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Masters of My Desire

Page 18

by Jenna Jacobs

  My eyes flashed wide as I tried to tamp down the gust of hope exploding inside. “No, Sir.”

  “You’ve changed us in ways we never imagined. We came back early from hunting to talk to you, kitten.” Dylan began to explain. “But then we discovered you were gone.”

  “We have to know what’s in your heart, pet. The note you left... if that’s truly all you feel then we’ve wasted our time coming here. Are we more to you than a fond memory?” Nick’s words sounded tortured. The fear in his eyes ripped my heart to shreds.

  “Yes,” I sobbed. “I love you both so much. And don’t think…I was afraid…”

  “Shhh, it’s going to be all right, kitten. I promise.”

  Dylan’s soothing words only prompted to escalate my tears. He reached down and plucked me from the floor. Settling me on his lap, he wrapped his strong, thick arms around me. I buried my face in his warm chest, breathing in the manly scent and potent spice I thought was gone forever, and cried like a child.

  “We were so afraid that we’d lost you, Savannah,” Nick confessed as he threaded his broad fingers through my hair. “We haven’t figured how, but we want you in our lives. We want you to come back to Chicago with us. We’ll figure out the rest later. Do you want to be with us, little one?”

  “Yes,” I cried as hope eradicated all my despair, heartache and anxiety.

  Nick gripped my hair, prying my face from Dylan’s chest. He leaned over and crushed his lips to mine in a desperate, feral kiss. As he swallowed my sobs, drowning me in his passion, Dylan gripped my nape in an exacting hold.

  “We love you, kitten. We were afraid to say the words before now, but you’ve brought us back to life in ways we never imagined.”

  Dylan wrapped his hand over Nick’s, cinching my hair with a double decree of ownership.

  Nick reluctantly released my lips before Dylan swooped in, claiming my mouth with a kiss so passionate, the room spun.

  My thoughts swam and I could only process chunks of what they were saying. It took long minutes before I wrapped my head around the fact that they loved me. They wanted me. Not just for a week, but maybe forever. And Chicago! They wanted to take me home with them because they’d fallen in love with me.


  They held me as I spilled a deluge of tears, whispering reassurance and promises I knew they would keep. Pressed between their powerful bodies, I began to settle down. Only then did I feel twin erections against my bare flesh.

  Demand thundered through my veins.

  “Please, Masters, I need to feel you inside me,” I begged, wiping my eyes and casting them a hungry gaze.

  “Oh, kitten,” Dylan growled, low and deep. “We’d love nothing better than to squeeze into your sinful pussy and ass, but there’s a matter of punishment we need to see to first.”


  “Yes, little one. You didn’t think we were going to let you skate by for leaving without a word, did you?”


  “Not to mention calling us such vulgar names. I believe you addressed us mother fucker and fuck face. We can’t ignore that and you know it.” A stern look played over Nick’s face.

  “But I didn’t know it was you or Dylan, Master.”

  “No, I’m sure you didn’t. But that doesn’t dismiss your insults, little one.”

  “We need to work out some other things as well, kitten.” Dylan’s serious expression worried me more than my pending punishment.

  “What things?” I asked in a timid tone.

  “About you going with us to Chicago. Is there anything keeping you here until your boss opens the offices again in February?”

  “How did you know about that? Did Mellie tell you that?”

  “Sat phone. The morning you talked to her, we heard every word. Remember?” Dylan smiled.

  “Ahhh, I’d forgotten about that.”

  “We want you to stay with us, little one, so we can continue your training and see where this road might lead. If you can’t, then we’ll figure out a way to rearrange our schedules and try to come see you every other weekend.”

  Every other weekend.

  Nick’s words knocked the wind out of my sails. I suddenly felt cheapened. Was I nothing more than a booty call to them? The thought left a bitter taste on my tongue. I tensed and shook my head.

  “No, what?” Dylan asked in a slightly defensive tone.

  “I don’t want just a weekend thing. I want it all…but I can’t just leave. Can I?”

  “Why not?” Nick asked. “You’re not working for a couple months. What else is keeping you here, girl?”

  I blinked and frowned. Nothing. There wasn’t a damn thing keeping me there. I didn’t have any animals or anyone to look after, but it seemed frivolous and irresponsible to simply jet off to Chicago. I wasn’t accustomed to such spontaneity.

  “No Sir, nothing,” I confessed as the morose realization that my life was so boring and mundane, no one would miss me.

  “What do you need to do before we leave then, kitten?” Dylan’s blue eyes sparkled with glee. And that sexy dimple in his cheek grew deeper the more his smile widened. It was no surprise to discover that his humming excitement made it impossible for me to cling to any form of self-pity.

  “I have to turn in the rental, go to the post office and forward my mail or stop it…or something. Then, I don’t know…pack?”

  Everything was moving at the speed of light. While it was exciting and thrilling and more than I’d ever dreamt possible, I was scared. Having aligned my life in rigid routine, such abrupt change was more than a bit daunting. Something niggled in the back of my brain.

  Nick said that we would see where this new road would lead us. But he’d also made it clear their desire was to continue my training. They’d both professed to love me, but that was far different from being in love with me. Was Nick willing to expose his heart, to try to fall in love again? Or would he forever hold back to ensure it never got broken again? And what about Dylan? Was this new arrangement his attempt to heal the scars carried from war? Was he trying to regain the pieces of himself that were lost? They’d said that I’d changed them, but I wasn’t sure what I’d done to influence this drastic shift.

  I exhaled an inward sigh. There was a little over two months to forge a path. Then what? Anxiety gripped my belly at the thought of enduring another separation, suspecting it would ten times more painful than the few hours I’d endured.

  “You’re thinking too hard about something, little one. Share what’s on your mind, girl.”

  I swallowed tightly and looked into Nick’s eyes. “I’m a little overwhelmed, Master. What happens when I have to come back home in February?”

  His expression grew solemn. “Nothing is set in stone yet, pet. We’ll deal with logistics in due time. One thing for sure, it won’t be the last of us.”

  My lips pursed as I rolled his last comment over in my mind. For a man who vowed to protect his heart, Nick didn’t seem to hesitate to toss it into the ring. How had he changed his mind so quickly? I was perplexed and consumed in remorse. Eavesdropping on their conversation that night had come back to bite me in the ass with a full set of fangs.

  “We refuse to drag every crumb out of you, kitten,” Dylan admonished.

  Time to add to your punishment. I clenched my teeth, angry that I’d childishly played possum in the first place. “I need to tell you both something,” I began, shooting a guilty glance between them both. “I wasn’t asleep that night in the barn, Masters. I was pretending and I heard your conversation.”

  Their bodies tensed in unison. I didn’t have to even look up; I could feel a combination of surprise and irritation rolling off them in a palpable wave.

  “Well, well, well,” was all Dylan said when they finally broke the heavy silence. “You’re just full of surprises, kitten.”

  “And then some,” Nick drawled in curt agreement.

  “I’m sorry, Sirs. I knew it was wrong when I did it. But I wanted to
learn more about you both and I didn’t know how to ask.”

  Dylan scoffed. “It’s easy, kitten. You open your mouth.”

  “And have you learned how to ask questions yet, pet?” Nick chided.

  “Yes, Master…sort of.”

  “Well, we’re getting somewhere, little one. At least now you’re being honest.”

  I bit back the sassy retort that rolled over the tip of my tongue. I’d earned their ire, I just didn’t like it.

  “What did you ascertain from our conversation that you now have questions about, kitten?”

  I was in the hot seat now, and the flames kept growing higher. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

  “You said that I had changed you both. But Nick, Sir, you were never going to love again and Dylan, Sir, you avoid commitment at all costs. I need to know if you both still feel that way? I…don’t know where we…this..I don’t know where I stand, Masters.”

  “So your little ploy did nothing but feed more insecurity inside you. Isn’t that right, kitten?”

  “Yes, Master,” I nodded as disgrace suffused my every cell.

  “When we told you we loved you, we meant with all our hearts.” Nick nudged a finger beneath my chin, his voice so soft and filled with adoration, I found it difficult to look into his eyes. “And when we said you’ve changed us, we meant that you’ve changed everything we thought we wanted before you touched our lives. You have changed us, little one. Changed us for the better.”

  Tears blurred my vision as Nick slanted his lips over mine. He’d never pressed his lips to mine with such tender reverence. My heart swelled when he seemed to fuse every ounce of love in his soul into that one staggering kiss.

  A tiny whimper escaped my throat as he pulled away. I glanced up at Dylan. His expression looked almost pained.

  “Master?” I asked, filled with confusion.

  He had always tried to hide his emotions more vehemently than Nick. The fear that it still held true mustered a sudden pang of apprehension within.

  “I don’t have words to describe it, Savannah. All I know is that the time we spent with you chased away the dark, bleak cloud that has been hanging over my head since I came back home. You’ve given me hope, kitten. It’s something I never thought I could feel again. There’s no way I’m going to let you go.”

  Tears spilled down my cheeks as Dylan pulled me in close. Caressing his broad hand over my cheek, he gave me a gentle smile then kissed me with the same tender intensity that Nick had. All my fears seemed to melt away beneath his lips. I whimpered, basking in the unreserved love given by my two Masters.

  I should have been giddy with their newfound commitment. Still, something tugged at my confidence. I closed my eyes for a brief moment to pinpoint the cause of my uncertainty.

  The diner.

  And there it was. I tensed and my heart pounded in my chest. Had I not been locked in their arms, I would have bolted from the couch.

  “What’s wrong?” Nick wrapped his broad hands around my face and held me in his stern gaze.

  “Nothing,” I lied, watching as Nick arched his brows in warning. “I mean…” Crap. I couldn’t keep pushing them away. The few hours I’d spent alone had been debilitating. “I’m sorry, Master. Something happened last night at dinner that I didn’t share with either of you.”

  “What happened in the ladies room, little one?”

  I wanted to growl. Nick had obviously known I’d had words with the woman even though I’d kept the incident from both of them. I issued a heavy sigh and hung my head.

  “A woman came into the restroom shortly behind me. She was one of the women…”

  “We remember, kitten. Go on.” Dylan prodded.

  “She called us perverts and said we needed to leave or she was going to call the cops. She said I was a whore and that I was going to burn in hell.”

  “She didn’t look altogether happy when she left the restroom, kitten. What did you say to her?”

  I nibbled my lip. I’d already racked up a punishment for running away. Would they add more for me being rude to the hateful bitch? I had no doubt edging would be their choice of torture, but I worried my confession would only add more fuel to the fire. Ignoring Dylan’s question wasn’t an option. All I could do was hold out hope that they’d let me come…eventually.

  “I umm, called her a heifer and suggested she get laid,” I replied in a small, timid voice.

  Dylan snorted and began to laugh. Nick threw his head back and guffawed. A reticent smile tugged my lips.

  “Our first date didn’t go very well, did it, kitten?” Dylan asked when he finally stopped laughing. “We’ll make it up to you, baby. There’s a wonderful, quaint Italian place not too far from home. Would you like to go there when we get back to Chicago?”

  The smile fell from my face. Great. Just what I wanted; to be tossed into the ring with a bunch of hungry lions, chomping at the bit to rip me to shreds. Sit there trying to choke down my dinner while narrowminded, judgmental people, slinging rude insults and staring at me like I was an abomination. I had no doubt the restaurant Dylan boasted was far classier than Ma’s Kettle’s. But would its patrons assume I was a whore, as well? While I knew my Masters wouldn’t fuck me on top of the dinner table, I wasn’t naïve enough to think they’d curtail their affection in public. It would be like wearing a neon sign. My mind was spinning, and fear was swirling deep in my belly.

  Dylan’s thick fingers gripped my hair. “Answer us, kitten,” he demanded.

  “What?” I blinked, knowing I’d missed their question while submerged in dread.

  “Where did you go just then?” Nick asked. His mouth set in a tight line wearing his bad-ass-Dom expression.

  “To my worries, Sir.”

  “We’re waiting,” Dylan pressed.

  I closed my eyes and sighed. When I opened my mouth, everything spilled out in a nauseating blob of gibberish. When I was done, neither of them said a word. Their unreadable expressions only served to catapult my anxiety level straight to the moon.

  Finally, Dylan slid me onto Nick’s lap. “I’ll be right back,” he announced as he stood and walked out the front door.

  “Where’s he going?”

  “Not another word, pet,” Nick instructed.

  “But I’m trying to communicate. If I’m not allowed to speak, how can I do that, Sir?”

  He slashed me with a look of warning. I pinched my lips together then issued a frustrated huff.

  Dylan returned a few moments later, the black duffel slung over his shoulder. I knew then that my ass was in serious trouble.

  “Show us where your bedroom is, kitten,” Dylan instructed with a scowl on his face. “It’s time to pay the piper.”

  I hesitated just long enough for Nick to lift me from his lap and set me on my feet. My pussy was inches from his face. His gaze dropped to my closely cropped tuft of curls and I felt the moisture gathering over my folds as his nostrils flared.

  “I can smell your cunt. Already wet for us, little one?”

  “Please, Masters. No punishment. Just make love to me,” I begged.

  Nick stood and placed his hands on my hips, turning me to face Dylan, who was wearing a wry grin. I opened my mouth to beg for lenience, but before I could speak, a wicked slap landed over my butt cheeks. The ensuing burn rushed down my legs.

  “Ouch!” I blurted, when all I really wanted to do was purr.

  “That was a sweet cry, but lacked the sincerity we’re looking for, little one,” Nick chuckled.

  “Wh--what? You want me to hurt?”

  “You like pain, kitten. We established that back at the barn.”

  “You know we’d never give you more than you can handle, girl. But there are several things we need to make perfectly clear. First and foremost, you belong to us. Running away is forbidden. You will not trick us by faking sleep or use any other guise again. We will purge the negative body image you cling to, as well as your preoccupation with other people’s opinions ab
out our lifestyle choice. Negative thinking has no place in our relationship, nor does it promote your submission. And last but not least, you own the responsibility of communicating with us about everything. There will be no more yanking it from of you like a goddamn dentist,” he growled in a firm voice.

  “Looks, like we have enough work to keep us busy for a long time, kitten,” Dylan chuckled.

  “But… you keep telling me to be quiet. Besides, I wasn’t in a frame of mind to explain all this to you at the barn. Don’t you understand?”

  “And why couldn’t you, kitten? Did your pride get in the way of being honest with us?” Dylan asked, eating up the distance between us in two long strides.

  “Yes,” I mumbled and hung my head. Looking at my beaded nipples, I could no longer ignore the increasing slickness between my legs, either. Their interrogation tactics turned me on like a light bulb. The way they dissected me like a science experiment only made me hotter and wetter.

  I was certain there was a psych ward out there, with a whole wing dedicated to me. Normal people didn’t get turned on by Dominant cross-examination, did they?

  “You keep stepping on your pride instead of trusting us. The submissive road you’re on is going to be one hell of a rocky journey until you finally decide to, little one.” I raised my head. Nick’s expression was severe. “You need to realize that regardless of what people think, what they say, or how they stare… Dylan and I will provide your happiness and serenity. If you don’t fucking trust us with your emotions, the good, the bad and the ugly, you’ll never find true peace.”

  “We’re not asking for perfection. We know you’ve been alone for a long time, but we won’t tolerate bits and pieces, pet.” Dylan scowled. “It’s all or nothing. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Masters.”

  On one hand, I was relieved that they didn’t expect me to slough off my insecurities with the wave of a magic wand. But sharing every damn emotion with them seemed daunting. And there was still the matter of my punishment.

  “Is it going to be edging again?” I asked with a pained expression.


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