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by Tower of Secrets (lit)

  He pushed away from her to rip his shirt over his head. Her eyes darkened with lust and approval as she gazed at him. He grew painfully hard. His skin missed the contact with hers. Laying his body atop her, he tugged at her gown, worsening the initial tear. His hands moved along her sides, making her shiver.

  He reached for the bottom of the gown, pushing it up until he found the supple skin of her thigh. His hand moved upward, cupping her ass. Her nails dug into his shoulders, clawed down his back. She bit him. God, he couldn’t remember being so fucking hot.

  Concerned only with having her, he tossed back the covers, straddled her body and tore her gown from neckline to waist. Pushing away the fabric, he bared her beauty for his pleasure. Slowly, his gaze took in her body, naked and breathless beneath him. Nothing he’d ever experienced compared. God help him if he survived it.

  * * * *

  Marina was crazy with desire. She ached from it. She was so wet and needy she could barely control her urges.

  Fuck me.

  She could think the word, but she’d never said it before and couldn’t force it past her throat. Sebastian said it to her—repeatedly some nights. She’d never brought herself to type the words back, but that’s all she could think right now. She arched off the bed, pressing her breasts toward his touch, needing him, moaning from that need. Her gaze locked with his, sensing how badly he wanted her. It shone in his eyes. So why didn’t he just fuck her?

  His hands ran the length of her body. She closed her eyes as he roamed from her shoulders, over her breasts. He touched her nipple and she felt contractions begin in her womb, arched wildly, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted...needed, so much more.

  “Please. Please.”

  Thrashing wildly against the bed, crazed with passion, she didn’t realize at first he’d begun to move away from her. As he slid down her body, she whimpered from the loss of his touch, his heat. She missed the hard press of his cock. Even through his pants she’d felt it, undeniably wanting her.

  “No, don’t leave me.”

  “I’m not, princess. Shhh.”

  His low tone calmed her fervor. She watched as his gaze took in all of her. No man had ever seen her naked before. For this man, she wanted desperately to be appealing. His tongue ran across his lips. She moaned.

  “Touch me.”

  His growl sent shivers along her skin. He lowered himself between her legs, pressing her thighs wider. She swallowed hard, watching him. For the longest time, he just looked, just examined her, eyes full of lust and raw need. She wanted to squirm, but couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. When she could no longer bear it, she closed her eyes, felt his hot breath on her labia.


  She hated him for making her beg, hated the throaty need in her voice, hated that she was so lost to the moment that she didn’t give a fuck what happened after.

  She felt his finger first. She pressed deeper into the mattress to keep from flying off it while his fingers brushed her soft wet folds, separating them, tantalizing her. Feeling she would die from this, she laughed, so thrilled to finally be having these feelings, this experience.

  When his mouth closed over her labia, his tongue now moving between her folds, she moaned deep in her throat, bit on the heel of her palm to keep from screaming out in raw pleasure. It was like being outside her own body, the intense pleasure he brought her almost too much, but if he stopped she’d never forgive him.

  She moved her leg along his arm, hooking it over his shoulder, feeling his nails bite into the soft flesh of her ass as he pulled her closer to his mouth and ate her voraciously until she couldn’t see any longer.

  Behind her closed lids she saw patterns of white and black. Her head began to spin. Her thighs spasmed with every pass of his tongue until finally she crested the enormous wave, screaming out in sheer ecstasy that nothing ever prepared her for—not even Sebastian’s patient explanations about how relations between man and woman worked. After experiencing this, she began to wonder if maybe Sebastian’s inexperience matched hers, because nothing he’d ever told her came close to this.

  Wave after wave of pleasure rolled over her, slowly ebbing, leaving her unable to move, barely able to breathe. She lay on the bed, limp. Emotions rose, cresting, reeling from everything he’d done to her body. Her heart ached for this man she didn’t even know.

  He knelt above her, unfastening his pants. She smiled weakly, not entirely sure how she was going to participate in this part. She reached for him. His gaze locked with hers. She wished he’d say something, anything that would make her feel a bit less vulnerable, but the hunger in his eyes spoke volumes and comforted her soul.

  “You are the most incredibly passionate woman I’ve ever known.” He reached for her hand, kissing the palm. “I’m going to love you so completely, you won’t be able to remember your own name.” He came down atop her, his face an inch from her own. “I’m going to leave my presence on you so thoroughly, you won’t find another man to ever satisfy the way I can.” He kissed her near senseless. “The way I will.”

  Her breath still not entirely recovered, she lay waiting for his claim on her body to become permanent. He kissed her mouth, re-igniting a flame that hadn’t really waned. At first she thought the pounding on the door was merely the pounding of her own heartbeat. Until…

  “Marina, open the goddamned door this minute, you ungrateful bitch!”

  Chapter 7

  The angry voice of her father barreled through the door, forcing consciousness to invade her senses. Guilt and shame pounding in her veins, she tore herself from her lover’s arms.

  “One moment, Father.”

  Gathering her torn gown around herself once more, she reached for the velvet robe that lay across the settee, mouthed the words “get out” frantically to the man still lying in her bed as if nothing in the world was wrong.

  Overwhelming fear engulfed her. She made a lot of excuses for her father’s behavior. It was the only way she knew how to survive her captivity, but deep down, she knew he could be a very dangerous man. She grabbed his arm, pleading with her eyes and saw the moment when he took her seriously. He reached out to touch her cheek, pulling her closer to him. She wanted to melt into his arms forever but she wouldn’t risk his life. Her father would kill him, and possibly her, if he found this man in her bedroom.

  “Marina, why do you fear him?”

  Even though his words were so quiet they barely registered on her, she imagined her father had heard them. His continued pounding on the door accompanied by the occasional slur unnerved her.

  He finally got out of her bed, grabbed for his clothes then strode towards the door, but she grabbed his arm hard. Even though she knew she would never have the strength to stop him, her nails biting into his bicep at least seemed to make him realize she needed him to listen.

  “No!” Though barely more than a whisper, her voice held all the alarm she felt.

  Unexpectedly, he turned to growl at her. “No one speaks to my woman like that. I’ll fucking kill him!”

  “No. No. No.”

  Her brain wasn’t functioning properly. Panic sapped her strength, but she had to get him out of there. She tugged him toward the secret door. He went with her, glancing back several times. She felt the tension in his body, different from the sexual tension of before, but just as powerful.

  Finally reaching the large curtain, she tried to shove him behind when he grabbed her face in a tender assault and captured her mouth so she hadn’t time to react.

  Feelings of lust and safety and arousal invaded her every cell, pushing out fear and panic, making her tingle head to toe. She melted into the kiss, welcoming his tongue into her mouth as if he’d been gone a lifetime.

  Before his kiss could consume her, she shoved hard against his shoulders, torn between relief and bereavement when he released her.

  “Go. Down the stairs, you’ll be in the south corridor.”

  He brushed her cheek.

  “I won’
t leave you here with him like that, but I’ll stay hidden and quiet unless you need me.”

  “He’s my father. He has his moods, but he would never hurt me.”

  His eyes hardened. He repeated himself even more fervently, “I’m not leaving”

  Knowing she had no time left, she pulled away, made certain the curtain covered the opening and went to open the door to her father. She would never admit to another soul how frightened she was, but she held firm to her belief that he would not hurt her. She pulled open the door.

  “What took you so damn long? I have more important things to do than stand in that alcove waiting for her royal highness to grant me an appearance.”

  Marina blinked twice at her father’s angry tone as he pushed past her into the room. The dramatic switch from the heightened state of arousal she’d been in moments before threatened to overwhelm her. As Claude neared the hidden stairs, blood pounded in her ears. She pulled the robe sash tight around her. Swallowing back a strange sense of fear, she forced herself to be assertive.

  “Father, what is it you need?”

  “Don’t be impertinent.”

  Marina’s breath froze in her chest as he pulled back the heavy tapestry curtain that she knew would reveal her lover.

  “I have a guest.” He dropped the fabric panel and turned towards her once more. “A very unwelcome guest. You are to stay up here until he’s gone.”

  “But fath—”

  “Shut up!” He stepped closer and for a split second Marina feared he would strike her. She flinched. “I’ve already had the south corridor blocked and since I know you can not be trusted…” he pulled a key from his wrinkled jacket, “…I intend to lock you in.”

  He moved past her again, obviously agitated and distracted, though at times Marina thought of that as his natural state.

  “Sebastian Montclair is a treacherous man who cannot be trusted.”

  Marina swayed slightly, breathless and dizzy as the realization sunk in. Her father spun back around, looking at her as if she were utterly unworthy of his time and attention. She felt her cheeks warm under his intense stare, as if he could see Sebastian’s fingerprints on her skin.

  “Especially around women.”

  She wanted to tell him to stop acting crazy, but still clearly remembered the consequences of the last time she’d said something similar. She rubbed her cheek, still feeling the sharp bolt of pain that slid right through her cheekbone, making her feel as if her eye would explode.

  Claude grabbed for the door and stepped through. She wasn’t sure which was greater at that moment, her fear for Sebastian, her anger over his deception, or her sadness in realizing she would never have a real life. Not one of her dreams would ever come true.

  How can they, when I’m locked in a tower like some damned fairytale princess?

  “And stay off the balcony. The last thing I need is for that hound to know the likes of you is around. He’d probably climb the damn tower to get to you. I won’t have it, Marina! You understand me?”

  “Yes, Father.”

  A single tear slipped her guard as her voice trembled.

  “Good. I’ll have Stedman bring your meals.”

  The heavy wood door closed solidly and Marina flinched as she heard the key in the lock. Moments later, she felt Sebastian’s hands at her elbows, gently pulling her body against his, wrapping her in his arms.

  “He has no right, Marina.”

  She shook her head, knowing if she tried to utter a single word, the tears she was fighting against would swamp her.

  Sebastian turned her, cupping her face he tilted her head up until she had no choice but to look into his eyes.

  “Marina. He. Has. No. Right.”

  She looked into his eyes for the longest time, a million questions racing through her mind.

  * * * *

  Sebastian flicked away a tear from her cheek, pulling her body close to his. He had no idea how to fix this, an unfamiliar feeling. He held her close, tucking her head beneath his chin. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d felt so protective of another living being. Yet it felt perfectly natural and right, as if he were born for just this.

  “There’s no way for you to get out. He’s going to find you here.”

  Well, he hadn’t thought that far yet. He kissed the top of her head, moving away from her to the tapestry-covered entry.

  “Is there a secret panel at the bottom of this or anything?”

  “No. They move a heavy armoire in front of it. It’s immovable from this side.”

  Sebastian took a slow breath hoping to restrain his temper before he spoke again.

  “Does he lock you in often?”

  Impressed with how level his voice sounded when he fucking seethed with fury, he watched her straighten. Even seeing the flash of anger in her eyes, he was unprepared for her assault.

  “He does the best he can. After my mother died, he nearly died with her, then he was left with me to raise alone. I’ve never needed for anything. He may have some strange…quirks, but he loves me. Why the hell didn’t you tell me who you were?”

  Sebastian took a step back, realizing she’d learned his identity the worst possible way. He felt like an ass.

  “Marina, I…have no defense.”

  He dropped his gaze to the floor, feeling real shame for maybe the first time in his life. Pulling on his reserve of strength, he took a step forward and took her hand.

  “I hurt you.”

  She impressed him as no one ever had with her reply, chin tipped defiantly in the air. “You did.”

  He tugged her closer. “It won’t happen again.”

  Chapter 8

  She held his stare for a long moment. Sebastian steadied himself for whatever hoops she’d demand to make this right. She drew a long, slow breath, closed her eyes for a moment, then nailed him with her incredible beauty, the emerald depths of her eyes asking for things and yet promising in return.

  “It better not. I haven’t had many people in my life. Something tells me I don’t want to lose you.”

  He cupped her cheek, tipping her head, bringing his lips close to hers.

  “It will never happen again. I swear it, my darling.”

  It shocked him how much he meant that promise. As he brought his lips down on hers, the soft scent of magnolia clung to her skin. He hadn’t noticed before. He ran his tongue along the seam of her lips, moving slowly inside as she opened them with a whimper.

  He felt dizzy when he finished kissing her. His head clouded with thoughts of passion and sex and making her his own, but he knew all that would have to wait. They had another much more pressing issue here.

  “Hold that thought for later, my love. In an effort to keep you out of trouble, how do I get out of here, princess?”

  He felt like shit the second her eyes filled with tears.

  “Oh lord, Marina, I’m sorry.”

  “No, I’m just overwhelmed. I can’t believe you’re here and you’re so…so…” She waved her hand up and down in front of his body. “I’ve shared my heart with you, the depths of my soul. You know my every secret.”

  He brushed stray hairs from her face. “And just the other night you said I didn’t know you well enough to be in love with you.”

  He laughed, though he hadn’t meant to. She was just so damned adorable when she pouted. He suddenly thought if she’d have him, he’d be one lucky man. Those were thoughts for another time, however.

  He moved to the French doors that led to the balcony. “How far down until I reach a landing?”

  “You cannot go down the side of the house!”

  He tried not to smile, knowing that would only aggravate her more. Instead he moved close, pulled her to him, capturing her mouth in a deep kiss laced with longing, a longing he needed to satisfy, and soon. For now, though, he needed to find out what that bastard Claude had up his sleeve.

  Pulling back, he ran his thumb over her lower lip.

  “I’ve never felt that way fr
om a kiss in my life. You are an amazing woman. And now, I am going over the balcony.”

  She grabbed for his arm before he got too far away. “Sebastian, you cannot go over the balcony. Someone will bring me food. I’ll sneak you out then.”

  He smiled. “You sort of like me, don’t you, darling?”

  Laughing at her indignant snort—and the way she dropped his arm as if it was covered in roaches—he decided he better get over that balcony rail before he fucked her senseless.

  “My darling, I will be fine. Your father will never beat me.”

  He saw the look in her eyes change. He took a step back towards her, sensing the shift in her demeanor.

  “Why do you hate my father, Sebastian? What did he do?”

  “Marina.” He put his hands on her forearms. For the first time she didn’t melt away at his touch. “I don’t want to get into that. What’s between me and your father has nothing to do with you. Now I’m leaving.” He smiled wickedly. “Will you kiss me before I plunge to my death?”

  She gasped and pulled out of his hold. “I will not!”

  Folding her arms over her chest, she turned away. He guessed she didn’t want to weaken by looking into his eyes. He imagined he held much the same power over her that she did him.

  “If you’re determined to kill yourself, go ahead, but don’t expect me to watch.”

  “Marina.” Determinedly, he pulled her back into his arms, brushing his fingers along her cheek, debating whether or not to kiss her again. “I will be just fine. I have things that must be taken care of.” She tried to look away, but he captured her chin in his fingers and forced her to look at him. “But I will be coming back here, tonight, so be ready for me, my darling. Tonight you will be mine.”

  Together they fell into another scorching kiss full of promises, but before she could argue with him again, he slipped over the balcony.

  * * * *

  “What, you didn’t invite me to dinner?”

  Sebastian contained his smile as the old man looked up and sneered. “I didn’t invite you for anything, Montclair.”


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