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Pregnant By A Bad Boy: A Dramatic Urban BWWM Romance Novel

Page 7

by Cookie Jones

  “Alright then, next we’re going dancing…and having more to drink,” Gina proclaimed and I snorted.

  “That’s a given.”



  “I wish I could stay longer, but I can’t pass up on a shoot and a show.” Selena’s accent was delicious, especially after a healthy dose of sexing.

  “I think I’ll be alright, I have our trip to look forward to.” I grinned at her and she smiled.

  “That we do, I can’t wait for Europe, think of the opportunities I’ll get from the fashion weeks alone!”

  “I’m honestly glad you suggested I come with you, I could use more than a month’s trip across the Atlantic.” I sighed and then sat up to watch her lithely get up from bed, completely naked of course, and begin piecing together her clothes.

  “After Europe you’ll be renewed trust me. You’re like me, you need the travel to get your head on straight again,” she said and I had to admit she was right.

  It was weird that the more time I spent with Selena the more I realized she was the female version of me. She cared for me enough to fly to New Haven, but she liked the travel her job brought her. She liked to have fun and disliked too many heavy responsibilities…or responsibilities at all.

  “So take the two months to hurry up and find this new CEO, don’t stand me up at the airport,” she said and then found her purse and slid it onto her arm.

  “You’re really leaving then,” I sighed wistfully and she smiled before giving me a light kiss on the lips.

  “Yes, I’m really leaving. You’ll be fine, see you soon,” she said before leaving the apartment I was renting.

  I couldn’t possibly live with Marge any longer; she was just too…adversarial. It was like, whenever she saw me she was ready to strike. And that was why I was done with New Haven, I was done with all of it. Thanks, Dad, for giving me the family estate and such, but I’m packing my bags and continuing my life as I see fit. My phone rang and I leaned over to grab it, it was Buddy.

  “Yo, are you coming over for Thanksgiving? My mom finally convinced yours to eat with us,” he said and I rolled my eyes.

  “Now I’m really not coming. No, I figured I’d go to a nice Chinese restaurant and have a Jewish Thanksgiving.”

  “Dude, you’re an idiot, the term is ‘Jewish Christmas’. Just come, I’m sure your mom won’t start a scene with us around.”

  I laughed mockingly and shook my head. “Clearly you don’t know Marge, or the Marge she’s become. It’s better for me to stay here in my fancy apartment and start looking at these candidates for CEO. I’m not trying to stay in New Haven for over a month,” I told him and Buddy sighed.

  “Nick, would you just be real for a sec; your mom is hurting, won’t you at least try to make things right with her?” Buddy asked and I gave a real laugh then.

  “That ship has so passed. Just drop it Buddy, I’m not coming. Sorry,” I said and then ended the call.

  I rolled out of bed and then quickly pulled on some work out clothes before I was out of the door. I ran the two miles to the gym and then hit the weights hard until every muscle in my body was twitching with exhaustion. I practically had my head in a water fountain near the gym’s exit when Ben Schwarz walked in.

  “Nick, hey,” he said in his good-natured way and then his eyes assumed that pitying, cautious look a lot of people put on when around me. “How are you holding up?” I’m sure he was just intending to be perfectly polite, but why did I have to be ‘holding up’?

  “I’m fine, Ben, thanks,” I said in a clipped tone and some surprise registered on his features, but he didn’t address my tone.

  “So I hear you’re giving the position as CEO away…” he said and I studied Ben closely. He was on the board and was the current chief operating officer, or COO.

  “Yeah, do you want it?” I asked him and he almost recoiled.

  “You’d just offer me the job so candidly?” he asked me and I shrugged.

  “You know the company, you’ve been working there almost as long as I should have been,” I grinned and Ben chuckled, but he shook his head.

  “I think you should carefully go over all the possible candidates and make a measured and thought out offer to whomever you choose,” he said and I looked at him in confusion.

  “Wait…I just made you an offer to be CEO of Price Holdings and you’re…what, turning down the position? You’re practically CEO now,” I said and Ben shrugged.

  “I believe in due process, what can I say. And I’m not turning the position down, I just think you should give the other candidates a chance you know?” he said and I searched his face, wondering if he was serious.

  Ben had perfectly average features, though he had a nice undercut that, even then at the gym, was always gelled back, and his oddly super blue eyes puzzled me for as long as I knew him. I used to wonder if he wasn’t fully human, in all honesty. And I’d known the guy since I started college…but, whatever, some people had extraordinary features that elevated an otherwise mediocre appearance. A memory scooted to the surface of my mind and I remembered tan, sort of golden eyes and a perfect pair of legs. I couldn’t really grasp the memory and shook myself out of my weird train of thought.

  “Ah…sure, Ben, I’ll do that,” I said and he smiled at me before shaking my hand and continuing on to his workout.

  Strange fucking guy…I’d probably end up choosing him anyway after a few days so his conscious wouldn’t be compromised. After drinking about another liter of water at the fountain I walked home slowly and enjoyed the cool bite of the breeze on my sweat dampened skin. The walk was long, though, and I hated how lonely I felt as I made it back to my apartment. I’d fix that though, even if it was the day before Thanksgiving I was sure there was a girl I could find to spend time with. Four in the afternoon? No problem, I made plans to take a quick shower and hit a nearby bar.

  * * *

  “Are you hung over Nick? I came here to help you go through all this stuff, the least you could do is be alert,” Buddy was sounding a lot like my mother.

  It was the Monday after Thanksgiving and most of the people who came into town for my dad’s death had left, but Buddy stayed because he was the only one who cared enough to help me with stuff.

  “I am alert, I’m listening…I don’t know why I actually have to go through this stuff, I already know I want Ben to take the position. Anyway, you were saying how the Bedford guy was CFO at some investment company in New York, go on.” I waved at Buddy to keep reading the file and he leveled an exasperated gaze on me, but sighed heavily and continued reading.

  “Yeah but you should give these other people a fighting chance, at least interview them,” Buddy said and I shrugged.

  “It’s not like I’d know what to ask them, I know nothing about the business,” I said and then stretched out on the couch and lowered my baseball cap over my eyes.

  “So four years at Yale and a business degree…just syphoned out of your ears while you were on the road?” I shrugged and then picked at a nonexistent piece of lint on my shirt.

  “I know about business in general, nothing about Price Holdings,” I clarified and Buddy sighed heavily.

  “Why the big rush anyway?” he asked and I grinned.

  “A couple of months in Europe with the hottest model you’ve never seen,” Buddy groaned and rolled his eyes.

  “Did this entire ordeal teach you nothing?” Buddy asked and I sat up and looked at him. He was standing right in front of the TV with a manila folder in his hand and a look of frustration on his face.

  “What are you getting at?” I asked and he made a sweeping gesture with the folder.

  “Your dad dying, not getting to say goodbye to him, not even knowing he was sick. Now you’re back in New Haven with a chance to get your life together. If not at Price Holdings, then by using the wealth you’ve been given to start something of substance. I’m getting at the fact that you’re twenty-eight and need to get your damn life together!

  Buddy slammed the folder down on the coffee table and I watched him shrug on his jacket and grab his car keys.

  “Look, I’ve been neglecting my work trying to help you, but if I can’t get through to you, no one can. I’ve got to go, I have responsibilities,” he said and then walked out of the apartment.

  “Well…shit,” I breathed, did I just lose my best friend?

  I sat on the couch in silence for a while before I leaned forward and picked up the file Buddy threw down. I actually took the time to look through it and write out some pros and cons about choosing Bedford as CEO. Then I dialed his personal line and set up an interview. I’d take finding a suitable leader for my dad’s company seriously, then I was leaving. I didn’t care anyone’s opinion, not even Buddy’s.

  * * *

  The next month and a half went by pretty fast; who knew how consuming simply choosing a new CEO would be? Ultimately, I chose Ben, of course, and the last of the paperwork had been signed and notarized.

  “Yeah, I’m packing as we speak, I’ll drive over to the city and we’ll catch a flight together.” I was on the phone with Selena while I packed my duffel bag and suitcase.

  “I’m so glad, I need the perfect companion to be seen around with while doing the fashion weeks. You know, you may even get conscripted into modeling yourself,” she said and I cracked up.

  “Uh, I’ll pass. I like the idea of being your pretty, mysterious courter,” I said and that made her laugh.

  “Well hurry, I haven’t had time to keep up with my orgasms you know. I miss your lips,” she said huskily and I actually stiffened a little in my jeans at the thought of having her spread eagled on a counter or table or the roof.

  “Oh, now I’m Superman, I’ll be right outside your door before you know it,” I said and she chuckled.

  “Drive fast,” she said and then ended the call.

  I all but shoved the rest of my crap into my suitcase and zipped it up. I was going around the apartment, looking for things I might have left behind when there was a knock on the door. I huffed in annoyance and went to answer it. Standing there was my old neighbor…Clarice, or Clary I thought her name was. Her eyes were wide and they were a caramel color that pulled at something in the back of my mind. My eyes swept down to her legs, which were covered by jeans and I met her eyes again.

  “You cut your hair…” she said in surprise when I opened the door.

  My hair had grown past my shoulders and I had only cut it a little, keeping what I referred to as my Kit Harrington, Jon Snow style. It was weird that she’d noticed the small difference in length, it was weird she’d say that instead of hi when I opened the door.

  “Uh…sure, what can I do for you…?”

  “You do remember who I am right?” she asked, she seemed really flustered and I put aside my usual brashness hoping that would expedite her reason for being at my door.

  “Of course I remember you, Clary. My old neighbor, come in,” I said and she walked in slowly, her eyes taking in the open concept apartment.

  “This is a nice place…” she commented and I tried like hell to hold on to my patience.

  “Thanks, I was only renting it though. I’m heading out soon,” I said and her eyes cut to mine quickly.

  “Where are you going?” she asked, almost as if she needed to know instead of making small talk.

  “To Europe, the UK, Italy, France…just for a couple of months,” I said and her eyes widened.

  “I have to, um…I have something to…tell you,” she said slowly and I simply stared at her, waiting for her to continue. “I didn’t have your number so I couldn’t just call, and your mom she, uh…she said you changed it and gave me your address so I came here.” She was beating around the bush.

  “Is something wrong with Marge?” I asked and Clary tilted her head at me.

  “No, she’s—your mom’s fine. Well, as fine as one could expect, she’s still grieving—”

  “Can we get back on track here? I have to be in New York soon,” I told her and she took a deep breath.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  I stared at her blankly and she watched me for some reaction. Honestly, I wondered if she was like…sane or something, why would she feel the need to come all the way here to tell me she was pregnant?

  “Congratulations?” I said and she closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breath.

  “You don’t remember? You don’t remember sleeping with me at your father’s funeral reception? You were drunk and we…forgot a condom…” she said and then it all came back to me.

  Arguing with my mom, crying in front of Clary and her taking me to my room to calm me down. Then, like the jackass I was, I fucking slept with her…I remembered waking up naked in bed, but I figured I’d just passed out after drinking. I never sleep with clothes on. Fuck me. My heart started to gallop in my chest and I put my hands on the top of my head and paced around a bit.

  “You sure it’s mine? What if you had unprotected sex with someone else?” I asked her and she recoiled; in retrospect, I was being a dick, but whatever. There was no way I was having a kid. No way. “There’s no way that kid’s mine, are you sure you’re even pregnant?” I asked her and she took several steps towards the door.

  “Clearly, I was an idiot for thinking you should know…” she said softly and I shook my head in defiance.

  “It’s not mine, you’re not gonna show up here thinking you can rope me into some shit, it’s not mine.”

  Clary’s eyes teared up and she put her hand on the handle to leave. “Fuck you, Nick Price!” she said and then stormed out.

  The door slammed with an echoed ‘fuck you’ and I was left standing in the living room. In utter numbness. I sat down on the couch slowly and thought back to the few encounters I had with Clary. That time at the coffee shop, she was nice, sweet for buying me coffee and a muffin and even then I was pretty much a jerk to her. She talked about heading a law firm in New York City so I didn’t imagine she’d be the type to sleep around. She didn’t look or act the type, she wasn’t the woman I’d normally have meaningless sex with. I really…really fucked up at that funeral. I should have never been as drunk as I was.

  She wouldn’t have come all the way back to New Haven if she wasn’t a hundred percent that I was the father, would she? There was no way to be sure, unless she pressed the issue. She didn’t necessarily stay to try and convince me, so hell, it probably wasn’t my kid. Shit, that’s some news no guy like myself wants to hear out of the blue. I pressed my hand over my heart and urged it to slow down.

  “Heart attack, I almost had a heart attack,” I said in disbelief and then stood up and grabbed my bags to leave. My steps slowed the closer I got to the door though, I pulled out my cellphone and called Buddy. We hadn’t spoken since he left, but who else could I call? He answered on the third ring.

  “Nick…what’s up man?” his tone was guarded and I hated that my being a douche had pushed even my best friend away, then it also said something about Selena, who tolerated me completely.

  “I, uh…I have to talk to you,” I said and then exhaled deeply and slid down the wall to sit on the floor.

  “What happened?” he said, the old Buddy creeping back into his voice.

  “I…you know my old neighbor Clary?” I asked and he paused. “Richards?”

  “Oh yea, her dad’s a lawyer, they have a pretty big law firm now…” Buddy said and I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me.

  “She’s pregnant…came over here saying that it’s mine,” I mumbled and there was a thick silence over the line.

  “Holy shit, Nicholas. Holy shit, you finally did it, you got someone pregnant. And someone perfectly nice and untainted. What did you do when she told you?” Buddy’s tone was full of shock and disbelief.

  “I…I was a dick, she left,” I said and Buddy sighed.

  “You need to go after her and talk like a normal person with emotions and empathy. Figure shit out, man,” he said and I shook
my head back and forth.

  “What if it is mine? Then what?” I asked and Buddy sighed heavily again.

  “Then God is forcing you to man up and there’s nothing you can fight against anymore,” Buddy said and I hung my head.

  “I can’t be a father. I mean…you know me! I can’t—I just can’t,” I said in defeat.

  “Do you want to end up in a situation like you and your dad? Where you die of cancer not even having known your own kid? What’s worse, not even knowing its name, or what it looks like?” Buddy asked and a huge wave of emotion hit me from nowhere as the truth of what he said dawned on me. Tears sprung to my eyes and I started shaking and I didn’t know what the hell was wrong with me.

  “I don’t want that man…I don’t—” a sob cut me off and I realized it was all the shit I’d suppressed over the years, including the grief of losing my dad without having the time to make things right.

  “Hey, Nick…you know I’m here for you, look I’ll get on a plane and—” Buddy spoke earnestly, but I cut him off.

  “No, no, I have to…I have to start fixing things on my own,” I said and there was a long stretch of silence on the other line. “I’ll call you later,” I said in a low voice and then held my face in my hands until my chest stopped hemorrhaging emotion. I wiped my face on my sleeve and then picked up my phone to call Marge—my mom.

  “Hello?” her voice was pleasant; she didn’t know who was calling since I had changed my number.

  “Mom…?” I was cautious and there was a long pause on the other line before she replied.

  “You called…” she said and I was surprised that she didn’t lash out or hang up on me.

  “Yeah, I…can I come over? Can we talk?” I asked and then another long pause.

  “I’m not ready to see you just yet, Nicholas,” she answered honestly and I closed my eyes on the bit of pain that caused.

  “I get it…” I said and she sighed.

  “I have to go,” she said and then the line went dead. Well…at least that’s a start.

  Next was going after Clary who was probably halfway back to New York or at her parent’s house. I grabbed my bags and hurried out of the apartment, locking up behind me. When I got to my car I shoved everything inside and broke all sorts of speeding laws in getting to the Richards’ mansion. When I made it to their front door, I scanned the drive, wondering if any of the cars parked there were hers. Hell, I didn’t know what car she drove, so I couldn’t tell.


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