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A Little Bit of Crazy (Little Bits)

Page 3

by A. E. Murphy

  “Unfortunately,” I mumble and with a sigh I climb into bed beside him. He instantly turns and pulls my back into his chest. His arms wrap around me tight, one under my neck and the other around my waist, his hand is currently groping my breast. This is so weird. What do I do? “Relax,” he chuckles as if reading my mind. “Have you honestly never slept with someone else?”

  I awkwardly shake my head, shivering at the close proximity of our bodies. Especially the way his hardness is pressed into my ass. I want him, again. Will he fuck me? Probably not. Although he is shifting his hips a bit and his breathing is becoming heavy.

  I press back into him and he shudders. Game on.

  Heavy, warm, so warm, breathing is difficult. Suffocating, thirsty, a little horny. Something prodding me in my thigh.

  I peel my eyes open and gasp a little at the limbs of a man wrapped around me. Christ he’s like a tentacle monster! His leg is wrapped around mine, his head on my breasts, his arm under my waist and his other squeezing my ribs whilst his large hand palms one of my nunga nungas. The worst part is, even though I’m sweating like a pig and dying slowly from lack of oxygen I’m actually quite comfortable. Go figure.

  “Oy,” I hiss and poke his forehead. He grunts a little but only squeezes tighter. I shuffle a little, eager to relieve my bladder and have a shower before going for a jog. It’s only five in the morning so it’s still dark and I have plenty of time to do my shiz before work. Even though I’m a little sore from the night before my libido is still in top form.

  He wanted slow, I wanted fast, I wanted hard. He grumbled about it and pinned me to the bed. So I flipped him over and fucked him my way. His protests soon turned to begs and pleading as he bucked beneath me. What a great way to fall asleep, but now I’m covered in man juices and smelling a little sweaty. Shower time. If I can manage to get the tentacle monster off me.

  I lift his arm and drag myself from under his leg but his arm comes back, gripping me by the waist. Ok, let’s try this again. I twist my body so my ass is against his chest and touch the floor with my hands. Gripping the floor with flat palms I pull myself forward.

  “Stop it, I’m sleeping,” he mumbles and both arms wrap around my hips, effectively putting pressure on my bladder. Dammit! I’m half off the bed half on, my forehead resting against the floor. Screw not waking him up.

  “JAMES!” I shout as loud as possible. A startled James releases me, sits bolt upright, accidentally throws my legs away from him and sends me tumbling to the ground with a loud bang. I roll over my head with a squeal and accidentally knock the lamp off the bedside table with my foot. “You idiot.”

  “Fuck, Maya are you ok?” James scrambles off the bed and lifts me too my feet. I see the smirk on his lips like he’s trying not to laugh. “What happened?”

  “Stupid, tentacle monster,” I grumble and stomp into the bathroom. His laughter follows me into the large bathroom. I can still hear him laughing as I close the door and turn on the shower. “Never again.”

  I’m in the shower for all of two minutes when the door opens and a warm naked body wraps around me from behind. We stay silent as he washes my hair, using about two handfuls of shampoo. He seems to enjoy twisting and making my hair stick to my head. It’s kind of cute. I return the favor and rub shampoo into his hair as he washes me down, the goofy grin he gives me is infectious. I claim that beautiful smile. It’s mine.

  “Why do you have a shower before you go running?” he asks as I tie my laces. I look up at him, he’s in nothing but a white fluffy towel that hangs low on his hips showing the V leading down to my favorite place. A dark, sexy trail of hair pointing the way down. “Like what you see?”

  “I might take a picture of that area and set it as my desktop background. I’ll be in a constant state of arousal,” I giggle and pull my hair into a pony tail. “And I needed a shower because you shot your load on my stomach and chest and I was still a little sticky.”

  “Nice,” he snorts at my crude talk. I happen to know he enjoys my crude talk. Especially when bumping the nasties. “So, we are actually going to give this thing a proper go?”

  I nod, “You’re good in bed. I don’t see myself tiring of you any time soon.”

  “Is tiring of people a regular occurrence for you?”

  “Usually, not you though honey. Don’t worry, you are totally my own form of female Viagra.”

  His brow furrows, “Good to know.” Clears throat. “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “No, I like to run alone. It’s a good way for me to think about my dad and stuff. Burn off all that extra emotion before a long day at work.”

  “Are you coming home tonight?” he asks after a few moments of silence. Probably shocked that I’m opening up to him a little. I shrug, “Probably, I’m supposed to be meeting the girls for drinks.”


  I notice the kicked puppy look in his eyes and sigh a little before putting on a genuine smile, “You can come if you want? Chris and Tony should be there.”

  “You sure?”

  “I wouldn’t offer if I wasn’t.”

  “Great, you go run. I’ll see you soon,” he smiles eagerly and kisses me on the forehead.

  Before my dad got cancer I remember how I used to run with music, I never had anything to worry about, never had a care in the world. My grades came easy, I was always in class on time, my bills were paid, my car tank was full, and I rarely ate in so I never worried about my oven being left on. My mind was always blank. All I had to truly worry about were my friend’s problems and most of them could be solved with money.

  Summer once had a problem getting laid. This was not to be fixed by money. I realized that when I hired a stripper Gigolo for her. She went crazy. Fortunately she forgave me… a year later.

  As soon as my dad was diagnosed it was a shock to my system. I know how to love, I know how to care. I may seem shallow and self-absorbed, which I am most of the time but I dedicate a lot of my time to my friends, I work hard for my money even though I have way more than I can spend. But like I mentioned before, I never really had any worries.

  Then suddenly the man, the only man I have ever truly loved is sick. Sick enough that he could die, and I don’t know what to do. My mum left when I was a baby so I never felt the impact of her becoming non-existent. But this was my daddy. What was I supposed to do about that? I began to run without music in my ears, tears would stream down my face as my feet would pound the ground. I’d run until I was sick, desperate to relieve the ache in my chest. It is the only time I will truly acknowledge my feelings on the matter. My runs are my relief and then my day will go without much feeling.

  Now he’s dead. He’s actually gone and I’m scared. I don’t like being scared, but what can I do? My dad was always there, always. It didn’t matter how old I was I’d still curl up into his side and read, or eat ice cream or watch stupid movies. He’d even read the newspaper to me like he had since birth. It was our thing before he went to work in the mornings. Even though I haven’t lived at home since I was eighteen I still saw him almost every day. He never judged my life choices, never judged how I behaved. He just made sure I wouldn’t get pregnant by putting me on birth control, made sure I knew the dangers of unsafe sex. Most dads wouldn’t know where to begin. My dad was a scientist and he made sure I was well educated in that area.

  His last request was for me to marry his right hand man. James. So I married him. He told me to give him a chance, to let him take care of me and to open my heart. That is something I don’t think I can do, even if I wanted to.

  But I will try, I will try my damnedest to make this work.

  You see, this is why I love runs, they put everything into perspective for me. Even though I’m covered in sweat, running through the park. Watching as other runners and walkers pass me by. So peaceful and nice. The beginning of a new life. A life where I’m married with a huge rock on my finger, a life where I have a new family to please and functions to attend in my dad’s pl
ace. A life that shouldn’t be mine yet but is. A life where I am going to get to know the man I’m married to and I’m going to try my hardest to make him happy. Because he’s worth it and he deserves better than me.

  When I finally make it home the place is empty but there’s a note on the breakfast bar next to a bowl of Coco Pops and a glass of OJ. It reads:

  Your breakfast milady. Sorry had to rush to the south lab, some kind of shipment mix up. I’ll see you later.

  James xxx

  I quickly eat my breakfast before getting showered and ready for work. Black pencil skirt, purple shirt, black jacket, nude pantyhose, black heels and my hair in a bun. I look every bit a business woman. Now to work I go.

  The place is dead as usual for seven thirty. Most people don’t arrive for another hour. The security guards and a few early birds are here but none that I recognize. I remember my dad pretty much knew everybody in this building. He took his time remembering their names. I don’t know how he did it.

  When I reach my floor my personal assistant Margie greets me with a coffee and a warm smile. “Morning, Mrs. Freeman.”

  I stop and look at the brown haired woman for a moment, “Mrs. Freeman who?”

  “Your husband called and requested your last name to be changed on the system as you hadn’t done it yet,” Margie smiles showing slightly crooked teeth. “He also requested all forms of identification be changed to his last name and any other aspects in your life.”

  “He did huh,” I seethe. “Well… let’s play him at his own game Margie.”

  She gives me a knowing smirk which makes her look rather devious for a thirty year old preacher’s wife. I hate referring to her as just a preacher’s wife, she’s the best damn PA in the fucking world! No joke. She’s so good my dad tried to steal her from me by offering her more money. Luckily she’s loyal to me but I matched his offered price anyway and threw in an extra bonus at Christmas. She can handle anything, from getting me my favorite coffee beans from the other side of the world to rearranging my entire calendar in two minutes flat.

  “What are your plans?” she asks referring to my devious smirk.

  “Get Carlson on line one. I’ll take it in my office,” she nods and starts tapping away at her phone as I head into my office.

  My office needs a lick of paint, I keep saying that. It’s pretty boring, just white with floor to ceiling windows. The furniture is nice and expensive though. There’s a huge bookshelf full of books I have yet to read, all on scientific mumbo jumbo. And then of course there’s my desktop computer, top of the range and my laptop in my bag. I prefer to use my laptop but my desktop can handle more than my laptop where more difficult work is concerned.

  “Carlson on line one,” Margie says through the intercom. I thank her and pick up the phone.

  “Morning Carlson,” I say and boot up my computer. “How are you?”

  “Good morning Mrs. Freeman. I’m good thanks. What can I do you for?”

  “I’ve just heard word that my husband is changing my names on all legal documentation.”

  “That’s correct, a staff email went out last night, and everyone is to call you Mrs. Freeman.” I can hear the laughter in his voice. Damn that hubby of mine.

  I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. “When is he back in his office?”

  “Not until eleven I should think.”

  “Good, leave it open and go on a break.”

  “Maya,” his voice is stern yet mocking. “What are you doing? You better not get me fired.”

  “If he fires you I’ll just rehire you. Now get your camp ass to Starbucks and fetch me a coffee.”

  He laughs loudly. “Sure honey. I’ll be back in about half an hour.”

  I hang up and fill my bag with bits and bobs before heading toward the elevator. “Hold my calls. I won’t be long.”

  “Behave yourself.”

  I wink at my PA as the doors close. Time for payback.

  The floor James’ office is on is much like my own. A little smaller, his office isn’t as fancy or big as mine. I should change that. He’s here more than me, he deserves a shower and a bed attached. Definitely a bed.

  Hell yeah.

  I creep into his office and look around the sparse space. There’s only the essentials, desk, chairs, shelves. I haven’t been in here in a few years. Padding around the area I take note of a picture on his desk. It’s of me and him on our wedding day. How sweet. The same one in my office, although my father had that put in there not me.

  I notice a smudge over my face on the frame, as if it has been touched a lot, where my lips are. What a sap. I can’t help the smile that takes over my face at the thought of him stopping every so often and finding peace whilst looking at me. It’s a nice feeling.

  “Let’s do this,” I giggle and start rummaging through his drawers.

  This is going to take longer than I thought.

  I head back up to my office, still laughing so hard tears stream from my eyes. Margie promises me she’ll call me as soon as Mr. James Freeman enters the building. I want to be waiting to see his reaction to my little payback. Man I am such a bitch, but a funny bitch.

  The morning drags, I’m constantly glancing at the clock yet it barely moved when it felt like an hour had gone since the last minute ticked. I decide to finish up what little I have to do and get most of it done right before the phone rings. Security has alerted Margie that James has entered the building. Commencing evil laugh, full blast. Now all I need is a fluffy white cat. Or grey, the grey ones are cuter.

  I dash out of my office and into the waiting elevator. As soon as I reach his floor Carlson bursts out laughing, having seen my handy work and motions for me to hide under his desk. It’s a large U shaped desk that you can’t see underneath unless you walk around the back which James never does apparently.

  I squeeze in between drawers and wires, next to Carlson’s legs. He’s struggling to compose himself so naturally I pinch him hard on his upper thigh.

  “The elevator’s just opened,” he whispers and begins typing on his computer. “Good morning James. You have a meeting at nine in the morning with Jonathon Brigg. He says it’s urgent.”

  “Thanks Carlson.” James replies. I hear his door open, then close. Wait for it. Carlson’s leg begins bouncing, I’m stifling my laughter in my hand but my entire body is shaking. Wait for it. “WHAT THE?” A loud animal like roar sounds from his office and James comes storming out. “What the fuck happened to my office?”

  “What are you talking about?” Carlson asks, feigning confusion. That man should be an actor. I almost believe him.

  “Everything has been taped to the fucking ceiling! Who’s been… Maya.”

  “I warned you she wouldn’t like you changing her name behind her back,” Carlson chuckled and climbs out of his seat. “I think she’s in her office.”

  “I’m going to murder her. I swear that woman pushes every single button I have!”

  Too right I do.

  “I’ll hold your calls,” Carlson replies and I hear the elevator ding. “Quick, go, go, go, go.”

  I laugh and run from behind my desk. Unfortunately the elevator doors aren’t fully closed and I hear James shout my name as I dash for the stairs. My legs propel me forward, even in heels it’s skillful how fast I’m leaping from stair to stair. “MAYA!” I hear him shout and footsteps follow behind. “Get your ass here now.”

  “Go away,” I laugh and burst into the eight floor hallway. A few people look at me startled. I ignore them and press the button for the elevator. “Come on…” It dings open only moments later. I jump in and press the button for the lobby. The doors shut just as James slides around the corner, a proper movie screen moment.

  The travel down to the lobby seems to be the longest one ever. When the doors open I sigh with relief and step out into the busy area. “MAYA!” I hear a shouting James from somewhere near the stairwell. I can tell he’s breathless. Damn he’s fast.

  All heads turn to
me and I catch my husband’s eyes. The green is dark, so dark they’re almost black. He’s furious and potentially horny, hell yes. I gulp at the sight of his clenched jaw and take off squealing. “I’m sorry! You totally deserved it!” I shout over my shoulder.

  People start laughing as warm arms catch me around the waist and I’m thrown over his shoulder. “Put me down you caveman! This is not professional!” I pound his back as people watch in amusement. Some of them are laughing some are trying not to others are clucking and rolling their eyes. “James.” He bumps me up, heading towards the elevator but not before slapping my ass hard in front of everyone. Now that was kinky. “Put me down you big oaf.”

  He completely ignores me, I stop struggling and sag against his back. I feel like Princess Fiona except my Shrek is hot as fuck and turning me the hell on. Also he’s not green.

  I can feel his anger coming off him in waves, his frustration heating his body to an unbearably sexy temperature. “Oof,” I grunt as he bunks me up again and heads towards my office.

  “Hey Margie,” he says as if nothing is wrong at all.

  She bursts out laughing at the ridiculous sight before her. James marches straight into my office, slams me on the couch and locks the door. All the air is knocked out of me as my back hits the leather.


  “I’ve never laid a hand on a woman before, never raised a hand in a negative way,” he snaps and stalks over to me, looking every bit the sexy angry office man in a suit. Not sure what the name for that is yet so we’ll just call it as it is. “But you seriously, push all my freaking buttons. I’ve never wanted to punish someone so god damn bad as I do you right now.”


  “Do you live to make my life difficult?”


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