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My Sister's Husband

Page 27

by Ambria Davis

  Pointing the gun at Brinay’s head, Sky uttered, “I’m the only mother he needs.”

  The tears continued to cascade down Sky’s face, and her voice dripped venom as she spoke. “I’ve always envied you, little sis. You’re so beautiful, you always have been. You was always the center of attention. No matter wherever you went, people love you and those damn eyes. I stood off on the sideline many days, while people gave you all of the attention. You even had Daddy wrapped around your finger, until Mommy made that call and had the office give him more hours. The more time he spent at the office, the more you spent at home, and the more time you spent at home, the deeper my hatred dug. You stole everything from me. You stole my boyfriends, you stole my attention, and you stole my father, but here’s where I draw the line. I’m not about to let you steal another fucking thing from me!” she screamed.

  She cocked her head sideways before looking me dead in the eyes. Her eyes went from brown to black. I knew my pleas fell on deaf ears, and the Skylar I once knew was long gone.

  All of a sudden, the car jerked, which caused her to fall back. The next thing I knew, Brinay was on her feet, charging toward Sky. She punched her in her face, and then in her stomach, which caused her to drop the gun. Sky returned two powerful licks to Brinay’s face. She then grabbed her hair, pulling her down. The two fought as if they were two grown men, matching each other, lick for lick. Brinay dug her nails in deep and ripped Sky’s face.

  “Bitch!” Sky yelled, grabbing at her bleeding face—a big mistake on her part. That gave Brinay all the time she needed to send a two-piece combo to Sky’s head, dazing her, but Brinay didn’t stop there. She got on top of her and continued to rain blows all over her face. Whatever Sky wasn’t blocking, she was hitting. My heart fell when I noticed Sky pick up the gun again. From where I was, I watched as they both began fighting over the gun. I wanted to intervene, but the fear of Brinay getting shot behind my mistake weighed heavily on my mind. If she was to get killed behind my mistake, I don’t know what I would do.

  “No,” I yelled, finally moving from my seat, but by then, it was too late. My heart fell the minute I heard the shot ring out.


  I was more than happy for both Brinay and Dontie. The wedding was absolutely gorgeous. Everything was put together well, and the bridesmaids and groomsmen were on point. The flower girls were absolutely adorable. Not to mention Brinay’s dress was spectacular and beautiful. It kind of had me wanting to get married. I said kind of.

  As I stood there watching my best friend and her husband get into the limo, I couldn’t help but to be happy for her. The Brinay who I once knew was gone, and I was glad. She wasn’t shy, self-conscious, or scared to love anymore. She wasn’t a little girl anymore. She was all woman, and I was proud of her. My girl has been through everything, and I was finally glad that she got some happiness.

  “What are you smiling about?” Brandon asked, walking over to me. I was standing outside the church, holding baby Dontae.

  “I’m just happy for Nay, that’s all,” I replied.

  “I know. I still can’t believe that my little sister is married and has a baby, for that matter,” he said, reaching for the infant. I handed baby Dontae to him as we began walking over to the car.

  “I’m so tired,” I said, yawning. “When I get home, I’m going to bathe Dontae and me, and we’re going to be in the bed early tonight.”

  “You sure have been extremely tired lately. I don’t even get any attention no more. I’m starting to think that you’re getting tired of me already,” Brandon said just as we got to the car. He went around the back to strap the baby in before we got in.

  “There’s no such thing. You know you’re my baby,” I told him. I reached over and pecked his lips.

  “Oh, so that’s all I get,” he fake pouted.

  “If you be good now, I’ll treat you good tonight,” I replied, licking my lips. My phone began ringing, just as we backed out of the parking lot.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Hello, is Ms. Williams around? It’s an emergency!” a female voice asked from the other end of the phone.

  “No, she’s not. May I ask who’s calling?” I said, sitting up, I don’t know why, but something was telling me that something was very wrong.

  “Umm . . . this is Annie from the institution where Ms. Skylar Williams is being housed. I’m calling to inform you all that this morning she broke out.”

  “She did what? When?” I screamed.

  “She broke out of the institution this morning,” she repeated as if I didn’t hear her the first time.

  “If she broke out this morning, tell me why the fuck you all are just now calling to tell us?” I asked, enraged.

  “Because we were having trouble finding Ms. Williams’s file.”

  “I swear to God, if that looney bitch shows up anywhere near my family, I’m calling to get y’all shut down,” I said, hanging up the phone.

  “What’s wrong?” Brandon asked, worried.

  “Sky broke out of the institution this morning, and these people are just now calling to tell us. I have to call and tell Nay and Dontie about this,” I said, dialing her number. The phone rang a few times before it went to voice mail. “She’s not answering!”

  “I’m about to call her,” he said, pulling his phone out. He dialed her number and placed the phone to his ear. “She’s not answering me either.”

  “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” I said, as I tried calling her again, but the phone rolled over to voice mail once more.

  “Me too,” he replied before he busted a U-turn in the middle of the street.

  “Where are you going?” I asked as I tried to call Dontie’s phone, but it was turned off. I dialed Brinay’s number again, only to find out that it too was turned off.

  “We’re going to the airport. I know their plane hasn’t left yet, and I need to know if they’re okay,” he answered, picking up speed.

  “Okay, but please hurry up. Both of their phones have been turned off,” I said, already fearing the worst.


  I sat in the back of the limo defeated. I was afraid to move, to speak, to blink. I looked over to where Sky lay on top of Brinay. Neither one of them was moving. I just knew for sure that my worst fear had come true. Sky had killed my wife, and I didn’t do anything about it.

  “Tae,” I heard a weak voice say.

  “Brinay?” I asked.

  “Help me, Tae. Get her off of me.”

  “Okay, hold on,” I said, moving over to them. I carefully pushed Sky off my wife, allowing her to move. She had blood all over her dress and hands, and she was an emotional wreck. I began checking every inch of her body, trying to make sure that she wasn’t the one that was hurt.

  “I shot her, Tae,” she said to me. “I can’t believe that I shot her.”

  “Shush, it’s not your fault,” I said, grabbing her. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” The minute we stepped out of the limo, there were about six police cars pulling up.

  “Where’s the suspect?” one of the officers asked with his gun out.

  “She’s in the limo,” I told them. Without saying a word, he and the rest of his fellow officers surrounded the limo. A few seconds later, they went in with their guns out. Not even two minutes later, they came right back out. The same man who asked about Sky just a few minutes earlier came walking over to us. I knew what he was going to say before he even said it.

  “She’s dead,” he informed us.

  “Oh my God,” Brinay screamed, as she broke down crying. I thanked the officer for filling us in with the information before I took my wife into my arms.

  “What . . . Are you crying?” I asked her, shocked. I can’t believe that she was crying for someone who had brought us a great deal of pain. “She’s no longer going to be a problem for us.”

  “I know, and for that, I’m happy. These aren’t tears of sadness, but tears of joy. I can now live my life in peace
, knowing that my sister will not be a problem for me and my husband anymore,” she said before she wiped her eyes.


  I know that I shouldn’t be, but I was happy on the inside when the cop came and told us that Sky was dead. I know it looked like I cared because I was crying. Truth be told, I was only putting on an act. I did feel sorry for my sister before, but I knew now that the only way I was going to be able to live in peace was if she was dead. The minute the cop walked over and told us she was dead, I wanted to jump for joy, but I didn’t. I couldn’t let them see me happy because she was dead. What was that going to make me look like?

  Therefore, I played it cool that whole time while we were in the police station. I told them everything that happened. I told them how Sky ended up dead. Of course, some of it was a little suspicious, but I didn’t give a fuck. After all of the shit Sky has done to me and my family, death was the only thing she deserved.

  “Are you okay?” Dontie asked once we were out of the police station. We were headed to the car.

  “I’m fine,” I said, getting into the vehicle. He started the car up and pulled off.

  “Do you think the police will come and arrest me?” I asked the minute we hit the highway.

  “No. That was self-defense. Sky came after you. Why would they come and arrest you?” he asked, looking at me.

  “Because I shot her on purpose. You didn’t notice that the gun she was holding and the gun the police collected as evidence were two different guns?” I said to him. He looked as if he was a bit confused, so I decided to explain the whole thing to him. “I knew Sky had broken out of the institution this morning. I was going to see her when I spotted her sneaking out of the building, getting into Randall’s car. I was going to call the police, but I knew she only snuck out because it was our wedding day. What made it more obvious was when I overheard her talking about it to him when I snuck around to her house to see what she was up to. She thought she was going to surprise me, but she was the one in for a surprise. I bought the gun off the street a few months ago, but I never used it until now. I knew exactly what I was doing when I did it. I played as if I was traumatized when the police showed up earlier, but I wasn’t. Skylar got just what she deserved. I was tired of her fucking with me and the people I love.”

  I looked at him and noticed that he had this blank expression on his face. He opened his mouth but closed it back when he couldn’t form the proper words to say.

  “It’s okay. You don’t really have to say anything. I did what I had to for my family. Just know that if you try to play me with any other bitch, I’m killing you and her,” I told him before I leaned back in my seat. I hope he knew that I was serious, because I was really going to kill him if he played with me again. I didn’t go through everything just to have my husband cheating on me every time you look. I wasn’t the same Brinay that I was before. The bitch that now lived inside of me was heartless, and I wasn’t afraid to use her. “Now, let’s head to the airport. Don’t we have a honeymoon to attend?”

  He sat there still looking at me as if I was crazy. Oh boy. . . If he only knew how much these last few months have made me just that—crazy.

  “Make me divorce you,” he said, laughing.

  “No, baby, you can’t divorce me. It’s until death do us part, remember?” I said, showing him my wedding ring. He flashed a smile before he reached over and gave me a kiss. I kissed him back before I sat back in my seat.

  “I love you, Mrs. Edmon,” he said, squeezing my hand.

  “I love you too,” I replied, meaning every word.





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