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Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

Page 19

by L. Ann Marie

  “Any questions?”

  Mase raises his hand and Jacob laughs. “Do Aaron and Jessie know what’s coming?”

  “No and we can’t tell them. I can’t give them that without changing what’s meant to be.” I see his concern, but he understands. None of them want to chance another Aubrey nightmare.

  “If no one has any questions, Jacob and Terry you can get to Ops and watch for vehicles coming in. They’ve been smart about tracking, you’ll want to keep a close eye on any vehicles just roaming, even if they’re not tagged.” They throw chin and come around to my side of the table. I stand knowing why.

  Jacob hugs me. “Good luck Christian. Keep Jessie close. I’d like to see you tomorrow.” He lets go quick and steps back.

  “I just got the girl. I’m not going out that easy Jay.”

  He watches me then nods. “Kuwômôyush.” He walks away and I can see how hard this is for him. The threat of losing Aubrey and me is a lot to handle, but he’s determined to do everything he can to stop that from happening.

  “Love you too Jay.” I smile hearing him give Jeremy a pep talk as he’s leaving.

  When I turn, Terry is standing in front of me. “I know I don’t get everything the others do, but I know enough to be worried. Stay safe Brother. Kuwômôyush.” He man hugs me and walks away.

  I look at Mase and see tears in his eyes. I turn away. “It will all work out Mase.”

  “Has anyone gotten a change for the vision?”

  “No, but the ancestors were encouraging.”

  He stands up pissed. “Not on my watch Brother. Stay away from the fuckin’ trucks. Jessie should know so he can be prepared.”

  I shake my head no. “There’s more at stake here Mase. We need to keep clear heads and just do the job. Your job is clearing the threat any way you can. Don’t hold back and show no mercy Brother. If we all work together we can get rid of this threat and have a beer with Prez at the Club.”

  “Does he know about the visions?” He’s only got bits and pieces, but they’re running through his head.

  “Not all, no. We just need to do the job Mase. I’m not chancing the kids or old ladies to save a Brother. They wouldn’t want that and we can’t guarantee the outcome.”

  He watches me and I see him weighing my words. “I’ll do everything I can Christian. No matter what happens I won’t quit Brother. I’ll work until it’s done.”

  I hug him. “Kuwômôyush.”

  “I’m headed to the locker room. Call to me when it’s time.” He walks toward the door.

  “Mase.” He stops, but doesn’t turn. “I’m proud of you little brother. Out of everyone I could have chosen I knew you’d understand the dangers of saying too much and you’re fuckin’ fierce when you need it. Don’t hold back. Throw everything you can at these pussies. Aaron will have your back and he can’t wait to see you suspend.”

  He laughs and continues walking. I blow out a breath and plop down on the seat. When I open my mind, I see the visions playing through. The only one that’s changed is Beth. If that’s all we get today, it’s still worth it.

  I call to Nunánuk asking for the strength and peace of the ancestors for all of the Blackhawks today. She eases my mind saying, ‘Mucimi Christian.’

  I head to Ops with a smile.


  Jessie throws his leg over watching me to make sure I got all he’s said. I throw him chin to go on. “Reload is with a relay team of HS. They’ll take our place and we drop back to reload. There’s one per town.” He’s got nothing else for directions, but knows I’m not the only one destined to die today. I wait for him to ask knowing that I can’t answer. “Aquyà asked who becomes President if the Officers die. Are we all fighting for our lives today?”

  It’s not the question that was in the front of his mind and it throws me. “I would say that’s every day. We fight for good every day Jessie. This is just another day.”

  “Fuckin’ cryptic messages.” He starts his bike.

  I smile thinking life is rarely simple, but every day there are those moments that cause a simple smile. “Fuckin’ A, Jessie. Fuckin’ A.”

  He laughs and looks behind him. Our Team is ready to roll.

  Jessie: “Ghost to Protector Ops, Team One readied.”

  Jacob: “Ghost you’re on with Lightfoot on lead and Mimer on control. Roll on my one. Three, two, one.”

  We roll out heading toward the highway. While there are no tagged vehicles congregating, there are too many cars and trucks that seem to have no destination. Darren has Jax move PD closer to them.

  I see a vision of Jeremy throwing shit at a car, just trying to keep ahead of it. ‘Speed up and come at him. Run offense Je. Aubrey can throw with you.’

  Our boards light up and Jacob is moving Mase and Aaron. I throw to Jessie we need to move.

  Jacob: “Team One move toward the Compound. Coder has a utility truck moving fast.”

  Jessie: “Roger Lightfoot.”

  A box truck turns right in front of us and Jessie raises his gun.

  “No! Stand down!” I move the truck and hold the driver. “Lightfoot get someone on the truck. I won’t be able to hold him much longer.”

  Jacob: “Roger Guardian. The utility truck is thirty seconds out.”

  Fuck. This is earlier than I thought. Fuckin’ lunatics can’t even keep a schedule.

  Jacob: “Prez said to tell you the kids are moving everyone to the kitchen.”

  Me: “Roger Lightfoot. Ghost we’re running out of time. I can’t hold the driver Jay.” I start moving cars out of our way and speed up.

  Jacob: “Security has him Guardian.” I move to the middle of the road and stop everything from coming close to me.

  Jessie: “Roger Lightfoot. He’s off the fuckin’ chart Brother.”

  Jacob: “The utility truck is in the gate and a couple of feet through the front door Ghost.” Fuck!

  ‘Aquyà get out of the building. Get in the tunnel now!’ I see Sheila shooting as a van pulls in, fuckin’ pussies are running out of the back. Done is right behind her, but falls. Jesus someone is in the building. I throw it to Sheila and she spins around ducking behind the truck. That was too fuckin’ close.

  We take the corner and Jessie’s shooting at everyone. I pull right to the door and run in. Aquyà isn’t going down. He throws Mucimi and Holly. She’s got the baby, but won’t move from the pantry. Mucimi is trying to pull her out. ‘Push. I’m here Mucimi, make her go.’

  A shot just misses my head and I duck throwing a shield around me. I turn, but no one is there. At the kitchen, I see Holly walking toward the basement door shaking her head no. “Go!” She runs holding the baby against her. Shit, I wish we could have prepared them.

  Mucimi veers toward me and a pussy steps out, pointing a gun at him. “The most dangerous one of all.” His finger moves and I throw fire then roll pain through him starting at his head so he can’t think.

  I raise and move Mucimi away from the pussy then set him down at the door with Aquyà. I don’t want to leave the lunatic to go closer to them. “Go! Get to Security. I’ll reset the sensor here. Keep moving Little Brothers. You did good.” I look at the pussy then back at them as the door closes.

  Jessie moves to the sensor control and looks at me. “Get the fire out before the building goes up.”

  I shoot the pussy then throw water at him. “Done was shot,” I tell him.

  “Where the fuck did you get water?”

  What? “I don’t know. Is Done okay?” I see the kids close the tunnel door and breathe easier. “They’re in the tunnel.”

  “He was taken to Nick, a shot high on his leg, he’ll be okay.” He throws the switch on the sensor.

  I nod. “They’re clear. Cade is down there with them.” ‘Good job Aquyà.’ I throw to my little guy and turn. “We need to get to the town center.”

  Jessie: “Team One clear. We’re moving to the town center.”

  Jacob: “Roger Ghost. VP has Enforcer on the clin

  I push it away and find Mase. ‘A truck is coming your way. They’re going to try to block the Security building. I’m four out.’

  Mase: “Roger Guardian.”

  At the bikes, Jessie puts his hand on my arm. “What did you say to him?”

  “I’m four out. We need to go now.” I start my bike and roll to the gate.

  “We go together Brother.”

  “Always.” I look back and watch them roll up to me.

  He throws chin and I’m off. “Jesusfuckin’Christ.” I don’t hear what he says to Jacob as I’m clearing our path. The MC just had a truck blow, BS was hit and we have a truck that’s going to blow if we don’t make it. I throw a pussy raising his gun from a doorway to Jessie and hear the shot, but keep moving.

  Jessie: “Ghost clear. Send Clean-up Lightfoot.”

  Jacob: “Roger Ghost.”

  ‘Dakota they’re trying to block the Security building. Watch for anything getting close. Do not shoot the trucks.’

  ‘Roger Guardian.’

  A minivan flies out of a side street and I veer away pushing it back. I throw the driver to Jessie and hear him tell Tag to shoot him. ‘Mase, we’re coming up to the Café.’

  Mase: “West two blocks, north one, Guardian.”

  Jacob: “Two trucks Guardian! One is stolen from the Brewery.”

  Me: “Get someone stopping traffic around Security. Eagle Eye stand ready. Do NOT hit the trucks HS.”

  Dakota: “I will thank you in advance Brothers. The trucks are expensive.”

  I hear people laughing, but push it away and call to Aiyana. ‘I need help Aiyana. The trucks are loaded with explosives. They’re going to try to level the Security building. I only see after. Help me clear the trucks then keep Security clear. If you have to, focus on shielding the building just do that.’

  ‘We have time my Warrior Protector.’

  Thank fuck. “Mase focus on the truck. I got the driver. We need it away from the buildings.”

  Mase: “Roger Guardian. I can stop it, but can’t move it alone.”

  Me: “We have help. Stop it now!” I hear Prez talking, but have the driver held and push the truck from the corner. “Help me Aiyana!” The truck lifts and slides to the center of the road. “Lightfoot get the driver and someone to drive the truck to the service road behind the Club.”

  Jacob: “Roger Guardian. Second truck four blocks south.”

  Me: “I need the driver cleared Jay I can’t do both.”

  Jessie: “43 take the pussy until he’s picked up. Go Christian.”

  As soon as 43 has the door open I hit the throttle. There are fewer cars and that makes thinking easier. The visions aren’t fuckin’ quitting and we’re running out of time. ‘Aiyana shield the building. Just like with the water protectors. Make a wall.’

  ‘We are Christian.’

  “Mase we clear the truck then shield the building. Prez we need your help. I need the kids to help shield the building.”

  Prez: “Roger Guardian.” I see him walking out of Ops. Thank fuck he didn’t ask questions.

  As we come up to the truck it swerves and tips with two wheels off the ground. “NO! Mase stop the car!” I slow and push with everything in me. The driver turns the wheel and the truck leans heavy on me. “Mase!”

  ‘We cannot leave the building Christian.’

  “Mase has it Aiyana. Stay with Prez.”

  When the truck is back on four wheels I look at the driver and roll energy through him. He falls forward. Jessie opens the door and shoots him.

  Jessie: “Truck to the service road Lightfoot.”

  Jacob: “Roger Ghost.”

  Jessie looks at me. “Where to?”

  “There are two more, but I need to get to Security.” I see Sheila shooting in front of the clinic. “Beth is clear.”

  Jessie: “Get VP to move Enforcer to clearing the two trucks Lightfoot. We’re at Security.”

  Jacob: “We don’t have the trucks Ghost.” I throw a yellow flash on Terry’s board marking the trucks. “Got it Guardian.”

  Jessie flies by me heading for Security. “Stay away from the building.”

  Jessie: “Roger Guardian.”

  I pull up to him and roll into the lot. He stops when I do and stands with me. “Tell us what to do.”

  I look at him and sit down. “Throw me everything in you, we need energy to cover the building.”

  He looks at Tag and 43. “You heard him. Jump into Never Never Land and help shield the building.”

  I almost smile, but see the kids. “Throw Little Brothers all together. Push together.” I feel it as soon as they do. “Keep going. See the shield cover the building and push Little Brothers.”

  Jacob: “Christian!”

  “No, we shield the building Jay. Keep pushing Little Brothers.”

  Jacob: “Ghost a car is coming toward you. Everyone is every fuckin’ where.”

  Since they aren’t adding much energy I focus on the building and let them go. ‘Dakota I never made it here Brother. Tell me what I need to do.’

  ‘Shield the building. I am sorry Christian.’

  I push his sorry away seeing the truck at the north side of the building. “Push NOW!”

  My arm is pulled. “NO! Don’t touch me I need the energy!” Hands are all over me. I push the energy to the shield and feel the ground shake. “Don’t let go Prez!”

  Jessie yells and I’m dragged a few feet. They’re shooting and yelling, but I’m pushing everything to the shield. My body is screaming in pain and I throw it. Another explosion rocks the ground and Jessie’s hands are on me again.

  ‘Christian!’ Justice screams.

  Jessie’s pulling me again. My world is out of focus and I’m fighting to get it back.

  “Christian! Stay with me Brother. You did it. They’re clear. Prez said Aiyana sees them clear.”

  I open my eyes and focus on his words. “They’re clear. MC got hit again. One from Security is dead and one BS shot.”

  “Jesusfuckin’Christ. What do you need Brother?”

  I can’t see what the fuck is happening here. “Mucimi and the Little Brothers. I can’t move Jessie.”

  “I got you Christian. Jessie get the door. Darren get Dakota here,” Prez says. I didn’t feel him close.

  I’m lifted and moan. Jesus I hurt. I wake up in Prez’s meeting room. On the table to be exact. Fuck. Dakota has the boys around me. “I’m good Dakota.”

  He gives me a sad look. “You are good Christian, but you are not fine. Nick will be here soon. You have a broken leg and many bruises. The boys and Kaya are helping with what we can.”

  I nod. “Are we clear Dakota?”

  I get the sad smile again. “We are. Devan has Aiyana working with Blaze and the Protectors. They will be clear soon. I could not shoot the trucks without losing Brothers Christian.”

  He’s worried? “We did it Dakota. The building is still here. Everyone is safe. I didn’t see this far.”

  “We wouldn’t let you go Christian,” Justice says and I laugh then moan.

  “Thanks, Little Brothers.” Mucimi climbs up and lays his head on me. I close my eyes glad for the heat rolling through me.

  I feel Dean before my eyes open. “Babe.”

  “Right here Christian. A doctor is here. The boys went to get him.”

  I open my eyes and see the worry on her face. “I got this babe. I’ll be fine.”

  Dakota laughs. “He will be.” He leans over me. My neck is sore so I’m glad he does. “There is a concern of Nick touching you. Prez is worried about the energy. Brantley had to be removed. I do not think he would have let Nick do what must be done for you.” I smile trying to see it. “Pain clouds your vision.”

  I nod and hurt so I stop that shit. Jesus. “The boys can help.”

  “Prez thought the same thing. They will travel with us. Co said the ancestors are happy today Christian. You have done well in their eyes.”

  I smile. It’s always
good to keep them happy. He smiles, but something is sad in that smile. I can’t focus to see what’s going on. “Is everyone okay?”

  Nick comes in and I hear the boys moving around the table. “Fuck you look like you got hit by a car Brother.”

  I look at him then back to Dakota. “Who did we lose?”

  Prez leans over me. “Hawk, Christian. He broke through the door and was running to you when the second truck hit.”

  Hawk? No. My heart stops and breath catches. Hawk. I jump hearing Dakota tell them I’m with the ancestors. I go to Nunánuk. She’s waiting on the rock at her lake. “It is good to see my warriors together.”

  What? I look behind me and see the boys and Prez. “We aren’t letting go,” he says.

  I turn away and wipe my eyes taking a steadying breath. “Thanks, Prez.” They sit with me and I feel the strength in them. It’s flowing to me freely with the ancestors’ calming presence. “He died trying to save me.”

  “He did Christian. He died with you in the first vision, but Dakota couldn’t shield him while flying. We didn’t know until it was too late. I’m sorry Christian,” Prez says gently.

  I nod and look away. He was my only companion for years. RIP Brother. I feel a peace flowing through me. “Nunánuk is Hawk here with the ancestors?”

  Mucimi puts his hand on my face and turns me so I’m looking across the lake. “Hawk!” My tears fall and I fly to him landing on his back. “I’m so fuckin’ glad to see you Brother.” He barks making me laugh. “Thank you Nunánuk and my fathers for giving me this peace.” I feel everything run through me warm like the love from my family. They are my family. “Take me home Hawk.” He runs and I hold on for dear life. At the rock, he jumps and I almost go flying.

  The boys laugh. “Now he’s mucimi Christian,” Mucimi says and I smile. He is.

  “Hawk will keep me company my grandsons, go see your Shaman so he can heal your bones my Warrior Protector. We will see you when you return.” Nunánuk stands and I watch as Hawk moves beside her.


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