Henley’s shaft, flicking his tongue against the head and sank Henley’s cock into his mouth. Isaac’s hands had been sliding across every expanse of skin he could reach until he used one to push Henley’s legs wider
and the other to fondle his balls, pulling and rolling them in his palm.

  Henley called out his name and thrust his hips upwards as Isaac’s tongue found the sensitive area on the underside of his cock. Isaac slid a finger into his mouth and found Henley’s hole. He rubbed a circle around it when he sucked Henley’s cock down into his throat, and Henley’s hips thrust up once more.

  “Please, Daddy. I’m not going to last! Please!” Henley panted with the effort of holding back, so Isaac decided to let him have this. He pulled off briefly.

  “Come!” he commanded, swallowing Henley’s cock as soon as the words were free.

  “Fuck! Oh shit!”

  Henley’s spine hit the counter, and his hands went over his head to grip the edge of the bar as his orgasm hit. His feet were curled on a stool either side of Isaac’s body. Isaac drank him down, the slightly bitter taste, not unpleasant but not strawberries and cream either.

  When Henley’s body became completely boneless where he lay, Isaac pulled off, earning a whimper and a twitch from Henley. He slid his hands over Henley’s exposed body, calming, soothing, relaxing.

  “I can’t move,” mumbled Henley.

  Isaac chuckled and slid a hand under Henley’s back, lifting him to a seated position, or at least he tried to, but Henley was like a ragdoll. He rested Henley forward against his chest and wrapped his hands under his thighs to lift him. He stumbled to the bedroom—their bedroom—lying Henley on the already turned down bed.

  “Rest, sweetheart. You’ve had a long week.”

  Henley snored in response, and, snickering, Isaac pulled the covers over him.

  When he entered the kitchen, he picked his phone up and dialled.

  “Hi. He’s agreed to move in. Would you mind asking his sisters if they could help us pack up his house tomorrow.”

  “Of course, I can. All four are here tonight, so that works well.” Pops paused. “Ariel, I will tell you in a minute. Be patient, girl. Sorry about that. Yes, I’m sure it won’t be a problem. Lewis and I will be there, too, even if we just direct everyone.”

  “Perfect, thanks. I’m going to call in some more reinforcements as well. The quicker we get it done, the quicker everyone can have their weekend free.”

  “See you tomorrow.”

  “Bye, Pops.”

  He cancelled the call and made another.

  “Hey, Blake. Are you busy tomorrow by any chance?”

  “Not at all. What do you need?”

  “Henley’s moving in. We need some assistance to get it done quickly.”

  “No problem, text me his address, and I’ll be there.”

  “I’m ringing the rest of them, too. I want him in here asap.”

  Blake laughed. “Knew you’d be a goner when you found someone.”

  “What can I say?” Isaac laughed.

  “Tell you what, you call Frankie, Jo and Sierra, I’ll call the others. I’ll text you with who’s free.”

  “Thanks, Blake.”

  “No problem.”

  They rang off. Isaac reached for Henley’s phone. Pulling up the contacts, he dialled.

  “Henley! Nice to hear from you!”

  “Sorry, Anne. It’s Isaac.”

  “What’s wrong? Is Henley okay?” Her voice was panicked.

  “Yes, yes! He’s fine. Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was calling to ask for a favour.” He explained yet again what he needed, and Anne agreed to help. Her twin sons were home from university, so she would get them to help, too. She also said she’d call Bernie and Neil.

  For the final time, he dialled from his phone. “Hey, Dad. I’m calling in the cavalry.”

  “What did you do?”

  Isaac laughed. “I didn’t do anything. Henley’s moving in. We need some muscle tomorrow to get it done. I’ve got a fair number of people already, but I wondered if you could ask around who of the family is free and send them over tomorrow.”

  “Of course, I can.”

  “I’ll text you Henley’s address. Thanks, Dad.”

  “You’re welcome, son. It will be nice to meet him finally.”

  They said their goodbyes, and Isaac blew out a breath. If he counted correctly, and everyone he’d called was able to come, there should be approximately thirty people helping. He wasn’t joking when he said he wanted it done quickly. He didn’t want Henley to have the chance to change his mind, although if he did, Isaac wouldn’t argue; he would ensure everything was returned to where Henley wanted it and back away slowly.

  Isaac also wanted it done quickly so they would have more time together. It wasn’t often their weekends were this empty, which, although it was a shame they had chosen to do it this weekend, it was the best weekend to do it.

  Soon, he would have Henley to come home to or to have Henley come home to him. He couldn’t wait to take care of his boy, twenty-four-seven.


  Chapter 15


  Looking around the apartment—his home—Henley saw a mess, not to put too fine a point on it. Boxes were everywhere, the dining table couldn’t be seen from the amount of stuff that was on it, and there were paths created between boxes so they could get from one area to the other. Despite that, though, Henley beamed.

  He had decided to leave a lot of the furniture at the house, apart from the things he didn’t want damaged. They were safely ensconced in the spare room at Isaac’s apartment. The rest of the furniture would stay at the house so he could rent it out as part-furnished, gaining a higher income, at least in theory.

  When Isaac and he had pulled up outside his house that morning, Henley had been overwhelmed with how busy it was. He’d never seen so many cars and people milling around. But they had all been fantastic, and the place had been cleared in next to no time. As a thank you, Henley ordered a variety of food from different places, so everyone had a choice of something for lunch. Becca had also baked up a storm with cookies and biscuits to tend to those with a sweet tooth.

  As the afternoon had drawn on, Henley had watched their families interact with each other and their friends, and he was reminded of his idea of mixing the work nights. He’d spoken to Anne about it, and she’d been up for it. She said she’d bring her sons, too, which made Henley laugh. Her two sons had their eye on his twin sisters if he wasn’t mistaken. Good luck to them.

  Henley sighed as arms drew around his waist and pulled him closer to a warm, solid body.

  “Having second thoughts?”

  “No! Not at all. I was thinking about how everyone helped today. They were amazing.”

  “That they were.” Isaac nuzzled his nose against Henley’s neck, and Henley tilted his head to the side. “You smell delicious.”

  Henley laughed. “I’m sure sweat smells divine,” he deadpanned.

  “On you, it does.” Isaac licked a strip up the column of Henley’s neck, enclosing his earlobe in his lips and tugging. “You’re mine, now, sweet boy,” he whispered.

  “Yours. Always and forever.”

  “I like the sound of that,” Isaac growled, the sound sending tingles down Henley’s spine and tenting his shorts.

  Henley smoothed his hands along Isaac’s forearms, which were still banded around him, protecting him, loving him. “I love you, Isaac.” It was the first time he’d said it, but he knew it was true weeks ago.

  Isaac stilled and rested his chin against Henley’s shoulder. “I love you, too, sweetheart.”

  As soon as the words were spoken, Isaac spun him around and devoured him. One hand cupped his jaw, the other his ass, pulling him as close as possible, rocking their hips together.

  Henley slid his hands to the hem of Isaac’s t-shirt and underneath, pushing it up his body as his hands rose. When it was bunched under Isaac’s armpits, Henley pulled away to yank it over his head before rejoining their mouths. Henley did the same with his own, causing Isaac to growl when he lifted his head once more. With a grin, Henley dived back in, wanting to give Isaac everything he could.

  The sensation of their chests rubbing against each other, Isaac’s light dusting of hair abrading Henley’s skin deliciously, had Henley swaying so he could feel it more.

  Isaac’s hand found Henley’s waistband and tugged the trousers off his hips. He kicked them free and found himself being walked backwards. Henley held on tight, knowing that, although there were boxes everywhere, Isaac would keep him safe from injury. When his ass rested against the sofa, he linked his hands at the back of Isaac’s neck and concentrated on their kiss. Isaac’s lips were perfection, giving and taking in equal measure. His tongue explored every part of Henley’s mouth, leaving no area untouched.

  As he became lightheaded, Henley lifted his head to break the seal, and Isaac kissed down his neck. Henley’s cock was rock hard, as was Isaac’s, so he reached for Isaac’s trousers, attempting to remove them, but Isaac pushed his hands away and turned him to face the sofa.

  Isaac pressed his covered cock into the valley between Henley’s ass cheeks and held him upright and still. As much as Henley wanted to thrust against the sofa, Isaac held him tight.

  “You’re mine, Henley.”

  “Yours,” Henley breathed.

  Isaac bit his earlobe and released him, pushing against his upper back until he was leaning over the back of the sofa, his hands resting on the cushions. Hands grazed over his back, blunt nails causing goosebumps to follow in their wake. When they reached Henley’s briefs, Isaac peeled them over his ass, pressing a kiss to each cheek before pulling them off completely.

  Henley gasped as the fabric of the sofa chafed against his cock and the front of his thighs, but seconds later, he didn’t care. Isaac’s hands were back on his ass, kneading and spreading him while Isaac nibbled at his skin and licked it better. He heard Isaac spit, and his mouth was on his hole, licking, pressing, sucking, kissing repeatedly until Henley’s mind was fuzzy from the pleasure. The sofa no longer scraped him, or if it did, he couldn’t feel it. All his senses were focused on that one part of him that was being teased beyond anything he’d ever felt before.


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