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Triple K Set

Page 40

by Beck, J. L.

  “Open your eyes too,” he urged.

  Her eyes popped open and she stared into his hot gaze.

  “I love the way your eyes look when you’re turned on.” Carefully, he dipped himself into her a little further.

  Her panting grew and she shuddered with want for more of him. “God dammit Wade!”

  He chuckled. “I just don’t want to overwhelm you.”

  Kanda kept breathing hard as her inner muscles clenched around his shaft. “Too damn late for that. You just smile at me and I’m—hella gone,” she panted her words out.

  This was when he decided to plunge himself all the way up into her with one powerful thrust.

  Her breath caught in her chest.

  He pulled his pelvis back, pulled out, then charged back in…all the way up.

  “You have to be the sexiest man walking the—earth!” She tried to grind herself up against him, even though he’d already filled her to the hilt, so to speak.

  Staring into her eyes, he then pumped her hard and fast.

  His powerful plunges were caressing her insides as her body heated up and her juices flowed with the friction. She was getting it up against her shower wall! Now, she knew what the expression meant, up against the wall. “Unh…” She moaned helplessly as she panted and hung onto his upper arms for all she was worth.

  Slowing his thrusts, he lowered his mouth to one of her breasts and latched onto a nipple.

  Her head slammed back almost banging against the tiles as her body visibly coiled.

  He plunged again, while he suckled her nipple.

  So freakin’ hot! Kanda felt her climax rush through her as she gasped out, “Overload, overload!”

  He kept up with both movements and seemed to reveal in her helpless passion.

  “Ohhh!” she shouted out as she came.

  Wade released her nipple and watched her face. “Yeah, that’s what I wanted to see.” He drove his throbbing, pleasure inducing tool up higher and tightened his embrace around her.

  Kanda was totally captured by this overwhelming sensual man and her body shuddered as she whimpered.

  Wade held her tightly while squeezing her butt cheeks as she came apart.

  Kanda was huffing and puffing as her eyes rolled up into her head.

  After a long moment, he carefully lowered her legs and set her down.

  Pitching forward, she gasped loudly with panic.

  He held onto her with a throaty laugh.

  “It ain’t—fu-nny!” she admonished through her pants. “Mak-ing me Je-llo to your—mold.”

  Wade kept grinning though while holding her in a tight embrace for a few minutes as she calmed down.

  “Wait, you didn’t…” She gazed into his eyes. “You made me come, but you…”

  Wade shook his head. “I’m not through with you just yet.”

  She leaned up against him with a sigh. “But I’m weak as a kitten.”

  His chest rumbled against hers with his laughter. “Yes and that’s the way I like it.” He let go of her and reached for her loofah, pouring body wash onto it. He turned and raised a dark brow at her. “Place your leg up on the bar.”

  Kanda swallowed with a gulp and her legs felt like spindly sticks instead of the strong plush limbs they really were. “I—?”

  “Do it,” he whispered.

  Kanda backed up to the wall again, and raised her shaky leg to the bar as she held onto it with one hand.

  Kneeling in front of her, he raised the loofah to her private parts, now fully exposed to him.

  Kanda gulped. Never in all her dreams or life did she EVER think she would be standing in her shower with Mr. Hot Down Under Guy while he used her own loofah on her—Wow, just wow.

  He gently swiped the soapy sponge over her sensitive skin and reached up to grasp one of her plump butt cheeks with his other hand.

  Kanda shivered and leaned her head back. It’s a god danged wicked dream, it has to be. Anytime now, I’m gonna wake up and find out I dreamt it all.

  Wade then stood up to grab the shower sprayer as he gently directed the warm water over her folds. He pushed two fingers into her and aimed the sprayer closer to her folds, directing the water to her button as he exposed it with his other finger.

  “Oh. Lord. In. Heaven!” she gritted out between clenched teeth as her body tightened and heat spread through her.

  Intent on his ministrations, he stroked his fingers in and out, as he manipulated the sprayer on her skin. His eyes blazed at her, willing her to surrender to him.

  Gulping for air, she started to beg, “Ohh—Wade—no-no…” she gasped the pleas out. Yes, she surrendered all right, HELL YES! “It’s too—” Her body spasmaed while she helplessly came on his fingers.

  Wade watched her with a satisfied expression on his face.

  Panting with breaths as her chest heaved—the shower stall kept whirling around her as her standing leg finally gave way and her other leg plopped down of its own accord.

  Catching her, he pulled her tight to his warm, wet body.

  “Oh, oh!” she kept repeating breathlessly.

  Chuckling, he held her up.

  Kanda felt grateful for his strong embrace, ‘cause she knew for sure she would’ve been eating ricotta tile if left on her own. “How do y-you do tha-t to—me?” She kept trying to speak.

  He held her tight and kissed a sweet, blazing path along her neck. “I have to try to assume command of the hellion babe I’ve fallen in love with. Can’t just let you keep tying me up and storming my castle all the time, ya know?”

  Kanda sucked in her breath, all she heard was, ‘I’ve fallen in love with’…Oh, God! Did he just say…? Gulping, she felt like she was suffocating in shock, so she coached herself, try to stay calm, Kandy girl. Play it off like…Like what? Oh, sweet sugah iced tea! LOVE! “So—I’m a—hellion babe?” she quipped to cover for the stunning shock she just received.

  “Mm-hmm,” he mumbled as he explored the skin of her shoulder with his mouth.

  I wonder if he even knows what he just said? Maybe he doesn’t realize it. I should just act casual—CASUAL? The beefiest man I have ever seen just said he was falling in love with me!

  Wade raised his head and looked at her. “Is everything okay, Kandy?”

  Okay? Her mind whirled as her heart pounded with a suppressed euphoria. I will never be just okay again! I’ve thought of how someday, he might feel just a spark and maybe we would move to the next step…But now, he says that he might just love me! Kanda tomgirl ropin’ & a ridin’ like a man Kincade! She swallowed heavily and then her answer came out on a squeak, “No.”

  Looking concerned, he gazed into her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “Wrong?” Tears formed in her eyes. “Right, everything is too right!”

  He blinked his eyes rapidly at her, his expression full of puzzlement. “What?”

  Kanda laughed loudly, grabbed his face and smothered his yummy lips. Pushing her tongue in, she lowered her hands to grasp his firm ass cheeks and squeezed them like they were fresh fruit at the produce stand while she devoured his delicious mouth. Surprised, his breath rushed out of him into her mouth and she swallowed all that was Wade as she clung to him like mad.

  Holding her tight up against his solid frame, he kissed her back with the same urgency.

  Kanda kept moving him back toward the tiled bench against the shower wall, until he was forced to sit. Without breaking the kiss or momentum, she climbed up on him and eased herself down onto his hard erection.

  Grabbing her waist, he let out a load groan.

  She intended to give him what he just gave her twice over. She moved herself on him like she knew what she was doing. Funny, how a week ago, she’d been a virgin and now? She drove this Wade-bus like she’d been born to do it. She moved herself on him expertly while he helped by raising her body up and down. She remained locked onto his mouth while she played with his tongue. His breathing sounded more rapid now as she used her body like a pogo stick on c
rack. He loves me! Her mind kept repeating with every pleasure inducing bounce she made…Sliding up and down on his lap with a wild abandon, repeatedly impaling herself onto his very sizeable hard on. Loves me!

  Electricity built inside of her, zapping at nerve points all over her body. Ecstasy was so near and yet, so far away as she felt like she would never get enough of this beefy man.

  Wade sucked his breath in, as he grew rigid, his arm muscles clenching in the sexiest way while he held her down on his lap and shot his climax straight up into her.

  Kanda felt the heat of him and the pulsing throb from his cock as her body tightened while imprisoned in his powerful hold. Oh, hell no, I’m not going anywhere in any case! Then, just like a rocket on a launcher, she came for a third time. Her mouth popped off of his with a resounding smack as she let out a shout of pleasure.

  Raising his hands, he grabbed her head, forcing her to look into his eyes. “You are one hot—hellacious babe, Kanda Kincade.”

  Panting and still coming, she couldn’t speak. There would be no pithy reply, nor any sassy nicknames zinging back at him. The only man who could ever shut her the hell up! She would’ve laughed at this tremendous realization, if she could have taken a breath to do it.

  “Well…” He lifted a brow at her. “…I suppose I will have to grab the loofah and clean you up all over again.”

  Boy howdy! She sure looked forward to it too, and Kanda tried to laugh but she still hadn’t gotten her breath back yet. Her mind and body kept trying to deal with yet another whirling, pleasure maelstrom created by the most heavenly Wade Monroe.




  Maggie marched away through the back door of the kitchen. The kitchen and dining room sparkled behind her. Mable ought to be happy. She wondered what happened to Brea, but she couldn’t seem to find her anywhere. Damn men! How could Cole let this happen? Poor Brea. She remembered the crestfallen look she had on her face as she left with Mable. That look fed Maggie’s rage for the last 2 hours while cleaning that food mess up but she’d calmed down some on the violent urges. She only considered what she now envisioned as manslaughter. Or is it cowboyslaughter?

  Sighing, the other damn cowboy floated into her mind while she walked along the path. That sneaky sonofa-bullriding-flooziehustling-jakanape! I was almost a victim of his dupe—almost. Before the double mint twins from hell showed up, I had just decided to give him a chance. She stormed along the path while her anger flared again and opened the cottage door as she spoke aloud, “Fool me once—”she halted as she stared at the gorgeous sexy subject of her wrath.

  Jet sat on the couch and for once, he said nothing and there was no charming smile on those sexy lips either.

  “—Just once! And that’s all you get!” She slammed the door behind her.

  He stood up and looked as if he were about to walk the plank. “Well, then I get another chance to do it then,” he stated quietly while his eyes narrowed in on her. “Because what Valeen said wasn’t true.”

  She strode into the little kitchen. “Oh? Which part?” She opened a cabinet and removed a glass. “The part about marrying them or the part about your so-called promises? OR, the part about the whatnot?”

  He approached her, though he stayed a good foot away. “I never took that seriously, we were drunk and delirious.”

  “So, the whatnot was just the fluff part? How many times have you been drunk, delirious and married is what I want to know!” She opened the fridge and took out some juice. “How many old wives and girlfriends are going to show up to make a claim on you?”

  He opened his mouth to answer.

  “No!” Maggie cut in as she raised her palm. “Do NOT answer that!” Pouring the juice with a shaky hand, she turned around to glare at him. “I mean we do not have an entire week for your many tales of Stetson playboy meets drunken slut in the city, okay?” She set the glass down on the counter and put her hands on her hips. “And just what in the hell are you doing in my cottage anyway?”

  Jet caught onto the humor in her city reference and he almost smiled as amusement danced in his eyes. “If you aren’t just the…” He sighed and took a step closer. “It doesn’t change anything.”

  “There’s nothing to change Jet.”

  Taking another step, he grabbed her hand. “Mags…Listen to me.”

  She took a deep breath as the heat from his grasp wound up along her arm.

  “They say that it happens like this sometimes,” he whispered as he stepped all the way in and tugged her closer.

  “What happens?”

  “When a man knows instantly that he has met the one woman he wants to marry.”

  Maggie stared into his eyes.

  A stunning blue and almost mesmerizing, they looked entirely sincere and an intense urgency burned there too.

  “Well, I suppose that happened for you already, last year in Lost Vegas.”

  He shook his head with a small laugh. “Okay, I deserved that, but I am serious and we will still get married.”

  “Are you nuts? The jig is up. That dog won’t hunt, as you Texans say. That particular ship of crazy has sailed Jet!”

  “All that was just nonsense from a year ago. Dammit Maggie! You and I already done the deed and I for one, am going to keep reminding your family of it too.” He grabbed her tighter and smothered her mouth with his.

  His warm velvety tongue pushed in and Maggie tasted him again, her breath left her lungs as he hauled her up to his hard chest. Oh, the kissing he does. I can see why every panty, girdle and thong would drop in every county he ever walked through.

  Jet kissed her passionately and deeply as if, he were putting all his feelings into it.

  Maggie fought it for a second and then that warmth spread through her as she realized yet again, Damn, the man can kiss. Her brain fogged up as she placed her arms around his neck and let him have at it. Oh wow, he is just so—NO! Maggie pulled one arm away and grabbed her juice glass then she neatly stepped back just as she succinctly flung the juice into his surprised face. “Maybe that will cool you off, Mister Vegas!”

  Jet spluttered and stepped back as he swiped his lip with the back of his hand. His stunned gaze rose up. Staring at her for a full minute, he looked like he might get mad.

  Maggie took a step back. Okay, here it is. Maybe he will just admit it now. It was a huge joke or he did in fact do it to avoid—

  He chuckled and shook his head as he reached for a kitchen towel, wiping the juice from his face. “I can see that all the years we will spend together, you’ll just keep turning me the hell on! I might even have to cause small heaps of trouble just to get you riled!”

  Maggie’s jaw dropped.

  “And I can’t decide which is cuter either. You, mad as a hornet…” He stepped close again, and gently shut her mouth closed. “Or when you look shocked.”

  “You are crazy, you know that right?”

  He grinned and looked right into her eyes. “I know that you drive me crazy and I’m willing to go all the way to insane just to keep you with me.”

  Shaking her head in total bewilderment, she just had no words.

  He titled his head at her as if contemplating something. “I ask you one thing…”

  Maggie raised her chin at him.

  “Why wouldn’t I just marry Victoria? If that was all there was to it?”

  Batting her eyes at him, her perplexity did not clear up. “What?”

  “If I just did it to—well, it happened to the both of us. ‘Cause here at the cottage—I didn’t just orchestrate it to…” He sighed. “God dammit, I have never been tongue tied with a woman before!” He threw his arms up in the air. “See? Don’t you see it?”

  Maggie kept shaking her head like it was stuck in that motion.

  He let out a small laugh and then started again, “I could just as well marry her. If I didn’t care about circumstances, if I wanted to marry just anybody.”

’m not…” She now felt like she might have to sit down and that is just what she did. Is his Stetson on too tight? Why does he keep up with this charade? She saw this Victoria chick…a knockout, a real beauty in fact. Why would he in turn, want to marry me to avoid tall, curvy and gorgeous?

  He watched her closely and came over to sit at the little table with her. “Mags just try and let me get this out, okay?”

  She remained mute. I’m totally lost on this road to insanity. If the crazy hot cowboy is driving, I’d better hold on, but I’m all out of logic. He just isn’t firing on all cylinders or is he still at the game of get one over the Smart Girl? She nodded her head at him.

  “Why would I compromise myself and plan to get caught with you by our entire family, just so I could avoid a time when I…” He shook his head with a rueful smile. “…Compromised myself in the past. I could have just waited and told Miss Noble where to get off. I mean that is what the old Jet would do.”

  “Mhmm,” she muttered. “Well…that does sound like the low down, lying, two timing, pilfering chicken hawk all right.”

  He pulled his head back and looked stunned.

  At his insulted expression, Maggie burst out with laughter.

  He kept looking surprised as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

  Maggie swiped at her eyes and her laughter slowed.

  “I thought that when you got angry it was hot, but damn—when you laugh?” He clenched his fists at his sides. “I gotta tell you…I get hard.”

  Maggie stared at him. “Wh-at?”

  “Nothing has changed, in fact, with every hour I spend around you? It just cements the whole idea!”

  “What idea, Jet?” she yelled with utter frustration as she tossed her hands up. “Is it the, I want to marry you, even though I just met you when ten women were groping me at a Stud Ranch while I wallowed in lipstick idea?”

  Staring at her, he halted and then he laughed uproariously. He even slapped his knee at one point as he seemed to try and get his laughter under control.

  “Or, is it the idea of, ‘I won’t hand you my private hanky to wipe your kuchy while parked at the side of the road at the bush stop until you say you’re sorry for giving me to the stuffin’ cash into my boxers she devils?’ “


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