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Chasing Leah (Journey Series)

Page 16

by Williams, C. A.

  “I know baby, trust me everyone knows you’re a strong ass woman. You could probably beat my ass even with a broken leg,” he smoothes the furrow of my brow out before climbing out of the cramped hospital bed as my tray of food is delivered.

  I’m able to force down a little bit of oatmeal and fruit but my stomach has definitely shrank since I’ve been here. The nurse and doctor both come back and give me the clear to head home. Chase steps out of the room while there doing this and comes back in with a refreshed looking Ally following closely behind him.

  “Hi sweetie! You look so much better today and I’m sure this will help you out a bit too,” she pats a bag that’s hanging over her shoulder. “Think you can step out for a minute Chase so I can help her into some stuff?” I roll my eyes at Ally. I’m pretty sure Chase has seen every part of my body there is to see but he doesn’t argue with Allys bossing, just shrugs his shoulder and backs out of the room with a smirk.

  Ally dumps out the contents of the oversized bag on the small table next to my bed before walking over to stand next to me. “How you doing honey,” she asks in a quiet voice. “I’m fine Al really. A few aches and pains here and there but I can already tell this leg cast is really gonna be a bitch.”

  I reach up and wipe off a lone tear running down her cheek. I can’t remember the last time I’ve ever seen her cry, it takes a lot to chip away at her perky outlook on life. “Al I’m good I promise,” I reassure her again. She takes a deep breath and sniffles, a big smile lighting up her face. “Okay good. No more tears, pinky swear. Now just cause you’re body has been beat to hell doesn’t mean you can’t still look sexy. The cast is definitely going to be a problem but I’ve got a few things that will work.”

  I twirl a greasy loose curl around my finger that’s escaped from my messy bun as she brings an outfit over for me. “Trust me, this hair is anything but sexy. I could really use a shower.”

  “Let’s worry about that after we get out of this place, ‘kay sweetie? Now I hope you don’t mind but I really didn’t want to bring some frumpy pajama pants for you. I knew none of your yoga pants would fit over the cast so I cut one of the legs off at the knee.” She helps me sit up a bit and undoes my hospital gown. I would be good if I never saw one of those hideous things again. Well I guess wear one again. Being in the nursing field I’m sure I’ll see many of them.

  After Ally helps me get dressed I’m all set to go and am impatiently waiting for a wheel chair to be brought up. I pepper her with questions about Caleb, how he’s doing, if he knows what happened. Ally explained to him that I got a few boo boos but was fine and he had been having fun with Chases little sisters. Ally was convinced that him and Belle were now soul mates at the ripe old age of three. Chase comes around the corner talking to the nurse who’s finally pushing a wheelchair in for me. “All set to go now dear?”

  “Yes definitely,” I say as she and Chase help to assist me into the wheelchair. “Well you look beautiful. If it wasn’t for this cast here no one would have any clue you were just in an accident.”

  “Thanks,” I say as they push me through the wide halls, the sterile hospital scent drifting through the air. Ally insisted on doing my makeup after helping me into my yoga pants and a tight fitted pink hooded zip up. She brushed out my curls and managed to make them a little less greasy looking after throwing it up into a ponytail. I was thankful she did it though, it brought a little sense of normalcy back into my life after being cooped up in the hospital.

  The nurse pushes me through the wide sliding glass doors and stops at Allys car that Skylar had just pulled up to the curb.

  “Ohmigawd Chase. I never even asked you about the jeep, is it ok?” The question pops out of my mouth after I realize its Allys car taking me home and not Chases.

  Chase bit down on his lip with his hands resting on his hips, shaking his head. “That’s the last thing you need to worry about baby, let’s get you situated back here.”

  After some maneuvering, Skylar pulls out of the hospital driveway and makes his way back to the apartment complex. Chase is snuggled up next to me with my damaged leg draped across his lap. I look out the window and notice all that’s left of the snow from the night of the accident has now turned to a slushy gray mess.

  I force Chases attention back to me who looks like he’s lost in thought. “Really Chase. Tell me, how’s the jeep?”

  “Leah…” He trails off as I pierce him with a fierce look that I know usually gets me my way. “Uh fine,” he says as he slumps down in the seat rubbing the back of his head. “The jeeps gone Leah. There really was just too much damage after that asshole smashed into you.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say as I reach over and pat his hand. “Leah you don’t have anything to be sorry about, wasn’t your fault. The insurance assessed the damage and totaled it out. I need to look for something new after they cut me a check.”

  Skylar eases the car up to the curb at our complex and everyone jumps out to help me out. Chase scoops me up in his arms and carries me up the steps. “Ya know they have these things called crutches, right?” I teasingly ask him. “You’re not going to be able to carry me everywhere Chase.”

  “Zip it missy. I can try. Will you reach into my pocket and grab my keys out,” he asks as we all walk up into the hallway. Ally and Skylar are following behind with the crutches that I really need to be practicing with and a few bags. I slide my hand down into Chases pocket and root around for a few seconds longer than necessary before looping my fingers through the key ring.

  I drop them into Chases waiting hand who looks back at me with a grin, knowing exactly what I was doing. He slides his key in and pushes the door open, walking me over the threshold. “Whoa, whoa mister. Are you sure you’re not the one who got a concussion,” I say as I jab his chest with my finger. “My apartment is that a way.”

  Ally comes up behind us and rolls her eyes at me. “Of course he didn’t tell you.” She elbows Chase in the side as she pushes past us dropping the bags into the living room. “We figured it would be better for you to stay here. Chase will be around more and it’s almost winter break. Then you guys are heading to his moms place for Christmas, right? Unless you’ve changed your mind and want to come back with me,” she clasps her hands together waiting for my response.

  Ally had begged me to come back with her to the James house but I would have felt bad leaving Chase. And I really did want to spend the time with his family, they had all welcomed me and Caleb with open arms. “No Al, I’m staying to be with Chases family,” her face breaks into a small pout. “Besides you’ll have Skylar to keep you company.” She perks up a little at this and wraps an arm around Skylars waist. “True, I’ll guess he’ll just have to do over you but it won’t be the same,” she says teasingly.

  “Now about me staying here, I don’t think it’s such a good idea.” At once it seems like the three people standing in front of me do a simultaneous eye roll. “Well too bad,” Ally says. “I already moved like half your closet over here and all of your school stuff. Calebs all set up in the extra bedroom and Mary even added a few little boy touches to it. Chase put all of your bathroom and makeup stuff away too.”

  “Are you sure Chase? I really don’t want to cramp your bachelor lifestyle, are you going to remember to put the toilet seat back down?”

  “Leah did you forget I grew up with a house full of girls. I think I can manage.”

  “Fine,” I huff out. “But what am I going to do about classes, I’ve already missed two exams and I haven’t been able to study for the other two.”

  “Nothing to be worried about L. Because I’m such an awesome friend I talked to each of your professors and explained the accident. None of them had a problem with letting you make up the exams but you do need to start cramming. The latest they would let you take them is on Friday.”

  Today being Tuesday at least I have a few days to recuperate and study. Luckily I’ve kept my grades up above average and even if I slack a little bit on the exam
s I’ll still end the semester with a high GPA.

  “Well we’re gonna get going L. Call if you need anything. Me and Sky need to head over to his place. Mary said she would drop Caleb back off after you got all situated.” Ally leans down and gives me a quick peck on my cheek. “Take care of her or you’ll have to deal with me,” she directs at Chase with narrowed eyes before leaving.

  Chase gently sets me down on his couch resting my outstretched leg on the footstool and lifting it up to place two pillows to keep it elevated. He sticks the crutches in the corner, clearly out of my reach and then begins to unload the bags while moving into the kitchen.

  I lean my head against the back of the couch and watch the fluid movements of his lean body. I could watch this view all day long and be perfectly content. I lean my head sideways as he opens the fridge and grabs a few things out. “Enjoying the view,” he asks without even turning around. He knows me too well. “I guess I could get used to this whole living arrangement thing.” He snorts out a laugh. “Oh I see you only want me for my body? Now I know how women feel when guys are constantly eye fuckin’ ‘em.” I roll my eyes at his back even though that’s exactly the kind of thoughts currently going through my brain. It’s been way too long.

  He pauses as he grabs a few more things out of the fridge. “You hungry babe? My mom came over and loaded the fridge and cabinets down when she knew you were coming back. Her, Amy, and Katie came to the hospital and saw you when you were out. She’s been cooking ever since. It’s like her thing she does to cope whenever she’s stressed or worried.”

  “Yea whatever you come up with would be good.” I scrunch up my nose trying to remember hearing Marys voice when I had been drifting in and out but I can’t bring the memory up. I hate to think I would be causing her any stress, at least it stocked us up with food.

  Chase definitely doesn’t know his way around the kitchen, he could barely boil a pot of water without some kind of catastrophe happening. I usually ended up cooking for us when we stayed in but I didn’t mind it was something I had always enjoyed. Chase kept it entertaining too by coming up with new places to try out in the kitchen. Of course that tended to happen only late at night when Caleb was safely tucked away. We had a few burnt meals after those instances but neither one of us seemed to mind.

  “Here ya go ma’m,” he says as he slides a tray across my lap that has a steaming bowl set atop it with a few saltine crackers and a diet soda that Chase keeps stocked up in his fridge for me. “Moms chicken noodle soup makes anyone feel better, I swear she puts some kind of mom magic in there or something. I can’t even remember how many times I had a bowl of that when I was younger.”

  We both dig into our soup and after finishing off my large bowl, I’m glad to see a bit of my appetite coming back. Chase takes our dishes back into the kitchen and begins to rinse them off, placing them in the dishwasher and tiding up the kitchen. What a little Suzy Homemaker! This would make for a perfect picture if he had one of those girly aprons on.

  “Uh Chase?”

  “Yeah baby,” he calls from the kitchen.

  “You think you could help me with taking a shower or something? My hair feels super gross.” I’m not used to having to depend on people taking care of me and this is definitely an awkward feeling question to have to ask Chase.

  He practically runs back into the living room after my request and scoops me up off the couch. “Of course, I can definitely take care of that situation,” he says with a wink. “You need a bath though, doctors orders.” I roll my eyes at his eagerness but know he’s telling the truth. I’m sure it would be a sight trying to take a shower without getting my cast wet.

  Chase carries me into the bathroom and drapes me across the countertop before filling the bath for me.

  “Now the easy part, getting you out of these clothes,” he says as I lift my arms for him and he pulls my shirt off and goes to work on my bra.

  “Are you trying to say I’m easy Mr. O’Neil?”

  “Trust me you are anything but easy Leah.” I slightly raise my hips for him as he glides my pants and underwear down to pool onto the floor. I silently thank Ally for the matching lacey set that she brought for me. Chase had seen all the goods plenty of times now but I still liked to look good for him. He places a swift kiss on my lips before scooping me up again. “But that’s what I love about you.”

  He eases my body slowly into the steaming water and I stiffen my leg a bit, hanging it over the edge of the tub to not get it wet. “Well this is a little awkward, at least your here to help me the first time.” He turns to grab things off the shelf and I notice he has all of my shampoos and body wash set next to his. I relax back into the bath as his long slender fingers massage my scalp.

  “Mmm that feels so good,” I moan out as he starts to work the body wash down my body with a wash cloth. He finishes up as I continue to soak and relish the feel of his fingers lightly grazing my skin. I hear his breath catch and I peek an eye open at him.

  “What’s the matter?” I ask as I notice his sullen expression. “This,” he says as he gestures up and down my body. I follow the trail of his fingers and take in the amount of bruising covering my body especially covering my chest where the seat belt must have dug in. I also had a few stitches on each arm. “That jackass is lucky he’s locked up right now. He really wouldn’t want to deal with me,” he says with a growl.

  “I’m here Chase that’s all that matters. And really I’m fine, just a little sore.”

  “You’re so strong Leah,” he kisses my forehead before rising up from his knees. “I’m gonna go put a few things away, you relax for a bit and I’ll come help you get out when you’re ready.”

  “’Kay,” I answer back as I slide down lower into the warm water and close my eyes.

  “Babe, babe,” I hear as I feel a light shaking on my shoulder and peel my eyes open. Chase is standing above me with a towel outstretched in his arms. “Sorry, I must have fallen asleep for a minute.”

  “Must have been real quick I was gone for about 10 minutes and you’re in here snoozing away. You ready to get out?” I nod my head as he leans in to pull me out, wrapping the towel around me and I’m instantly taken back to our first night together. I wrap my arms around his neck as he heads towards the bedroom and places me in the middle of his bed.

  “I just talked to my Mom. She said that Caleb was napping and as soon as he woke up she would bring him home.”

  “Oh that’s great. I can’t wait to see him, this is like the longest we’ve ever been apart. I’m glad your Mom was able to take good care of him.”

  He nods his head back at me. “Yup Mom loves having him around but I know he’s excited to see you. I didn’t know what you would want to wear so I just grabbed one of my shirts for you. Let me know if you need help with anything.” I toss the shirt off the bed and scootch myself back near the headboard, unwrapping the towel from my body. “You’ll do just fine.” I try to pull him closer to my body but he quickly backs up. “Leah I don’t think we should yet, I’m scared I’ll hurt you.”

  I shake my head at him and reach for his hand to pull him closer. “Don’t worry, I’ll let you know if your bumping into anything that you’re not supposed to. It might be a little awkward with my leg but I think we can make it work.”

  He slowly lowers his body back down to the bed and reaches up to my lips, doing his trademark Chase kiss that I love with his playful nips on the outside of my mouth and pushing slowing in with his tongue to explore my mouth. His lips are full on mine and the warmth of his mouth shoots to my toes. He abruptly ends the kiss and lightly pushes my head back as I try to protest with him by wrapping my hand around his neck to pull him back.

  He wags a finger at me, “Nu uh. I need to kiss every inch of this beat up body.” I let myself relax and flop by head back on the pillow as he works his way from my mouth down to my neck where he lightly sucks on that one spot right behind my ear that he knows I love. I feel his warm breath as his tongue brushes acr
oss my collarbone and he then stops to pay attention to each of my breasts, lightly kneading and sucking each one.

  He makes his way down my belly, swirling his tongue around in my belly button and then dropping his head between my thighs that he’s wedged open slightly with his knee, placing tiny kisses on my inner thighs and blowing his warm breath between my legs as I arch my hips towards his mouth. Oh this is definitely something different. I moan out his name as he continues to place light kisses on my thighs and then dips his head between my legs. That’s how the tongue ring feels down there. I had been wondering about its usefulness ever since I had caught the glint off of it the first night I met him. I was never letting him take that out. EVER.

  The familiar tightening began as I moaned out to him and then I felt the sudden absence of his tongue before I felt his familiar weight slide back up my body before positioning himself over mine and gently pushing in. Yup this could definitely make me forget any aches and pains, even broken bones.

  Chapter 21


  After a few days of basically being waited on hand and foot by Chase, even after my constant objections, I was beginning to feel a little bit of cabin fever. Chase was with me almost every minute which I didn’t mind at all but I wasn’t used to having everything done for me by someone else. When he couldn’t be around, he made sure to enlist the help of some of his sisters and his mom, Mary which I probably couldn’t have lived without them there. Caleb had a little bit of the cabin fever too. He was used to going to daycare or running errands with me so he had so much bottled up energy, he was constantly bouncing off the walls.

  I really did enjoy their company and it helped to pass some of the time with the girly stuff that Chase just wasn’t into. They fought over who got to paint my nails and play with my hair. And Caleb insisted his nails be painted too so he convinced us to at least do one of his toes.


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