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Pregnant By A Bad Boy: A Dramatic Urban BWWM Romance Novel

Page 6

by Cookie Jones

  The orgasm hit me like a wave and I shook with the aftershocks of pleasure rolling through me. Still, Nick sucked and slicked his tongue against my sensitive flesh until I had my hands in his silky curls and ground against his mouth, consumed by yet another orgasm.

  “Man I could bottle you up…so sweet,” he said and that made me giggle.

  He gave me a charming grin and then stood up and gripped his sex in his hand, I watched him slowly stroke himself as his eyes roamed over me. I understood what the romance books meant when they read stuff like ‘his gaze was like fire on my skin’ because everywhere Nick looked heated up and I almost started to writhe with need of him.

  “I’m gonna put you on the bed and fuck you now,” he said in all seriousness.

  Hell, I was so far gone all I did was nod. Nick scooped me up and then laid me down on his huge, king sized bed. Then he climbed over me and I opened my legs so he could settle his hips against mine. He positioned the head of his cock at my entrance and slowly he pushed into me. We both moaned as he filled me up and it felt so good. I arched my back and reached for him; Nick lowered his chest to mine and I held onto his strong arms as he began to thrust into me, deep and hard. I couldn’t help being vocal as Nick was really good at sex. His sex touched the very heart of me over and over and made my entire body feel liquid.

  Nick climaxed when I did, his body went rigid as my sex milked him and I shuddered underneath him with wave after wave of electric pleasure.

  “Fuck,” he drew the word out as he came and I actually felt his hot release inside of me.

  All I could do was hold onto him, speechless, as I had the best orgasm of my life. After we were both spent, Nick slid out of me and collapsed on the bed. I felt super relaxed and wanted to curl up and sleep for a while. Then reality slowly came back to me as I watched Nick’s eyes slowly close and his breathing deepen. He was drunk and had effectively passed out. He was drunk and the reception for his father’s funeral was going on downstairs.

  I groaned and closed my eyes briefly, what had I been thinking? Right, I hadn’t been thinking. Apart from maybe when the last time I had sex was. I sighed deeply and decided to swallow my shame for being so…indiscreet and un-lady like. Hopefully, no one had decided to come up to the second floor and heard me…loud as I was. I glanced over at Nick again. He was all spread eagled on his back and sleeping quite soundly. I got up from the bed gingerly and then found his bathroom to clean up and at least appear as if I wasn’t just…well, fucked by Nick in his bedroom. I fixed my sleek ponytail and then stepped out into the room to get dressed, only I couldn’t find my damn panties anywhere. How had they just up and disappeared?

  Feeling like the world's biggest harlot, I slid out of Nick’s room without underwear and rejoined his father’s funeral reception. I couldn’t believe I had actually done all that, my goodness what a lack of a sex life will do to a woman.

  “Clary, there you are, I’ve been looking all over for you.” My mom had walked into the foyer just as I made it down the stairs.

  “Oh sorry, I was…ah I got caught up with the mingling,” I said and she smiled at me in understanding.

  “Believe me I know, everyone your father and I have spoken to were so curious about you running the New York law firm all by yourself. You know one would think they’d actually be a little more receptive to the fact that everyone is together for Doug and his family.” Thankfully her chatter covered up my mostly guilty mood.

  “Oh there you are, your mom and I were lookin’ for you.” We found my dad in the living room and he studied me a bit more closely and his eyebrows furrowed. “What’s wrong Clary?” he asked me and my mom looked at me, too.

  “Oh, it’s nothing, I’m just…a little tired. Do you think Marge would mind if I went home?” I asked them and my dad shook his head.

  “No, no you go home if you’re tired. We’ll be back a little later okay?” he said and I nodded.

  “Alright, see you guys,” I said and gave them both kisses on the cheek and then got the hell out of dodge. The first thing I did when I got home and up to my room was call Gina.

  “Hey, girl, how’d you know I just got off my shift?” she asked me and I shrugged even though she couldn’t see me.

  “I’m psychic, plus, you know we’re connected. Anyway, I have something to tell you, or to ask you either one.” I was speaking fast and pacing around the room.

  “Oh no, what have you done? Wasn’t Doug Price’s funeral today? Oh my gosh, please tell me you didn’t knock over his casket or something?” she asked me and I didn’t even laugh, though I normally would have.

  “No, no…worse. I think…I slept with his son, Nick like ten minutes ago. While he was drunk…” I said and there was a long pause on the other line, I could practically hear the shock.

  “You…you slept with Nick Price at hid dad’s funeral?” she asked me and I closed my eyes as a new wave of embarrassment hit me.

  “Yes…yes I did,” I said and Gina sighed on the other line.

  “See, this is what happens when you get too wrapped up at work and don’t take the time to orgasm everyone in a while,” she lectured and that I did laugh at.

  “I feel like a harlot, I mean…am I though?” I asked her, hoping she’d say no and that the ghost of Doug Price would forgive me for fornicating on the day of his funeral.

  “No, you’re not a harlot, calm down, but that was very reckless. So you said he was drunk?” she asked.

  “Yeah, like, drunk enough to pass out right after,” I said and she sighed again.

  “And where are you now?”

  “I’m at home, I couldn’t stay there,” I told her. “When are you coming again? Are you coming soon?” I asked and she chuckled.

  “Yeah, actually, I’ll be there tomorrow then I can have a look at this Nick Price who drunkenly got a piece of Clary Richards’s booty.”

  I cracked up and then sat down heavily on my bed and kicked off my heels. “He’s actually like model worthy gorgeous,” I told her and she gasped.

  “What kind of model? Like Abercrombie model or more Armani model?” she asked and I grinned.

  “Like Armani model on contract,” I said and she gasped.

  “No way.”

  I laughed again and then it was like we were in high school again, gossiping about boys and comparing them to sexy Hollywood actors. After my phone call with Gina, I felt better and vowed to try my best to forget I ever slept with Nick, especially as he most likely wouldn’t remember what we did come the following day. It’s not like I could hope for much more from a drifter, which was what he was, in all actuality. I sighed and then undressed to take a proper shower, after that I got into my pajamas and crawled into bed with the TV remote. I hated that a small part of me wished that Nick would magically climb through my window and slide into bed with me.

  * * *

  I woke up late the next day…to Gina jumping on my bed. “Wake up, wake up, come on let’s go have something to eat!”

  “Ginaaa,” I protested and then she took one of my pillows and hit me on the butt.

  “Aren’t you happy to see me?” she asked and I groaned.

  “I will be when I’m awake,” I said and she shoved her phone into my face so I could see the time. “When did it turn one p.m.?” I said and she laughed.

  “A minute ago, your mom sent me up here to wake you up,” she said brightly and I forced myself to sit up and open my eyes.

  There Gina sat, smiling at me with her mahogany hair pulled into a thick ponytail and her beautiful features smiling at me with bright dark blue eyes.

  “Hi,” I said eventually and smiled at her.

  She laughed and then wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. “I missed you!” she said and I returned the sentiment. “Alright come on, get ready I’m starving!” she said and I looked at her curiously.

  “Shouldn’t you be spending time with your parents or something?” I asked and she waved her hand dismissively.

got in early this morning, trust me the few hours felt like I’ve spent three days with my family already. My mom took me everywhere in like a thirty-minute time span, then the whole family was over for breakfast and that was all before eleven o’clock,” she said and I laughed.

  “Alright, let me, like…brush my teeth,” I said and Gina got up from the bed.

  “I’ll be downstairs with Dad,” she said and I smiled; Gina had called my dad, ‘Dad’ ever since high school when he used to pick us up after soccer practice and lend us his car to go out on the weekends. He even gave an extra lecture to Gina’s prom date after he had just gotten one from her own father.

  “K, I shouldn’t be too long,” I told her and then hurried into the bathroom to freshen up and then change. When I got downstairs, Gina was laughing loudly with my dad in the kitchen.

  “I was beginning to think you were nocturnal,” dad said when he spotted me and I grinned.

  “Yeah…I don’t know, I guess I’ve just been tired the past couple of days,” I said.

  “Probably your body catching up on sleep from working so much in New York,” he said and I nodded.

  “Yeah, I think that’s exactly it,” I said.

  Gina quirked an eyebrow at me, but I ignored her so Dad wouldn’t look over at her and become suspicious.

  “Alright, well, we’re going to go to that French restaurant I love, but never remember the name of for some lunch. I’ve been craving their mac and cheese.”

  “Doesn’t it start with a C?” I asked and she nodded.

  “Good thing is I never forget how to get to good food. We’ll see you later, Dad.” Gina hugged him on her way out and I kissed him goodbye.

  “I’ll be back soon okay?” I said and he nodded, waving me off.

  “Don’t worry about me, I actually have some work to get back to,” he said and I nodded.

  “Alright, see you later.” I waved and then caught up with Gina. “So what’s up with you?” I asked her as we got into what had to be her parent’s Audi since she flew in.

  “Other than work? Not much, how about you?” she asked me and I laughed.

  “Same…well, up until yesterday,” I mumbled and fastened my seatbelt just as she pulled out of the long drive onto the main road.

  “That wasn’t like you, Clary,” Gina said in all seriousness and I sighed.

  “Yeah, I know…” She always got to the serious stuff after joking around to make me feel better, I should have seen it coming. “Actually, I don’t know…I wasn’t really thinking,” I admitted.

  “You know, since he was the drunk one and you were sober, technically you preyed on him,” she pointed out and I snickered, but then sobered quickly as it dawned on me that she was right.

  “Oh my god…I’m a horrible, horrible person!” I groaned and Gina rubbed my arm.

  “It’s okay, we all have our moments, what you can do now is try your best to forget about this,” she said and I sighed.

  “Yeah, I know and I hope I don’t run into him at all while I’m still here,” I said and Gina gave me a look of little confidence.

  “You do live next door to the guy, big as your shared acres might be,” Gina said and I shrugged.

  “You know that saying, ‘if you can’t see them, they can’t see you’?” I asked her and she snorted then looked at me in amusement. “Well, each time we’re close I’m going to look down and pretend I’m invisible,” I said and Gina burst into laughter. “I don’t know why you’re laughing, it will definitely work,” I said confidently, which made her laugh even more.

  When we pulled up to the restaurant and were seated, I actually looked forward to ordering form their lunch menu. Every time Gina and I went there the food was always good.

  “Um…uh, did you say that Nick had like golden brown hair, angular jaw, green eyes, and model slash demi god worthy looks?” Gina asked me after our waiter left with our drink orders and I glanced up at her.

  She was looking to the right and I turned my head to see none other than Nicholas Price. He was sitting at a table a couple of feet away and what do you know? He wasn’t alone. He was with some tall svelte brunette who looked like she was from Latin-somewhere and had to be a model. The oddest pang went through my chest and I didn’t like it, nor did I want to try and wonder what it meant.

  “Do you want to go? We should go, this is just going to be awkward.” Gina said and I stood up with her to leave. No, I didn’t want to be in the same room with Nick and the next girl for the day, thank you very much. At least he was diverse in his tastes. “Do you want to…” Gina looked at me as we walked back to her car and I shook my head.

  “Nope, there’s nothing to talk about because I’m supposed to be forgetting it. Let’s just find another restaurant, I’m starving,” I said and she nodded then looped her arm with mine and we were off.

  “Ooh, you know what we should do later? We should go out,” Gina said later as we shared a lunchtime dessert of delicious tiramisu.

  “We’re out now,” I pointed out and she rolled her eyes at me.

  “I know that, I mean later on tonight we should go to a bar or a club or something. Have fun. God, I haven’t had that sort of fun since I started my internship at the hospital,” she said and I chuckled.

  Hell, the same could be said for myself; once I got serious about the law firm in New York so that Dad could move back to New Haven to be with Mom and the original firm, I’ve pretty much been all about work.

  “Yeah…yeah, I think you’re right we should go out.”

  Gina inflated like a helium balloon, her expression getting excited and all as she straightened and practically bounced up and down in the booth.

  “We should bar hop, hey, we can start at that place BAR for dinner and then go from there,” she said excitedly.

  “BAR sounds good even though it’s in Yale town, but really, what else is there that’s worth going to in New Haven?”

  “You’re right, we should just drive to Atlantic City and then come back in the morning,” she suggested and my eyes popped.

  “You can’t be serious? Gina do you have cabin fever?” I asked and she laughed.

  “I do, I’m not gonna lie,” she said and I giggled.

  “Alright, let’s just hit Google and figure something out,” I said and we both pulled out our phones and made plans for the night.

  Gina and I stayed out for most of the day and we went shopping for outfits to wear that night. By the time I got back home, it was late afternoon and I had a little time to check up on work and such. No one was home yet so I also had the house to myself. I was on the phone with my assistant Stacy who was available for me any time of the week, God bless her, when my dad walked into his office I had temporarily taken over.

  “Look at you, taking after your dad,” he said with a proud smile.

  I grinned up at him from his desk while I scribbled some things on a notepad that Stacy was relaying to me. Dad came over to kiss me on the forehead and then he went about emptying his briefcase while I ended the call with Stacy.

  “So how are things in New York?” he asked me and I took a small breath.

  “Everything is pretty good so far, fingers crossed. We’re running smoothly; all the new attorneys I hired are very resourceful and competent.”

  Dad’s expression was proud when he looked at me and I actually blushed a little.

  “Don’t get all sentimental on me, Dad.” I stopped him before he could say something to make me tear up or worse.

  “I’m just proud is all, but don’t mind me, carry on,” he said and then finished putting some files on his desk before he stepped out so I could handle a few e-mails and such.

  I finished with just enough time after to shower and change for the night ahead. I was honestly so glad that Gina came to visit, I’d be really bored otherwise and my mother would probably push me to hang out with Joe Peterson.

  “Clary, tell me you’re ready to go!” Gina called as she waltzed into my room dressed in a
cute little black dress and silver pumps.

  “Um…how’d you get in?” I asked her and she grinned.

  “Dad let me in,” she said and then added, “he said that I should’ve had my own key by now,” she said and I cracked up.

  “So packed an overnight just in case we end up in Atlantic City…or your parent’s house,” I said and she cracked up.

  “Either or, they're both the same right?” she joked and I giggled at the thought of an Italian Jewish version of Atlantic City, it was a very Godfatheresque visual.

  Gina and I were out the door only two minutes after she arrived and headed to our first stop, BAR. For a Sunday night, it was surprisingly full, though what else would one expect so close to a college campus?

  “I can’t wait to have some pizza,” Gina said as we quickly found a couple of rare seats at the bar. I glanced around the modern rustic space and enjoyed the vibe. There wasn’t too much excitement that it was chaotic, but there was a nice nightlife vibe.

  “I can’t wait to have a drink, where is the bartender…” As if I conjured him, he slid over to us and gave us the rundown of the cocktail menu. Once I had my Old Fashioned in hand, I was ready to look at the menu for food.

  “Oh God…” Gina said and I looked at her in confusion.

  “What is it?” I asked, she was looking at the entrance and I turned to see the tall gorgeous form that was Nick Price with not only that brunette from before, but another woman on his other arm. And all three looked disturbingly cozy.

  “That just looks wrong,” I said and then took a fortifying drink of my cocktail.

  “Why can’t we get away from him, isn’t he supposed to be mourning?” Gina asked and I sighed.

  “Everyone has their own process, apparently Nick’s is to fill his voids with women, I simply kicked things off,” I sighed and Gina touched my arm in comfort.

  “We could go…” she said as we turned back around.

  “No, of course not, we stay, drink, and order pizza,” I said resolutely. I couldn’t let myself be bothered enough by someone that I ran away from them wherever we crossed paths.


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