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My Sister's Husband

Page 26

by Ambria Davis

  “Daddy,” I said to him. My eyes began to twitch as sweat began forming on my forehead. I was minutes away from having a meltdown, and no one knew it. “That’s if I can still call you that.”

  “Even though I’m not your real father, I’ll always be your daddy,” he replied. I was beginning to feel overwhelmed. Everything was becoming too much for me to take in. I came here to bust my husband and ended up being busted my own damn self. Had I known that Randall would fuck over me like that, I would have never continued to sleep with him. Unfortunately, I did, and now everything has come back to bite me in the ass. I remembered a quote someone told me. It was, “One thing about them tables, they always turn.” I was just realizing what it meant, and I couldn’t do anything but laugh. God surely does work in mysterious ways. I screamed as loud as I could before I turned the gun on myself. I was ready to be put out of my misery, but first ... I had to take a few people with me.

  Chapter Twenty-two


  I can’t believe the things that were going on in front of my eyes. To say that I was shocked was an understatement. I didn’t know what to think. I couldn’t believe that my brother was actually my father’s son. What shocked me the most was when my father broke the news that Skylar was actually not his daughter. I couldn’t believe it. I mean, no . . . She didn’t look anything like my father and me, but that’s because she looked like her mother. I never would’ve thought that she was not actually my father’s child. It’s funny how things happen. They used to treat me bad and bad-mouth me, all because I was actually my father’s daughter—and she wasn’t. Her mother probably knew that all along, which is why she treated me so different. Now, here we are, with all of these secrets being revealed, and I can’t believe it. My mother and Sky’s mother were actually friends—hell, I don’t see it. I wonder how that came about.

  I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of my father’s voice. When I looked up, Sky had a gun pointed to her head, but she quickly turned and shot her mother. I stood there with my mouth open. This bitch is crazier than we all thought. No sooner had we heard the shot than the alarms started blasting throughout the hospital.

  “Sky, what is wrong with you?” my father asked. Before anyone could answer, she turned the gun on him and shot him too. I immediately began screaming. I was stuck on numb. I couldn’t believe the things that were going on right before my eyes.

  “You next, my dear sister,” she said, pointing the gun at me. “I thought about killing you, but that would be too easy. Instead, I’m going to kill the one thing that means the absolute most to you.” She looked to Dontie with love in her eyes. I knew it was killing her that she was in love with someone she couldn’t have, but I was not going to let her kill him.

  “Sky, your problem is with me, not with Tae. If you want to kill someone, shoot me,” I told her.

  “Nay, no, don’t do this,” Dontie said to me.

  “Nay, Nay, please . . .” my brother said.

  “Who said that I was going to kill Dontie?” she asked with a crazed look in her eyes. She then turned the gun toward the crib where my son lay screaming.

  “Oh my God . . .” Kourtney began screaming.

  “No! Not my baby!” I yelled as I began crying.

  The next thing I knew, the door was being kicked open. Standing there were a dozen law enforcement officers trained with their guns on her. They told her to put the gun down, but they knew, as we all knew, that wasn’t going to happen. The Skylar we all once knew was gone and replaced by a lunatic.

  “Ma’am, we’re going to ask you one more time to put the gun down,” screamed a white officer. She looked at him with her gun still trained on my son and shook her head no. Tears began rolling down her face as her hand began shaking. Even though I couldn’t stand my sister, my heart went out to her. Love would make you do some crazy-ass things in life, and this, by far, was the craziest thing I’ve seen someone do behind a man. I understand that everyone loves different, but love ain’t that serious to shoot my parents’ behind. Speaking of parents, I looked to the floor to see my father’s limp body. Even though we had our issues, he was still my father. We were just getting back on good terms. I never wanted to see him dead. My sister was really on one.

  “I’m sorry . . .” she said to no one in particular. I saw it coming before it even happened. I tried to move to her, but I was too slow. Next thing I knew, a gun went off before my body hit the cold-ass hospital floor. I’d failed my son as a parent, and his life had only begun.


  Three months later

  After everything that went down at the hospital, I was mortified. Luckily, my son wasn’t harmed. The gun that went off was the gun of one of the officers. Sky was shot in her leg. If you ask me, they should have killed the bitch and spared us all the heartache. Instead, she’s still alive, but I feel safer, knowing that she was locked up in a mental institution for the rest of her life. At least, I know my son was going to be much safer, knowing that she was there and not in the free world. I would’ve preferred that they threw her in jail, but I didn’t get my way.

  It turned out that in the past years, she was diagnosed with major depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and schizophrenia. Yeah, that’s a whole lot, huh? I thought the same thing when I heard it the day she went on trial. She was supposed to be taking her medication, but it turns out that she wasn’t. That caused her to freak out the way she did in the hospital. Hell, she had to be crazy to kill her own damn mother. That shit was sickening. My father survived somehow, but he was shot in his abdominal area, which led to him having to get a colostomy bag. It hurts my heart to know that he’s going to have to live with a constant reminder of the day he was shot, but he’s taking it like a trooper. He and I are getting along great now. He and my brother are extremely close.

  As for my brother, he stood by his promise and became a changed person. He goes to school at a community college in Miami, and my father found him a job. I was very proud of him. He and Kourtney decided to hook up and become an item. I was shocked at first and disapproved, but once I saw how well they went together, I left that alone. Besides, I feel much better knowing that Kourtney was going to be around him the majority of the time. At least, I knew for sure that she was going to keep him out of trouble, so that was something that I didn’t have to worry about.

  As for Dontie and me, we’re still going strong. His divorce was finalized a few weeks ago. It’s official. He’s no longer married to Skylar’s crazy ass, and I’m happy about that. I was just glad that she gave him the divorce without any trouble. He stuck to his word when he said that we are getting married. Here I was, standing in the mirror, admiring my beautiful wedding gown. I was so amped about getting married to my son’s father. I never imagined my life would turn into this. To be in love and actually marry the man of my dreams was just that . . . a dream come true. Yes, I’ve been through my fair share of troubles, but all of the good things in my life outweighed all of the bad things. If I had to do it all over again, I would, heartbreak and all.

  “You look beautiful, darling,” my father said from behind me.

  “Thanks, Daddy,” I said, turning around to face him.

  “I wish your mother was here to see you. You look just like her. She would’ve been so proud of the woman you’ve become.”

  “I know. I wish she was here also, but she’s here in spirit,” I told him.

  “It’s time,” Kourtney yelled from the door.

  “We’ll be out in a minute,” I told her.

  “You look absolutely gorgeous, Nay,” she beamed.

  “Thanks, baby, you look beautiful yourself,” I told her. She winked at me before she left.

  “Are you ready?” my father asked, holding his arm out.

  “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” I said, entwining my arm with his. I then placed a kiss on his cheek. I was more than happy to have at least one of my parents here to share my special day with. “Thanks, Daddy.

  “For what?”

  “For being here with me.”

  “There’s no place I’d rather be than right here, giving my only daughter away on her wedding day. I’m just glad that we were able to move past everything that has happened,” he said, kissing my forehead.

  “Me too! I love you, Daddy,” I said, with a smile on my face. It’s been a minute since I said those words, but I’m happy I got a chance to say them again. Having my father in my life meant a lot. After everything that we’ve been through, we both deserve to have some happiness.

  “I love you too, pumpkin. Now, let’s get on with this wedding before I change my mind,” he joked.

  “Daddy . . .” I pouted.

  “I’m just playing, princess. I’m just playing,” he said with a chuckle. I laughed too before we left the room. I was excited and yet nervous I was about to become Mrs. Edmon, and I couldn’t be happier.


  I stood at the altar as John Legend’s “You and I” played in the background. Today was going to be one of the best days of my life. As I watched Brinay walk down the aisle in her wedding gown, I couldn’t help but to feel a sense of peace. I could actually say I felt complete. I can’t lie. I never imagined this ever happening. I never thought she would’ve given me a second chance, and to think that she’s going to be my wife is unbelievable. I can’t believe it took everything we’ve been through with Sky’s crazy ass to see that we were really meant to be together. To think, we almost never got here. I couldn’t even stand to say Sky’s name without it leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

  As I stood there watching two of my most favorite people in this world walk over to me, a lone tear fell from my eyes. Only the Lord knows how much I prayed for this day to come. How much I hoped and wished for the day when my son, his mother, and me could come together and be a family. Now that this day is here, I couldn’t have thanked the man upstairs enough for hearing my prayers.

  “Aww, my Pooh Bear is crying,” Brinay said, the minute she reached me and noticed that my eyes were a bit misty. She removed her hand from her glove before she used her thumb to wipe the tear away. Her hand then traveled to my lips before her lips replaced them. She gave me a long, passionate kiss before she broke it. “Let me find out you’re getting sensitive on me.”

  “I’m just happy that this day has finally come,” I said, trying to kiss her again, but she stopped me.

  “Patience, my darling. Let’s get on with our wedding,” she said with a slight giggle. She then said in the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard, “After we say I do and are united as one, you can do whatever you want to me.”

  The way she said that made my dick jump at attention. I couldn’t wait to say I do so we could get going on our honeymoon. “Well, let’s get going, shall we?” I asked, pulling her a little close to the altar, which made her laugh.

  “Eager now, are we?” she whispered so that only I could hear it.

  “Very much so, my dear,” I said, sounding like white folks would sound.

  “Well, in that case,” she said to me, and then turned to the pastor, “let’s get this thing going, shall we?”

  Together, we stood there as the pastor began the ceremony. Since we were now living in South Carolina and most of the people we knew stayed in Miami, we decided to have a small wedding. The bridal party consisted of Brinay’s cousin, Keyon, as the matron of honor, Kourtney, as the maid of honor, and the two bridesmaids, whose names were Jordan and Latoya. The junior bridesmaid was Keyon’s daughter, Emoni. The best man was Keyon’s husband, Kane, and the other three groomsmen were Chance, my older brother Donovan and Brinay’s brother, Brandon. As I said, we weren’t trying to have a big wedding. The only thing important was that we be able to say I do.

  “The couple has chosen to recite their own vows,” the pastor said. He looked at Brinay and nodded his head, telling her that she can proceed. She turned to me before blowing out air.

  “Tae, my Tae . . .” she said, causing people to laugh. “Where do I even begin? From the moment I first met you, you made my heart skip a beat. I never met a man like you. You were both good and bad for my health. You were so bold and yet so thuggish. I tried to blow you off, but the more I tried, my heart threw a curve ball. It’s true that we’ve been through more than a little bit. There were times when we gave up, more times than I care to share, only to realize that we belong together. I love you more than life itself. There’s no man I’d rather live my life with beside you and DJ. Promise to love me forever, and I’ll do the same.”

  “I promise to love you forever and ever and ever,” I said, kissing her cheek. “Ma, I have to admit, these past three years have not been easy. We’ve been through hell on earth. From finding out who you were to escaping death a time or two, but like two people who’re meant to be together, we’ve overcome every obstacle that was thrown our way. Yeah, I know I messed up and married someone else, but I promise to this day that it wasn’t intentional. I’m just happy that you forgave me and gave me another chance. Well, chance number three, but who’s counting? You’re my sun, my star, and my moon. Without you, my world is incomplete. I promise to love you forever and a million days. Don’t ever give up on me. I’m more than honored to have you as my loving wife. There’s no woman I’d rather spend the rest of my life with, but you. Don’t ever leave my side, because if you do, I’ll be lost and broken.”

  “The rings, please,” the pastor said. After getting the rings, we went through the process of blessing the rings and our marriage. “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”

  “I love you,” we both said before we shared a long, passionate kiss.

  “Thank God, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Dontie Edmon,” the pastor said, addressing the crowd. Brinay smiled and waved before we jumped the broom and headed down the aisle along with our wedding party.

  “I can’t believe that we’re actually married,” she said, during the whole walk to the limo.

  “Well, believe it, baby, because we are. You’re my wife, and I’m your husband,” I said, as the driver was opening the door for us to get in. “You’re stuck with me forever and ever.”

  “I love you, Mr. Edmon,” she giggled, kissing me once more. “Oh, that sounds so good.”

  “I love you too, Mrs. Edmon.” I laughed at her. She was acting like a little schoolgirl in love. “Now get in the limo. We have a plane to catch, and you know I don’t wanna be late.”

  I turned to wave at the people before I got in the car and closed the door. I rolled the window down as I continued to smile at all of our friends showering us with love and congratulations. I continued to say thank you until we pulled off. I then rolled the window up so that I could enjoy my wife.

  “So, how do you feel?” I asked my wife. “I can’t wait until we arrive at our honeymoon spot.”

  I waited for Brinay to answer, but she didn’t. When I turned to her, she had this scared look on her face. I followed her gaze and almost passed out my damn self. Sitting in the back of the limo with us was none other than Sky. I was tripping hard about this whole thing, because Sky had on the wedding gown she wore when we were married.

  “Surprised to see me?” she asked, looking crazed. She had a gun, which was pointed at Brinay.

  “What are you doing here, Skylar? What do you want?” I asked her.

  “I want my husband back,” she said, never taking her eyes off Brinay.

  “You can’t have me, Sky. I’m Brinay’s husband now.”

  “Bullshit. I never signed any divorce papers, which means that you still belong to me,” she said, cocking her head to the side.

  “But you did. You signed it the day I came to see you in the hospital,” I told her. I knew this bitch was crazy, but she wasn’t that crazy. She knew just as well as I did that she signed those divorce papers.

  “I didn’t do any such thing, and you’re not going to make me believe I did.”

  “Look, I really don’t have time to be play
ing any of these games with you,” Brinay said, speaking up.

  “So she finally speaks,” Sky smirked. “I thought you was going to hide behind what’s mine, since you like taking things that don’t belong to you.”

  “Bitch, he was always mine. I just let you borrow him,” Brinay said, smirking back. “You’re one of the thirstiest-ass broads I’ve seen thus far. How you come to my wedding, in a wedding dress, trying to kill me over my husband?”

  “Bitch, because he was mine first. You have all this mouth, but where was it a few months ago?” Sky said as she began inching our way. “Talking ’bout he was always yours. No, bitch, he was ours.”

  “No, bitch, he was always mine. The nigga didn’t want you. He wanted me. He spent countless days with me and our son. Your desperate, delusional ass is only stalking and trying to kill people. He was by my side every day, and guess what? He’s still by my side. So like I said, bitch, he was, and will always be, mine.”

  “He can’t be yours if you’re dead, now, can he?” Sky retorted, cocking the gun.

  “Look, Sky, you don’t have to do this. I’ll go with you, just don’t hurt her,” I pleaded. “Let her go and we can get on the plane and leave today.”

  “You’re going to come with me?” she asked, getting excited.

  “Yes, I’ll come, but you have to let Brinay go first.”

  “I can’t do that, Dontie,” she said, as her hands began shaking.

  “Can’t do what?”

  “I can’t let her go!”

  “Why can’t you?” I asked as I watched her finger caress the trigger.

  “Because as long as she’s alive, I’ll never have you to myself,” she said, as tears began rolling down her face.

  “Please, Sky, don’t do this. Think of the baby. Think of his life . . . What would happen if you killed his mother? He’s going to need his mother. Don’t do this. Don’t leave my son without a mother,” I said, trying to get her to see things clearly. More tears began falling from her eyes as she gripped the gun in her hand.


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