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Undisclosed Desire (The Complete Box Set

Page 15

by Falon Gold

  Apollo walks up to me. “He doesn’t know you anymore either, my Lisa, and vice versa. Eight years is a long time to be apart from someone. What worries me the most is that he didn’t concern himself with what you’d want when he crawled into bed with you. If that doesn’t worry you, it sure as hell worries me.”

  “Family doesn’t concern themselves with your feelings when they’re worried about you, Apollo. The proof of that is in the folder laying on top of the car.”

  “Maybe they should concern themselves. Not doing that sometimes makes whatever you’re going through worse. I don’t have to have a family to know that.”

  Oh, things have certainly gotten worse.

  I point toward the house, while doing my best not to get extremely angry with Apollo. “Tell that to my family about making things worse, Apollo. If I had my way, no one would’ve found out that you’d broken my heart, or about this conversation.” I found him twice after losing him once, and I don’t want to go through that again. I don’t want to go through the last two days again, ever.

  “Then don’t tell everyone, but I think your mother, out of all of them, will already know what I’m telling you. Not much gets past her.”

  I shiver with dread. Apollo has to be completely convinced of Blake’s feelings for me if he thinks my mother can corroborate what he believes when he can’t be sure if she approves of him this early in our relationship. This means I need to face what he believes about Blake, even if I don’t want to… ever. I owe it to Apollo and Blake to get to the bottom of this and set Blake straight if his heart has a place in it for me that he doesn’t have in mine.

  “Trust me, Apollo. I know doesn’t much get past her. I’m just surprised that you want me to take this to her, and eventually to him.”

  “Sweetheart, that’s because I know I’m right. When there’s something you need to know, I’m going to tell you, whether you want to hear it or not. Yes, I know this conversation is uncomfortable for you and makes me look even more jealous than I’ve already been pegged to be. It may even make me look like a mad man who’s trying to cause a rift in your family. But I’m going to speak the truth, and I’ll deal with the fallout... whatever that may be.”

  At this point, I can’t beat Apollo’s conviction with a stick, not when most people are rather fond of lying and keeping things hidden. He’s pushing for out in the open. I just wish he wasn’t pushing it in my direction.

  “You’re willing to lose me just to tell me truth?”

  “Yes,” he says sincerely, with a stream of regret rolling in his eyes.

  I can clearly see that he hates to be the one to tell me this, so I have to believe him, at least about what he thinks is true. He’s willing to risk it all to open my eyes, even if I prefer to leave them wide shut when it comes to Blake. This is something I just don’t want to see or believe.

  If I do, it changes everything that I want to stay the same. Blake, along with the rest of my family, is a constant in my life. A comforting one, whether we keep in touch or not. If Blake has feelings for me, this changes everything. Things would be easier if I had proof that Blake’s affections rose above stepbrother, but I don’t, and neither does Apollo.

  I’m dealing with a whole bunch of ‘ifs’ here that may ruin my family. I can’t exactly see myself walking up to Blake and asking him to check a yes or no box on a letter, like a fifth grader. I sure as hell wouldn’t ask him about his feelings for me out loud for the family to overhear or in a digital form that can be shared. Some things need to be kept just between two people and their significant others, except Blake doesn’t have one. Or does he?

  “Apollo, Blake’s never said or done anything out of the way toward me romantically.”

  Neither did Apollo, Malisa, and look how well that turned out. If you don’t see this through, you really don’t trust Apollo like you should, especially not with your heart.

  “Neither did—”

  I raise my hand, cutting him off. “Yeah, yeah, Apollo, neither did you. I’m way ahead of you. God, I just don’t need this right now. Not with me trying to find my place in your life.”

  I’m still sure that we shouldn’t be working together though. We’re still not going to get any work done when I feel free to get in his pants.

  Apollo’s hands rocket out of his pockets and land on my arms. “Your place with me is one damn thing you never have to worry about. It’s yours. Your name is stamped on it, me, and whatever else I have. But I’m sure Blake will tell you the truth, whatever that may be. And I know for a fact that he’ll find you if I find some other place else to be, which will be the right time to ask him.”

  Don’t leave me, again, I think. Although I know I have to face Blake alone, how can I trust my heart with Apollo if he’s always running off?

  I should be asking him that.

  “Apollo, you’re going to—”

  “Nowhere,” he cuts in then grins. “Learned that lesson already. I don’t have to leave your family’s home to give you space with your family. I’ve been offered the guest bedroom across the hall from you and I’m taking it.” He pulls me into his arms and holds me so tightly I can barely breathe, as if he’s trying to make our bodies into one, and it’s what I need.

  How he knows that, I have no idea, but it sure as hell imbeds him deeper in my heart, and a little more of it steps over the line to his side, along with my trust. I don’t know many people who’ll detonate a bomb in the middle of someone’s world, then stick around to watch it blow up.

  I swing my arms around his waist, bury my head in his chest, and hold on for dear life. The foundation of my world is cracking, and he’s all that’s holding it and me together, right now.

  “Tell me how long you need me to hold you, my Lisa, and I will.”

  “Forever and a day,” I whisper.

  “You got it, babe.” A soft a kiss is planted on the crown of my head then Apollo’s breath traipses across my ear. “Whatever you need, you got it,” he whispers, inciting sharp pangs of desire in my core.

  I tilt my head back, my chin in his chest.

  “You know what I need, Apollo.”

  He looks down at me and smiles even harder. “I think I can help with that.”

  “Can you?”

  “Damn straight. Walk with me.”

  “Walk? What I want, you can’t do while walking.”

  “That’s what you think, but you’re not going to get what you want today, just a mild version of it, and quickly.”

  “Well, that’s cryptic.”

  “But I keep my word.”

  “True, but—”

  “Walk, my Lisa.”

  “This had better be good,” I gripe then step back.

  “It will be. Trust me.” Apollo snags my hand in his and moves past me, toward the front end of the car.

  I follow because it’s time that I did trust him completely. At least I’ll be all in, and I’ll sleep at night knowing I’d given my all and tried my best to make us work. He is my world and I firmly believe that I’m his, finally.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “I just wish I didn’t have to face Blake alone,” I grumble under my breath. “He’ll probably pinch me. He used to do that all the time when we were little.”

  Apollo howls with laughter, while going deeper into the shed, then he glances back. “I’ll sit by your side while you talk with him, if you go with me to meet my mother. I’m not giving her a warning that I’m coming either, because I want to know why I was dropped off an orphanage with no warning. Fair is fair as far as I’m concerned. Only God knows how that meeting’s going to turn out.”

  “It’s probably best if I talk with Blake alone. Who wants to have their heart broken with an audience? But I’m praying you’re wrong about Blake, and yes, I’ll go with you to meet your mother. No one should do something like that alone.”

  Apollo stops in his tracks and looks down at me with a pensive gaze and a small smile playing across his face. “You’d do that for me?

  “Of course, I would. That’ll be much easier than talking to Blake by myself. You offered to do it with me, so I have to show my appreciation for your willingness to face that music somehow.”

  “In that case, I think I can give you what you want.”

  “What I want, huh?”

  “Yes… and quickly. Someone is going to have a reason to come out here in about fifteen minutes.”

  “I warned you,” I quip.

  “You did, but I had no idea how special you really are to your family, or how nosy they are.”

  I’m laughing my ass off and loudly when Apollo stops in front of an old workbench of my father’s. It’s positioned at the very back of the barn where there’s less light and more privacy. The dust that’s settled on the flat surface of the bench is thick enough to choke a human to death. Apollo drops my hand to shrug out of his coat.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, while eyeing the work bench warily.

  It’ll hold my weight, but Apollo’s coat will be ruined if he lays it on top of it.

  “I’m doing what you think I’m doing, and you should be unzipping your coat and pants if you want what I plan to give you.”

  I look at him suspiciously next. “Which is?”

  “My mouth… on you… in here… right now. Take it or leave it.”

  His devilish grin comes out to play before he swivels at the waist to spread his coat along the wide board nailed to the top of the work bench. I lift an eyebrow, wary of sitting anywhere near the work bench, let alone on it. Then I reach for the zipper of my coat. I’d risk anything to be with this man.

  My nipples are already pebbled and pushing against my shirt before the icy air can touch them through the thin material of my T-shirt. Apollo reaches for the zipper of my jeans. The teeth grinding open is enough to set my nerves on edge and my insides on fire. Undoing my zipper with his eyes on me just makes the inferno within me worse. I welcome the frigid air playing around my warm thighs, as I push down my pants and underwear below them.

  “That’s far enough, my Lisa. I don’t want you to catch hypothermia.”

  My hands freeze in place. His hands glide underneath my arms and lift me off my feet. He sets me gently down on top of his coat. I brace my weight on my hands then lean back on the bench. Apollo runs his hands up my abdomen to knead my breasts, sending bursts of pleasure from one end of me to the other. Then he bends at the waist and bites my nipples through my outer layers of clothing.

  His warm breath breaches my shirt and violates the flesh beneath it, before tickling the rim of my senses. The room curls around the edges. I start to rock on the bench, equilibrium thrown completely off.

  “Apollo, I’m dizzy, and I won’t be able to sit up much longer. Get to the good part, already.”

  He chuckles into my chest quietly then drops to his knees on the cold, concrete floor that’s speckled with oil spots and dirt. His hands wrap around my ankles in the thick boots.

  “Bend and spread your knees, sweetheart.”

  I do. He ducks, and then his head appears between my legs. Suddenly, he’s eye to eye with my honeypot. The sight alone is erotic enough to make me groan and my head too heavy to hold up. It drops back on my shoulders, while heat blasts through me. The force of it makes me sway side to side on the bench. I’m lightheaded from just imagining what he’s going to do to me.

  My legs, still trapped in the confines of my pants, drop down on his shoulders. Then Apollo’s mouth is kissing the lips between my thighs. He begins to suckle at my clitoris, and all my common sense goes out the window, allowing massive amounts of bliss in sharp and dull forms to come in and undulate through my core.

  It’s all too much to withstand, and I need relief in the first seconds of having his mouth on me. I squeal, then try to fold up on myself. My pants pull on the nape of his neck, drawing his head deeper into the vee of my thighs, giving him even more access to my body.

  His tongue glides between the wet rims of my southbound mouth and knock at the door of my body, before the tip of his tongue enters, crooks, and laps at the roof of my tunnel. More knife-like ripples and dull machete swipes collide with the soft tissue in my canal. A sleeping giant unfurls in my core and stretches out, reaching up into my abdomen and deep into the tunnel filled with his tongue. The waking orgasm sinks its claws deep into me and pulls its way to full alertness, dulling my senses and sharpening them at the same time, until I can’t make heads or tails of anything.

  When it takes me completely over, pressure discharges in the places where the waking orgasm has me gripped tightly. I start to pant, fighting for every breath I take. It almost hurts to cum on Apollo’s face, but I endure the force spiraling through me by praying for it to stop soon. His tongue begins to rocket in and out of me, interrupting the monster waves coursing through me.

  They rebound, fighting for all the space inside me. More pressure spreads out through me and pounds me from the inside out, angrily. One body can only tolerate so much heaven being forced on it, and I’m well past my limit. When the waves taper off, I inhale the cold air in the barn, welcoming it into my starving lungs.

  “Please, Apollo, stop.” I have no shame about begging if it gets me what I want—relief from my release.

  He hums against my flesh, and ticks off the fading monster orgasm. It picks up in intensity, again.

  I scream, “No more, Apollo!”

  “You sure, sweetheart?” he asks, and I’ve never been so glad for his mouth to be talking instead of kissing my body.

  “Yes,” I hiss, then drop down on my elbows, unable to hold my upper torso up any longer.

  “Then you’re ready for me then.”

  I shake my head. I’ve had all I can take of him.

  He grins. “Oh yes, you’re ready, love. You said you wanted it on the front porch, and now you’re going to get it.”

  I gasp at the most sensual threat that I’ve ever heard. But anymore of him inside me will wipe me out completely. Except, I can’t bring myself to make him aware of this, and I don’t want to.

  He stands up, pushing my pants and underwear further down my legs. They stop at the tops of my boots, trapping Apollo inside them with me, my legs around his waist. He spreads the opened ends of his jeans further apart. The enormous lump of his manhood resting at his waist twitches inside his gray briefs, and distracts me from the uncomfortable nips of his zipper. His erection is as much a prisoner in Apollo’s underwear as he is in mine.

  My tunnel spasms, contracting and releasing greedily for more of Apollo, even as I’m spent. He pushes at the waistline of his briefs, until his stiff rod plops out. He palms it, positions it at my entrance, and shoves into me until he bottoms out. His penetration is much deeper than I anticipated, pushing past the very center of me.

  Pain and pleasure fire off my overly sensitive nerve endings. I rocket up to a sitting position, hoping to lessen his possession and staunch the flow of sensations, while gasping for air and grasping for him with both hands. They grab the shirt at his chest then make tight fists in it. I look up, pleading with him silently to change his mind about making love to me.

  He shakes his head then leans forward, forcing me right back to where I started. Except, I’m flat on my back against the workbench instead of on my elbows, completely exposed to whatever he decides to do me. His hands grip my hips, and he withdraws from my body, only to sink even deeper into me. Then he freezes in place, leaving me on overly full. He should be able to feel my lungs seizing.

  “Fuck, Malisa!” he hisses through his clenched teeth.

  I hiss right back, “You got that damn right, Apollo! I can feel you in my damn chest.”

  “Then I’m about to fuck the shit out of your lungs, sweetheart.” And I believe him.

  “God no,” I whisper.

  “He can’t save you now, sweetheart. You’re too damn tight and wet, and I’m resisting the urge to slam into you and break your back as it is, because that’s all I want to do right now.”

>   “Jesus, Apollo. How long will it take you to cum?” I’ve passed the limit of how much I can take now.

  “However long it takes me, my Lisa,” he says arrogantly, and then reverses until only the tip of him is teasing the wet folds of my body.

  When he moves, the bench rocks backward with his movement, threatening to pitch me on the floor head first.

  “Apollo!” I yell, and grip his shirt even tighter.

  He pulls my hips toward him, forcing the backs of my thighs to meet his jeans-clad ones in the backbreaking collisions he promised, while resetting the bench without breaking his pace.

  “I got you, love. Always.”

  I believe that, too. But I’d rather have my feet planted firmly on the floor, except that’s just not going to happen until Apollo has done what he’s set his mind to, cumming inside me. He starts with conquering pleasure zones and stroking white hot places within me, then detonating grenades of pure ecstasy in each place, until it feels like claws are sinking into my tunnel and abdomen again.

  “No, no, no,” I murmur, knowing what I’m in for.

  I most certainly don’t want to cum, again.

  The home that he’s made inside my body collapses around the base of his shaft, hoping to stop all movement. Apollo forces his way out of the trap that my flesh failed to set, and then he forces his way back inside it.

  “Fuck yes, Malisa,” he groans above me. “Keep milking my cock like that and this will be over much faster than you think.”

  My tunnel begins to contract and release on its own around him, hoping to push him over the edge. If I keep this up, I’m going to throw myself right over it with him. Moisture seeps out of my body, coating my thighs. Apollo’s pace rises from backbreaking to breakneck.

  “Fuck, Apollo!” I yell out. “I’m going to cum.”

  “Me too, love. Cum with me.”

  I begin to tumble in a groundless sky at his command. He shoves up into me, piercing my womb, and then collapses on top of me, burying his head in my neck and growling in my ear. A scrap of pain imbeds itself in the pleasure surging through me and raises the strength of my climax up a notch. I wrap my arms around his neck tightly and wait for the hell raining down inside me to die down.


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