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by Tower of Secrets (lit)

  She didn’t exactly fit what he’d expected. That first night, they’d talked for hours, about everything and nothing in particular. He still had no idea why he did it, only that he didn’t want to let her go. He knew she didn’t think him serious about talking again the following night, or the one after that, or the one after.

  He found her shyness endearing, and himself drawn back to his computer night after night, inexplicably angry when she didn’t appear some nights. Unaccountably jealous, he wondered who she spent time with when she didn’t spend it with him. A grin slowly spread. For the next few nights, he knew exactly who she’d be with, because it would be him.

  She moved slightly, coming more into focus. In the moonlight, he imagined he could see the outline of one breast clearly, saw the areola and peaked nipple. His tongue ran the length of his bottom lip, reflecting his need to suckle on the ripe flesh before him, to entwine their hot naked bodies for a good long time,

  Then she smiled.

  If the darkness and the rain hadn’t blurred his vision so, he’d have sworn she blushed. That smile had the odd effect of wrapping a fist around his cock and his heart at the same time, something he’d never felt before her. In fact, the first time it had happened, it scared the shit out of him. Even now, his body flinched as if she’d hit him with that smile.

  She sucked in her lower lip. He swore he could see it clearly, straight white teeth biting into the tender flesh. He knew his cock was weeping pre-cum by now.

  Good God, woman.

  Originally he’d planned on business first, seducing the lovely Marina second. Standing in the pouring rain watching her, he knew he was lost. He’d have his cock inside her within the next hour. Then he could focus on business.

  * * * *

  Marina tossed the soaked nightdress to the floor and grabbed her robe. She had no idea why, but he had come to her home and she intended to find out. Bare feet treading over the slate floor, she ignored the cold that always permeated the place. Quickly she traversed the back stairwell that led from her sanctuary, gliding silently through the second floor hallways until she came to the edge of the main foyer and the grand staircase.

  She held back in the shadows, not wanting to be seen. Her father would be furious if he knew, but her heart—in fact, every cell in her body—insisted she take the chance. It didn’t take long before he came into view. The butler, Stedman, handed out towels, gushing as he tended to do. The driver was drying off, but the visitor…

  He stood like a hunter, keenly aware of his environment, completely ignoring anything of little consequence. Watching from the darkness, she saw his eyes scanning, gaining familiarity.

  Her heart sat in her throat as she waited to be discovered. She had the oddest feeling that if he truly knew her thoughts, he’d simply laugh at her, pat her on the head and tell her to go play with her dolls. She bristled. Her father always treated her like a child, but good God, she was twenty-six years old.

  She watched as he seemed to relax. Maybe it was his shoulders, or just the manner of him, but for whatever reason, he didn’t seem quite so intimidating all of a sudden. She leaned closer to the banister, bottom lip snugly tucked between her teeth and got her first real look at him in the soft light from below.

  She knew she didn’t have the frame of reference most girls her age had, but she had spent one particularly long, lonely night on a website that would have sent her father to an early grave if he’d known. At the time, she’d thought the men offered up as the epitome of the species were…cold, forbidding. They seemed removed, untouchable—ultimately fine by her, because she’d also found them lacking.

  But this man was different. This man she definitely did not find lacking. She was determined to find out who he was. Something inside her wept at the sight of him. Several wet locks of hair dangled over his forehead, releasing drops of clear rainwater onto his cheeks. Even from this distance, she could see the fire flash in his dark eyes, his rain-soaked suit clinging nicely to every muscle in his body. He was definitely handsome—if a little dark and brooding—but he had something more, something indefinable. That something told Marina this man would be hers.

  Chapter 4

  Sebastian did not relish the coming confrontation. He had been, until the encounter outside. Now he felt an animalistic need to mate, the likes of which he’d never felt and, in all honesty, didn’t appreciate. Even as he heard Claude’s angry tone, ninety percent bluster as it rolled over all the damn stone in this place, he couldn’t quite release her from his memory. He’d expected the attraction, but not the primal gut-level need to pull her to him and never let her leave.

  “Why are you here, Montclair? I’ve told you repeatedly in every way imaginable and even in several languages, that I’m not selling it to you.”

  Sebastian drew a deep breath and leveled his glare on the smaller, rounder, older man with the nerve to behave as if he had the advantage here. He smiled, feeling a lot more like baring his teeth, one junkyard dog to another.

  “What are you going to do with it, old man? I’ve offered you ninety million dollars at last count, but your stubborn ass is too proud to take it.” He took a step forward. “I’m wet, damn tired, and on the whole, in no mood to discuss this tonight. Direct me to a shower and a bed. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  “You are not welcome here.”

  The low, threatening tone of Bennett’s voice drove Sebastian to take another step closer.

  “And what are your plans? Send me back to the limo for the night? I’m not leaving until I have that patent, Claude, whether you extend hospitality or not.”

  Sebastian was tired, wet and horny. He had no intention of letting a man he had little use—and even less respect—for, give him the runaround. He wanted a hot shower, a bed, and…

  He glanced up at the balcony, sensing her presence before he spied her. Not wanting to give away that he’d seen her, he kept his gaze on Claude, but all the rest of his senses converged on her.

  She’d been watching. He wondered how long she’d been there but refused to let his male ego cause him to preen for her. Damn, but he wanted to, though.

  He wanted her wet, naked and writhing atop him, but that wasn’t why he’d come here. Well, not entirely, anyway. Keeping his lustful urges in check, he focused on the business at hand.

  “So what is it, Claude? Do I find my own bed?”

  He saw the flicker of agitation and guilt in the old man’s eyes. He loved games and figuring people out, excelling at both. Old Claude thought he had a secret, but Sebastian knew the only secrets here were his.

  “You’ll stay where I tell you, Montclair. I don’t like guests and I like you even less. I find you wandering about my home...”

  He didn’t finish. Sebastian almost laughed, amused at Claude’s obvious realization that he had nothing to threaten with.

  “You can stay until morning. Your welcome ends then.”

  Sebastian saw no point in responding; he’d stay as long as he damn well liked. He moved past Claude for the stairs.

  “The third floor tower is off limits, Montclair. Go near it and I’ll kill you with my bare hands.”

  Again, Sebastian made no response. His body ached and had begun to shiver. Hitting the second floor landing, he scanned the perimeter, catching the last of long strands of hair disappearing behind a column.

  He continued down the hall to the first door he found that led to a bedroom. Once he’d showered, dried and slipped into casual slacks and a silk shirt, he couldn’t stop thinking about that tower and Marina and a need that had been building for three long months. It was past time to fulfill it.

  He headed for the stairwell, intent on seeking out the third floor tower and the woman who’d captivated every free thought for months. He wanted that silken mane of hair to slide over his fingers, brush against his skin, cover his cock. He wanted to bury himself deep inside her, possess her, imprint himself on her so completely she’d never forget him.

  Unfortunately, he foun
d no stairwell to another floor. From where he stood, he saw no evidence of anything above the first two. He paced the landing, descended the stairs and climbed back up. Nothing.

  Eyes narrowed, he slowly circled the landing, then moved to where he’d seen Marina earlier, recalling how she had seemed to disappear into the wall. Running his hands over smooth stone and rough plaster, he explored the varying textures, but nothing seemed out of place. Standing back, he studied the wall. His gut told him it must be right in front of his eyes, but where?

  Pacing the landing, he studied the artwork on the walls. Tapestries and landscapes, an oil painting of young lovers—which, in his opinion seemed very unlike Claude Bennett. Nonetheless, he moved along until he came to a portrait of a young woman resembling Marina, but with longer, darker hair. Though he’d only ever seen a portrait of Marina’s eyes, they held a warmth this woman’s didn’t.

  A satisfied smile crossed his face as he moved closer.

  “Well, Sophia Bennett. Hadn’t expected to see you here.”

  He reached to touch the woman’s cheek, but his foot stumbled on something as he got close. An unexpected draft chilled him, drawing his attention to a tapestry on the far wall. Moving closer, he pushed back the tapestry in time to find the hidden wall closing. He slipped through quickly, only to be greeted with pitch darkness as the wall closed behind him.

  “Fucking brilliant.”

  Running his hand along the sidewall, he traveled the steps slowly until he reached a landing, where soft light illuminated three doors. He chose the one directly ahead. Turning the knob, he pushed open the door as anticipation churned in his gut. Moonlight spilled through large French doors to greet him, illuminating the small, sparsely furnished room. A large canopy bed dominated the space and on the bed…

  Sebastian felt a sense of completion wash over him. His tower princess at last. Now the question remained, what the hell to do with her?

  She moved in the moonlight, turning onto her back. Sebastian took a step closer, anxious to see the face of this seductress who’d bewitched him so thoroughly.

  She moaned. Wrinkles etched her brow. He reached to touch them, stopping just short of her satiny perfect skin. She confused him, as she had since that first night. He’d never had this sort of feelings for anyone. Not for man, woman, friends, dates, family. No one. However, for this woman his heart filled with messages he couldn’t entirely translate.

  He touched her. Sitting on the bed, he ran his fingers over the long hair spread out all around her. She turned into his touch, sighing softly. His heart contracted. Before he could control the impulse, he lay beside her, tucking her into his side. She snuggled close with another sigh, hand curled against his chest.

  Sebastian rested his head against hers, completely blindsided by the feelings taking him hostage. She entwined herself into his soul the way the vines outside had captured the stone tower.

  He would stay just a while, then leave. Marina posed more of a problem than he’d bargained for. He’d never expected to feel this deep, this fast. He thought of his neatly ordered world and decided, then and there, that not telling her he was coming had been a good idea. Come the dawn, he would leave. Forget the patent. Forget Marina. Return to his life the way it had always been. Never look back.

  Chapter 5

  Marina woke as sunlight began to flicker through the windows into her sanctuary. As long as it had taken her to fall asleep last night, she couldn’t believe how well she’d slept. She even had a faint recollection of a dream. She never dreamt. Most nights she was restless. Many nights she wandered the halls, investigating the rooms of what she called home, though it had never felt that way. Last night, however, had been, different—good.

  Consciousness seeped into her mind, along with a warn scent of musk. She supposed any woman in her right mind would be terrified, waking to find a strange man in her bed. For some reason, though, she felt peace rather than fear. Though she knew with certainty she’d never met him before, she felt an inexplicable connection to him in her soul.

  Why he had come to her room and held her while she slept, she had no idea. Still, she wasn’t about to refuse it.

  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been held, hugged, even touched at all. This horrible existence left every inch of her skin aching for human contact. She wondered how he’d found her. Had he tried or had it been an accident? In fact, she had about a million questions, but they could wait. Something she’d never felt before tugged at her heart. She went with her gut and snuggled in closer.

  Burrowing into his arms, pressing her nose into the chest hairs exposed in the opening of his shirt, flashes of the chats she’d had with Sebastian flooded her mind. For a second she ached again, wanting this to be him, but then she shoved all thoughts of Sebastian away and focused on the moment, on the sensations of actually being held, as opposed to virtually being held.

  “You could get yourself into trouble with a maneuver like that, my darling.”

  Marina looked up into deep brown eyes so dark they were nearly black. He took her breath away. Even last night, at the distance she’d observed him, he’d been stunningly handsome. Up close, there simply weren’t words. His voice was rough with sleep and his use of the words “my darling” struck the very center of her heart.

  “Why are you here?”

  He smiled then, a small smile. She touched his cheek, wondering why he seemed startled by the action. After all, he’d snuck into her bed in the night. She brazenly ran her thumb over his full lower lip.

  “You haven’t answered me.”

  “There isn’t enough blood left in my brain to answer.”

  He smirked then and caught her wrist, pulling her hand away from his face.

  “Be. Careful.”

  She met his stare. He didn’t frighten her, though she wondered if he meant to. She ran her bare toes over his calf, batted her lashes and asked, “Or what?”

  His strangled laugh made her feel feminine and decidedly naughty.

  “You’re a wicked princess locked away for the good of mankind then, hmm?” He ran his hand across her cheek before taking a long strand of her hair and rubbing it between his fingers. As she watched him, he studied her hair with an air of fascination. “I wondered why that old fool had you secured like a state secret.”

  His smile left her breathless. She felt quite certain no one else had ever smiled quite like that in the history of the universe. Then again, her father always called her a hopeless romantic.

  “You haven’t answered me. Should I call for Stedman and have you thrown out, or will you tell me what you think you’re doing in my bed?”

  His eyes sparked with mischief as he responded. “Is it often Stedman has to throw strange men from your bed?” His smile grew wicked. “It wouldn’t surprise me if he did.”

  Marina liked this game; it left her feeling a bit giddy. She smiled coyly, “You’re the first. However, I think I like waking in the arms of a man. Perhaps I will find others.”

  He tugged her possessively against his body, the look in his eyes feral.

  “There will be no others. Only me.”

  Before she could draw breath, he captured her lips in a complete assault that didn’t bear fighting. She sighed, went limp in his arms and enjoyed every warm sensation shooting through her body. As his tongue slowed and gently brushed over hers, she wiggled closer. She wanted to get so close she’d be a part of him. His tongue took her by surprise, but she proved to be a quick study and soon began twirling hers with his. When he suckled gently on it, it pulled in her womb and she arched against him instinctively.

  When he moaned into her mouth, she felt the vibrations against her lips, and as he moved his fingers beneath the thin fabric of her gown, she felt herself growing wet. Pulling her mouth from his, she nuzzled into his neck, giving soft kisses, and in moments of daring, small bites. When he growled in response, she thrilled in delight.

  “Good God, woman, where on earth did you come from?”

  He rolled her beneath him, pulling her body closer still. Lost in her feelings, she couldn’t coherently answer him. His finger brushed her nipple, sending a burst of greater need through her body.

  “Kiss me, there.” She tugged aside the gown with a frantic edge, and heard it tear, but simply didn’t care. “Now. Please, now.”

  He rewarded her with another growl and a wicked, lethal smile. Squeezing her thighs closer together in the hopes of stemming the need and moisture steadily growing, she knew all hope of keeping her wits was lost the second she felt the warm moisture of his mouth as he softly touched his tongue to her nipple. With all hope of regaining her senses fleeing fast, she abandoned herself to the moment, the yearning, the aching.

  Sebastian had more warning bells going off in his head than a firehouse during high winds, but God help him, he couldn’t stop. Every taste of her supple skin burnt into his soul, every touch of his lips to hers set him on fire like he’d never experienced. Poets immortalized moments like this one, the poets he mocked with his own personal disbelief that indeed moments like these were possible. Right now, if his life depended on it, he knew he couldn’t walk away from this woman.

  Chapter 6


  As Sebastian sucked on her nipple, his fingers twitching with need to submerge in her wet heat, he determined hormones must be the answer. No need to worry.

  Her scent and taste permeated his every fiber as his need grew out of control. His mouth hungrily sought hers. She met him with a fire equally intense. Her tongue, once shy, now battled for supremacy as her hands innocently clutched at his shoulders.


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