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Triple K Set

Page 39

by Beck, J. L.

  Pulling her hands from his, she started to cry as she stomped her foot. “You either got married or you didn’t Cole Kincade!”

  “You mean you’ve been carrying on with my…” Daisy stood up and glowered at both cowboys. “…BOTH of my daughters and you were married to these red headed two bit hussies all along?”

  Valeen stood up. “Who you calling hussies, Miss Ten Men A Year Daisy?”

  Daisy shot a death glare over to the redheaded woman across from her. “You better be giving your heart to Jesus, 'cause your butt is mine!” Her chair toppled back as she pushed away from the table.

  Rand held onto to her as she tried to lunge across the table.

  The room exploded with flying insults.

  “Well bring it, ‘cause I’m not the one who looks rode hard and put up soaking wet!” Valeen retorted.

  Daisy sucked her breath in at the insult. “At least, I ain’t never taken a sloppy ride while lushin’ it up like a dime-a-dunk slut in some God dammed casino!”

  Rand grabbed her hand which was indeed, aiming for the silverware on the table.

  Attempting to grab a knife, Daisy shouted, “Imma gonna hack off all that burnt to hell straw you call hair, ya dime store hussy!”

  Valeen’s sister stood up now. “You can’t be callin’ us hussies. Just look at that dress you’re wearin’! It’s so tight, we can all see straight to your dang religion and I bet there’s been many a man you’ve taken to that particular Promised Land!”

  “Ohh!” Daisy shouted as she struggled in Rand’s hold. “I swear, I’m gonna snatch you bald like the redheaded stepchild you surely are!”

  Just then, Brea started to weep loudly from the other end of the table.

  Everyone halted to look over at the poor woman, as she held her hand out and stared at the ring on her finger.

  Maggie gasped as she just now realized her sister was wearing one.

  Quietly, but with a shaky hand, Brea pulled it off and set it down on the table.

  “No, Brea!” Cole pleaded. “You can’t just—”

  Kanda squinted at the ring, as her face showed her shock. “Grandma’s ring? Oh, Cole!”

  “Please let me explain.” Cole tried to reach for Brea.

  She shook her head as she stepped back. “I knew it was a fool’s dream—I knew it!”

  “No,” Cole pleaded. “Please just listen!”

  Jet stood up abruptly and went around to Brea. “It was my fault. Just try to listen. Please Brea?”

  Brea kept swiping at her tears as she tried to focus on him.

  “I spiked Cole’s drink that night,” he blurted out.

  “WHAT?” Cole and the Noble twins all shouted at the same time.

  Jet sighed and looked down at the floor, staring at his boots as if it might reverse all that he’d done. “I was so sick of dealing with the holier than God Cole. Never wanting to go and party with me, his own brother. Always bitchin’ about my wild life and my failings. I just wanted him to loosen up.”

  “Well, that explains a lot,” Kanda interjected.

  “It don’t explain him being a God dammed about to be bigamist!” Daisy shouted.

  Victoria, the quieter Noble twin stood up. “Oh, no he isn’t married.” She looked upset as she stared sympathetically at poor Brea.

  “No, we got immediate annulments,” Valeen cut in. “We only agreed because the men swore that if we all weren’t married when the year was up, then we would all get hitched again.”

  “I will be God dammed. So, you two really thought I was calling you over to help plan your own wedding?” Mable asked.

  The girls both nodded.

  Cole glared at his brother, despite what he was trying to do just now, then he gazed tenderly at Brea. “I only want to marry you Brea. I don’t ever want to live without you.”

  Brea remained quiet as she stared at him while her lower lip trembled, then she glanced over at the twin women. “But—why…why didn’t you tell me about it?”

  Cole sighed as he shifted his stance and stuck his hands into his jean pockets. “Honestly? I forgot all about it.”

  “Oh, really?” Valeen scoffed as she piped in. “Or is it that why you got engaged in the first place, just to get out of the pact?”

  Several shocked gasps could be heard in the room.

  Maggie swung her accusing gaze to Jet. “So, that’s what you planned! You low down, lying snake!”

  Jet glanced back at her over his shoulder and seemed to stumble as he tried to turn around. “You’re wrong Maggie. I swear it. That is not what happened!”

  “NO!” Cole suddenly blurted the denial out while he looked shocked by the whole idea as he briefly glanced at the arguing couple. He slowly gazed over at the redheaded twin who made the accusation. “The truth is…I have forgotten all the women I knew before and everyone I was ever with…when I met Brea.”

  Gasping at the declaration, Brea then hiccupped and started to cry again.

  “Oh sweetheart, please don’t cry.” He grabbed her hands. “We can work this out. I promise.”

  “Well, we got rights here. In Texas, a verbal agreement sticks! Both of you shook our hands, dammit!” Valeen shouted along the table.

  “I swear I don’t care if you are the flipping queen of the freakish amazons. If you don’t shut the hell up? I’m gonna slap you to sleep!” Maggie shouted back.

  All of them started talking at once to be heard over the others.

  “Everyone, just try to calm down!” Mable yelled.

  The shouting got louder as again, the group steadily got rowdier and it all blew up into total chaos.

  “I mean it!” Mable shouted as she picked up the gravy boat. “All I got left is the gravy!” She swung it around threateningly.

  Most of the group kept yelling and fussing as they couldn’t or wouldn’t hear her.

  “That’s okay Mable…” Daisy smirked as she reached into a bowl sitting on the table. “…It will go perfectly with the mashed potatoes!” She flung a fistful at Valeen.


  It hit Valeen’s cheek and she sucked in her breath while part of it caked one eye.

  “Oh, no! You did not just do that!” Her sister, Victoria looked aghast.

  “Well, if you doubt it, here’s the instant replay then!” Daisy grinned at the stunned redhead and tossed another handful at her face.

  Again, like the other twin, mashed potatoes landed on Victoria’s face and hair with a squishy sounding splat.

  “Ohh!” Victoria shouted with a stunned disbelief as she staggered back.

  Valeen literally growled and picked up a corn on the cob.

  Daisy’s eyes widened.

  “Here’s a nob I’ll bet you are familiar with too!” Tossing it with glee, Valeen beamed as it sailed through the air.

  Rand reached out like he had reflexes quicker than the eye and caught it before it made contact with Daisy’s face.

  Wade stared with disbelief on his face at the women who’d gone insane while they all started grabbing food off the table like it was a Black Friday Buffet right there in the dining room.

  Kanda grabbed his hand and tried to tug him out of his chair. “Come on! We’re gonna be biscuits and gravy if we don’t—” Then gravy hit her and him smack on their faces.

  Mable lowered the dripping gravy boat and shook her head. “Dammit, I missed!”

  Kanda spluttered as she gazed down at herself. “Ma!” she shouted with shock as cream gravy dripped from her long black locks. “What the hell?”

  Wade just seemed to give in to the craziness as he simply crossed his arms over his wide, gravy covered chest and licked the tasty concoction dripping from his lips.

  Kanda stared at her big man licking the remnants from his mouth and she sucked in her breath. “God dammit. That’s hotter than blue blazes…”

  Meanwhile, at the south end—things were getting rather ugly as an enraged Maggie jumped up on Jet’s back and pulled at his hair. “Try to con me, will ya?�
� She yelled, along with a whole list of foul names. Sleazy pilfering chicken hawk along with some four lettered expletives about his family jewels going missing. Telling him, he would wish for the days of lipstick and floozies by the time she was through with him.

  He, in turn, whirled around in circles. Shouting for her to please listen to him while trying to remove her and as a result—he knocked Brea into Cole.

  Cole caught his weeping semi-bride-to-be and tried to gather her into his strong arms.

  Brea shrieked while looking delirious from crying and pushed him away.

  He fell back over a toppled chair and landed flat on his back.

  Brea then screamed and dropped down on top of him with a breathless concern as she grabbed his face and asked him if he was okay.

  At the north end…food was flying. Green beans, salad and different dressings were sailing through the air as squeals from the women and male laughter from the Monroe men could be heard. In between ducking their heads, that is.

  Daisy looked liked an abstract cafeteria painting gone wrong as different colors dripped from her blonde hair and her large bosom. It didn’t deter her none though, while she got in some of the best pitches in this food fight.

  Amused, Rand stood next to her while catching anything he felt might do her harm, but allowing soft items to whiz by and pelt her. Then, every time something did, he would laugh loudly.

  His son could do nothing but laugh and duck repeatedly, down into his chair.

  Kanda with her gravy soaked hair hanging over her face hid behind Wade’s chair as she would peek out and play cheerleader, egging Daisy on with shouts of, GOOD ONE! Or, ATTA GIRL, RIGHT OVER THE PLATE!

  The Noble twins seemed to get the worst of it as they even had trouble seeing what food or liquid was coming at them at any given second and they both eventually slipped to the floor in dressing, food covered heaps.


  A powerful blast sounded out through the dining room that deafened everyone. The windows rattled and the china vibrated on the table.

  Mable stood at the edge of the room with a double-barreled shotgun aimed at the ceiling—plaster and debris rained down from a huge hole to the table and food covered floor.

  The Texas style episode of Wrestle-Food-Mania instantly halted.

  “God dammit!” she scowled. “I would be asking all of you, if your mother raised you wrong, but half of you would be accusin’ me of neglect and abuse for God dammed sure!”

  The food-covered group all stared in shock as they swiped at different textures streaming down their faces to try to see her. At the beat down end of the table, they tried to either stand up or jump down.

  “Now, you all better act civilized!” Mable seethed. “And this is how we are gonna proceed…”

  Everyone suddenly looked curious as they openly gawked at her.

  “Ya’ll lunatics are gonna clean this up and just to be safe? It will be in neutral teams.” She stood for a minute as she glared at them all. “The shameful Kincade part of this here insanity are gonna take all the dishes to the kitchen. Daisy Dukes here and the Monroe clan are gonna clean up the table. You double nitwit Noble girls will be the dishwashers.”

  They all grumbled and some muttered under their breaths.

  Mable raised her shotgun and slid the slider back with an ominous metal against metal echo to engage the gun again. “I ain’t gonna tolerate no backtalk and no more fist fights. And I’m warning you, if I find one crack in my willow china, ya’ll are gonna wish you were six feet under! Now, get to cleanin’!”

  The group all spread out and did like she said.

  “Brea Plush?” she called out to the bewildered looking woman.

  Brea swiped at her tears and her head shot up.

  “You will be coming with me.”

  Cole halted and stared at Brea and then glanced over at his mom.

  “No backtalk son. Don’t make me bend you over my knee.”

  Brea then walked over and joined her as they both went out of the dining room.

  Rand kept chuckling. “And here, I thought the outback was wild.”

  Wade joined his chuckling and watched Kanda taking dishes from the table as he shook his head. “You don’t even know the half of it. It beats Bush Week all to hell.” He then turned and grinned at his bemused father. “Welcome to Texas Dad.”




  Kanda and Wade were still laughing when they got back to her room. “That was wild!” She tittered breathlessly while shutting the door. Striding across the room, she began stripping her food covered clothes away. Her shirt went first and she toed her shoes off along the way.

  “I never believed I would ever see a real live Three Stooges episode, let alone be in one,” Wade added with a chuckle.

  “Well, unfortunately it happens all too often here among families with volatile tempers.” She unsnapped her jeans and rolled them down over her curvy hips, then bent over to tug them off, one ankle at a time. “You should see some of our Thanksgiving dinners, it gets downright dangerous…Texans don’t throw cream pies…too soft.” She shook her head ruefully. Suddenly, she found herself lifted in the air while she squealed with surprise.

  “Speaking of soft…” Wade tugged the jeans away from her feet as he held her easily, then toted her toward the bathroom.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, once again, marveling at his strength while he carried her around like she was nothing but chicken feed in his hand. Who would’ve ever believed this? Not her!

  He smirked but said nothing as he set her down in the shower stall.

  Kanda realized she was still wearing her bra and underwear. Well, they smelled like salad dressing and she knew she sure looked tossed right about now anyway. Shrugging, she looked over and saw something that froze her to the spot.

  Wade was stripping his gravy-smeared shirt away.

  Oh, yeah…Her mind fogged up with the vision of her magnificent Aussie. The man I always think of as prime rib. His wide, sleek chest always entranced her and she especially found it to be the best place for her head when she slept. Listening to his heartbeat lulled her to sleep every time.

  He glanced up and winked at her as he lowered his hands to his jeans.

  Her throat closed up and she couldn’t even swallow as she watched his fingers slowly unzip his jeans. Her big man stripping for her like the king of Chippendales? She wanted to shout yee-haw and stuff his pants full of—

  Wade tugged his jeans down, low on his hips while he stared intently back at her.

  Kanda gawked, but not at his face, she could see the glory trail along his lower belly and tried her best not to drool in anticipation…Oh, hell yeah, take me to glory, big man.

  Wade lips tilted up in a smile while he seemed to be enjoying her reaction…he tugged his boxers down further with the jeans.

  Kanda stood statue still now, while holding her breath. A bit of heaven right down here on earth.

  Finally, he pulled them all the way down…his cock stood out hard and ready.

  Kanda started with a gasp and licked her lips, remembering the tie down, blow off session. A very BIG bit of heaven! Releasing her long held breath, her gut clenched as she got instantly wet in her panties. I may be addicted to blowing now! She shuddered with longing and rubbed at her bare arms. I want him even more than ever before.

  Wades’ erection seemed to grow before her eyes as if in response to her lustful gazing. He stepped out of the pants and groaned a bit as took ahold of himself at the base. “Is this what you want?”

  Kanda sucked in her breath again, while she became lost in all the erotic images involving this particular part of his anatomy. Lord almighty, I keep forgetting what a hunk of beef he is! She shook her head to try to clear it as her befuddled gaze rose up to his face. “Wh—what?”

  He chuckled. “You look good in gravy Kandy Girl.”

  Her head rose higher. She reached up and grabbed a gravy ta
ngled mass of her long locks.

  “I’ll take care of it.” He nudged her back and turned the water on.

  Kanda was attempting to keep herself from panting like a starved dog over a bone. What a bone it is though! One I could savor and—I’m downright addicted to this man, all right.

  The warm water flowed as he got in, removed her bra, moved her up to the spray and stood behind her. He then poured shampoo onto her hair, massaging it in with his strong fingers.

  Kanda dropped her head back and sighed. God, just a shampooing and she was floating on air. He could make a fortune working at the local beauty parlor. Guess we’ll never know though. Because there’s no way she would ever allow those fingers to touch any other female! She almost giggled at the image of all those gossipy women gaping and gawking with lust if this man ever walked into the Lips & Clips on Main Street.

  He gently untangled her hair and grabbed the sprayer from its slot, then rinse-massaged the shampoo out. Next, he repeated the same action with the conditioner.

  Kanda closed her eyes and her body drooped with how relaxed he’d made her. Yep, he would make a fortune as women stood in a mile long line, waiting for their turn in Wades’ chair. But nope, it would never happen, because he belonged to her. With his strong fingers massaging her scalp, she let out a long satisfied moan.

  Dropping the sprayer with splashing thunk, he reached around and grabbed a breast with each large hand. He then proceeded to caress and pinch her nipples for a long stimulating minute.

  She let out a shaky moan at the zaps of electricity coursing from her breasts to the rest of her. A low male grunt sounded from behind her as her body was turned and raised up against the shower wall.

  Wade looked fierce while he grabbed her soaking panties. He tugged them slowly down and she stepped out of them. Lifting her up, he placed her legs around his hips. “Open yourself to me, sweet Kandy,” he whispered low.

  With goose bumps rising all over her skin, she reached down and opened her folds.

  Wade smiled as he nudged just the tip of himself into her entrance.

  Her body stiffened at attention and need swam through her, her eyes drifted shut as she tried to deal with such overwhelming want.


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