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My Addiction

Page 17

by Cassie Ryan

  She bucked her hips, trying to take more of him. “Yes. Please. I definitely want you.”

  He immediately lowered her another inch or so, and as his thick tip pressed into her, it began to stretch her, pulling a long, low moan from her throat.

  He flexed his hips, which pushed him inside a bit more, teasing her. She bit her lip as exquisite sensations continued to assault her when he slowly lowered her farther.

  She gripped his shoulders, hard, having given up trying to buck against his firm hold on her ass to speed his entry.

  When he flexed his hips again, she gasped and allowed her eyes to slip closed so she could drown in the amazing sensations crashing through her.

  She had finally relaxed around his welcome invasion when he suddenly released his tight hold on her ass.

  She opened her eyes immediately, meeting his dark gaze as it drilled into her.

  She swallowed hard and sucked in a deep breath before she dropped down onto him, taking him fully.

  A shout of triumph broke from her as he stretched her wide, pressing firmly against her sensitive cervix. Kate didn’t allow her body time to get used to the intensity of the new invasion. She wanted more.

  She writhed on his lap, shamelessly rubbing his wide tip against her sensitive cervix as she tightened around him.

  Now that her face was on a closer level with his, he leaned forward and feathered kisses across her cheeks, eyelids, and nose. She sighed, still working him inside her.

  When he nipped her bottom lip, she jumped, but the sharp pain only added to the building pleasure.

  He cupped her cheek in his large hand, his warmth burning through every part of her. She expected him to thrust his fingers into the hair at her nape, to control her movements and take her where he wanted her. But as much as she loved that, she also loved getting to set the pace and explore at her leisure.

  Warmth spilled though her chest that had nothing to do with sex. She’d known Master Dex could be an emotional danger to her; she just hadn’t known just how quickly that might manifest. Now that she saw the first stirrings of the hard shell that protected her heart begin to crack, she knew. But she wasn’t sure what to do about it.

  She shoved those feelings aside and returned to the physical pleasure, and the present moment. And in the moment, being with Dex was an intoxicating experience.

  He wrapped his arms around her and as the tight bustier slowly loosened, she realized he was undoing the eye hooks holding it closed, one by one.

  “I want to feel your skin against mine, Kate. As much as I love how sexy you look in this, I want the freedom to touch you, too.”

  She sucked in a breath as she raised her gaze to his. She could no longer deny that it was desire shining in his eyes, and it wasn’t only physical, but desire for her.

  When he released the last hook, he peeled the stiff material away from her skin and laid it aside. Cool air hit her nipples, pebbling them into tight peaks.

  Dex pulled her firmly against him, their current position bringing her chest to chest with him, so his curly, dark hairs now rasped against her sensitive nipples with each movement.

  She twined her arms around his neck, returning his kiss and allowing him whatever possession of her that he wanted. Her orgasm built slowly, her body always slower to peak without some type of impact play. But he had already shown her the exception to that when he massaged her G-spot.

  Pressure against her cervix had the same effect. She had known this from past experience, but no man had ever let her have her way to this degree so she could experiment to see what felt best. She was sure all the buildup she’d had over the last day had contributed as well.

  Even as Dex pulled her nipple between his thick index finger and thumb, he bucked his hips, spearing his cock inside her to hit her cervix hard enough to send an erotic jolt through her system. She ground against him again, torturing herself, and, if she could judge by the anguished sound that escaped from Dex, torturing him as well.

  He nuzzled her ear, his hot breath sending gooseflesh marching across her already heated skin. “You’re in trouble, woman.” His voice held equal parts dark promise and anticipation. The former sent arousal shooting along her nerve endings and made her core tighten around him further.

  “Look at me.”

  She immediately snapped her gaze to his, drowning in the dark brown depths.

  “I want to feel you come. To convulse around my cock. The first of many times tonight.”

  A shudder ran through her at the erotic image he described, and she was nodding before he even asked the question.

  “Do you think you can do that for me?”

  She had just begun to attempt an answer when he grabbed her hips and began to guide her up and down his shaft. Bringing her down hard with each thrust as he raised his hips and drove up into her at the same time.

  She held on to his bare shoulders, her fingers digging into his firm flesh as she rode the amazing flood of pleasure churning inside her.

  At Dex’s urging, the rhythm became faster, then faster still. Her mind lost all ability for coherent thought as she gave herself up to the overwhelming sensations that continued to tighten deep inside her pelvis.

  The orgasm slammed into her, stealing her breath. The only thing anchoring her to this world was her death grip on Dex’s shoulders as he continued to pound inside her.

  Seconds, minutes, or hours later…she was too far gone to tell…with one final thrust, Dex called out his release and settled her tightly against his body, his cock still buried deep.

  Chapter 16

  Kate woke cocooned between two warm bodies.

  She lay on her left side with Rusty curled tight against her stomach, and she was spooned back against a very warm and very tall man, if her first impressions were correct.

  Every facet of last night came back to her in a steady stream of memories. A large smile lifted the edges of her lips. She felt so light and free that she thought she might float away, except for the heavy arm draped over her hip.

  She remembered asking Dex to stay last night, and him answering that he would see if he could still walk when he was done with her. Kate would be surprised if either of them could walk without a noticeable wince in their gait today. But damn, had it been worth it.

  She was glad he’d stayed. And glad that she now knew how wonderful it felt to fall asleep in Dex’s arms.

  Many of her muscles ached from the workout they’d received last night. Several places on her body were tender from whisker burn, and there was a delicious ache between her thighs.

  As for the rest of her, she felt amazing.

  After the past few days, and especially last night, she should be exhausted, but anticipation and energy perked inside her.

  She glanced at her nightstand, and the glowing green numbers on her digital clock read 4:44 a.m.


  She needed to finish one of the Merestone pages before seven a.m. her time. She still had time to finish, but never liked to leave work until the last minute, in case technical difficulties arose on either side.

  The light in her bedroom was still murky. She hadn’t closed any of her blinds last night like she normally did when she went to bed, so the windows let in the weak glow that was constantly generated by life and business in L.A.

  Loath to give up her very comfortable position, she reminded herself that her reputation for always exceeding expectations, including deadlines, drove her word-of-mouth business. That was one price of being self-employed.

  After a deep breath, she gently stroked Rusty until he woke and stretched, fixing her with an accusing golden glare before he hopped down off the bed. Then she slowly slid out from under Dex’s hand, stepping out of bed onto the cold hardwood floor.

  She glanced back at Dex’s sleeping form to make sure she hadn’t woken him.

  His breathing remained deep and even, the sheet pulled up over one hip, showcasing his muscular bare chest and arms. She had to silently scold herself t
o keep from reaching out to trace the winding rose tattoo on his upper arm. She hoped one day she would get to do it, but right now, she needed to finish her work. Then she could come back to bed to enjoy the last few hours of being curled up next to Dex.

  Once again she was tempted to put off her trip to visit Phoenix next week, but she knew that was leftover hormones talking. While Dex was amazing both as a Dom and as a man, they shared a love of great sex and kink. Not to mention that she hadn’t known him long enough to even consider putting her plans or her life on hold for him.

  She’d made the decision that Los Angeles was no longer a good place for her, and she had decided on the next steps to move forward. The logical thing to do was to continue on as planned and see what happened.

  She grabbed her silky robe from her closet and slipped it on.

  A large smile curved her lips as happiness burst through her. If she completed her work quickly, she might still be able to slip back in bed under that warm hand, as if she had never left.

  Inside her office she turned on her laptop and waited as it hummed to life. She was tempted to grab a Diet Pepsi from the kitchen, but since she wanted to go back to bed after this, she didn’t need the caffeine.

  The job Merestone wanted done early didn’t seem too difficult since the Houston site had a cluttered logo anyway. Most likely because there had been several other changes to that site over the last year, and they never wanted her to remove the past versions.

  Kate sighed as she contemplated where to insert nine well-hidden turtles into the logo in front of her.

  She worked a few minutes in silence, expecting Rusty to jump up on the desk and interrupt her at any moment, since that was their usual routine.

  “Good morning.” Dex’s gravelly voice behind her startled her, and she turned to see him wonderfully relaxed in only his boxer briefs and a sleepy smile. “Are you always up working this early?”

  “God, no.” She laughed as she met his gaze. “I just had to get these site changes done before seven a.m., and I was a bit distracted last night.”

  A knowing smile curved his lips. “As the person who distracted you, I’m not the least bit sorry. But I hope there aren’t too many changes.”

  She shook her head. “I’m nearly done.” She finished smoothing in the last image and then hit save. She would give it a final once-over before she published the results, but she was fairly confident everything was in order.

  “Merestone,” he said from behind her, most likely reading it off the page she was working on. “Isn’t that the big time-share company?”

  Heat sizzled between them, and Kate had to force herself to remember what Dex had asked her, and to answer it. “Yes. They have locations worldwide.”

  Dex watched her, and she had the impression he was envisioning unwrapping her like a present on Christmas morning. An idea she would wholeheartedly support.

  He cleared his throat. “Do you want me to make some coffee, or were you planning on heading back to bed now that you’re done?”

  She laughed. “That transparent, am I?” She looked over her changes and then published them out to the site with an hour to spare before her deadline.

  Dex stepped close behind her and moved her hair away from her nape to study the skin just below the neck of her robe. “It looks even better than it did yesterday,” he said as he edged the robe off her shoulder to look at the spot over her shoulder blade. “This one, too.”

  “They don’t hurt much anymore. They’re just tender, like the rest of the flogged spots.”

  “Good.” He laid a kiss on the back of her shoulder and she shivered.

  “I don’t think either of us will get any work done today if you start that again.”

  “Very true,” he said with what sounded like a trace of regret.

  “Are you going to The Dungeon today?” she ventured, not sure which answer she hoped she would hear.

  “I’m not sure I’m up for dealing with that insanity again. It might take a few days for the Mark Stanton buzz to die down.”

  She swallowed hard as disappointment churned in her stomach, even as she inwardly admitted it was for the best. She nearly asked him what he was doing later, but bit back the words. She didn’t want to appear clingy and needy. But the thought of letting Dex walk out without any idea when she would see him again nagged at her.

  Kate’s earlier thoughts about her trip next week resurfaced. “Do you have any idea how long your ‘undetermined’ stay in L.A. will be? I’m sure your boss relies heavily on you.” She cringed as she realized how simpering and weak that question made her sound.

  Dex shook his head. “I never really know. I’m out here meeting with some important clients, but if he deems something crucial elsewhere, he may recall me earlier. I never know when or where before it happens.”

  Kate frowned as she realized she had never asked Dex where “home” was. She thought back through their conversations at the VIP lounge. It seemed like such an obvious question. He’d told her he had gone to Arizona State, that his parents still lived in Phoenix, and that he still maintained a house there. But he never said that was his main house or that he still lived there. Most of the people she had gone to UCLA with hadn’t lived in L.A., and many didn’t even live in California. And it felt too late now to ask for that clarification. But there was something else she could ask.

  “Dex, you said you went to Arizona State. I’m not sure how long it has been open, but have you ever heard of a place called Club Desire?”

  He showed no outward reaction, but there was something about his total stillness that made her feel like she had said something of significance to him.

  He smiled, but when it barely reached his normally very expressive eyes, it only highlighted that he hadn’t had a full night’s sleep. “Yes. I know Club Desire. What would you like to know?”

  She sat straighter in her chair. “I’ve been researching BDSM clubs in the Southwest, and it keeps popping up in my search results. From everything I can tell, it looks like a great dungeon, but I was curious if you had ever been there.”

  His gaze swept over her face. “I think you would love it there. Amazing Gothic architecture makes it look like it erupted out of the top of Camelback Mountain. Inside it’s modern, with all the bells and whistles, but still retains the mysterious feel from the outside of the building. And the Doms and subs are top-notch. It’s a community there, not just a bunch of individuals who frequent the same place, if that makes sense.”

  Warmth bubbled in her belly at having her research confirmed. “It does.” She cocked her head to the side. “Do you still live in that area? You said you went to Arizona State, but I wasn’t sure if that’s where you call home.”

  He shrugged. “My work takes me all over the world, but I do keep a house in the Phoenix area. My family is still there, and we are all pretty close.”

  A twinge of envy shot through her. She often wished she had a family that was close. Or really, a family at all. Since her mother, and then her grandmother, had died, her rocky relationship with her father had left her feeling like she had no family at all. She wasn’t willing to give up her own dreams just to stay in touch with him.

  Dex stroked his chin between his thumb and index finger. “You said Club Desire kept coming up in your search results. Are you looking around at other fetish clubs?”

  She met his gaze, a trickle of excitement running through her. Talking about this made the possibility feel more real. “It’s been obvious to me for a while now that while I still love the lifestyle, L.A. isn’t working for me anymore, especially with my father living close by. We don’t do anything but fight.”

  She frowned, suddenly self-conscious for some reason. “I figured anywhere I move should be a technology hub—someplace easy to make networking contacts and generate more work—and it should have a great dungeon and fetish community. Other than that, no natural disasters would be a huge plus.” She smiled up at him, noticing his gorgeous smile in return. />
  “If you do decide to move out there, definitely go visit Club Desire. I know the owner, Brent Weston, well and can get you a meeting to talk about membership. There’s usually a waiting list for full membership. Like you said…networking.”

  She grinned. “Thank you. I’d like that.” She started to ask him if he played there often, and if so, how many other subs he had there. But she wasn’t sure she wanted to know. As much as it would thrill her to continue to play with Master Dex, if she did make the move to Arizona, she didn’t want it to seem like she had only chosen Club Desire to follow him there.

  She had spent her entire life trying to silently prove to the world that she could make it on her own. She didn’t need the blessing of a man—even one as powerful as Richard Fretwell the third—to be successful. She supposed that was why she was so adamant about not needing or following Master Dex.

  Her phone pinged and vibrated where it sat just next to her computer keyboard. She glanced down to see an email from her contact at Merestone.

  “Sorry.” She gestured to the phone and then picked it up. “It’s from Merestone. I want to make sure they don’t have a problem with any of the changes I made.”

  Dex motioned for her to go ahead. “No problem. I understand about staying on top of work emails. Besides, I should be getting home and checking my own.”

  Disappointment flooded through her. She had hoped to head back to bed with him. Both for more sleep and more amazing sex. She forced her lips into some semblance of a smile.

  “I’ll touch base later. Maybe I can tell you more about Club Desire.”

  She turned to rake her gaze over the entire sexy length of the man one more time before he left, eager to hear from him again later. “That would be great.”

  Dex leaned down to brush a warm kiss across her cheek before he caressed her shoulder and walked away.

  Chapter 17

  Dex slid into his car, sparing one last glance up at Kate’s penthouse. Rusty’s silhouette was back in the top window. He could picture the cat perched on the sill next to Kate’s recliner in her bedroom.


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