Book Read Free

Starr Fated

Page 43

by G E Griffin

  “I missed you… this… us,” Liam whispered.

  “Me too. I’m really glad you’re back. Now, I think you mentioned there was a part of your anatomy that needed some special attention?” I smirked, as I looked at his impressive erection.

  “There most certainly is.”

  “Then let me see what I can do about that.”

  Right at that moment, I felt incredibly empowered as I couldn’t wait to see Liam’s reaction to what I was about to do.

  I dropped down onto my knees in front of him, and watched his look of astonishment as he realised my intention.


  I smiled up at him, as I took hold of his beautiful cock, and then slowly licked the tip. I didn't feel nervous or worried, because all I could think about was bestowing pleasure on him as I lovingly laved him with my tongue.

  Liam closed his eyes and made wonderful pleasurable noises in the back of his throat as I tentatively started sucking him.

  “Sweet Angel that feels fucking amazing,” he moaned.

  My confidence growing, I sucked his big cock further into my mouth, while at the same time gently cupping his balls in my hand.

  I’d read that a man finds it very erotic to look down and see a woman’s mouth wrapped around his cock while she gazes up at him, so that’s what I did. And I also found it a big turn on to watch his face as he lost himself in the intense pleasure that I was giving him. As he started thrusting into my mouth, I hummed gently to increase the stimulation.

  “Oh sweet Jesus, Seraphina my Angel, you are a fucking natural at this,” he groaned, as he started thrusting deeper into my mouth while he held my head firmly in place with both hands.

  I tried to keep myself relaxed as I concentrated on swirling my tongue round, but I could feel myself beginning to panic as he kept thrusting deeper and deeper into my mouth. I tried to pull back, but as he was still gripping my head I couldn't.

  I looked up at his face again, and I realised that he’d lost himself in his intense pleasure, just as I’d intended. I really wanted to see this through to the natural conclusion, so I just closed my eyes and hoped for the best, trying to ignore my natural instinct to pull away as he continued thrusting.

  But then he flexed his hips extra hard and his cock went too deeply down into my throat for me to cope with, and I couldn’t help my involuntary reaction as I gagged and retched. I just had to push him away and tear his hands from my head.

  “No! Liam, I can't…”

  As he looked down at me with glazed eyes, I realised he was on the very verge of climaxing. Remembering how he’d previously instructed me not to stop when he came, I quickly replaced my mouth with my hand, and almost immediately he reached his release with a loud garbled groan. He held me to him while I remained kneeling there, until the waves of his orgasm had finished washing over him. Then he pulled me to my feet and wrapped his arms around me.

  “Thank you. That was a most unexpected pleasure,” he whispered, as he hugged me tightly.

  “I'm so sorry,” I whispered back, mortified that my appalling technique had meant that I’d pulled away at the worst possible moment for him, when he’d so effortlessly given me such wonderful oral sex. I was such an amateur compared to him and the level of skill he must be used to.

  “Sorry? What on earth for? You were wonderful, and I’m the one who should be apologising. It’s just that you took me unawares, so I was unprepared, and after not having seen you for a week, I rather lost control, which is unforgivable of me.”

  “No, Liam, I should have been able to finish what I started, not pull away like that when you were so close. I really wanted to give you a special surprise and then I spoilt it. All I can say is that I’ll try to get better at it doing for you.”

  “Angel, I couldn’t be more thrilled that you took the initiative in this way. That was really impressive because it takes time and practice to develop fellatio skills.”

  I was sure Liam was just trying to be nice and covering up his disappointment. I was so cross with myself for not having the self control to overcome my stupid gagging reflex. But apart from that, I'd surprised myself by how much I’d enjoyed going down on him. I hadn't found it in any way unpleasant or disgusting as I'd previously thought I might. It was just another way of using our bodies to pleasure each other. I enjoyed it, he enjoyed it. Until I messed up.

  “Now it’s my turn to return the pleasure,” Liam smiled. He pulled us both down onto the floor of the shower, adjusting the direction of the hot jets of water downwards.

  I sat with my back propped up against the wall of the shower, knees bent as Liam knelt between my parted legs. Maybe it was because of what I’d just done to him, maybe it was because of the soothing, relaxing hot water, but I didn't feel embarrassed as I might have expected as I watched Liam’s head going down between my legs. He used his fingers to gently expose my clitoris, then started lightly flicking the tip of his tongue over my extremely sensitive nub.

  “Oh, God, Liam, that feels amazing,” I moaned, as I knotted my fingers in his hair, while he continued to lick and tease me with feather light touches of his expert tongue.

  “Hmm-mm,” he replied, his deep voice reverberating against me. “Just try to relax and keep still.”

  But it was hard to relax as my hips seemed to have a mind of their own, jerking up each time he gave me a long sensuous lick, then circling round, imitating his actions as he circled over and over with his tongue.

  “Oh God, Liam. I… I..think…I’m going to come,” I yelled out at the overwhelming sensation as I held his head in a vice like grip.

  “Then just let yourself go.”

  Liam looked up from between my legs and grinned wickedly. He firmly gripped my hips to prevent me from bucking away from him, and then concentrated his efforts on that one focal point, until it felt as though the entire universe was centred on just that tiny part of my body. It was excruciatingly intense and excruciatingly pleasurable.

  I exploded into an intense orgasm, as every part of my body seemed to go into paroxysms, almost as if I'd been hit by a bolt of lightning.

  “Breathe, Seraphina. Don't forget to breathe,” I heard Liam whispering in my ear, as I realised that somehow I had ended up in his arms.

  I could hear my own racing heartbeat pounding in my ears, as I struggled to get my breath while the overpowering waves continued to surge through me. Finally they started to subside, and I could feel the tension inside me easing as I managed to take a couple of deep breaths.

  “That’s it. Take it slowly,” I heard Liam murmuring as he rocked me against his chest.

  Slowly I looked up at him, managing a rather wobbly smile.

  “Wow. That was…”

  Words failed me, so I just tucked myself closer against him. We sat there together for a while, as the hot water continued to flow over us.

  “Thank you,” I smiled, as I kissed him softly on his cheek. “You always know how to make it so incredibly good for me, don't you?”

  “I like to think so, but it isn’t hard because you’re incredibly receptive and responsive. And don't forget that you also make it wonderful for me too.” He kissed me back very softly. “However, right now I think we need to finish up our shower before we both end up looking like a couple of old prunes.”

  And so he carefully washed me and shampooed my hair, massaging my head with his big hands in such a relaxing way.

  “Your hair is even longer when it’s wet. It’s right down to your waist ,” he commented as he directed the shower to rinse off the shampoo. “

  “I guess it’s hard to tell just how long it is when it’s doing its normal curly thing,” I agreed. “I really ought to get it cut and tidied up.”

  “No. I like it just how it is. I’ve told you before. Don't get it cut,” Liam insisted.

  “Just a trim, that’s all,” I argued.

  Liam scowled his disapproval. Maybe I'd borrow one of Abbey’s wigs and pretend I’d had something really
drastic done, just to shock him. Or maybe not. Angry Liam would be pretty scary.

  Then I returned the favour and washed him, enjoying getting to know his body, and enjoying shampooing his hair too.

  Finally we made it out of the shower and dried ourselves before heading for the kitchen to prepare our meal. I just towel dried my hair, combed it through to let it dry naturally.

  “Have you ever had longer hair?” I asked, as I watched Liam quickly comb his through, as it naturally spiked up in the way I liked so much. Weird thing was, I'd always thought I liked long dark wavy hair on a guy, that I didn't like it if he was ripped, and that I preferred the more artistic sensitive type rather than the Alpha male dominant Liam Starr type of guy. Knowing how powerful the attraction between us was, I couldn’t have got it more wrong, could I?

  “When I was a teenager, yes. In my wild motor-biking, rebellious teenage years, I had shoulder length hair.”

  “I’d love to see some pictures of you with long hair.”

  “I’m not sure I have any. Everything got cleared out and thrown away when my father died.”

  “Surely not all your family pictures?” I asked incredulously. The box of family photos I had was amongst my most treasured possessions, and was the first thing I would grab if there was ever a fire. The thought of someone just casually throwing away such treasures was horrifying to me.

  “There might be a few left amongst some of the boxes of documents that were put into storage,” he shrugged. “But most of the photos we had didn’t exactly hold happy memories, so there didn’t seem much point in keeping them.”

  That just seemed so sad that I went over and hugged him. Maybe this little peek into his childhood went a long way to explaining the apparently cold hearted man that he’d grown into. I hoped that the changes I'd seen in him of late were signs that he was finally finding a way to overcome his dysfunctional upbringing.


  We made gentle love that night in his bed, before we went to sleep in each other’s arms. We both woke early on Monday morning, and while Liam headed off to the gym for his usual swim and workout, I headed back to my apartment to get ready for work.

  “I have a very busy schedule today after being out of the office all last week. I’ll try to fit you in for our usual meeting, but give me a quick call to check beforehand,” Liam suggested.

  “Okay,” I agreed.

  I sighed because weekend Liam had only come out to play for a such short while this week, but I had to accept that was how things were always going to be with him. The reason he was so successful was because he was so driven and focussed and worked extremely hard. I was lucky that he’d been spending so much of his precious time with me lately.

  I was so busy that the morning just flew by, as Tom and I worked through the best way to take forward some of the designs I’d come up with before I showed them to Liam.

  I made my way through to Liam’s office for our meeting, but I stopped at the closed door when I heard the unmistakable sound of animated voices – Liam’s deep voice intermingled with a woman’s. Clearly he had someone with him, which was unusual because he normally made sure he kept this time slot free for us to meet up, but he had said he had a very full schedule today. Crap, I forgot that I was meant to ring him to check first. Never mind I was here now, so I might as well just wait. In my eagerness to see him I’d ended up being early, but Liam never usually minded – in fact the door was usually open because he was waiting for me. So naturally I was curious to know who was with him, and why they were both raising their voices behind closed doors.

  I decided I’d better wait in his PA’s anteroom for this other person to make their way out. If Joy hadn't been on her lunch break, I could possibly have found out from her who this mystery visitor was, but of course I always came up to see The Boss while she was conveniently absent.

  I wandered round the room, nosing at Joy’s tidy and disappointingly unrevealing desk, and then took a seat in the corner. It was a perfect vantage point to get a good view of whoever this female was when she made her way out.

  Finally the door opened.

  “It’s been a pleasure, Liam,” a husky female voice said. Liam? No one at work addressed him by his Christian name, not even me.

  “Just remember what I told you Kim, and there won't be any messy repercussions,” he replied.

  Kim. Fucking Kimberley. I thought the voice sounded familiar.

  The statuesque blonde emerged wearing a very tight pencil skirt as she walked out of his office with a smug grin on her face , doing the button of her silk blouse up as it strained across her impressive cleavage. She didn’t notice me sitting quietly in the corner as she swept by, licking her lips and looking very much like the cat who’d just got the cream.

  I glanced into Liam’s office from where I sat out of sight. I could see that he was also smiling smugly, and that he appeared to be doing up the zip of his trousers….

  What? No!

  This couldn’t be how it appeared. He couldn’t have been, not with that woman, not after everything he’d said before. Liam wouldn’t do that to me would he? Cheat on me right here in his office, with that woman?.

  I tried to remain calm and logical, but I couldn’t deny what I'd just seen with my own eyes, even though I didn't want to accept it. I sat frozen to the spot in total shock and horror. I suddenly forgot to breath as I realised what must have been going on. I’d been such a gullible fool. He’d been seeing Kimberley all along, and after my pathetic attempts last night he’d decided to slot in a quick blow job from an expert in the only available time slot in his busy schedule. That’s why he’d told me to phone him first, so he could make sure Kimberley was safely out of the way first. Despite all his fine words and promises to me which had seemed so sincere at the time, Liam had reverted to type and was up to his old tricks.

  The more I considered things, it all made perfect sense. Liam had never before in his life been with the same woman for longer than about a month, and we must have known each other for about that time now. So he’d got bored of his little virgin because the novelty had worn off. And who could blame him, when I'd not even been able to perform decent oral sex on him, gagging and pulling away because I was such a pathetic amateur. Kimberley would have no such problems and no doubt she was knew exactly how he liked it.

  Who knew what Liam got up to on all his business trips away? Is this what Scott Franklin had been trying to warn me about when he’d dropped hints about me not knowing what Liam was really like? And was it coincidence that Scott had now disappeared from the scene, or had Liam engineered things because he was worried about what else he might say?

  He wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t. Not my Liam.

  But he wasn’t my Liam was he? Liam had never really been mine, I’d known that all along. The lying, cheating bastard could at least have told me to my face that I’d been dumped, seeing as the hypocrite had adamantly insisted we would both be monogamous, and gone on about how he always told the truth. Perhaps he’d been trying to convince himself that he didn't have the morals of an alley cat.

  Perhaps in the beginning he’d meant it, but he couldn’t stay the distance when I hadn't lived up to expectations. Now he was stringing me along until he’d worked out how to extricate himself, regretting having given me a contract for the job and the flat. Either that, or perhaps he thought he could continue to have me working for him and providing some novelty nookey, while also having these secret assignations with the bitch on the side to compensate for my lack of ability. Or perhaps I was the bit on the side and Kimberley was his proper girlfriend. That was more like it, and why he hadn't introduced us before.

  I’d warned him that if I ever got the slightest hint that he was back to his old ways, that would be it. He’d already had a second chance when I swallowed his lies and excuses last time, so he obviously thought he could get away with it. I’d specifically asked him not to see Kimberley again, yet here we were. Once a liar, always a liar. If he’s
cheated once, he’ll do it again. And again.

  This latest betrayal had to mean that we were over. I wasn’t going to be so easily fooled this time around. Liam was just another lying cheating Starr brother, even worse than Jamie, because at least we’d actually broken up before he’d started fucking someone else a whole ten minutes later.

  Liam and I had come to an end, just like that, just as I’d always known that we would.

  But nothing could possibly have prepared me for how painful it would be.

  I felt icy cold fingers grip my heart as it froze and then literally shattered into a million tiny pieces. In my head I was screaming, but no noise came out. I’d known it would hurt, but I’d never imagined the pain would be this bad. Liam had not only stuck a knife in me, but by lying and cheating so callously he’d viciously turned it too, and it was agony.

  My first instinct was to march right in there, confront him, scream and shout at him, and then slap his face repeatedly. But what would be the point? I’d confronted him last time, and he’d managed to sweet talk me round, using the physical attraction between us to divert my attention. This time there was no doubt in my mind that Liam had betrayed me. Nothing could take that back or undo that fact, so there was no point in even seeing him. It would just make things even more painful for me.

  No, I just had to get out, get away from the bastard who had shattered my illusions, because despite all my resolve, I had foolishly begun to let myself hope that maybe Liam actually meant at least some of the things he’d said to me, about how I was different, how he wanted to change. But it turned out the lying bastard had been toying with me all along because I was a new, different little game to play for a change. So much for all those little voices in my head whispering about him being The One.

  In a daze, I quietly slipped away before Liam noticed me, and then headed back down to my office, where I frantically started gathering all my things together. Tom noticed my frenzied activity.

  “Are you alright? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost, Sera.”


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