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Behind the Secrets (Behind the Lives #4)

Page 15

by Marita A. Hansen

  “Where are my fuckin’ clothes?!” Dante hollered, not giving a shit it was hurting his head. Saul was going to end up in the fucking ground for what he’d done.

  “No, Dante,” Jade said, moving in front of him. “I know what you’re thinking and you can’t go after Saul, you’ll get yourself hurt.”

  Dante shoved him aside, the dude too small to stop him.

  Beth shot in front of him, her face terrified. “Jade’s right, you needa stay in bed. You’ve had a concussion. One more hit could be deadly.”

  “I don’t fuckin’ care. That lying sonofabitch pretended he wuz helping us, when all along he wuz helping himself to you. He needs to pay.”

  “Who needs to pay?” a voice said from the door.



  Dante’s older brother walked through the doorway with his partner and child. Even though Ash was twenty-six, three years older than Dante, the brothers looked the same, except for their tattoos. Instead of having a facial tattoo, Ash had one around his neck. He also had Maori tattoos on his left bicep, while the pec one was hidden under his Bob Marley shirt. Ash had been Beth’s boyfriend for over a year—until she’d cheated on him with Dante.

  Beth’s eyes moved to Tiana—Ash’s partner. The Tongan woman had long wavy brown hair, a sweet face, and a curvy, if not slightly overweight figure, which was the opposite of Beth’s lithe, trim form. But regardless of whether Beth thought she was better looking, Tiana had always been Ash’s ideal woman. Beth knew she’d only been a fill-in until Tiana decided she wanted Ash back, which was why Ash hadn’t bonded with her. The man had emotionally frozen her out, never allowing her to truly be a part of his life. It was the reason she’d turned to Dante, who paid her a lot more attention. She’d also lusted after Dante since day one, but had foolishly chosen Ash, because she’d thought he was the safer option since Dante was a sex addict.

  “Tiana, can you please take Angelo out,” Dante said, referring to Ash’s nine-year-old son, the boy a miniature replica of his father. “I needa talk to Ash.”

  Tiana turned to Ash, telling him she’d wait for him in the reception. She disappeared out the door with Angelo, who was loudly asking for food. Beth placed a hand on her stomach, wondering whether her child would look like Ash as well. Her eyes moved to Dante, hoping it did, because then no one would suspect the baby wasn’t his, since the brothers looked the same.

  “What’s wrong?” Ash asked his brother, his black hair just as messy and tousled as Dante’s.

  “Saul,” Dante bit out, his body practically vibrating with fury. “He sexually assaulted Beth. I need you to get his address for me?”

  Ash’s eyes went to Beth. “Is this true?”

  “Of course it is!” Dante snapped, answering for her. “Why do you even hafta ask?”

  Ash’s upper lip twitched, his hard stare remaining on Beth. She dropped her gaze, unable to look him in the eye. She knew he couldn’t stand her. Although he’d forgiven Dante for sleeping with her, he hadn’t forgiven her—not by a long shot.

  “I’ve known Saul longer than Beth,” Ash finally replied.

  “What’s that s’posed to mean?!” Dante barked.

  “I trust him more than her.”

  “How dare you fuckin’ question sumpthin’ like this!” Dante hollered.

  Ash grimaced. “You needa think twice ’bout trusting another word that woman says. She lied to you ’bout that photo, she lied to me ’bout you, cheating on me without remorse, not to mention all the other lies I’ve caught her out on. Nuthin’ but lies come outta her mouth.”

  Beth looked up, his words snapping her out of her shame, leaving behind only anger. “Dante’s right! How dare you question me after what you’ve been through?”

  Anger flashed across Ash’s dark eyes. “Don’t relate my experiences to yours, we’re nuthin’ alike.”

  “I didn’t say we were; we were just both sexually assaulted.”

  His upper lip twitched. “Just? How can you use a word like that for what happened?”

  “It’s only a word—”

  “It’s not only a word! I wuzn’t just sexually assaulted or just raped, and you fuckin’ know it, and for you to downplay it with inappropriate words makes me suspect you’re lying.”

  “I’m not lying or downplaying it!” Beth yelled, now furious. “Saul did assault me. I may not have been raped like you—”

  “You don’t have a right to talk ’bout what I went through! You’re not part of my life anymore, and you never will be again.”

  “I am part of your life whether you like it or not. I’m having Dante’s baby,” she said, forcing her voice to stay steady, because there was no way in hell she was admitting to Ash the child was his. She may feel bad for what he went through, but he was still a bastard, and an even worse one for questioning her over what Saul had done—because she wasn’t lying! “And you don’t have a right to question me ’bout my abuse. You of all people should know you shouldn’t ask an abuse victim to explain themselves.” Ash had been drugged and raped at the age of fifteen by his stepfather, the experience turning him into the hard man he was today, someone many people were scared of.

  Ash stared at Beth for a few seconds, looking like he was trying to see inside of her mind, his mistrust strong. She understood why he didn’t trust her, but not about something as serious as this.

  “I find it almost impossible to believe anything that comes outta your mouth,” he finally said. “Lies are part of your nature, but in this case, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Although I’ve always considered Saul a man of worth, I don’t know him well enough to say he wouldn’t do sumpthin’ like this, which is why I’ll take care of the situation.”

  “What do ya mean by that?” Beth said.

  “I’ll find out from him exactly what he did to you.”

  “No,” Dante cut in. “I will deal with Saul, Beth’s my partner now.”

  Ash sniffed. “You can have her, but regardless, I’ll still be the one who deals with Saul.”

  Dante stepped forward. “I said no. I’ll do it.”

  Ash walked over to the door and closed it, then walked back to Dante, his eyes set firmly on his brother. “He’s a cop, Dante. He has to be dealt with carefully, which you’re not capable of. You’d rush in without thought, attacking him without a plan, ending up either dead or in jail, whereas I know how to make people disappear without a trace.”

  “What will you do?”

  “First, I’ll find out exactly what he did, and if he’s guilty, I’ll...” He leaned in closer, whispering something into Dante’s ear. Dante nodded, looking satisfied with what his brother had said. Ash pulled back. “But only after the trial’s finished or Ant could get shit all without Saul’s testimony.”

  Dante shook his head. “There’s more than enough evidence to put Ant away for life without Saul’s help.”

  “You’re wrong. From what I heard, Corey’s testimony may only get him ten years, while everything else that psycho did is bein’ blamed on his dead father.”

  “What ’bout Sledge? Ant put a bullet in his head. That can’t be palmed off on Craven.”

  “He’ll still be released before Corey turns thirty.” His eyes moved to Beth. “Do you want that monster comin’ after your baby bro again?”

  Beth shook her head vigorously. Regardless of what she’d said to Corey, she didn’t want Ant anywhere near him.

  “Then I’ll deal with Saul after the trial. I’ll get some mates to nab him once everything’s finished. If Saul did hurt you, he’ll pay for it with his life.”

  Beth gasped. “I don’t want you to kill him. He only assaulted me.”

  “Only is another word you shouldn’t be using for sexual assault. It makes me disbelieve you even more.”

  “Forget ’bout my damn words!” Beth snapped. “He assaulted me, so stop putting what I experienced down, I would never do that to you.”

  “I’m not putting it down, you are, and if he d
id assault you, he’ll end up where all rapists belong—in the ground.”

  “I told you it wuzn’t rape.”

  “It wuz,” Dante cut in. “You said he finger-fucked you.”

  “I still don’t want you killing him. Murder is wrong,” she said. “He should go to jail, like Ant will for hurting Corey.” Beth breathed out, feeling guilty for her fight with her brother, what Ant had done to Corey’s foot nasty. She just couldn’t get her head around Corey saying he was gay, let alone being with Sledge. “And that brings up another thing. Did you two know ’bout Sledge and Corey being in a gay relationship?”

  “Yeah,” Ash said. “What’s that gotta do with Saul?”

  “Nuthin’.” Her eyes went to Dante. “Did you know?”


  “Why didn’t you tell me, then?”

  “I assumed you already knew, it was kinda obvious with the way those two act around each other.”

  “It wuzn’t to me. You should’ve said sumpthin’.”

  “Why? It’s none of your business, and why are we even on this topic? Saul is who we should be talkin’ ’bout. I want that fucker dead, not in jail.”

  “That’s not your decision to make, it’s mine.”

  Ash cut in, “Then go to a police station and tell them what happened, but only after the trial. We needa take care of Ant before Saul.”

  “The trial is a while away. Will it be too late to lay a complaint after it?”

  “No, but I’d suggest you warn your family ’bout what happened, you’ll need their support.”

  Beth’s face dropped. “I can’t tell my parents that.”

  “You won’t be able to keep it a secret cos it’ll pro’bly hit the papers.”

  Her face dropped further. “Why?”

  “Are you stupid? He’s a cop. That sort of thing will be all over the news.”

  “No, no, I don’t want that.”

  “Then let me and Dante deal justice to him. No one will know what he did to you, cos after we’re through, he won’t be talkin’ let alone touchin’ anyone again.”

  “No! I said I don’t want you to kill him, and you said you’d take care of Saul by yourself.”

  “I wuz gonna package him up for Dante to finish off, then dispose of him.” His eyes moved to Jade. “And if you say anything, you’ll be sharing a grave with him, perv.”

  Jade blanched.

  “No! I won’t allow it,” Beth snapped.

  “Then be prepared for the cameras.”

  “None of that will happen. It’s not gonna be in the papers and you’re not gonna kill him.”

  Ash frowned. “What is it with you? Why are you goin’ light on Saul?” His eyes lowered to her stomach. “Is that Saul’s? Cos I wouldn’t put it past you to sleep with him.”

  “You fuckin’ arsehole!” Dante shoved Ash.

  Ash stumbled back, then reared up, looking like he wanted to punch Dante. “Don’t you fuckin’ touch me, shithead! I’m fuckin’ helping you.”

  “You’re not helping! All you’re doin’ is insulting Beth and threatening Jade, so apologise!”

  Ash’s eyes moved to Jade. “I apologise for threatening you.”

  “I meant to Beth,” Dante snapped.

  Ash returned his attention to Dante. “Don’t hold your breath,” he sneered.

  Dante stepped forward, putting his face right up to Ash’s. “You fuckin’ apologise now or I’ll smash your fuckin’ smug face in, you bastard.”

  Ash sniffed. “Try it, and Jade will be scraping your cunt-arse off the floor, bitch.”

  Beth grabbed Dante’s arm as he went to raise his fist, screaming, “Don’t!”

  Still glaring at his brother, Dante yanked his arm free and pointed a finger at Ash’s face. “You’re not to talk to Beth or look at her ever again, cos I’m sick of the way you treat her.”

  “And I’m sick of you bein’ blind to her bullshit. You’re so fuckin’ gullible you can’t see what’s right in front of your face. She slept with you while with me, and the way she’s acting ’bout Saul makes me think a Samoan baby’s gonna pop out of her skank-ho cunt.”

  Beth pushed in between the brothers, screaming, “Don’t!” at Dante, knowing he was about to lose his shit ... no, he’d already lost it, because he looked crazier than Jack Nicholson in The Shining.

  “It’s my baby!” Dante screamed at Ash, spit spraying from his mouth. “Mine!”

  “Will you still be sayin’ that when the baby comes out brown?” Ash snapped back.

  “Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!” Dante turned and grabbed the chair next to Jade.

  “Dante! NO!” Beth yelled, holding out her hands. “Please put the chair down, put it down.”

  Dante kept it raised, his body shaking with anger, his dark eyes spitting fire at his brother, his sanity hanging on by a thread.

  Beth placed a trembling hand on his arm. “Put it down, Dante. You’ll regret it if you don’t.”

  Dante flexed his biceps, his knuckles turning white from gripping the chair so hard. “He—”

  “Loves you, which is why he’s sayin’ those things. He doesn’t want you to make a mistake.”

  Dante turned his glare on Beth. “I’m not making a mistake.”

  “I know, but he doesn’t. I hurt him, which is why he’s reacting like this. Don’t hurt him, too.”

  “Why do you care ’bout what happens to him? He’s been nuthin’ but an arsehole to you.”

  “I don’t, I care ’bout you. I know you’ll regret it if you hurt him.”

  Dante lowered the chair a little. “He wuz raped and sexually assaulted, yet he questions your assault? That’s fuckin’ unbelievable.”

  “It’s not,” Ash spoke up. “You know what happened to Johno. He spent two fuckin’ years in prison before it wuz proven he didn’t rape his neighbour. That is why I don’t judge without knowing all the facts, which is also why Saul will be given a chance to state his side of the story.”


  “Wouldn’t be alive if it wuzn’t for him. He blew his cover to save her from putting a bullet in her head. Not to forget, he saved Sledge’s life as well as rescued Corey. You could at least give him a chance to prove his innocence.”

  Dante lifted the chair again. “You’re still a fuckin’ bastard. After your rape, you wouldn’t have wanted to be treated like you’re treating Beth now.”

  “The difference is I’m not a liar. Cry wolf too many times and people become sceptical. Also, don’t think she’ll walk away scot-free if I find out she’s lied again.”

  “Are you threatening her?!”

  “If she’s lying do ya think she should go unpunished?”

  “She’s not lying! So, fuck off and don’t come back!”

  “Just hear me out. Johno almost committed suicide cos of the lying ho who got him put away. Can you imagine what would happen to Saul if he got locked up? He’s a fuckin’ cop, he’ll pro’bly get shanked. If Beth isn’t tellin’ the truth, that’s akin to murder.”

  “She is telling the truth!”

  “You better hope so, cos I won’t tolerate one more lie from her. I may not touch her, but I will let everyone know what kind of woman she is.” Ash turned to go.

  Dante smashed the chair against his bed, swearing at his brother.

  Ash spun around. “You needa pull your head in, Dante, and fast, cos you’re heading for the psyche ward again if you keep losing your shit.”

  “You’re provoking me!”

  “I’m provoking you? I’m the one she cheated on! With you! So, you can go get fucked if you think I’m gonna tiptoe round you.” His eyes moved to Beth, a grimace following. “You know what, I hope the baby is Saul’s, cos I want you gone from our lives—for good.” He turned and left the room.

  Dante dropped the remains of the chair and pulled Beth into a hug. “Don’t listen to that bastard, I know you wouldn’t lie ’bout sumpthin’ like this. I trust you fully.”

  Beth buried her face into h
is shoulder, knowing he shouldn’t, but also knowing she couldn’t admit the baby was Ash’s. She didn’t want that callous bastard anywhere near her child. Dante was the man she loved, the one who should be her child’s father.

  And he would be.

  Beth wrapped her arms around Dante, knowing she needed to keep her secret—no matter what.

  “Will you marry me?” Dante asked.

  Beth went still, not believing what she was hearing.

  He pulled back. “Will you?”

  Jade cut her off before she could reply. “Aren’t you married to Kara already?”

  Beth looked over at him, having forgotten he was still by the bed.

  Dante grimaced. “It can’t be legal, I wuz blotto at the time. Hell, I didn’t even remember it happening. And if it is legal,” he breathed out, looking upset, “I’ll file for a divorce.” His gaze dropped to Beth’s stomach. “Cos my place is with my woman and child. I wanna be a good father,” he looked up, “and husband.”

  Beth breathed out. “Yes.”

  “Yes, what?”

  “I will marry you.”



  “There’s a woman in a cell asking for you,” Sarah said.

  Saul looked up from his desk, feeling like death warmed up, his hangover killing him. “What’s her name?”

  Sarah leaned against the doorframe. “Kara. I can’t remember her last name, other than it rhymes with her personality.”


  “She’s a bitch.”

  Exhaling loudly, Saul pushed out of his chair, knowing exactly who it was. “That’ll be Kara Radich. What’s she in for?”

  “Apparently she assaulted her boyfriend, knocking him out.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “As in Dante Rata?”

  “Yeah, that gorgeous guy involved in the Torres case.” She shook her head. “If I had a man like that, I wouldn’t be knocking him out, I’d be—”

  “Sarah,” Saul said in a warning tone.

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s a comment, not an action, and it’s not like you should comment after I had to drive your drunk arse home. You were supposed to be watching that woman, not fucking her.”


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