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My Sister's Husband

Page 25

by Ambria Davis

  “Skylar, right?” he asked.

  “Yeah, that’s me. What are you doing here?”

  “I’m here to see my little sister and her baby,” he said, pointing to Brinay. “What are you doing here?”

  “Is that right?” she asked. “So we have the same little sister?”

  “Seems so.”

  “Well, I’m here to find out how long my little sister and my husband have been fucking behind my back,” she told him. He had this confused look on his face before he turned to Brinay’s father.

  “Dad?” he asked. “Is that you?”

  “Yeah, son, it’s me.”

  “Dad? Son?” Veronica asked with a confused look on her face as she looked at them. “What the fuck is going on, Brian? Is this your son?”

  “Yes, Veronica, he’s my son,” Brian answered. Her face went from happy to sad to mad in a matter of seconds. I looked at Brinay, who looked back at me with a look of confusion on her face. I could tell that she knew nothing about what was going on now. Her brother, on the other hand, stood there as if he already knew about everything that was going on.

  I turned to see Chance and Kourtney looking like two deer caught in headlights. They had this expression on their faces as if they just knew some major shit was about to pop off. Hell, with all these secrets coming out all at once, we all knew something was about to happen.


  Initially, when I came here, the only thing on my mind was fucking up both my cheating-ass husband and my scandalous-ass sister. I had all intentions on busting them up in front of my parents, but the rest of the crew interrupted us. The moment Kourtney and Chance walked in, I started to give them a piece of my mind also, because I knew damn well that they knew about everything that was going on behind my back. Shit, they were too close not to. However, my words were trapped in my mouth when I spotted the dude I’d met at the hotel walking in behind them. I was confused at first, until he walked over to Brinay, kissed her, and called her his little sis. When I found out that he was Brinay’s older brother, I was shocked. Hell, the world was really fucking small. How was it that the nigga that hollered at me earlier was also my little sister’s big brother? Damn, the world is smaller than I thought and it was about to get even smaller.

  Just as I was about to continue going in on Brinay and Dontie, Brinay’s brother called my father Dad. Again, the world is much smaller than we thought. At first, I thought I was tripping, but when my father confirmed it, I knew it was true. I watched my mother’s world come crashing down, right before everyone’s eyes.

  “So where did this son come from, and how do you know that he’s your son?” my mother asked, turning to her husband.

  “His mother is Brinay’s mother. I had him tested when I first went to see him in jail. He looked so much like me that I knew that he was mine. Hell, I didn’t even need a test, but I wanted to be sure,” my father answered her. He didn’t even look as if he regretted the shit.

  “So you knew about this and didn’t tell me?” Brinay asked her brother, heartbroken.

  “Yes, I’ve known about it. How do you think he knows your phone number and where you stay? When he came to see me, I told him. I was surprised, just like you, when I found out he was my father also. He wanted to tell you, but I asked him to wait until I got out to break the news to you. I mean, I already knew the type of relationship you and him both have. I wanted to be there when he told you,” he said.

  “So you let him come and see you, but you didn’t let me?” she asked in an angry tone.

  “Chill out, Nay. I didn’t want you to see me locked up like that, which is why I never allowed you to come and see me. Him coming see me was a whole different story, sis,” he explained. She didn’t say anything, but she rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest without saying a word.

  “So that means you’d already fathered a child, way before this little bitch came along. How could you do this to me and not tell me?” Veronica said, pointing to Brinay, going completely off. “I can’t believe you’ve had two kids while we were together.”

  “You know what—” my father began. He looked over at Brinay and her brother before he turned back to my mother. “I’ve had all I can take from you, Veronica. I let you run my daughter out of my life once before, but I’ll be damned if I let you do it again. You’ve had all the say from the beginning of our marriage, but no more. I’m breaking my silence and putting my foot down. You’re going to stop playing with me and my children.”

  “Your children?”

  “Yes, I said my damn children,” he said, in a no-nonsense tone. I was kind of proud of him for finally standing up to her. “You’ve been a bitch and a pain in my ass since the day I first met you.”

  “What did you just say to me?” my mother asked, getting in his face.

  “You heard just what I said. You walk around like everything and everyone is beneath you, but truth be told, you wouldn’t have any of this if it wasn’t for my money and me. I’m tired of you treating my kids as if they don’t matter. You’re going to start treating my kids better—or else.”

  “Oh, Brian, please. I’ve spent enough years of my life with you to earn everything that I’ve gotten. And what do you mean or else?” she asked.

  “Or else I’m going to do what I should’ve done a long time ago.”

  “And what’s that? You’re not going to do a damn thing,” she replied. I stood there watching as my parents argued with each other as if there wasn’t a room full of people.

  “I’m going to leave you. As a matter of fact, the minute we get home, I’m calling my attorney and have him draw up the divorce papers,” he said. As soon as the last word left his mouth, my mother’s hand went directly across his face.

  “Don’t play with me, Brian. I’ll take you for everything you have,” she told him. He looked at her and laughed before he walked over to the bed by his children.

  “You and I both know that your hoeing ass won’t get a dime. So, as far as you taking me for everything that I have, you can kill that. You’ll be lucky if I let you leave with the clothes on your back,” he said, taunting her. She looked at him, rolling her eyes, before folding her arms across her chest. There was something they weren’t speaking about, but that was on them. I had my own problems, with my own husband.

  “Like I said, you’re not going to do a damn thing. You actually think I’m going to let you leave me, all because of the two bastards you made when you cheated on me? As far as I’m concerned, they don’t matter. They never have and never will. As long as Skylar is taken care of, then I’m fine. She’s probably your only biological daughter anyway,” my mother spoke with venom.

  “It’s funny you say that,” my father said, with a light chuckle. “Because I know, Skylar is the only one who is not mine.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asked him.

  “Dad, what are you talking about?” I asked, confused.

  “Skylar, honey, I’m sorry, but when you were small, I had a blood test done on you,” he said to me. “There’re some things that you don’t know about your mother, baby girl.”

  “What . . . why?” I asked, dumbfounded. Why would my father have a blood test done on me, and why does he figure I’m not his?

  “Why don’t we ask you mother why,” he said, with a look of disdain. “She’s been walking around here, acting as if she was the perfect wife when in all actuality, she started cheating way before I did. The only thing is, she didn’t know that I knew about it.”

  “Brian, don’t do this,” my mother pleaded, with tears in her eyes.

  “Mom, what is he talking about?” I asked her. “Is this true?”

  “Skylar, can we talk about this when we get home?” she begged, looking around at all of the people in the room.

  Fuck that! I was not going to wait. I’m tired of people keeping secrets from me. I was going to get answers from everyone, and today was going to be the day.

  “No, Mom, tell me what
is going in. Is what Dad’s saying true? Were you cheating on him before you had me? Am I his real daughter?” I threw out question after question. She stood there with her hands on her hips, looking like a lost puppy.

  “Sky . . . baby . . . Can we please talk about this when we get home?” she asked again.

  “I said no. You all have kept y’all’s secrets long enough. It’s time to tell me what you don’t want me to know,” I said, just as someone began knocking on the door. In walked some dude in a suit, carrying a few envelopes. He walked over to Dontie and handed them to him before he walked back out the door.

  I stood there looking at Dontie, wondering what was in those envelopes. I was about to ask him when my father’s voice brought me back to reality. I needed to address this issue with my parents and find out what’s been going on.

  “Tell her, Veronica,” my father said to my mother. “Tell her that I’m not her real father . . . that you cheated on me and got pregnant with her. Tell her!”

  “Brian, just stop it already. I don’t have to tell her, since you’ve already told her,” my mother said, with tears falling from her eyes. I was shocked and surprised, because this was actually my first time seeing my mother ever cry.

  “So, this is true?” I asked, heartbroken. “He’s not my real father?”

  “No, he’s not,” she answered, fully breaking my heart. I couldn’t believe that the man that I’ve known as my father was actually not my father. “Like he already told you, I cheated on him with your real father before you were even born. Baby, I’m sorry. It was around the time your father first started working. He was putting in so many hours, and I was lonely at home. So one day, me, my friend, and Brandon and Brinay’s mother went out to get a few drinks.

  “We were sitting at the bar when a man came and offered to buy us a drink. I’d already had more than enough, but since my man wasn’t home and I was lonely, I accepted it. We sat there and chatted for a while before he asked if I had a man. I told him no, which I shouldn’t have, because I did. He told me that he was also single and that he wanted us to hook up. I knew that it was wrong, but as I said, I was lonely. So I took him up on his offer. What was supposed to be a one-night stand turned into a three-year affair.

  “Then I became pregnant with you. I knew you weren’t Brian’s, but he didn’t know that, or so I thought. I wanted to tell him about the affair, but I was afraid that if he found out, then he was going to put us out. I didn’t have anywhere else to go. So I didn’t tell him, but somehow he found out. That’s when he began having an affair of his own. Even though they didn’t think I knew about them, I did. I just never said anything. I turned a blind eye to it, because I knew what I did and was still doing to him was hurtful. I thought that as long as he was getting what he wanted, he was satisfied, even if it wasn’t from me. When I found out that their mother was pregnant with Brandon, I was devastated. I knew about him, but she said that he was from another man that she was talking to.

  “So I left it at that. I knew my husband was in love with her. I even overheard him on the phone saying how he was going to leave me for her. I couldn’t let that happen, so I ended my affair and started playing the devoted wife. It was enough to get my man back, but it wasn’t enough to keep him away from the woman his heart truly belonged to.

  “Our friendship broke up after that, and we hadn’t seen or spoken to each other in about ten years. That’s when Brian showed up with Brinay. The moment I laid eyes on her, I knew who her mother was. Hell, she looked just like her mother, which is why I hated her so damn much. She reminded me so much of the friend that I missed daily. I didn’t know what to do.”

  “So you mean to tell me that you and my mother were friends?” Brinay asked her.

  “Yes, we were good friends . . . until we let a man come in between our friendship.”

  “Fuck all that shit. Who the fuck is my father?” I asked her. I could feel my palms beginning to sweat. My nerves were getting worse by the second.

  “Her old slutty ass doesn’t even know. The man she had an affair with isn’t even your father.”

  “How do you know that?” she asked, shocked.

  “Because once I found out that I wasn’t the father, I had him tested. Come to find out, he wasn’t the father either.”

  “So my mother was out here being a ho, and now she doesn’t even know who my father is?”

  “Watch your mouth, Skylar,” my mother said, walking over to me. “I may be a ho, but I’m still your mother. If you keep playing with me, I’m going to whip your little ass.”

  “You’re not going to do a muthafucking thing,” I yelled at her. I had finally had enough. I pulled out the gun I had in my purse and pointed it at Brinay.

  “Sky, don’t do this,” my father yelled from behind me. “This is not the way to handle things.”

  “Do what? This bitch has been the cause of me and my mother’s problems from the minute she came here,” I told him. “Not only that, but I found out that she and my husband been fucking around since before we were even married. They played it off really good, though, because at first, I didn’t suspect a thing, but then she had her accident and my husband was at her side every damn day. That’s when I became suspicious and knew that something was going on, but it was all just a theory. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that little baby is my husband’s child. I wouldn’t have known about it if it wasn’t for Randall.”

  “It’s funny that you even mention Randall’s name,” Dontie said to me. He walked over to me and handed me the envelope. “Since you over here pretending to be a saint and pointing out everyone else’s sins, why don’t you tell everyone about yours as well?”

  “Don’t try anything, or I swear I’m going to shoot your baby and his mother,” I said, cocking the gun.

  “I’m not doing anything. I’m just going to hand you this envelope.”

  “What is this?” I asked, taking the envelope from him.

  “Just open it,” he said, taking a step back. I looked from him to the envelope and back at him before I decided to open it. I wanted to know what this was, and obviously, he wasn’t going to tell me, so I had to find out on my own.

  It was a struggle holding the envelope while holding a gun, but I managed to make do. I was shocked to see information about Randall and myself. There were records of our e-mails, as well as our text messages and call logs. I was stunned when I noticed the records of all the times that we were at the hotel. There were also pictures of us.

  “What . . . You can’t say anything? What . . . Cat’s got your tongue?” Dontie asked with a smirk on his face. “You weren’t the only one doing dirty work as you can see.”

  “And so what?” I asked, trying to play it off. I couldn’t believe that he was doing the very same thing that I was doing.

  “While you was trying to make it like I was the only one doing dirt, you was doing it yourself. Check the second envelope. There’s a surprise in there for you, shorty,” he then said. I looked in the second envelope and almost lost it when I saw some divorce papers.

  “What the fuck you think you’re doing?” I asked him, dropping the papers on the chair.

  “I’m doing what I should’ve done the day after we got married,” he had the nerve to say.

  “Is that right?”

  “Yes, I wasn’t supposed to marry you,” he stated calmly. “I didn’t even buy the ring for you, ma. It was for Brinay.”

  “Ain’t this some shit,” I said, laughing to myself.

  “Sky, I’ma be 100 percent honest with you,” Brinay began saying, “when Dontie and I first began messing with each other, I knew nothing about you. Hell, I didn’t even know he was from Miami, and he most definitely didn’t know that I was from there either. We fell in love in South Carolina.”

  “But the nigga was in my bed almost every day of the week.”

  “Yeah, that’s true, but I wasn’t worrying about where he was those five days. I was too busy with school to even not
ice that shit,” she said, sounding like a damn fool. “When I found out I was pregnant, everything changed. Then the dinner came, and that’s when I found out about you, me, and Dontie.”

  “You can save your little sob story, because you should’ve told me right when you found out. How you could continue to live your life, knowing that you and your sister were sleeping with the same man is beyond me,” my mother blurted out.

  “I’ve tried to play nice, but I see this ain’t working. To say y’all some bougie bitches, it looks like I have to get ghetto with y’all,” Brinay said, getting up from the bed. I could tell that she was still in pain, but she ignored that.

  “Nay, sit down and rest your pretty little head. You’re in no condition for any of this,” our father said.

  “No, Dad, I’m tired of Sky and her mother. They’ve picked on me enough without me saying anything, but here’s where I draw the line,” she replied, as she turned to my mother and began going in. “You, I don’t care to know about your past or whatever it was that you and my mother had going on. All I care about now is that you leave my son and me alone. You’ve picked on me enough, and I allowed you to, but I’m putting my foot down now. You will not fuck with my son in the same manner that you fucked with me. What’s killing me is that you walk around here, pretending to be perfect and Miss Goody Two-shoes. You’re nothing but a bona fide ho, and a sad-ass mother and wife. You bashed my father about cheating when you were cheating all along. You’ve been having your daughter call another man daddy for her entire life. Bad thing is, you don’t even know who her real father is. You bashed my mother and me when you and your daughter ain’t no better than us. In fact, if you ask me, y’all were worse.”

  “Look, you two-bit ho,” my mother began to speak, “you have no room to talk about anyone.”

  Shut them up now, a little voice in the back of my head said. “Shut the fuck up. Shut up now!” I yelled at them. I was tired and wasn’t making any progress. “I’ve had it with all you bitches.”

  “Skylar, put the gun down before you hurt somebody,” my father said.


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