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Chasing Leah (Journey Series)

Page 17

by Williams, C. A.

  Chase wasn’t too happy about that when he got home explaining to Caleb that real men do not have painted anything and he helped him to remove it. I even let my favorite of the brood, Belle, deck me out with her princess makeup and accessories. Chase couldn’t contain his laughter when he came home late that night from a performance to my clown like appearance from letting a three year old do my makeup.

  Mary loved to come over and take care of me especially. She was constantly in the kitchen whipping up some new creation or tidying some kind of mess. And with Caleb there were plenty of them. She had more energy than anyone I’ve ever seen and she always did it with a smile and not a hair out of place.

  I had plenty of downtime to study for exams though and Remy came over to help me out with the classes we had taken together. Her and Ally had both left the night before after our goodbyes to head home since they didn’t have any classes on Friday. Even though I was only leaving the house to take exams, I was excited to get some fresh air.

  “You about ready to head out baby?” Chase calls from the kitchen as he sets all three of our cereal bowls in the sink. I tuck my calculator and a few extra pencils into my bag before zipping it up and Chase walks in to grab it for me, setting my crutches down in front of me. “All set. Ally said my first instructor is expecting me around 9:00, so we should be heading out. Who knows how long it’ll take me to get around with these things,” I say as I lift myself cautiously and balance on the crutches. Chase zips up Calebs jacket for him and grabs his small backpack. He was going to keep him occupied while I was taking my exams. “I’m ready Mommy!” He squealed out grabbing one of Chases hands and pulling him towards the door. Yup he was definitely ready to get out too.

  “You sure you don’t want me to just carry you, it’ll be easier that way.”

  “No Chase I’m good really,” I laugh out as I hobble to the door. He follows behind me with my bag and quickly passes me so he can make sure I make it down the stairs alright before opening the front door for me.

  I hadn’t gotten a chance to see his new truck that he had picked up from the dealership the day before and I breathed in the new car scent as he helped me in. The truck was one of those extended cabs, so there was a small backseat that Chase already had Calebs brand new car seat strapped into.

  “Well at least you got one thing out of the accident. I think I like this more than the jeep,” I say as I examine the brand new leather interior.

  “Trust me if I wanted something new I would of gotten it, we didn’t need you getting hit by a car for it to happen,” he replies with a wry smile as he throws the truck in reverse for our short drive to campus.

  He stops at the curb to drop me off at my first building after I insisted I could get there by myself. He was heading out to finish up some last minute shopping which I hadn’t even gotten a start on. I’m sure that would be interesting with Caleb. “Bye buddy. You be good for Chase, no running off okay?”

  He nods his little curls at me with a smile and a wave. “I’ll be good. Promise. It’s our guy time, Chase said.”

  “Okay well no picking up any ladies while you’re out. See ya in a few hours,” I say as I lean over and give him a quick kiss. “I love you.”

  His green eyes twinkle at my words and a smile lights up his face. “I could hear those words from you over and over and never get tired of hearing them,” he says as he returns my kiss. “Good luck babe even though I know you don’t need it. Love you.”

  I hobble towards the building and glance over my shoulder as I pull the doors open. Chase is still sitting there to make sure I get into the building without wiping out. I roll my eyes but feel a tug at my heart as I head in for a long day.

  After a few hours that it takes to finish my four exams I’m finally free for winter break. The material covered on each exam was all something that I had studied pretty well, so I was confident that I did well. It also didn’t hurt that my study partner, Remy, had already taken two of the exams but we didn’t need to pass that information along to any of the instructors.

  I make my way back to the front lobby to pull out my phone to let Chase know I was finished when I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. I lean back and let the broad chest and firm body behind me take in my weight as my hair was pushed aside and open mouthed kisses were feathered up and down my neck.

  “Ya know I don’t think my boyfriend would really approve of this,” I say as I close my eyes feeling the warm breath on my neck.

  “Oh yeah you have more than one boyfriend? Does he get you all hot and bothered as easily as I do?” He whispers in my ear as he traces his fingers over the goosebumps running down my arms.

  “Nope you’re the only one that has that effect,” I say as I twist my body around and run my fingers through his hair.

  “Mommy I thought I was your boyfriend,” Caleb says as he wraps his tiny arm around my cast free leg. “Chase doesn’t get to be.”

  “Oh sorry buddy I totally forgot. Yup you are my one and only boyfriend,” I reply with a wink at Chase who has an offended look on his face that’s quickly replaced by a wink of his own.

  “So did you finish up your shopping early?”

  “Yeah I only had a few last minute things to pick up and I figured I could meet up with ya out here,” Chase says as he grabs my bag from me. “Sure, you were probably just trying to get here quick enough so you could carry me out of the classroom.”

  He barks out a laugh as we make our way to his truck, “You know me too well baby.” He opens the door and I slide in as he places my crutches under my feet and straps Caleb in. “Didn’t you say you needed to do some shopping too? We could make a few stops while we’re out if you’re not ready to go back to the apartment yet.”

  My face lit up at the thought of actually going out. The apartment was nice and I loved spending time with Chase but I really needed to get out. “That would be awesome but I do need some time alone to get a few things for you and Caleb. Think you could handle him on your own for a little bit longer?”

  “What do you think little dude, more guy time sound good?”

  “Guy time!” Caleb shrieks from the back seat. Pretty soon he wouldn’t want any more time with me! Obviously guy time was so much cooler.

  “How about I drop you off at the mall, I need to run over to the dealership and sign some paperwork that we missed and then we can meet up for a late lunch?”

  “Sounds good.” I reach over and interlace our fingers. I can already see one good thing about Chases new truck. Nothing in the way, so I can squeeze tight next to him and rest my head on his shoulder.

  Chase drops me off at the mall after helping me out of the truck and a quick goodbye kiss to each of my “guys.” After going through the main entrance I instantly regret my decision of shopping. People were jam packed throughout the mall, trying to get in last minute shopping. The experience was made even harder with a pair of crutches but I was able to make it to the few stores I needed to. Caleb was pretty easy, load him up on some toys and books and he was set. Chase and his family ended up being a little harder to buy for.

  Ally and I had exchanged gifts before she left town. I had put together a scrapbook of her and Skylar together with some of my free time I had and a pair of tickets to a concert I knew she really wanted to go to. Luckily I had already purchased them before the accident so I had some extra money. She had replaced my coat that had been pitched after all of the damage with a new gray wool one and a dark red matching set of gloves and a hat.

  I texted Chase when I was all finished up and we made plans to meet at one of the restaurants in the mall. That was real fun and made me wishing maybe I should of just stayed home after Caleb dropped down onto the floor of the crowded restaurant and preceded to kick and scream because he didn’t want to sit still that long. Luckily Chase handled it well by throwing him over his shoulder and having a nice quiet talk with him about how to behave. We headed back to the apartment to grab a few things before goin
g to his moms house for the next few days. Caleb had passed out with a full belly and being worn out from all of the running around.

  “You just sit tight, I’ll run up and get our bags,” he says as we pull back in. “’Kay I’m not going anywhere. Quickly at least.” I watch his tall frame jog up the stairs and rest my eyes after watching the doors close behind him. I was really looking forward to the holidays with his family, anytime at their house was a bit chaotic with all the kids but it was always fun.

  I’m jostled awake by a set of strong arms lifting me up and the bite of cool air that instantly slams into my face. I peak my eyes open and glance up at the sight of Chases strong jaw. I must have fallen asleep in his truck and stayed that way till we got to his moms house. “Sorry babe I was hoping you would stay asleep, I was just gonna lay you down in my old room.”

  “That’s okay, I want to see your mom and everyone anyways. Those exams and shopping must have really wiped me out.” I wipe the sleep from my eyes and feel my chin up for my trademark drool. All clear. The front door swings open just as we step on the porch and we’re instantly assaulted with shrieks from his sisters.

  “Alright, alright back up girls I don’t want you bumping in to our Leahs leg,” Mary says as she clears a path and pecks a kiss on both of our cheeks. “Hi honey, how are you doing? Where’s Caleb at?”

  “I’m good just a little worn out. I think I overdid it today. Caleb’s still sleeping out in the truck.” She hem and haws over me before leading us up to Chases old room. “You two can stay up here. Come back down when you’re ready, the girls are dying to start decorating the tree but I can put them off for a little while longer. I’ll grab Caleb and bring him in the house.”

  She closes the door behind her as Chase drops me down onto his bed. Mary left Chases room exactly like he had it when he left for college four years ago and there’s pictures of a younger Chase dotted throughout the room with various sports medals and an old guitar tucked in the corner.

  I pat the bed I’m laying on which only looks to be a twin. “You think this is going to be big enough for the two of us,” I ask. “Well I can always go sleep in the guest room if you want me to,” he says with a wink.

  “I guess we can make it work,” as I grab his hand and pull him down next to me. Luckily with my small frame it’s not too cramped and Chase wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I throw my good leg around him as he traces the pad of his thumb over my lips before diving in for a slow sweet kiss. I could do this all day with him as I slide my hands up under his shirt and trace his hard muscles with my finger tips.

  “Mmm Leah,” he moans against my lips as he grips my hips and rolls me on top of him. He reaches up to do undo the buttons on my shirt and slides my bra strap down as he cups my breast and leans forward to twirl his tongue over my nipples. I grind against the bulge in his pants that’s pushing against me and pull at his shirt wanting to feel his skin against mine.

  A loud pounding on the door interrupts us as we remember where we are. “Chaassse, Leaaahhh,” I hear Belle and Calebs tiny toddler voices call through the door. I let out a groan as I put my forehead against Chase. “Well be down in a minute guys,” he calls out. “Sorry babe,” he whispers in my ear. “I got a bit carried away. You made me forget where we were. We’ll continue this later after everyone’s asleep.”

  He stands us both up and heads toward the door. “We are never ever having kids of our own. There’s enough around here,” I say as he walks me down the stairs into the crowd of people waiting for us in the family room. I feel his chest vibrate with laughter as he sets me down on the couch. “If that’s what you want to think babe but I seem to always get my way with you.”

  The four days spent with Chases family were probably some of the most interesting of my life. I was able to help with a little bit of trimming the tall 12 foot tree and it was probably the most beautiful tree I had ever seen with the soft twinkling white lights and the array of homemade ornaments from all of the kids over the years. We decorated cookies while we sang Christmas carols and drank hot chocolate by the fire, it would have made for a great Christmas card.

  Chase was like a little kid, he was the one most into the festivities and even dressed up into a Santa costume Christmas eve night. The younger girls and Caleb went crazy over this and had no clue it was just their older brother even with the tattoos that poked out from the top of the suit. Afterwards Chase pulled out his old guitar and played a few songs that quieted everyone right down. Mary had a proud look on her face as she leaned back into Chris’ chest with two little girls balanced on each knee.

  Christmas morning turned out to be perfect with a light snow falling that we watched from the wide windows in the living room. We passed out presents and I had quite a stack from Chase and his family. Calebs I think out trumped every ones. That little man was getting to be spoiled. The girls had made me a few things and Belle had done a drawing for me where I was added into the family as a little stick figure. “You’re one of my sissy’s now,” she says while handing me the drawing. “Aw thanks sweetie. I would love to be your sissy.” I lean down and gave her a kiss on the tip of her nose.

  I had gotten Mary and all of the girls matching bracelets with a few charms on each that they all gushed over. Chris was a little more difficult since he was a guy but he was a builder so I got him a small wooden plane kit to build for his office. Caleb gushed over all of his presents and I wasn’t too sure where we would be putting everything. Chase and I exchanged our presents saving those for last. I pull open a skinny long boxy thing that suspiciously looks like jewelry as I eye him up while opening it.

  “Oh wow this is beautiful Chase,” I say as I look down at the necklace laid out in the box. There were tiny diamonds nestled in a silver chain with a small key dangling from the center. “This is way too much.” I finger the small diamonds that look so delicate on the chain. “Nothing is ever too much for you Leah. Here let me put it on.” I turn my back to him and he does up the clasp before planting a kiss on my shoulder. “There it looks perfect, just as beautiful as you.”

  “Oh honey that looks beautiful, my boy has such an eye for things,” Mary pipes in as the whole family gathers around me to admire the necklace. “Now you have the key to my heart,” he whispers in my ear before backing away. I don’t think this boy could do anything else to make me fall even more in love with him but he just keeps surprising me.

  “Here I have a few for you too,” I hand him a stack of presents that I had wrapped quickly the night before. After opening them all he had a new blank book with crisp pages for writing his poetry and lyrics and a leather briefcase with his name engraved on a small emblem. When the spring semester started up he would be student teaching along with his last classes that he needed to graduate.

  “Awesome babe, thank you. I love them especially this,” he holds up the briefcase. “I can’t believe I’ve come this far and am almost done with school.”

  “We’re all so proud of you Chase. That was a perfect present Leah,” Mary says as she looks over the briefcase.

  “Okay,” Mary says as she pulls an envelope out from behind her back. “This is a present for the whole family from me and Chris. Leah and Caleb are included in this too. Chase how about you open it and tell everyone what it is?”

  Chase peels back the flap and pulls out a piece of paper that he quickly scans with his eyes. “Oh wow, this is awesome. It’s a trip for everyone to an all inclusive resort in Jamaica.”

  Squeals break out all over the room and some of the girls start jumping up and down while Mary tries to quiet them down. “Okay girls, calm down. We thought it would be nice for everyone to take a vacation together. We don’t have exact dates yet but we figured we could work those out later. There’s a year until this expires.”

  After that everyone was so excited and instantly started researching the resort and talking about dates that would work for everyone. Chase and I would be the most difficult to work around wit
h our school schedules but I was excited about the trip, Caleb and I had barely ever made it out of the state before.

  We spent the rest of the day filling up on food and I’m sure after everything I ate, I had gained all of the weight that I had lost in the hospital back on. Mary packed up two bags filled with leftovers for us and we headed back to Chases apartment the next morning. Caleb of course didn’t want to leave but after Mary promised him he could come back for a sleepover, we got him out the door.

  “So how were the holidays with my family? Not too overwhelming right?” Chase asks as he helps me get settled on the couch. I was so ready for this cast to come off but still had to wait about another two weeks which meant I would have to start the spring semester off with it on.

  Gino was thankfully understanding after the accident too and was keeping my position open for me at the restaurant. Luckily he had a niece come to stay with him during the holidays who had worked there before and she covered most of my shifts.

  “It was seriously perfect Chase. I love your family, your Mom is so great.” I lay back and look up at his twinkling green eyes. He leans down and kisses my forehead, tucking a loose curl behind my ear.

  “They love you too Leah. It would be hard not to. I look forward to spending a lot more holidays with you and Caleb included.”

  “Me too babe,” I say fighting to keep my eyes open after the draining past few days. “I’m gonna go put some stuff away and start some laundry, you take a nap and I’ll take Caleb with me.” I hear the front door click as he drags out our laundry baskets with Caleb chattering his ear off and I close my eyes.

  I can’t believe how much I enjoyed being around Chases family and their all so great. I couldn’t believe I was picturing it but I could see myself marrying Chase someday and officially having them all become my family. Caleb would finally have the family he deserved. Getting married was something I never really envisioned myself doing before meeting Chase but now I could daydream all day long about my fairy tale wedding to my prince.


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