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Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

Page 18

by L. Ann Marie

  “As you will Christian. It will ease her mind.” He’s gone.

  “I need to teach him goodbye.”


  I spin around and my breath catches. She’s smiling with happy in her eyes. “You’re beautiful babe.”

  She walks right over and lifts her face to me. I turn and shut the sausage off then lift her up against me so I can kiss her the right way. I’m hard in a New York minute. Jesus I need to control this. I put her down and put my hands on her face to kiss her lips. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough.” She smiles liking that or maybe she feels the same. “Sit baby, I’m almost done here.”

  She gets a cup and fills it with coffee. Shit, I should have made it for her. I’ll remember tomorrow. While I’m getting the plates filled, I get Hawk his food. She laughs and I turn setting her plate down. She’s watching the cup pour Hawk’s food in his bowl.

  I shrug and sit. “I have some other abilities.”

  She’s wearing a cute little smirk. “So I see.” She starts eating. “Thanks for breakfast. I’ll do supper.”

  I nod watching her. Really, I’m trying to read her. She doesn’t ask and I’m wondering why. “You’re not going to ask?”

  She shakes her head no. “You said you don’t talk about abilities. Or maybe that was the kids.” She shakes her head. “Either way you’re not supposed to talk about them. I’ll just watch for them.”

  I’m surprised, but nod. Okay. This isn’t what I expected. I planned on telling her the obvious ones. I eat. When we’re done, she stands to clean up. “Sit.” I get everything cleaned up and the dishwasher packed while we sit and talk about the day. She’s going to look up classes.

  “You’re sure it’s okay?” She looks nervous.

  “You don’t need permission from me babe. Do whatever makes you happy.”

  She giggles. I love that sound. “You make me happy.”

  I love hearing that too and lean over to kiss her. “I’ll take you to work. Once I order the car, Jax needs to get it tracked. I’ll bring you another cuff tonight. It will keep you safe.”

  She nods, but her forehead scrunches making little creases across it. “I don’t have a license, so I don’t think I need a car.”

  “How do you not have a license?”

  She smiles. “I can drive, but I never took the test.”

  “I’ll get the car to Jax and we’ll get you a license. You need to be able to come and go as you please. Being chained to the Compound isn’t a life babe. What kind of car do you want and what color?”

  She gives me a smile. “Smallish and blue.”

  “You want a smaller SUV?” I like that idea, she’s so damn tiny, at least she’d be able to see in front of her.

  “I’ve never had a car so whatever you think.”

  I smile. “Blue, fun and sporty SUV.”

  She laughs. “Okay then. I need to get to work.”

  She does. I take her hand and walk her out. “The gate Hawk.” He starts running while we get on my HS bike and follow. At the gate, I tell the guard I’m at the school for an hour then I’ll need an HS shuttle to Security.

  Walking into the school I call Uncle Danny. “I wanted to thank you for finishing the house yesterday. It’s perfect.”

  “Glad you like it. You were easy. Your girl like it?” How the fuck does he know about Dean? “Jessie called last night.”

  I laugh. Right. “She loves it.”

  “You got a date?” He’s fuckin’ nuts.

  “After two days? No. Bye.” I swipe the phone off while he yells something about wasting time. Fuckin’ crazy bastard. Two fuckin’ days.

  I let Dean’s hand go and pick up Nash. “Hey little buddy. You’re here early.” Dean walks into the classroom. I watch her go—thinking about getting another kiss before I leave. I’m turning into quite the pussy and smile at the thought.

  “Prez has us all in early. He said we have a warning,” Taylor says from behind me.

  I turn to look at him. “The meeting still at nine?”

  He nods. “Inner circle is meeting first.” Dakota isn’t telling them anything so I don’t know what that’s all about. “Beth wants you to come to dinner tonight. She’s asking Serenity too.”

  “We aren’t making dinner tonight Taylor. Shit is going to hit us hard.” Phoenix is waiting by the classroom door. I feel him trying to connect and throw to him that I’ll see him next.

  Taylor is watching me, trying to figure out how to ask so I answer. “The old ladies need cover. The kids need extra Security today and you need to make sure HS has good tags. They’ll try to take out HS so they can get at the kids and old ladies.”

  He nods. “I’ll let Prez know.” I can’t tell him Beth will be clear, but it would ease his mind. We need that fierce fight today so I leave it alone and let it happen as it should.

  “I need to see Phoenix.”

  He kisses Nash’s head. “Love you little dude.” He looks at me. Wondering if he should ask for more, but he doesn’t. “You want Hawk at Security?”

  “Not yet.” He watches me for a second then heads toward the kitchen. He’ll run the tunnel today. They’ll see a lot of action down there. I hope to Christ we’re ready.

  In the classroom, I put Nash down and take Phoenix’s hand leading him out to the empty daycare room. He’s throwing me what he picked up and I let him get it all out. I throw it was from another’s vision and shows a good end to a bad day. He nods with a smile. He asks in my head if everyone stays safe today. I’m glad he asked because it shows he understands that what they’re seeing isn’t a whole picture. “We will do what we do and work to keep everyone safe. It will be scary, but you need to trust in your fathers and work to keep the Little Brothers safe. I need all of you to look out for each other. Yeah?” He isn’t happy with the answer, but he understands. He hugs me and goes back to the classroom having never said a word.

  I shake my head smiling and wait for Mucimi and Aquyà to come in and sit. I don’t wait long before Mucimi is throwing pictures at me fast. “I know little man. Slow down and sit.” Aquyà waits at the door. “You too Aquyà.”

  I think of my wording and start. “Today the MC and Princes will be hit. Because of what can happen I can only say so much to prepare them for that. Phoenix gave me some information that tells me one will be saved. I need that to happen as it will and will do everything possible to make sure everyone else is safe and nothing alters the future. You need to trust in our fathers to do their jobs. This is no different than any other war we’ve had. They’re very good at their jobs. Mucimi, I need to talk to Aquyà. You throw to me if you need me little man, but I see everything you do. I need you to trust that I’m doing the right thing—even if you don’t understand. Yeah?”

  He gives me a nod and gets up. As he’s walking out Aquyà throws, ‘He’s worried. He’s too small to worry so much.’

  “He is. We’ll work on that, but for today I need you to focus on keeping the Little Brothers safe.” He nods so I go on. “Brandon knows how to get in the tunnels. You use them if you need them and get everyone to Security. Hit your watch twice so Ops knows you’re moving and take the dogs with you. Holly and Dean need to follow. Yeah?” He nods so serious. “We will use everything we have—including the Little Brothers. It’s the way we’ve always worked. I know it will be scary, but you need to lead them today. Use Mucimi to calm everyone. If he’s focused on that he’ll get less of what’s happening.”

  I get another nod and put my fist out. “Good luck Little Brother.”

  “I love you Christian.” He hits my fist and hugs me.

  I see he has the vision running through his head. “Love you too Aquyà.”

  When he leaves, I call Uncle Steve. “You need Devan and Colt running today. Elizabeth, Harley and Blake are a help with HS beside Blake. I’m pulling Blaze to Ops. She’s a focused reader that will also be a help for you.”

  “You takin’ Mase?”

  His mind is running so fast I c
an’t grab at anything. “Yeah, we need him here. They’ll try to knock out HS first. Cover the kids and old ladies.”

  “Sendin’ Mase with Cloud. Anythin’ else.”

  “Jeremy needs to stay with Aubrey. Together they keep each other safe. Blaze will help with that. That’s all I can give you right now.”

  “This isn’t just church pussies.” He’s not asking so I don’t answer. “Good luck Brother,” he tells me.

  “Thanks VP. We’re going to need it.”

  He’s gone, so I connect with Aiyana. She’s still pissed about the pipeline. Jesus. This is like walking through the Club. I have to choreograph all the people just to get to the fuckin’ door. ‘I need help Aiyana. We don’t have Protectors here like the MC. I need everything you have focused on us today. Anywhere you can freely step in will be a help.’

  ‘I’ll be there Christian. There is much hate today. Will it be enough?’

  ‘I’m counting on it my Warrior Princess. Together we can make it through this. I need everyone.’

  ‘I will have help in Co and Kaya. Be safe my Warrior Protector.’ She’s already moving to talk to them.

  I take a deep breath and hope to fuck this works. We’ve never fought like this. Coordinating everyone is one thing. Getting them to fight with all they have is another. I jump and let the ancestors settle me—which they do. Whatever I’m doing is helpful.

  I go over everything in my head and see a couple of problems with me being in two places at once. I’m going to need Mase’s help. ‘Je, I need you with Aubrey today. You keep each other safe however you can Brother. Blaze will be at Ops, you need to listen to her today, it’s important that you do.’

  “I will Christian. She saw.’ He sounds upset.

  Fuck. ‘You can do this. Stay with her, no matter what is happening around you, you stay with Aubrey.’

  ‘Yeah. Good Luck Christian.’

  ‘Love ya, Je. Stay safe.’


  I find my girl and kiss her like it will be the last time, hoping it isn’t the last time. “I’ll be late babe. Follow Aquyà today. He knows what to do.” She gives me an odd look, but nods. I wish to fuck I could read her. Leaving Hawk with the kids feels right. They’ll need any extra protection I can get them.

  When I get to my bike Aaron is waiting. “I’m just shuttle and going for the Security meeting.”

  I nod and we fly through the streets to Security. Since Aaron is Uncle Danny’s he has no problem riding hard and fast. I never get shit from him and today that’s a relief. I don’t need shit today. I run everything through my head again as we’re walking into Security. Running with Mase should give us the help we need. Aiyana is a bonus. I need to talk to Devan, Ally, Terry and Jacob after the meeting.

  In my office, I call Uncle Danny. “A tractor trailer will cross your path today. Do. Not. Shoot it. Don’t shoot any box trucks. Get them up to Baxter’s to unload before VP sees what’s in them. Blake can help you with that.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Rich may be helpful.”

  “Thanks Brother. Good Luck.” He didn’t ask about a date so I look in. They’re in a meeting of their own. Perfect.

  I do a time check and walk to the meeting room. I see everyone in Prez’s and thumb in that one. Taylor and Aaron aren’t here. I throw chin and sit. I’m a little nervous now about how this will all play out.

  “Good night Brother?” Prez asks.

  I smile. “Yeah. I love the house and Dean stayed with me.”

  He nods happy for me. I like seeing him so clear. “I can’t read her though. Last night got harder, but today I don’t get anything. It’s like a complete block.”

  “I can’t read Lily either. It’s just the way it works. I think it evens the playing field and keeps us working for our women,” he says and Dakota laughs.

  I look at Dakota. “Women will always be a mystery to men. This is no different Christian. If you cannot read her you are too close. That is not a bad thing, but a very good one.”

  I smile. “Yeah.” Being closer to her is a good thing in my book.

  “Since Dakota isn’t in an answering mood today, do you have anything for us?” Prez is frustrated, but not mad.

  Dakota is blocking me so I look Prez in the eye. “It’s going to be bad. There are things we can do to make that easier. Mase is getting dropped by my dad. He’ll need to run with Aaron or Jessie. Taylor needs his gear, but he’ll be helpful in the tunnels later. They’ll aim for HS first. Dakota needs to cover.” I look at Dakota. “Don’t shoot the trucks. They expect us to run like we have in the past. We need to change that.” Dakota nods and looks at Prez so I do. “If the kids need to move, Aquyà will alert Ops he’s on the move. They can disable the guns and make it to the tunnels. The MC is aware of the trucks and what I could tell them. I’ll call Devan and Ally when we’re done here. Aiyana, Co and Kaya will help where they can.”

  He has everything running in his head then he runs through what I said again. Jessie leans forward. “What can Aiyana do? Are they hit too?”

  I shake my head no. “They’ll help here. We don’t have the Protectors here like Mass does. Aiyana and Kaya can help here with Co guiding them.”

  He doesn’t understand and I don’t know what he needs to know versus what he can know so I look at Prez for help. ‘I don’t know what to tell him.’

  He smiles. “Freaky kid shit Jessie. They’ll be on the reservation, but can help with their abilities here. It’s fuckin’ crazy.” He looks at me. “Jeremy?”

  “Focused on keeping people and Aubrey safe.” He gets it. I wait for the questions he’s got going through his head.

  “You see what I’m thinking. If you can’t answer don’t. Is there anything else that I need here?”

  “Me to stress don’t shoot the trucks and don’t run the same plays you’ve used before.”

  His head cocks to the side. “This isn’t the religious fanatics?”

  I think about what I can say. “The group has been watched and now have others mixed in their groups collecting information and watching their next moves. At first, it’s the lunatics. After is the plans of a bigger group with an MC axe to grind.” Dakota sits up and I stop. Prez takes note of how that worked and throws me chin. He gets it without me explaining anymore. It’s not ours to tell.

  They start talking about the run on Saturday. Since I’m going, I listen while I get some coffee from the side table. Taylor and Aaron come in.

  “Everything is set, if we need them, they’re secure,” Taylor says walking toward me. I hand him the cup and make another.

  “Thanks Brother.” He sits and I see he’s talking about securing the tunnels.

  I didn’t think of that and I had Aquyà using them before I even knew if they were safe. I sit thinking I need to pay better attention to the details.

  “You talked to Aiyana, Jeremy, the MC and the kids all before you got here. You don’t need to think of everything. That’s on me. You get your Protectors ready and tell me where I can help or the plans you’ve made. I’ll do the rest. It takes every one of us to do this Christian.” I nod and realize he’s right. “Jason get the boards up and Brantley explain what we’ve got so far.”

  The lunatics don’t have a good plan, but they know a lot of HS patterns, all the family and readers with Darren, Jessie, Sheila, Aaron and Brantley mixed in. From what the board shows they think all family are readers.

  Prez gives us a plan and warns about shooting the trucks and not being predictable. He has to explain to Taylor and Aaron and stresses watching for the Teams. I’m surprised when he tells us Driscoll will run the PD while Jax is running some high-ranking officers as Security for us. This is more than I saw and I’m glad for the help. It’s another layer to get through. When he tells Dakota he’s flying, Dakota throws him chin making me smile.

  When he’s done, he looks around the table taking everyone’s thoughts in. “Are there any questions?”

is Christian partnered with?” Brantley asks.

  I didn’t think of that either. “Jessie,” Prez says like it was already decided.

  I look in and see that it was. Dakota did tell them something. I look at him and throw him chin getting it back with a smile. I may live yet. He laughs.

  Prez watches not catching what passed between us. “Jessie and Aaron are running with the Protectors. I’m on Air Ops, but we’ll be working with you to make sure nothing gets dropped. Jessie will get information through to me if I need it.”

  I nod thanking the ancestors he thought of that too. He looks around again. “Anything else?”

  I wait until everyone is filing out and stop Aaron. “Mase is HS. He works with VP when he’s on. I don’t know if he’ll just start throwing to you, but he’ll need to focus on what he’s doing. He’s good or VP wouldn’t let him run.”

  He’s good with Mase. “You don’t have to convince me, Christian. I was one that helped train him.”

  “I didn’t know that. Sorry Brother.”

  He nods thinking I was going through shit myself. “Is he going to fly?”

  I laugh. “Suspend. He may.”

  Mase is waiting in the hall. “Dad said you wanted me here. I can’t believe VP okayed it.”

  “I’m the only one here. We’ll need the help. I need to talk to Devan and Jacob. Grab some coffee and something to eat and meet me in my office.”

  He’s glad to be here and wonders if we’ll need more help. I let it go and call to Jacob to bring Terry up. On the way, I call Devan and tell him the plan and what to watch out for. He’s ready and Pres brought him into their Security meeting. He didn’t know what he could tell them so he didn’t say anything. He’s a smart Brother. VP is running Protector Ops and he’s relieved. The questions he has never get spoken. I tell him what I can and hang up as Jacob and Terry come in.

  “Leave it open for Mase,” I tell Terry walking toward the meeting room.

  “Jeremy is worried,” Jacob says sitting down.

  I nod and wave Mase in. “He needs to focus on Aubrey today. It won’t be easy with everything that’s going on.”

  He talks to Jeremy about getting his shit together and keeping their girl safe. I wait for him, looking at Mase and Terry. Since they know what he’s doing they don’t have a problem waiting. When he checks back in, I tell them the plan and what I can of what we’ll be dealing with. I let Mase know we’ll have help in Aiyana. He’s relieved. Jacob doesn’t have a problem running with Prez and Terry’s head is clear and relaxed.


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