Book Read Free

Starr Fated

Page 42

by G E Griffin

  “What do you mean? Pushing my limits how?” I asked nervously.

  Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. We may have had a lot of sex, but it had been pretty straight forward sex, albeit in a wide variety of positions. So what did he have in mind for us now?

  Liam squeezed my hand in his much larger one. I liked his hands; they were big and strong, just like him.

  “Surely by now you trust me enough to just go along with what I suggest? Don't I always make it good for you?”

  “You know you do,” I agreed.

  “So if you can relax and be brave enough to just comply with my instructions, you know you’ll love what I have in mind. But if I tell you beforehand, it’ll spoil the element of surprise, won’t it?”

  “I suppose so,” I agreed hesitantly. Already my heart was thumping in my chest in anticipation of what new adventure Liam was going to subject me to this time. He’d promised that sex would never be boring with him, and he was certainly being true to his word.

  As we reached his apartment, Liam bent down and whispered in my ear.

  “ Seraphina. I want you to go into the bedroom, strip off, and then lie on the bed, fully naked with your eyes closed and wait for me. Do you think you can do that?”

  “Where will you be?”

  “I’ll be joining you at some point, have no fear. So, are you happy to do that for me?”

  “Okay, but whatever you have planned isn’t going to hurt is it?”

  “As long as you do exactly as I tell you, you’ll only experience immense pleasure.”

  As we reached his bedroom, he wrapped me in his arms and kissed me. It was a long, lingering, sensual kiss that instantly sparked our chemistry and helped put me at my ease, and I found myself actually looking forward to whatever it was that Liam had planned. The Sex God knew what he was doing after all.

  “I hope you trust me enough to push your limits just a little bit, but I think it’ll help to reassure you if we agree some safe words in advance. We’ll go with green means you’re fine, yellow means you’re okay but nervous, and red means stop immediately. So, if things really become too much, just say ‘red’ and I’ll stop, but remember it’s only a precaution to reassure you and I really don't think it’ll be necessary. So, can you repeat the colours for me?”

  “Like traffic lights. Green, yellow and red. I’ve got it.”

  “Good girl. Off you go then,” he smiled, as he patted me on my bottom, and then closed the bedroom door as he left me to it.

  I took a deep breath to calm myself as I looked round his bedroom. I pressed the button to lower the automatic blinds for the large windows, and then switched on one of the bedside lights. Now the room felt a bit more cosy and atmospheric, although it was such a plain masculine bedroom that I felt rather out of place in here without Liam, as if I were somehow intruding. It had looked so different with all the flowers and candles, but I couldn’t expect that every time.

  I decided there was no point in prevaricating, so after freshening myself up in Liam’s bathroom, I quickly peeled off my clothes. I carefully folded the duvet cover back, and then lay myself down on the bed as instructed, closing my eyes and letting my arms rest by my side.

  I took a few more deep breaths to calm my jangling nerves, and then waited. And waited. And waited. What on earth was keeping Liam? Just as I began to think about opening my eyes and getting up to see where he was, I finally heard the bedroom door open, and had to resist the very strong urge to open my eyes.

  “I’m glad to see you’ve done as instructed, and that you’ve been waiting nice and patiently for me. Just remain exactly as you are unless I move you in any way. I don't want you to speak, unless it’s to answer a question from me, or to call out a safe word. Do you understand, Seraphina?”

  “Yes. I understand.”

  “Good. Then we begin.”

  The bed dipped as he sat next to me, and I felt something slipped over my eyes and round my head. An eye mask?

  Next I felt something soft wrapped around my left wrist, and tightly fastened, possibly with Velcro. He stretched my arm above my head and then repeated the procedure on my other wrist, until both arms were spread out and restrained. I felt very exposed, but managed to keep calm.

  I couldn’t help whimpering when I felt something being fixed around each ankle as well, and then my legs being stretched apart. I was going to be lying naked and spread eagled across the bed. This was too much, wasn’t it?

  “Hush now, trust me. This is going to be so good for you,” Liam whispered in my ear, and then softly kissed my neck as he carefully brushed my hair away. “What colour are you?”

  “Colour? Oh, err…green, I think.”

  “Excellent. You look so beautiful lying here like this, Seraphina. Your breasts look so delicious that I’m going to taste them now.”

  He didn't touch me anywhere else as I felt his tongue flick over my left nipple, and then my right one. Because I couldn’t see what he was doing, everything felt more intense. Already I could feel arousal tingling in my core, and I had to stop myself from calling out his name. I wanted run my fingers through his thick hair as I loved to do, but of course I couldn’t.

  “And this belly of yours is so soft and inviting,” he murmured as he worked his way down, licking and sucking my skin in such a way that it tickled, and I found myself trying to wriggle away from him.

  “Oh no, you don’t. This is exactly why you’re restrained, Angel. You have to learn to accept the sensations my mouth and tongue can bestow on you, however intense they get. Tonight there will be no escaping or avoiding the pleasure,” he chuckled.

  Still he didn't touch me with anything other than his mouth and tongue as he worked his way down over my hips and headed towards my right leg. I could feel his breath as he very slowly worked his way up the inside of my thigh. I tried not to cry out, but it was so hard.

  “Your skin is soft and silky and tastes so good,” he whispered against my left thigh as he turned his attentions there, licking and kissing and nibbling me.

  “But I think my favourite place to taste you is going to be here.”

  My hips bucked as I felt Liam slowly lick me right there. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but I could certainly feel it.

  “No! Liam no, please, you can’t…”

  “Oh, but I can, sweet Angel and I am. Just relax, you knew we were always going to try this one day. And remember, I said no talking, but I’ll let you off just this one time. Now tell me what colour you are?”

  “Y..yellow..” I whispered.

  “Duly noted. I’ll go very slowly and carefully, but cunnilingus really is something you have to try. And your sweet, pretty pussy is just begging to be kissed. So will you please let me?”

  I remembered what Abbey had told me, that I had to try oral sex because it was so amazingly good. And here I was, at the mercy of an undoubted Master. What the hell, I just had to go for it, didn't I?

  “Okay, but…”

  “No buts, Seraphina. Just trust me. Just relax. Just enjoy.”

  I calmed myself. I forced myself to relax, using some of my yoga breathing techniques. At least I couldn’t see what he was doing, so that made it less embarrassing, although more intense. That was Liam’s plan of course. He knew I’d never have been able to relax enough for this experience unless I had no option because I was restrained. Now, as he sensed my tension easing, I felt his tongue very gently start to lick my highly sensitive clitoris, which felt incredibly intense, far more than when he used his fingers. He gradually increased the pressure, and then swirled the very tip of his tongue round and round on me until I almost couldn’t breathe because of the dizzying sensations he was creating. He stopped for a moment to let me calm down, just gently rubbing my legs to soothe me.

  “You are so responsive, sweet girl,” he murmured, then slowly started working his tongue on me once more. This time he also slipped a finger inside me, gently curving his finger to reach a specially sensitive spot. The c
ombination of stimulation was literally mind blowing, and I couldn’t help myself, I moaned and writhed under his ministrations.

  And then Liam took things to an even higher level as he gently sucked my clitoris.

  That was all it took. As he continued to gently suck me, I was gone, flying away to some place I had never been before, floating higher and further into an intense orgasm that rolled on and on for what seemed like forever. It almost felt as though I lost consciousness as I drifted in a state of euphoria, and I was only vaguely aware that my wrist and ankle restraints were being released, and that Liam was on top of me, gently easing himself inside me.

  “We can fly together now,” he whispered, as he slowly stroked his length in and out of me, and incredibly I felt myself building again, as I relished the feeling of fullness that always made me feel so connected to him. He was gentle and giving and considerate of the fact that I was still trembling and quivering as he pushed us higher and higher, until we peaked, clinging together as we both cried out.

  After that I don't remember much. I must have fallen asleep almost immediately, completely shattered, overwhelmed and sated.


  After discovering for myself that Abbey was right about just how amazing oral sex could be, I worried that Liam must really miss having it performed on him, considering that all his previous partners would certainly have had no issues with it, unlike me.

  “So, is oral just as intensely pleasurable for a guy?” I asked Liam at breakfast the next morning.

  “Pretty much I guess. But you were exceptionally sensitive and responsive, Seraphina. In all my previous experience, I’ve never…” he frowned as he stopped what he was saying.

  “Go on. In all your previous experience you’ve never what, Liam?”

  “Let’s not go there. You’ll only get upset and start shutting yourself off from me again. I've worked out that’s what you do whenever anything like this comes up.”

  “I don't,” I lied.

  “You know you do. You don't like any reminders of how I acquired my experience. And I get it, truly I do. But as I keep saying, I can’t change my past. ”

  “But I take it you do really enjoy oral?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “So, you must miss it? You’d really like it if I could…if I was able to…do it to you?” I stared into his face to gauge his reaction, all the while knowing that of course he’d love it.

  “Don’t worry about it, Seraphina. In time, you’ll feel more relaxed and comfortable about both receiving and giving oral sex, and I'm perfectly happy to wait for that time. Last night, I just wanted to introduce you to a great new experience. It certainly wasn’t my intention to put any kind of pressure on you to feel obliged to reciprocate. There’s no rush.”

  His deep blue eyes bored into mine, as he’d tried to convince me he was happy to wait.

  I let the matter drop, not wanting to spoil what time we had left of our precious weekend together, knowing he was away all of the following week.

  But it was on my mind as I thought about how things were going.

  Life was pretty good at the moment, I realised.

  I loved living in my apartment, and having so much space to myself – it was sheer luxury as far as I was concerned. But I also loved the fact that Liam was nearby, so we could easily see each other when we wanted to. This arrangement seemed to be working out very well indeed.

  I really enjoyed my job, and didn't mind putting the hours in to get the work done.

  I loved the fact that I got to see Liam at work every day - when he was around anyway.

  I also couldn’t deny that I loved the fact that I was going to be earning a decent wage, that’d I'd be able to relax and not worry about every little penny for the first time in my life.

  But not everything was hunky dory.

  It was hard to ignore how desperately I knew I would miss Liam while he was away. I didn't dare examine my feelings for him too deeply, because I knew it wouldn’t be good news. Unquestioningly, I was in very severe danger of getting in way over my head, because of how much I cared about Liam. In fact, it was already probably too late, as I tried to ignore the growing seeds of hope that maybe he cared about me as much as I cared about him.

  In an effort to keep hold of him for as long as I could, I wanted to really please him when he got back from his business trip. And I knew there was something I could do that would definitely please him. Go down on him. I had to get over this stupid hang up of mine and give him a surprise to remember. I bet Kimberley never had any problems like this.

  It was hardly as if I found him physically repulsive, was it? And I didn't have any kind of phobia about touching him in any other way. So surely it should just be a natural progression.

  I talked it through with Abbey on the phone one evening while Liam was away. She was busy preparing for her London College of Fashion catwalk show, where she was showcasing all her final designs, so we had to make do with catching up by phone. She’d been quizzing me to get all the gory details about my new found sex life in her normal forthright and uninhibited way, but I didn't mind because I found it a relief to be able to talk to someone apart from Liam to get their opinion about things. Abbey declared herself thrilled to hear how well things were going.

  “He makes you come every time? You lucky girl. I knew he’d be a totally amazing lover,” she sighed. “His type always are.”

  “What do you mean ‘his type’?”

  “The confident, commanding, Alpha male type. Clearly he knows what he’s doing in bed, and that he’s very good at sex. So he knows he has something to be commanding about, and that kind of confidence and self assurance is very attractive. That’s why he’s never had a problem attracting women. That, and the fact that he’s loaded of course. Naturally that always helps.”

  “And yet he’s hanging out with someone like me, someone who can't even bring themselves to go down on him.”

  “Just give it time, and don't worry about it. I know what you’re like, Sera. You’ll blow this up out of proportion and get yourself in a state if you’re not careful. You’re enjoying lots of great sex, he’s says he’s happy to wait, so just relax about it, takes things gradually. One day, it will just seem the most natural thing to do, and you’ll wonder why on earth you were so worried about it,” she advised.

  So in preparation for that time, I scoured the internet and did my research. I wanted to make sure I did my best to give Liam as good an experience as he’d given me. He’d told me exactly how he liked to be touched with my hands, so all I needed to do was adapt that knowledge to go oral. That shouldn’t be too difficult, should it?

  Liam wasn’t due back from his business trip until Sunday afternoon. He hadn't been too happy about being away all weekend, but he told me it had all been arranged for him to attend this conference in Barcelona long before we’d even met. I managed to keep myself busily occupied all weekend. I worked on my Evergreen designs once I’d caught up with all the usual housework chores such as the laundry, and cleaning the bathrooms. I would have hated for Liam to find my place dirty compared to his, bearing in mind that he had Aggie, his trusty housekeeper, to take care of all his chores for him.

  Because of his trip away, I’d agreed that we should spend Sunday night together at his place. I couldn’t wait to see him again, and I was determined to give him his welcome back surprise at some point during the evening.

  Of course we’d spoken on the phone, texted, emailed and Skyped each other while he was away, but it wasn’t the same as actually seeing him and touching him. So I found it hard to hide my excitement when he rang to say that he’d landed, Greg had picked him up, and he was now on his way back from Heathrow.

  “So, I’m planning on taking a nice long hot shower as soon as I get home, and I wondered if you would care to join me,” Liam suggested, his voice sounding meltingly seductive.

  “I think I could be persuaded to wash your back for you.” I practically drooled down the p
hone at him.

  “Other parts of my anatomy spring to mind that are in far more urgent need of your attention.”


  “Yes, really. How about I call in to collect you on my way up?”

  “I was going to cook you a nice meal.”

  “You still can. Just prepare it in my kitchen instead. I really would like to sleep in my own bed tonight. With you.”

  “Okay, I’ll come up to yours. See you in a while then.”

  I smiled happily to myself as I collected up all the food and prepared my overnight bag. Liam was back. All was well with the world.


  We just about made it through his apartment door before we started kissing and trying to rip each other’s clothes off, letting our bags drop carelessly to the floor in our haste.

  “I want you. Now,” Liam growled, as he pulled my top off over my head.

  “I want you too,” I replied breathlessly, as I tried to undo the buttons of his shirt, but he stepped back and impatiently pulled it off over his head before I'd finished. Now I had free reign to let my hands wander all over the wonderful smooth skin of his broad chest, as we started kissing again, stumbling our way towards his bathroom, losing my bra somewhere along the way.

  “God, I love your breasts,” he groaned as he caressed them. His touch on my naked skin felt even more powerfully electric than usual, because it had been days since we had last touched each other.

  “Nice skirt. Take it off,” Liam ordered as he watched me.

  I’d spent ages choosing what to wear to look nice for Liam, so I suppose I should have been pleased that at least he’d commented on my skirt before it ended up on the floor, along with my knickers, quickly followed by his jeans and boxers.

  Liam’s walk in shower was huge, much bigger than the one in my place, and perfect for sharing a shower. Once he’d set things up to get the hot steamy water cascading over us, we resumed our passionate kissing.


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