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Behind the Secrets (Behind the Lives #4)

Page 14

by Marita A. Hansen

  Jade refocused on Beth. “Call the police.”

  Kara continued to rock Dante. “The police aren’t needed, only an ambulance.”

  “While you need to go to jail for attacking him,” Jade snapped, his face now furious.

  Kara placed Dante gently down on the floor and pushed to her feet. “It was an accident.”

  Jade turned to Beth. “Is this true or did she assault him? And think long and hard about your answer, because that woman could hurt Dante again.”

  “What are you saying?!” Kara spat.

  “You assaulted Dante,” Jade replied.

  “I did not!”

  Jade stepped closer to Kara, his posture threatening. “Beth said you knocked him back—that’s assault. He’s unconscious because of you; he could’ve died because of you. He told me you used to push him around. You shouldn’t abuse him; you should love him—like I do.”

  “Pushing him isn’t abusing him!”

  “It is when you hurt him! And you’re going to pay for it.” His eyes went to Beth again. “Did she attack Dante? And tell me the right answer!”

  Beth nodded, knowing it was only a half-truth.

  “You liar!” Kara screamed, going for Beth.

  Jade shot in front of her, pushing her back. Kara threw a punch at him. Jade blocked it and slammed her face first into the wall. He yanked her arms behind her back, causing Kara to cry out.

  He glanced over his shoulder at Beth. “Call the police.”

  “I didn’t mean to hurt him,” Kara yelled, trying to break free. “You know that, Beth. You can’t lie to the police; Dante will tell them the truth when he wakes up.”

  “Stop fighting me!” Jade snapped.

  Kara continued to struggle. “You know I wouldn’t hurt Dante on purpose. I would die for him.”

  “You also said you would kill for him. I heard that and the police will too.”

  “Even if you did get rid of me, Dante still won’t want you. He doesn’t even want Beth.” She stopped struggling. “He only cares about the baby.” She leaned her forehead against the wall and started sobbing.

  Beth placed a hand on her stomach, knowing Kara was right.


  The ambulance arrived several minutes later, the police accompanying them. The officers’ attention shot to Jade as they stepped through the front door. The men were dressed in police blues, both of them tall, one in his forties, the other much younger.

  “Sir, please step away from the lady,” the older policeman said, the man reminding Beth of Jason Statham, just with more hair.

  Jade shook his head vigorously. “You don’t understand; I had to restrain her. She attacked Dante.”

  “I still want you to step away from her. I assure you, we won’t harm you—unless you attack us.”

  Looking worried, Jade let go of Kara and stepped back. “Ask Beth.” He pointed at her. “She saw Kara attack Dante.”

  “I didn’t attack him!” Kara spun around and headed for Dante, who was being placed on a stretcher by the medics.

  The older policeman moved fast, stepping in front of her. He indicated to the front door. “Please go to my car of your own accord.”

  Her eyes widened. “Are you arresting me?”

  “No, I just need you to cooperate.”

  “But I didn’t attack Dante, Jade’s lying.”

  “I’m not lying,” Jade cut in. “I woke up to screaming and yelling. I came out, finding Dante lying unconscious at the bottom of the staircase, with Kara hovering over him.” He indicated to Beth. “Dante’s partner can confirm everything. She told me what happened.”

  The policeman turned to her. “Is this true? Did this woman assault your partner?”


  “Can you please remove your sunglasses and tell me exactly what happened.”

  Beth took them off, placing them in her bag, along with her phone. “She kept shoving him, as well as verbally abusing him. She then turned on me when I told her to get away from him. Dante tried to protect me, but she attacked him, resulting in him bein’ knocked out.”

  The policeman looked down at Kara, the man considerably taller than her. “Is this what happened?”

  “It sounds worse than it was,” Kara said, now looking worried.

  “Did you attack him or not?”

  “It was just a push; I didn’t mean to hurt him.”

  “It wuzn’t just a push,” Beth snapped. “She shoved him numerous times. She also stomped on his foot and knocked him to the floor. She wuz out of control, yelling and screaming at him—that’s what Jade heard.”

  The policeman took hold of Kara’s arm and started reading Kara her rights.

  “No!” Kara yelled, yanking free. “I need to go with Dante.”

  She went to follow the medics out of the house; the two men carrying Dante on a stretcher. The policeman grabbed her arm again. Kara yelled out, trying to pull free, but he was too quick, clicking on a cuff within seconds.

  Kara struggled against him, but to no avail. “You can’t do this! I have to go with my husband!”

  The policeman secured the other cuff. “Your husband?”

  “Da, Dante’s my husband, not that pretender’s.”

  “I’m not a pretender!” Beth bit back. “Her marriage isn’t legal.”

  “It is!”

  Jade stepped forward. “Don’t listen to her, Beth is Dante’s partner. She’s pregnant with his baby,” he pointed at Kara, “while this woman has been harassing me and my flatmate. She’s been stalking the both of us—”

  “I have not!” Kara shouted.

  “She has. I had to put a restraining order on her, but you can clearly see she doesn’t care about the law. She needs to be locked up before she kills someone.”

  Kara screamed at Jade that he was a liar. While they argued, Beth slipped out of the house and ran across the front yard, heading for the ambulance that was parked behind Jade’s Ferrari. One of the medics was inside it, strapping Dante to a gurney, while the other was instructing the driver.

  Beth climbed in. “Can I please ride with him? I’m his partner.”

  “Sure,” the man said, securing the last strap.

  Beth sat down, realising a moment later she’d forgotten her handbag. “I forgot my bag, can you wait while I get it?”

  “As long as you’re quick, we’re about to leave.”

  She pushed off the seat, stopping as Jade appeared in the doorway.

  “I’m coming too,” he said, climbing in. He sat down next to the medic and took hold of Dante’s hand. “Is he going to be all right?”

  The medic nodded as he continued to check Dante. Beth’s eyes moved to the doorway again, spotting the policemen walking a handcuffed Kara to their car.

  Kara looked over at her. “Take care of my dragi,” she called out, her expression shattered.

  The other medic appeared, closing the back doors, as well as cutting off Beth’s chance of getting her bag. She sat back down as Jade started ranting about Kara:

  “That horrid woman deserves to go to jail for hurting Dante. After we make sure he’s okay, you need to go down to the police station and give them your full statement about what Kara did.”

  Beth placed a hand on the gurney as the ambulance backed out of the driveway. “I already told them what happened.”

  “It needs to be formal. She could’ve killed Dante. She’s too obsessed with him.”

  And you’re not?

  “She’s a complete psychopath.”


  “Which is why I’m going to buy another house, one with security so she can’t get to him again.”


  “Out west. I saw a beautiful property near Piha with fantastic security. I think it’ll fit the bill nicely. Not only that, he’ll need extra security for when he becomes famous.”

  “It’s not a given he’ll become famous.”

  “Oh, it is. I’ve discovered a number of successful stars, an
d he’s got more potential than all of them times a hundred. He’s drop-dead gorgeous, sends women into a frenzy, has a fantastic voice, and can even write songs. Without a doubt, he’s going to be huge.”

  “And my husband, so I don’t want you pushing him too hard.”

  Jade glared at her. “I’m not the one who’s been pushing him. You and Kara have been. You two wouldn’t let up on him, constantly badgering him to choose between the two of you, and when he finally chose Kara, you go and tell him you’re pregnant. On top of that, he was abused and used by those disgusting people at Craven’s party. Why can’t you two just back off and let him heal?”

  Beth scowled at him. “So you can have him? I heard what you paid him to do. It’s disgusting; you should be ashamed of yourself for using him. You’re just like those people at that party.”

  “I am not! I love him.”

  “So do I! But unlike you, I’m having his baby, so you back off.” Her eyes moved to the medic as he cleared his throat, the man appearing uncomfortable. “I’m sorry,” she said.

  He nodded, looking like he wished he hadn’t let them come along.

  Dante moaned, snapping her attention to him. He opened his eyes, appearing dazed.

  Beth shuffled closer to him. “How are ya feeling, Dante?”

  Not answering her, he looked down at his body, jolting in response. “What the fuck?!”

  The medic placed a hand on Dante’s shoulder. “Don’t panic, we had to strap you down for your own safety.”

  Dante started fumbling with the clasps, trying to get free.

  The medic moved his hand to Dante’s. “You should keep still, you have a head injury.”

  Dante knocked the medic’s hand away and continued fumbling with the clasp, his fingers appearing not to be working properly, his features growing more panicked by the second.

  Beth stood up, steadying herself as the ambulance went round a corner. Reaching out, she took hold of Dante’s right hand. “The ambo’s right, you needa keep still.”

  His eyes snapped to her. “Why? What’s wrong with me?”

  “You were knocked unconscious.”


  “Don’t you remember?”


  “Kara attacked you,” Jade cut in. “She knocked you out.”

  Dante’s eyes widened. “She wouldn’t do that.”

  “Well, she did. I found her hovering over your unconscious body.”

  “How do you know she attacked me if you didn’t see it?”

  “Beth told me.”

  Dante looked at her. “Is it true?”

  “Yes,” Beth replied.

  Dante’s face dropped, making Beth wonder whether she should explain how it had happened. She went to open her mouth, but instead shut it, her nauseous stomach reminding her she was pregnant ... with his brother’s baby. And if he knew that, he’d leave her for Kara.

  Beth squeezed his hand, intent on using this to get rid of Kara permanently. “She went off her head at you, both physically and verbally.”

  Dante blinked, looking lost for words.

  “I’m sorry, I know it must hurt, but you needed to be told.”

  “Where is she?”

  “With the police, they arrested her.”

  Dante closed his eyes, again his upset expression making her feel guilty.

  She gave his hand another squeeze. “It’s better she’s gone, plus you have me. I would never hurt you like she did, and I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.”

  Dante opened his eyes, his gaze moving to her belly. “And I’ll always be here for you, too.”

  Beth placed her hand on her stomach, not sure if he was talking to her or the baby.



  Jade was talking non-stop by Dante’s hospital bed, which was one of two in the room, the other bed empty. He was ranting about what Kara had done, waving his hands about. Dante didn’t stop him; still in shock that Kara had attacked him. He knew she’d be upset that he was choosing to be with Beth, but he didn’t think she would attack him over it. His mind went to what the psychiatrist had said about Kara: that she’d attacked him in the past, something he hadn’t believed. Yeah, she shoved him at times when she was upset, but he couldn’t recall her actually purposely harming him ... he couldn’t remember at all. But the psychiatrist had said he’d spoken about it during his hypnotherapy session. He breathed out, wishing he remembered what he’d said. He knew he blocked out shit, he did it all the time, but, with the exceptions of his blackouts, deep down he knew what had happened, and there was absolutely nothing he could remember about Kara hurting him like today. It made him want to see the psychiatrist again—so he could find out exactly what he’d said to her while under hypnosis.

  His attention moved to the door as Beth returned with food and drink. She held out a bottle of water for Jade. Jade took it, not missing a beat as he continued to jabber on about Kara:

  “If she gets out, you need to place a protection order on her,” Jade said. “Maybe this time she’ll stay away. I’m hoping her arrest will knock some sense into her. So, as soon as you’re up to it, I’ll take you down to the family court so you can get one filed.”

  Dante nodded, although he didn’t mean it. Protection orders meant nothing to Kara. She’d broken more than one, the first time after a break-up. She wouldn’t leave him alone, constantly following him around. He’d snapped and placed the order. The next night she was back in their bed, blowing his mind and his cock, the woman impossible to leave. He smiled, remembering that night well.

  “Are you feeling better?” Beth asked.

  He turned his head towards her. She was sitting on the opposite side of the bed from Jade, looking tired and a touch yellow, probably due to her morning-sickness. But in spite of all that, she still looked lovely, her sweet features showing concern for him. Yet all he could think about was Kara and how she was doing. He needed to push Kara out of his mind, although he knew it would be impossible, even more so now. He hoped she was all right, what Jade had said concerning him. No matter what she’d done, he didn’t want her in jail, and especially not because of him.

  “Dante? Are you feeling better?” Beth repeated.

  “I’m fine,” he replied, forcing himself to keep his focus on Beth. He did love her, just not as intensely as Kara. He didn’t know whether it was because he’d known Kara for longer—or whether it was because Kara suited him more, her craziness a match for his. In comparison, Beth wasn’t crazy. She was stable, normal, loving—everything he should want, and still did, but...

  He breathed out, wondering whether the problem was him. Maybe he wasn’t cut out for monogamy. His mates had joked that he was born to have a harem, one of them even commenting that he should only have open relationships so he didn’t cheat. But he wanted a proper relationship—just with both Beth and Kara. But that was selfish and something he knew was impossible, especially since the two women hated each other with a passion.

  “Will you do sumpthin’ for me?” he asked Beth, feeling guilty for what he was about to say, but needing to make sure that Kara was all right.

  “Sure, what?”

  “I want you to tell the police what Kara did wuz an accident.”

  “No!” Jade shouted. “She attacked you.”

  Dante turned to Jade. “I don’t want her goin’ to jail. She’s had a hard enough life as it is.”

  “She could attack you again.”

  “I’ll be better prepared if she does, and as you said, I can place a protection order on her.”

  “Beth’s still not going to lie for that crazy woman.”

  “It won’t be for Kara, it’ll be for me.” Dante looked back at Beth. “You will tell the police it wuz an accident.”

  She frowned. “And if I don’t?”

  “I’ll tell them I remember what happened and that it wuz an accident.”

  She scowled at him. “If you do that, you’ll make me out as a liar.”

  “Only if you counter what I say.”

  “Why are you protecting her?” she asked, looking upset.

  “Like I just said, she’s had a hard life, you don’t needa add to it.”

  “She isn’t the only one who’s had it hard. You’ve had it really rough and most of it has been her fault.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I had problems way before I met her.”

  “Maybe, but she added to them. What about those hidden cameras she installed in your room, so that disgusting man could film you havin’ sex?”

  “She wuz forced to do it, otherwise her family would’ve been killed.”

  “She still betrayed you. I would never do that.”

  He frowned. “So, you’d risk your own family’s lives for me?”

  “No, I’d have found another way.”

  He shook his head. “You may say that now, but before Craven died, he could make anyone do what he wanted. Fuck, he made me perform porn in front of a crowd by threatening your life.”

  She grimaced. “I’m sorry—”

  “Don’t apologise, it wuzn’t your fault, I just didn’t want you blaming Kara without knowing what it feels like to be in her situation—”

  “I do know what it’s like.”

  “What do ya mean?”

  She dropped her gaze.

  Concerned, Dante sat up straighter. “Did Craven do sumpthin’ to you?”

  “It wuzn’t Craven.”

  “Then who?!”

  She looked up, her expression scared. “Saul almost raped me.”


  She looked down again, appearing ashamed. “He put his hand over my mouth and stuck his fingers inside of my you-know-what. He would’ve fucked me too if I didn’t scream. Earlier, he came to my house, lookin’ for me. I found him fucking Josie. I wuz so scared, I thought he wuz raping her, but Josie said it wuz consensual. I told her what he did to me. She didn’t believe me at first.” She covered her face and started crying.

  Beyond furious, Dante shoved the blanket aside and jumped out of bed, the hospital gown leaving his arse exposed. “Where are my clothes?” he snapped at Jade.

  “You have to stay in bed,” Jade said, looking worried, “you’re not well enough to leave.”


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