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Jake (Immortals of New Orleans Book 8)

Page 12

by Kym Grosso

  “Yeah, okay.” Quintus raised his eyebrows, his tone laced with doubt.

  “She’s not my mate. And she owns a few stores. Who the hell else am I supposed to call? I’m a guy. I don’t do clothes stuff. I pay someone to dress me.”

  “Good luck later.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means, your pixiu is not happy. You know that saying, ‘happy wife, happy life’?”

  “Hold the train, vamp senior. That woman upstairs. No, that creature. She’s not my mate, let alone a wife. That’s a human thing anyway. Maybe you vamps get married but us wolves…yeah, no.”

  “I think you, my friend, are in denial. But perhaps you just need time. Becoming Alpha. Even I’ll admit it’s a lot for a guy to take.”

  “I’ve gotta get dressed,” Jake said, ignoring Quintus. What the hell is taking Tabitha so long?

  As he stepped into the foyer, the she-wolf bounded down the stairs. He nodded as she approached, and headed to the front door.

  “Thank you for coming over on such short notice.” Jake curled his fingers around the handle. Quintus was right. This had been a mistake, at least as far as his relationship with Kai was concerned.

  “So what’s going on?” Tabitha reached for his hand and he stepped backward. “Are you dating this woman? She’s not even a wolf.”

  “I’m helping her.”

  “Helping her? Really? Is that what they call it? Because I could scent you all over her.” Tabitha sniffed. “What is she anyway?”

  “It doesn’t matter what she is. And you’re going to keep this quiet.”

  “Yeah, well maybe I will or maybe I won’t. I can’t believe you’re fucking a witch, after everything Dimitri went through.”

  “Lower your voice, woman. I’m telling you right now, and this is as good as Logan speaking, if you breathe a word of this to anyone else in the pack, you’re going to face consequences. This is a serious matter.”

  Tabitha crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, her lips pursed in anger.

  “Not a fucking word, Tabby. You hear me? You and I, when this is all over, we’ll sort things, but we are not mates, so cut the shit.”

  “You’re such an asshole.”

  “Yeah, I am. But you will listen or you’ll find yourself in a shitload of trouble with Logan.”

  “But she’s not even pretty. You shouldn’t be with a witch.”

  Tabitha went to reach for him, but Jake backed away again, opening the door. “We’ll talk when I get back.”

  “Fine. I won’t say anything but when you get done with this slut, you have a real wolf waiting for you.”

  Jake gestured for her to leave. Tabitha exited, giving a curt wave as she did so. He closed the door and shook his head. Jesus Christ. Fucking women. As he glanced up the staircase, guilt settled in his stomach. Kai would be pissed but they both knew the score when they’d had sex. He could only mate with other wolves, so there was no use in getting emotionally attached. Trouble was that his wolf couldn’t get enough of her, and he’d already invested in saving his beautiful creature and her sister.

  Jake sighed, attempting to shake off the uneasy feeling creeping into his chest. Emotions were messy, distracting. Tonight he needed to focus. Jonathon was not to be trifled with and although Quintus was lethal in his own right, they’d be outnumbered. His coven of vampires would be well represented. As Jake trod upstairs, he grew determined to get the Kris, praying like hell it would help Kai and they could go get her sister.

  Chapter Eight

  “Thank you, I’m sure they’ll fit,” Kai said, restraining her anger as she perused the outfits on the bed. She had noted Tabitha’s interaction with her Alpha. She appeared familiar with him, more than just a friend, and couldn’t believe he’d invite a lover to his home after they’d been intimate.

  Kai held up the black leather bustier, imagining that she’d never wear such an item in Wyoming. In truth, she didn’t get out often, only visiting the local bar. Her interaction with the humans never involved kink or darkness, let alone sinfully sexy clothing.

  “It’s one of my favorite pieces,” Tabitha commented. “It looks like it should fit you.”

  “Yes, it appears so.” Kai’s eyes fell to a black lace skirt. Its intricate embroidered pattern provided little coverage. She fingered the delicate fabric.

  “Lovely, isn’t it?”

  “It’s very…uh, very see through,” she commented.

  “There’re full panties to match. Knee high boots. You’re a size six?”

  “Um, yeah, why?” Kai’s attention snapped to Tabitha as she held up the leathers. “How did you know my shoe size?”

  “Jake told me, of course.” She paused, eying Kai, and gave a cool smile. “He’s very good with the ladies. I suppose it doesn’t take much for a man like him to figure it out.”

  “And you’re one of his ladies?” The question slipped, and she regretted the inquiry, aware the answer could cut her like a knife.

  “I am. Can’t you tell by his response to me? We’ve been together many times.”

  “But you’re not mates,” Kai countered, attempting to soothe the sting of Tabitha’s candor.

  “Does it matter? Neither of us have mates.” Tabitha’s mouth tightened, the fine lines on her face deepening. “I’m going to give you a little piece of advice, witch. I can’t tell what you really are, but I know this much; you aren’t wolf. Jake, he’s what you might call selective. He doesn’t make it a habit to date witches. Maybe he’s slipped up a few times.”

  Kai’s thoughts went to Holly, and it made her wonder more about their relationship too. Jake had seemed almost hostile towards the witch, who appeared to hold a flame for him as well.

  “But in the end, he always comes back to the wolves. You see, we all know there is a mate out there for us. It may take decades, sometimes hundreds of years, to find them but fate will bring us together. Wolves can only understand wolves. He knows this.”

  “I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean. Vampires are similar.”

  “Not true. They can bond with humans, other vampires. Witches even. No, wolves are special. We know that when we’re fucking around, there is always a possibility our mate will walk through the door. We keep it light. We learn this very early on…not to get too attached.”

  “If that was true,” Kai gave a snarky grin, “then I don’t think we’d be having this conversation.”

  “I don’t know what’s going on with you.” Tabitha sniffed into the air, and glared at her. “I smell him on you. So perhaps he’s off the wagon, dipping his wick in the witches’ ink. But I can assure you it won’t last.”

  “The Alpha is with me now. You can report that back to the other wolves who might have a problem with it.” As Kai claimed Jake, her pulse raced, the words spilling from her lips as truth. She had no right to do so but her beast demanded it be done. Jesus Christ, Kai. What are you saying?

  “He’s a wolf,” she insisted, throwing the boots onto the bed. “Do yourself a favor. Don’t become like Ilsbeth. She wanted Dimitri, and she couldn’t have him. If you do any spells on Jake, I’ll take you out.”

  “Don’t you ever threaten me.” Kai’s voice was low and firm. Her beast rose up, and she struggled to control it, her eyes burning gold. “I will kill to defend myself and the wolf. The Alpha is mine.”

  “What…what…” Tabitha backed up to the door, her palms reaching for the wall. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing or what you are…your eyes…they…they’re not normal. I don’t care what kind of witch you are, you’re not his mate.”

  Kai sighed in relief as Tabitha scurried out into the hallway and down the steps. She crossed the room and shut the door, locking it. Laying the back of her head against it, she took a deep breath, attempting to control her anger. Her skin crawled and she blinked, confused as to what was happening. Samantha had been right. She was going to shift soon. She could feel her beast scratching, tearing to be loose. Kai was
terrified, afraid she wouldn’t be able to command the winged creature.

  Her reaction to Tabitha had been visceral, and while she knew it was impossible for Jake to be her mate, her heart and soul told her otherwise. Kai’s heart crushed as she reflected on his unforgettable touch. No man had ever made love to her the way he had, teasing her to orgasm, driving her to madness. But she questioned her intense reaction to the Alpha. They’d only known each other for two days. None of it made sense. Kai had always been told by the Elders that she couldn’t mate, yet she wondered if the witch was correct, if she belonged to a master.

  As she crossed to the bathroom, she swallowed the lump in her throat, telling herself to rein in her feelings for Jake. No matter what she’d just told Tabitha, there was no future with the wolf. Pixiu do not mate. It will never work. Forget it. Just get the Kris, find Shilan. Whether she had a master, as the witch foretold, remained to be seen. But for tonight, she would focus all her energy on obtaining the Kris.

  She glanced to the bed, scattered with clothing, and set her thoughts onto tonight. Although the outfits weren’t her usual taste, she’d play the part, do whatever she had to do to get her sister. She prayed Jonathon didn’t push her. If he did so, she feared her beast would emerge and kill.

  As Kai descended the stairs, both Jake and Quintus waited in the foyer. At the sight of the masculine Alpha, she forced her pulse to relax, drawing deep silent breaths. Dressed in black leather pants and a tight fitted shirt, Jake’s dominating presence commanded her attention. His seductive blue eyes penetrated her soul as they locked on hers, and her beast sat waiting for his direction.

  She gave him a nod, and stepped into the light. Her cheeks flushed as Jake’s stare turned heated, and she averted her gaze, all too aware of her revealing clothing. The bustier and long transparent lace skirt fit perfectly, the thigh-high boots clinging to her legs like a second skin. Her silky raven hair trailed down her back, brushing over her shoulders.

  “You look stunning,” he told her.

  “Thank you,” she replied. Kai was afraid to meet his gaze, terrified she’d run into his arms. Determined to erect a wall and seal her emotions away, she focused on Quintus. “Is it still all right for us to go?”

  “If you mean, ‘is Kade okay with it?’, then yes. But pet, Jonathon’s volatile. There is no telling what he wants in exchange for the Kris.”

  “We don’t even know he has it,” Jake said.

  “I need you both to know that if something bad happens tonight, I think…I can’t be sure, but I’m afraid I might shift. My beast. It wants out. I could lose control. It’s only a matter of time.”

  “You will need your master,” Quintus commented, brushing lint from his lapel.

  Kai glared at him at the mention of the word. “Whatever will be will be. But I’m telling you…this thing inside me. She wants…” She wants her Alpha. “She wants her freedom.”

  “If you shift, you will control it,” Jake told her, confidence in his voice.

  “You’re a wolf. You don’t know what will happen to me. Have either of you actually ever seen one? Anything could happen,” she challenged them.

  “I’ve seen pixiu,” Quintus said, his words barely audible.

  “What?” Kai asked, shocked at his claim.

  “I have seen her. I’ve known her master. You will learn. Together you will learn.” His eyes flickered red, then settled quickly back to their amber hue. Sadness flashed over his face, his lips drawn tight.

  “Now wait a damn minute, Quint. You can’t just tell me after all this time you’ve seen one,” Jake said, his eyes wide.

  “I have. And I’ve just provided you both with the information I’m willing to share. There is nothing more.”

  “And the Kris?” she asked.

  “I do not know of its existence but there are many things in this world that reveal themselves in due time. Perhaps this is one of them. If it doesn’t exist, we will find another way to keep you safe.”

  “Damn straight about that. Look, it’s almost ten o’clock and it’s going to take some time to get there.” Jake approached Kai, his eyes on hers. “We’ll talk about this later. Let’s go.”

  As they drove along the dark rural highway, Kai silently contemplated Quintus’ revelation. He knew a pixiu. As in past tense. She sensed that whoever it was, they’d been close. Grief radiated off him and she suspected Jake felt the waves of sadness as well. Kai’s mind raced with questions, wondering who she’d been. Had he been her master? Why hadn’t he known about the Kris?

  Jake spoke to the driver through a speaker, bringing her attention to the Alpha. He repeated his instructions, insisting he leave in case of trouble.

  As Jake flicked off the switch, her hand brushed his. Drawn to the Alpha, she couldn’t resist his energy. His fingers lingered over hers, and her body tingled in awareness. She fought the warmth between her legs, refusing to look across at the vampire, who’d easily scent her arousal. A rush of emotion seized her chest at the realization it would crush her to give up the Alpha. He’d told her they’d never be together. He was dating several other women, and none were mates. She was one more romantic interest on his list. The end was inevitable.

  “It’s going to be all right, Kai,” he said, his voice soft and reassuring.

  “I didn’t mean to put you in so much danger.” She continued to stare out the window, afraid tears would fall if she looked at him. “I promise once I find my sister, I’ll leave you be.”

  “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” Jake brought her hand to his chest. “Right now, let’s focus on you.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “I can feel you, Kai. Don’t ever lie to me.”

  “It’s impossible. Whatever you sense is no more than a human would. I’m not wolf.” The words burned a hole in her stomach. The bitter truth was undeniable.

  “Not true. I don’t know…you and Quintus, you know about how I’m changing.”

  “You’re Alpha. I feel it,” she told him.

  “But that’s the thing. I’ve kept it quiet. Logan and Dimitri now know. And Jax? Hell, he knew right away. But me personally? It’s like I’m a little bit like you. It’s been a long time coming. I tried to deny it, to keep it hidden…but now?”

  “Now what?” she asked, noting how Quintus sat quietly facing them, his eyes closed. She suspected he wasn’t asleep, yet he didn’t pay them any mind.

  “The Alpha is rising. I’m starting to sense the pack, knowing what others are thinking. Being in touch with everyone around me.” He gave a small smile. “There’s something about you, Kai. I know you’re rare, don’t mate and all that bullshit. But my wolf, he recognizes you. I feel your sadness, your worry.”

  “I can feel your wolf too,” she admitted. In an effort to conceal her emerging feelings for him, she changed the subject. “I’ve spent all this time hiding. And after what I did in San Francisco, I can’t believe I’m about to walk into another coven. I must be an idiot.”

  “You’re cautious. And you should be. But my guess is that you’re not as vulnerable as you think you are. Yeah, they want you…your blood, to control good fortune, like a damn rabbit’s foot. But you’re changing. I can’t see your beast, but I feel her…you’re strong.”

  “But the vampires…” she began.

  “We’ll deal with them. I’m not letting anyone mess with you, but I’m also not going to provoke them. I don’t want to give you any reason to shift while we’re in there. It’s not something you want to be doing for the first time in a less than positive atmosphere, shall we say. I’m not sure when you’re gonna shift but when it happens, I’ll support you, okay?”

  “Okay,” Kai agreed, giving a squeeze to his hand.

  “It’s up ahead on the left,” Quintus commented. His eyes flashed to theirs and he grinned. “I feel him. Ah, his confidence…it’s very high. He’s filled with delight at the moment.”

  “Are you certain it’s here?” she asked. They’d been dri
ving for at least thirty minutes into the country with no sign of people. “I haven’t seen a single building in miles.”

  “The Serpent’s Breath is isolated. He’s not social like most vampires,” Quintus responded.

  “Baton Rouge. They’ve been fighting for some time up here. The territory’s been divided between at least a dozen vampires. None are as strong as Kade,” Jake commented.

  “I’m sure Jonathon would love to have more power, but it’s impossible at this time,” Quintus added.

  “Léopold’s presence in New Orleans has given Kade even more strength. These guys like to hide out. Jonathon’s coven flourishes here. Vamps from other parishes visit the night club.” Jake pointed to two large southern oak trees draped in Spanish moss. “It’s up here.”

  “Have you ever been inside?” she asked. The car turned into the long stretch of driveway, lined with trees.

  “Neither of us has been inside, but don’t worry too much about that. It’s one of those things. Jonathon knows of me, and you can sure as hell bet he knows Quintus.”

  “Every vampire in this country knows of me. But to see me? Now, that’s a different story.”

  They pulled up to the gate, and Kai glanced to the security guard who approached the car. She studied his white canvas uniform that buttoned around his neck. She wondered if the thick material prevented stakes from penetrating their skin, or if they were trying to make a fashion statement.

  As the window lowered, the guard peeked inside the car, catching her gaze. Terrified, she sensed his desire but remained calm as he questioned Jake.

  “Jake Louvière. I’m here to see Jonathon. He’s expecting us.”

  The guard spotted Quintus and nodded. “Sir, it is a pleasure to have you tonight.” His focus went to Jake. “Wolves aren’t permitted. You’re an exception. Do not make us regret your invitation.”

  “Just open the damn gate,” Jake ordered. “We don’t have all night.”

  As the window went up and the gates parted, Kai released an audible breath. Her heart pounded as the car pulled under the carport.


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