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My Addiction

Page 16

by Cassie Ryan

  Dex couldn’t help but laugh. “So you’ve wanted me since you first laid eyes on me? I think I like the sound of that.” He loved teasing her and watching her animated expressions.

  Her brows bunched as she mock glared at him, and the edges of her sensual lips curved.

  “I’m sure there are throngs of subs following you everywhere you go, anytime you step inside a dungeon. One more sub drooling over you shouldn’t make much of a dent.” Her tone was teasing, but the husky quality to her voice removed any reticence he had about her feeling pressured.

  “So you’re drooling over me?” He laughed as he started the car and headed toward Kate’s penthouse.

  Chapter 15

  Kate led Master Dex back to her bedroom, her skin sizzling with the power of his gaze. She knew he was watching her, and anticipation drove her forward. He was finally going to fuck her senseless.

  She frowned. That sounded somehow crude to describe what she hoped would happen between them. She had used the term in the past with no problem. It just didn’t seem to fit this situation.

  Dex made an appreciative sound in the back of his throat. “I do enjoy how those heels make your legs and ass look, Kate. You’re already a very beautiful woman, but those are damned sexy.”

  She stopped and turned to face him, meeting his gaze boldly. “I wore them with you in mind. The bustier, too. I wanted to be attractive for you, and I look forward to giving you pleasure tonight, if you’ll let me.”

  His beautiful lips curved, and he closed the distance between them in a rush.

  She wasn’t sure what to expect, but was surprised when he pulled off her shirt, sliding it off over her arms and tossing it on the recliner, where it nearly landed on Rusty.

  “Take off your jeans and panties, then slip those shoes back on.”

  His deep, gravelly voice rumbled inside her, making her stomach tighten with need. She slipped off the shoes and then removed the pants and thong as quickly as she could, throwing them aside, not caring where they landed.

  She stepped back into the stilettos and then moved close to Dex, tempting fate by taking the lead from such a strong Dominant.

  Before she knew he was going to move, his large hands were cupping her ass, lifting her so he could pillage her mouth while he held her tight against the hard ridge behind his fly.

  She reveled in the knowledge that she had snapped a tiny bit of his control. And she looked forward to stripping all of it away if she could.

  She nipped his bottom lip and smiled when a growl rumbled from the back of his throat and he used his grip on her ass to grind her against his erection.

  He pulled back just enough to meet her gaze, and she immediately missed his frenzied attentions to her mouth. “You’re playing with fire, Kate. Make sure you’re ready for the consequences.”

  His words thrilled her, and anticipation twined through her, making her breathing quicken.

  He gently set her on her feet and then took a step back, surprising her.

  He hadn’t changed his mind, had he? She raised her gaze, and his deep brown eyes were intense as he studied her. “You’re stunning.”

  Warmth spilled through her at the unexpected compliment.

  He made a circular motion with his index finger telling her he wanted her to turn around.

  She frowned, unsure what he was up to, but complied, and then stood and waited, staring out her window where Rusty lay snoozing on the sill.

  When Dex stepped closer, gooseflesh marched over her as she tried to anticipate where he would touch her, or if he would at all.

  When one finger brushed against the skin at her nape, she smiled. He was making sure the two spots that had taken the brunt during the flogging were healed enough for whatever he had in mind.

  She loved that he was so aware of her well-being without being smothering. She had to admit, even as an independent woman, she did enjoy being taken care of now and then.

  A few seconds later his touch traced her shoulder blade. Neither spot made her wince when touched anymore, which was good. She would have to get some of that liniment to keep around for emergencies.

  She smiled, but then realized she might not be around much longer to use it. She had promised herself a trip to visit Club Desire in Phoenix next week, and she was still determined to take it, no matter how many orgasms Master Dex gave her in the span of two days.

  His hot breath feathered against the side of her neck, making her jump and sending a wave of sensual shivers marching across her skin.

  “You surprised me,” she said in a harsh whisper.

  He chuckled with his lips still pressed against the side of her neck. “Good. It’s never good to be too predictable.” A light smack to her ass made her laugh.

  She noticed it wasn’t even enough to leave a good sting, which meant he was erring on the side of caution since she was still sporting his marks from the flogging. Part of her was disappointed, but another part was warmed by the affection and concern he always showed for her.

  He laid his large hands on her shoulders and slowly turned her to face him. “Lie on your back with your hands above your head and your legs spread.” When she started to step out of the heels, he said, “leave the heels on.”

  She smiled. She hadn’t known how much Dex would like the heels. She wondered if it was a good or a bad thing. She had to forcibly remind herself that he was only here temporarily, and she might be moving soon anyway.

  The pang of disappointment hit hard, and she forcibly ignored it and slipped her foot back into the heel she had started to take off.

  One step toward the bed allowed her to fold down the cream comforter and pull it off entirely so she could toss it on the recliner.

  As she turned back to sit on the bed, she caught Dex watching her. A herd of butterflies took flight inside her stomach as inside her anticipation reached a fever pitch.

  He gave her an encouraging smile and then glanced away, as if patiently waiting for her to complete the instructions he had given.

  She suspected he wasn’t as patient as he looked, but there wasn’t anything to be gained by exploring that right now, so she crawled onto the bed and lay on her back. She adjusted her position so her head rested on her pillow, and she stretched her arms up so they lay next to her ears, with her hands resting above her head.

  When she had found a comfortable position she was sure she could hold for a long period of time, if needed, she spread her legs, enjoying the rush of cool air against her inner thighs and heated center.

  Dex moved to the end of her bed and watched her with an intensity that made her skin buzz. After a few minutes he toed off his shoes and crawled between her spread legs.

  It reminded her of the other night when he had spread the liniment on her back. Except that she had been facedown and unable to see how much he looked like an animal about to claim its mate as he settled between her legs.

  His pushed her thighs farther apart and then lifted her legs so they draped over his shoulders. “No matter what, Kate, keep your hands above your head.”

  “Yes, sir,” she answered automatically, as she wished her wrists were restrained. It would take much more concentration to make sure she didn’t move them, but she supposed that was the point.

  He lowered his mouth to her mound and blew hot air against her soaked center.

  A gasp ripped from her throat and her pussy clenched, aching to be filled.

  “There’s a reward if you’re a good girl and follow all my instructions.”

  The words hung in the air between them as he swiped his tongue between her folds.

  Kate squeaked and threaded her fingers together against any temptation to lower her hands. She could already see that it would be extremely hard work earning the reward Dex had mentioned. But she was determined to earn it, no matter what she had to do.

  “You taste amazing.”

  She opened her mouth to tell him that she couldn’t wait to taste him, but all her thoughts disappeared when he
dipped his tongue deep and lapped, licking her in long strokes that all ended at her very sensitive clit.

  As the exquisite sensations continued, she bucked her hips against his face, needing more. He laughed and continued his long, purposeful strokes.

  She caught herself as she started to unlace her fingers so she could grab his head and hold his face against her aching slit.

  She gripped her palms together more tightly and tried to relax into the continuing flood of sensations. But as she’d suspected, he intended to make her work hard for the reward he had offered.

  When she was panting, and the tension in her body wound so tight she thought she wouldn’t survive it, he finally sucked her clit inside his mouth and gave it his full attention. Three strong pulls of suction against it, and her body took off like a rocket.

  But she caught herself unlacing her fingers, and stopped before she lowered her hands.

  Dex chuckled and returned to tormenting her, even as her body was still convulsing from the stellar orgasm.

  He nipped her clit firmly, startling a long moan out of her. The quick burst of pain morphed into pure bliss when it was followed by the suction from Dex’s hot mouth, and the sensation of his tongue swirling around the sensitive nub. She couldn’t help bucking against his face again, loving how his mouth felt on her but wishing for his cock.

  Dex buried his face against her soaked folds as he continued his erotic torture.

  “Please,” she begged, not able to articulate more than that while his mouth did such incredible things to her.

  He didn’t answer, but traced one large finger over her slit until he plunged it inside her as far as it would go.

  She gasped as her body tightened around him, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted more and she wanted it now.

  Without explanation, he slid her legs off his shoulders and sat up on his knees, backing off the bed until he stood on the floor at the end of the bed again. “Good girl. Those hands are still above your head. Keep them there. There’s more reward where this came from if you’re able to.”

  Anticipation surged as Kate watched him with hungry eyes. Sure enough, he reached for the bottom edge of his black T-shirt and her mouth went dry. She pressed her palms tighter together. There was no way she was going to miss any nuance of watching him undress. He was one of the sexiest men she had ever laid eyes on fully dressed, so she was sure seeing him naked would be even more amazing.

  Dex took his time, obviously knowing she was dying over here, ready to incinerate. This was more than just being horny; this was a four-alarm medical state of being.

  She needed him inside her.


  When he finally lifted the T-shirt off, he revealed a lean, muscular chest and arms honed from martial arts, not bulky from time on machines at a gym. When he turned to toss his shirt onto the recliner, she got a good view of his half-sleeve tattoos. Each arm had a winding rose, done mostly in green, with the head of the rose showing pale red against his beautiful sienna-colored skin.

  She had the sudden urge to trace every line. To run her fingers, and possibly her tongue, over the beautiful design.

  Kate licked her lips as she raked her gaze over him. He had just enough curly black hairs on his chest, surrounding his dark, flat, male nipples, that Kate looked forward to running her fingers through them.

  She liked a little grass on the playing field. Too many men had either none or so much that she felt like she needed a machete just to find her way through it all to the skin below.

  A wonderful trail of hair ran down his tightly honed belly to disappear under the waistband of his slacks, which she was dying to explore. Her breath hitched and she clenched her jaw so she wouldn’t give in to the temptation to rush to Dex and touch and explore.

  He winked at her and then reached for his waistband.

  She sucked in a breath that sounded loud in the quiet room, earning a wide smile from Dex. He was torturing her, and obviously enjoying every moment. She swallowed hard, wishing it were her fingers undoing his pants and stripping him of his clothes. That she could be teasing and tormenting him as every piece of his clothing slowly came off, and she could appreciate his sexy, toned body up close and personal.

  He pushed his leather pants over his hips and then stepped out of them, laying them aside on top of his T-shirt. His thighs and calves were muscled and trim, more testament to his martial arts training, she was sure.

  His simple black boxer briefs further highlighted the thick outline of his erection. Thanks to his very thorough attentions, she was already slick and ready for him if he plunged inside her. She said a silent plea that it would be soon.

  She licked her lips again, curious to find out what he tasted like when she finally got to trace her tongue across the slit at the top of his hard cock. She might not get that chance tonight, but she had no doubt she would get to at some point.

  A sharp reminder that she had promised herself a trip to Phoenix next week to visit Club Desire intruded, and she swallowed hard as she started to rethink her plan.

  The universe had gone to a lot of trouble to repeatedly bring up Club Desire in every set of web search results for fetish and BDSM clubs in the Southwest. She wasn’t about to ignore such a hard tug of intuition.

  But maybe it would be better to wait until she saw where things would lead with her new Dom. Maybe she could be happy here in L.A. knowing she would find Dex at The Dungeon when she needed to.


  She shook her head. She would not change her plans for any man, not even Master Dex.

  He leaned over to pull off his socks and tuck them inside his shoes. When he straightened, wearing only his boxer briefs and a sexy, sin-filled smile, he captured her gaze and a thrill ran through her at the raw desire she saw there.

  It can’t be desire, she chided herself. Just lust. After all, he’s a Dom. And I agreed to be his sub.

  Nothing more.

  But her gut told her that was desire burning in his gaze, and it refused to be swayed by her brain’s logical argument.

  Samantha’s words at The Dungeon came back to her. But Samantha had only said it was clear Dex wasn’t open to playing with anyone else, which didn’t mean anything deeper than that, she harshly reminded herself.

  Kate realized she was staring at the alluring outline in the front of Dex’s boxer briefs and immediately raised her gaze to meet his very amused one. “Sorry,” she managed. “I’m ogling you like I’ve never seen a man before. But I’ve never seen one as beautiful.”

  He laughed softly. “I know a lot of men who wouldn’t appreciate being called beautiful, but from a gorgeous woman with that much passion in her eyes, and in that husky voice, I’ll take that as a large compliment.”

  When he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of the boxer briefs, Kate felt her heart rate kick up a few more notches. He slowly slid them downward, and the material briefly snagged on the head of his erection, the action causing it to point out at her.

  Dex gently freed it, and then pushed the cloth down, further revealing the wide, dark head of his cock.

  Kate was fascinated, and wanted to reach out and explore. When the rest of his thick, beautiful shaft came into view, it was slightly darker than the rest of his skin.

  The boxer briefs dipper lower, and Dex pulled them off entirely. He was truly impressive. She hoped she had the chance to explore every inch of him at her leisure.

  She licked her lips, and Dex sucked in a harsh breath.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, I’m not sure I can be as careful as I want to be the first time I take you.” He wrapped his hand around his erection, and since her eyes were glued to that fascinating member, she didn’t realize he was teasing her with it until he laughed.

  She blew out a slow breath, trying to order her thoughts amid the swirling haze of hormones currently marinating her brain. “I don’t want gentle. I want you. Hard and fast and punishing, until we are both too spent to move.”

  When she
glanced up she saw Dex holding a foil packet. The fact that she hadn’t noticed he had grabbed it showed her how distracted she had allowed herself to become.

  She watched, mesmerized, as he ripped open the packet and rolled the condom down his length, making her ache to have him inside her.

  He was one step closer, and impatience squeezed her chest.

  Dex came around to the side of the bed and sat. The mattress dipped under his weight, and she frowned as his face and that beautiful cock were hidden from her view.

  “Go ahead and move your hands, Kate. Come around here and straddle me. And for the safety of all involved, go ahead and take off the stilettos…for now.”

  A thrill pierced her as she sat up, and with his help, crawled onto his lap, trapping his hard cock between them.

  She wanted to strip off the condom, take him into her mouth, taste him, and make him lose control. But her throbbing clit demanded he fill her.

  Dex captured her gaze, then cupped her cheeks in his hands before he lowered his lips to take possession of her mouth.

  He directed the angle of her head so he could thoroughly explore her mouth, sending lightning bolts of arousal searing through her.

  She could taste herself on his tongue, a combination of sweet and almost spicy.

  When she was breathless and writhing, he grabbed her ass and guided her upward so her weight rested on her shins.

  She laid her hands on his shoulders to steady herself, as he positioned the head of his cock at her entrance.

  Kate tried to drop down onto him fast and hard, but Dex’s grip on her ass kept her in place. When she stopped fighting him, he lowered her just enough to feel the siren’s song of that thick tip teasing her.

  His jaw was clenched tight, his expression strained, suggesting this much restraint was a struggle for him.

  She lowered her gaze to his broad chest.

  “Do you want me, Kate?” His voice was strong and steady, but she heard a definite undertone of need inside those words, which aroused her even more.


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