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Nobody Can Love You Like Them Roughnecks Do 2

Page 13

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Hey, I’m gonna get him dressed, and then we’re going to leave. I’ll text you when we’re coming back.” Jasmine looked to me.


  I couldn’t even pay attention to what she was saying as I went to put my shoes and shirt on. I slipped out the house, running to my whip so I could gun it straight home. Once there, I got cleaned up, brushed my teeth, and put on my flyest outfit so I could be looking fine as hell when Alivia saw me.

  It took me about forty-five minutes to get to the spot she was working out in Hollywood since it was a bunch of traffic. As soon as I entered the party, I was caught off guard seeing her at the booth with that nigga Yono not too far away.

  I stayed in the mix of the crowd for about an hour, getting a few drinks and eyeing some of the females. It was just my luck by then that I saw Yono kiss Alivia’s cheek and then head out with a few niggas trailing him. We made eye contact as he moved past me. He nodded to say ‘what’s up’, but I mugged his ass, causing a confused look to spread across his face. Before he could say anything, the females started to surround him, trying to get his attention, so I pressed on toward Alivia.

  “Long time no see.” I approached her booth, and she looked like she’d seen a ghost.

  “Hey, Manny.” She took her headphones off and kept darting her eyes back and forth between her computer screen and me.

  “So what happened? Last time I seen you, shit was cool, and now you fucking with somebody else?” I gripped the edges of her booth area so I wouldn’t choke her ass.

  “It wasn’t like that. We weren’t even clicking like that, Manny. And Yono and I were kind of unexpected. I didn’t mean for you to take it that way.”

  “What other fucking way would I have taken it, Alivia?”

  “I didn’t think you were taking me seriously! I mean, I know you were fucking with other women the whole time you were chasing me, so why is this a big deal?”

  “Because I had dibs on yo’ ass! And what you think, he ain’t spending time with other females right now? While he’s with you? Did you see the way them bitches mobbed him on his way out of here? You think he’s turning that down when you ain’t around?”

  The whole time I spoke, her soft face hardened more and more.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about. He’s not like that. Just because that’s what you’d be doing doesn’t mean every man with money and disposable women act the same.”

  “Aight. When that shit fails, I’ll be right there waiting for you.” I brushed my fingers under her chin, so she snatched her face.

  I stayed at the party for another twenty minutes or so until I found a girl I wanted to take home with me. On my way out to the car, I saw I had a text from Jasmine, letting me know that she would be home with Jasiel in thirty minutes so we could hit the park. Ignoring it, I slipped my phone back into my pocket and continued on with the female I’d picked up for the day.

  Fuck Alivia, and fuck Jasmine.


  “What are you doing later?” Sienna quizzed. “You should come through to my job tonight, and then we can go home together.” She slipped up a fresh pair of panties before grabbing her dress.

  “You know I ain’t doing two nights in a row with you, baby.” I made sure everything I needed was in my gym bag.

  “I know it’s not the normal, but I was just saying. I like when you come to my job. Plus, I’m gonna miss you, so I was trying to continue our thing.”

  “You trying to show me off to ya friends and shit. You ain’t slick.” I chuckled and so did she. “But nah, I got some shit to do today, all day, so I can’t. But I’ll hit you whenever.”

  I leaned down to kiss Sienna on the cheek and then her neck as she nodded. Pulling back, I stared down at her, making her blush and smile widely.

  We left out my spot, and after I dropped her ass off at home, I went straight to the gym to train.

  “Where the fuck is Will?” I questioned once I came out to see my trainer, Victor, in the ring, and Manny nearby.

  “Oh, he umm… didn’t know if he should come because he said y’all got into a fight,” Manny explained.

  “Carson!” I called out to my manager who gave me his attention. “Call that nigga Will and tell him get his ass down here, and in the next fifteen minutes, or it’s a wrap for his job.”


  Almost twenty minutes later, Will arrived, and I ain’t say shit to that nigga but ‘get to work’. Yeah, I wasn’t fucking with his ass, but that was on a personal level; I still needed business handled. Nothing was getting in the way of my muthafuckin’ career, especially not Will and Dionne’s ass.

  A few hours later, Victor had my ass exhausted and finally decided to let me go. I rushed up out of there, tired and all, because we’d gotten boxed seats to a football game. I planned to chill and enjoy that shit, no matter how many females the homies invited, and no matter how many blunts and cups they passed that I couldn’t partake in.

  We got to the game about an hour and a half later, and Manny, my ContraBandz gang, Rocko, and some females were in attendance. That nigga Will wasn’t invited and wouldn’t be invited to shit until he apologized to Blaise. Speaking of my baby, as I sat down inside of the boxed area, I retrieved my phone to text her.

  Me: Congrats on the premier tonight beautiful.

  Bad Ass: Thank you. I got the flowers. I appreciate it.

  I frowned at that ‘appreciate it’ shit, because she was talking to me like I was some corny muthafucka trying to get with her ass. If she thought she was about to friend zone a nigga, she was in for a rude ass awakening. I dialed her right up and waited as the line trilled.


  “What the fuck you mean you appreciate it?”

  “Huh? What’s wrong with what I said, Cortez? I appreciate the flowers you sent; they were nice.”

  “See all that bullshit. Appreciating shit, and how it was nice. That’s not how you talk to yo’ fucking man, Blaise.”

  “You ain’t my man, Cortez, if you haven’t noticed.”

  “Who’s yo’ man then?”


  “Me, exactly. So don’t ever tell me, you appreciate it, when I do some sappy shit like I did.”

  “What would you like me to say?” She sighed dejectedly.

  “That you love me and wanna suck my dick.”


  When I heard her ass hang up, I tried to call back a few times, but she kept hitting ignore… it was obvious.

  “Plenty of food in this bitch, and I’m hungry as fuck!” Cole rubbed his stomach as he surveyed everything.

  We all got us some of the good ass food, and a little bit into the game and our meal, the bitches arrived, smiling hard as fuck. I wasn’t surprised to see Cadence, because she was always in them types of circles, and per usual, she came to sit right by me.

  “Hi.” She gave me a soft smile.


  “Can I have a hug?”

  “I’m eating right now, Cadence.” I glanced her way as she pushed her hair from one side to the other.

  “I heard you’re single now.”

  “Nah, I’m not single; one of us is just on break.”

  “Well, whatever it’s called, I’m happy about it. I know you’ve spent time with Sienna, so are you busy tonight?”

  As Cadence talked, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

  Megyn: You forgot?

  Me: Nah, happy birthday baby.

  Megyn: Thanks baby! I can’t wait to see you tonight!

  I dropped my phone down into my lap and resumed eating my food while watching the game through the glass.

  “Hello, Cortez?” Cadence got my attention.

  “I’m trying to watch the fucking game, Cadence. Nah, I can’t fuck with you tonight. I got some shit to do.”

  “Shit to do like Megyn? Why is she even around? These new girls are a waste of time.”

  “I may do Megyn, and I may not, but what I do know
is I can’t do shit with you tonight, and I want you to stop asking me about it.” I gave her a stern look, making her sit back and fold her arms. I kept eating, and when I heard a light sniffle, I looked her way. “Aye, you here with me right now, right?”

  “Yes.” She nodded. “I just miss you, and I miss being around you, but alone too, you know?”

  “Well we can’t be alone, at least not today, so quit fucking bugging me, Cadence. Chill the fuck out, aight? When you start acting like you my bitch and like you own me is when I don’t wanna rock with yo’ ass.”

  “I know. My bad.” She hooked her arm around mine and laid on my shoulder.

  For the next forty-five minutes, Cadence didn’t bug me at all; she was cool. She def’ had her eyes on my phone every time I got a text, but I ain’t give a fuck. I didn’t keep shit from none of these females because they didn’t matter to me like that. Only one that did was Blaise, and once I got her ass to act right, these hoes would be getting karate chopped right the fuck off.

  Cadence stayed nuzzled up to me the whole muthafuckin’ game, so she was satisfied when it was time to go. I told her the same shit I’d told Sienna, that I’d hit her whenever, and then took my ass home to freshen up.

  Tonight was Megyn’s big ass birthday at this huge club. The whole shit had been rented out for her, so the homies and I were gon’ roll through. I wasn’t in the mood to party, but since it was her fucking birthday, I decided to show my face; I wasn’t that damn cold.

  And I'm gettin' by, let 'em choose sides… We get M's in by the shoe size…

  “Never Recover” by Lil Baby was currently playing as soon as we entered the club. Manny, my ContraBandz gang, and I were led to the VIP area where Megyn was with her homegirls. She looked good in some tight ass gold dress, with her hair hanging down her back. Her soft caramel skin went perfect with the color of the fucking dress. My eyes went right to her ass as I entered the area.

  “Yay!” she shouted excitedly with the biggest smile on her face as she rushed over and pounced on me.

  “Damn, you happy as fuck, huh?” I asked right after I caught her.

  “Yes! I’ve been waiting to see you all day, baby,” she whispered, caressing the back of my head.

  “Happy birthday.” I kissed her nose and then placed her to her feet. Immediately, she took my hand and led me to where she’d been chilling. The homies were already cozying up to her homegirls and drinking.

  “What did you want to drink? Everything is free tonight for me.” Megyn grinned.

  “I can’t drink tonight, not unless it’s water.”

  “Oh my gosh, you’re right. I totally forgot your fight is coming up. I’m sorry.”

  “You good. Relax.” I squeezed her thigh.

  The festivities continued, with everybody getting lit, and Megyn giving me a few sensual lap dances. It was good seeing her have the time of her fucking life, but the only thing on my mind was Blaise. No matter how much I split my time amongst these females, it did nothing to pacify the fact that I missed my baby. And her not budging bothered me. I was almost starting to believe she didn’t fuck with me no more.

  As Megyn sat in my lap, laughing and talking, I opened up the Instagram app but under Manny’s profile since Blaise had my real one blocked. I saw on her story that she posted a picture of herself in the red dress she was wearing for her premier shit tonight. I’d never stared at some shit for so long in my life. I missed her ass way too fucking much.

  “You okay?” Megyn turned to look at me.

  “Yeah, I’ll be right back.” I moved her from my lap and left out the VIP, ignoring her asking me where I was going. She texted me seconds later, inquiring the same thing, so I told her ass the bathroom.

  I found the address to Blaise’s premier by hitting up this one actor nigga I knew, so I went straight there. Pulling up, I saw the shit was still pretty live, so I quickly got my whip to valet and then headed up to where the red-carpet shit was.

  “Cortez Khalil!” the photographers began yelling, but I paid them muthafuckas no mind as I headed inside.

  There were a bunch of niggas in the lobby, so I scanned the area until my eyes landed on Blaise’s sexy ass in that red dress with the split. I saw she was rocking the shoes, purse, and watch I’d bought her, making me cheese hard as shit. Her wavy hair was hanging down her sexy back, almost brushing her plump ass. Her brown skin was lickable per usual, and them fucking lips, covered in whatever the fuck was on ’em, had my dick hard.

  “Congrats.” I came up behind her and hugged her body. I didn’t give a fuck that she was conversing with somebody.

  “Cortez—” She turned in my arms, so I kissed her deeply as fuck. “What are you doing here?” She tried to move my arms from being around her, but I wasn’t allowing it.

  “I wanna see the movie.”

  “No you don’t.”

  “I do. I drove almost an hour to get here for this shit, and I wanna see it. I wanted to see you too.”

  “You’d rather be here watching a movie than at the club with your friends?”

  “How you know I was at the club?”

  “Unfortunately, I get tagged in everything to do with you and your bitches still. So I saw you were out.”

  “Well yeah, obviously, I’d rather be here. I left that shit to come be with you.” I pecked her again, and when she pulled away, she just gazed up into my eyes before wiping some of her lipstick off of my mouth.

  “Fine, but this doesn’t mean anything.”

  She took my hand and led me into the theater where everybody was headed at this point. We sat together, in her reserved seats, and surprisingly, she let me hold her hand the whole time. Afterwards, she had to mingle a little bit, so I stayed close by. My phone had been blowing up during the movie because of Megyn’s ass, so much so that I had to silence it on the low without Blaise’s mean ass seeing.

  While I waited for Blaise, I checked the messages.

  Megyn: Really, Cortez? On my fucking birthday?

  She attached a picture of Blaise and I, her leading me into the theater room by hand. I guess some muthafucka here had taken the photo and sent it to her ass. Declining to reply, I put my shit away just as Blaise started in my direction.

  “They have a car that can take me home, so.” She shrugged. She was carrying the same glass of champagne, and it wasn’t any lower.

  “I ain’t never seen you babysit a drink like this.” I tapped the glass.

  “I just wasn’t in the mood tonight.” She placed it on a nearby table.

  “Well umm, I can drive you home. There ain’t no need for the car.”

  “Cortez, it’s fine. I—”

  “I’m driving you.”

  She nodded, so we left the building and went right to my Range Rover where I opened the passenger door for her. I chuckled when I got in on the driver’s side, because she was looking around, inspecting.

  “I’m cold. Can you turn the heat on?”

  After turning my whip on, I did as she requested, but then pulled one of my jackets from the back to give to her. Hesitantly, she put it on.

  “Nah, it hasn’t been on anybody other than me.” I pulled off, headed to her place.

  When we got closer to where she stayed, “2 Tone Drip” by YBNAlmighty came on, so I turned it up louder, making Blaise laugh and roll her eyes.

  “You are so irritating.” She giggled when I tried to make her dance.

  “You love this fucking song; we love this fucking song.”

  “I know, but it’s late, and I’m not in the mood to dance.”

  “You should be, baby; you’re a muthafuckin’ movie star. Yo’ accomplishments should make you want to, just a little bit.”

  By the second verse, she gave in, singing along with me and dancing a little bit. The song finished by the time I pulled up to her spot, so I swooped over to park by the curb. I switched gears and saw she was still smiling a little bit, so I leaned over to kiss her slowly. She was frozen for a few moments, but eve
ntually held the sides of my face to reciprocate.

  “Cortez,” she moaned when I went down to attack her neck. She was still holding my head.

  “I miss you, Blaise.”

  “I miss you too,” she replied just before our lips reconnected.

  “Let’s go upstairs.” My hands were groping her sexy thick thighs as we kissed, and my dick was hard enough to break bricks. “I want yo’ ass back.”

  She finally turned her head and then started pulling her dress down, moving my hands.

  “I have to get to sleep.”


  “I can’t get back with you, Cortez.”

  “Why? You just fucking said you missed me!”

  “So what! That’s not enough!”

  “I love you, Blaise. What, you ain’t in love with me no more or some shit?” I was getting heated as a muthafucka.

  “Yes, I’m still in love with you, and yes, I miss you.”

  “Then baby, what’s the fucking problem?” I pressed my lips against her neck and collarbone.

  “The problem is that you broke my heart, Cortez, and I don’t trust you. I want to fall in love and get married. I don’t want to just be in this relationship with you and always worrying about what you’re doing or who you’re doing.”


  “We want different things, Cortez. I want something solid, something that makes me feel comfortable, and something that I know is going to turn into more. You just want a girlfriend, and then when you get tired of her, you want a new one.”

  “Blaise, I would never get tired of you, baby—”

  “You already did; that’s why you cheated on me.” She pulled the lever of my door, and when I tried to grab her, she slid out, slamming the door back.

  I watched her enter the building and just kept staring until I couldn’t see her ass anymore.

  Blaise was about to send me to the crazy house.



  “Great job tonight, ladies!” Reddi grinned at us backstage.

  “Same to you,” I replied.


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