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Jake (Immortals of New Orleans Book 8)

Page 13

by Kym Grosso

  “Try to keep your pulse steady. They’ll hear it,” Quintus said.

  “They’ll sense fear. If Jonathon doesn’t try to use it against you, one of the others will notice. You’ll appear vulnerable,” Jake told her.

  “I can do this,” Kai responded. She couldn’t be sure whether she was reassuring Jake or herself, but she’d come this far.

  “Here we go, sweetheart. Stay with me.”

  Kai went to answer but lost her words as the limo door swung open, and a seven-foot bellman gestured for Jake to get out of the car. As he did so, he brought Kai with him and she pressed onto her feet, smoothing down her lace skirt. Kai gave the porter a deliberate long stare, establishing her presence. Taking a deep breath, she forced her heartbeat to slow so that she appeared confident and relaxed.

  As they approached the home, her eyes went to the enormous contemporary structure. Its white stucco exterior extended up three stories, brushing the giant palm trees that lined the landscaping. Enormous bird of prey flowers peppered the gardens, while a white pebbled driveway edged the well-manicured green lawn.

  A creak sounded, and her eyes went to the entrance. Four-inch-thick cedar doors opened, and a petite woman stood waiting to greet them. Her ample breasts spilled over her tight red latex dress, and Kai struggled not to stare at her burgeoning cleavage.

  “Come,” she instructed, waving her hand.

  Kai’s eyes widened as the woman turned to lead them inside the building. The shiny fabric revealed a fluffy black tail that emerged from her bare bottom, the latex held together by two leather belts. Kai glanced to Jake whose expression remained indifferent as he crossed the threshold. He tightened his grip on her hand, reminding her to stay calm.

  With no foyer to speak of, they stepped directly into an arena. An enormous aquarium lined the perimeter of the darkened room. Hundreds of fish swam inside, their glassy eyes appearing to pierce through the tank. Kai glanced upward to the oval balcony where partygoers overlooked the festivities.

  As they followed the diminutive female, Kai heard the faint whispers of Jake’s name. Quintus sidled next to her, taking her hand in his. Surrounded by her protectors, she breathed out the tension she’d been holding inside, concealing her emotions.

  A piercing scream caught her attention but the club goers appeared unfazed by the commotion. A roar of laughter erupted from three women dressed in matching elegant evening gowns, their fuchsia taffeta trains pooling onto the cold marble floor. To the far right, a string quartet played ‘Hallelujah’, and a modest audience gathered, swaying to the beat.

  Another shriek sounded as they drew closer to a raised platform, but the crowd obscured her view. As they approached, her heart sped as the horrific sight came into view. On a black stone altar, a naked woman lay sprawled on white velvet fabric. She writhed in a rhythmic fit, clutching the blood-splattered cloth. With her legs spread wide open, she moaned as a tall male settled himself between her thighs and bit into her flesh.

  “It’s a lovely affair,” Jake commented, jarring her from shock.

  A brush of his hand to her cheek drew her eyes to his, and she nodded, afraid to speak.

  “You’re beautiful, sweetheart.” Jake brought her into his embrace, and wrapped his arms around her, whispering in her ear. “You’re mine in here. Do you understand?”

  Kai nodded, relief flushing through her chest. As he pressed his lips to her neck, she stifled a moan. Jake. My Alpha. Immersed in his presence, the sounds in the room ceased to exist as he brought her closer still, placing his palm into hers. Gooseflesh broke over her skin as he kissed along her jawline, and she whispered his name as his lips took hers.

  She held him tight as he claimed her, sweeping his tongue into her mouth. She returned his sensual kiss, and as he gently pulled away, her eyes locked on his, and she realized he’d calmed her spirit. The fire inside had been lit and she suspected every supernatural in the building had detected her arousal.

  “I’m yours.” Although she spoke loudly so that others would hear, her heart knew it was the truth.

  “No one will touch you.” His lips briefly pressed to hers before he turned to the stage.

  Kai breathed slowly, staring as the vampire released his fangs from the now unconscious woman. He gave a cool smile, wiping his mouth, and made his way towards them. The well-dressed vampire retracted his fangs into a smile as he approached. Although handsome, his innocent face didn’t fool Kai.

  “Jake, I presume?’ the vampire greeted without extending his hand.

  “Jonathon.” Jake’s eyes went to Quintus who moved in front of Kai, blocking his access.

  “Jonathon. I appreciate you meeting with us,” Quintus said.

  “Sir.” Jonathon steepled his fingers and bowed. “We’re honored to have you. But,” he paused, his eyes darting to Jake, “we are purists. Vampires only.”

  “All the more reason for us to be grateful for your accommodation.” Quintus raised an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth lifting.

  “And who is this creature?” Jonathon asked, attempting to peek around him to get a better view.

  “This is Kai. She belongs to me,” Jake told him, his voice firm.

  “Ah, I see.” Jonathon stepped around Quintus, extending his hand to her. “Pleased to meet you, my lovely flower. My name is Jonathon. Welcome to the Serpent’s Breath.”

  “Hello,” she managed, eliminating the treble in her voice. She reluctantly presented her hand, uneasy as his cold skin brushed against hers. He sniffed her, before placing a brief kiss to her fingers. Kai snatched her hand back, and leaned into Jake.

  “Hmm…you smell delicious. Oranges. No, no, no. Tangerines. Definitely citrus. Ah, how it brings back the days of my humanity.” He closed his eyes for several seconds, appearing lost in his reminiscing. Kai startled as he flashed them open, and continued. “You’re not a wolf. Interesting.” He looked to Jake then focused back on Kai. “Your magick. Too dark to be fae. It’s refined. Ancient. But I can’t tell your species. Please do indulge me. What are you, my lovely bonnet?”

  “I’m a witch,” she responded without hesitation.

  “A witch, you say? Your scent…it’s rare, perhaps. You’re not from New Orleans?”

  “No, I’m a friend of Ilsbeth’s here on a visit,” she elaborated. The lie rolled off her lips as if it were the God’s honest truth.

  “But the wolf? He stakes you as if you were his own. I suppose wolves enjoy a witch every now and then, but your kiss, it was very passionate for casual lovers. No, no…this doesn’t quite make sense. She cannot be your mate.”

  “Jake is my lover. I belong to him,” she insisted.

  “Kai’s mine and mine alone. She will be my mate. We are working on a spell,” Jake told him.

  “Never trust a witch, my friend. It will never work, but alas,” he laughed, turning to Quintus, “it is not my funeral.”

  “He’s her master,” Quintus told him, focusing on Jake then Kai. “She will submit eventually. It’s only a matter of time. But you see this spell, it requires the Kris.”

  “Shh” he hushed, his fingers pressed to his lips. Jonathon threw his hands up into the air, pointing to a grand circular staircase. “Too many ears. Come, I want to show you my babies.”

  “But of course,” Quintus said.

  “Let’s go.” Jake held tight to Kai’s hand, leading her through a sea of vampires.

  She straightened her back as she proceeded toward the staircase. Do not show fear. Feigning confidence, she smiled, ignoring the stares of the fanged strangers. A hundred eyes were on her as they ascended the staircase. She gripped the railing, and the sound of her feet hitting the metal rungs rang in her ears as they made their way up to the oval balcony that overlooked the entire club.

  She placed a palm onto Quintus’ back as he moved ahead of her. Jake brushed his lips to her shoulder, and she went calm, within the safety of her Alpha. My master. Kai’s mind spun, unable to accept the possibility that Quintus was right in his p
rediction. Her instinct told her that her inner beast would tear out of her when it emerged. She’d never known the life of a shifter but she’d heard wolves could control their animal. But as the creature inside of her stirred, she suspected it would not be tamed.

  Before her mind had a chance to churn through an infinity of outcomes, she realized she was looking onto a sea of vampires. The spicy aroma of incense filtered through the air. It hung thick in a fog, and she squeezed Jake’s hand as her body reacted to it. Magick? She glanced at Jake whose eyes narrowed onto hers as if he’d read her mind. She gave a short nod, and mouthed, ‘Get the Kris’.

  “My sweet little witch tires of the tour, Jonathon. Let’s get to it,” Jake told him.

  “My darlings are hungry. Please come see them.” The sly vampire ignored the Alpha, and approached the edge of the railing.

  Kai’s eyes widened as he flipped an enormous rectangular metal lid open, exposing the aquarium. The bright backlit water speared light through the swirling smoke. Kai sensed the danger, noting the opening was large enough for a man to enter. Her heart raced and Jake wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her flush to his side.

  “Did you see them downstairs? They’re beauties.” Jonathon reached underneath the counter and opened a refrigerator, retrieving a black canister.

  “Piranhas,” Jake answered.

  “Ah, the wolf knows his nature. Vampires. We aren’t always in touch with the animals the way you are.” Jonathon laughed.

  As he pried open the lid, Kai coughed, the stench of rotting meat rapidly mixing with the aromatic incense. She gripped the back of Jake’s shirt, watching intensely as the vampire lifted a raw piece of chicken into the air.

  “These babies…they love poultry.” He dropped the leg into the tank, and a hiss of bubbles stirred in the water as the feisty fish attacked their meal. “I have several hundred. Did you know they’re able to strip human bones clean? True story.”

  “You’re a vampire,” Jake stated, his expression impassive. “Why remove flesh when you could eat it?”

  “Hmm,” he shrugged. “You never know when you’ll need to dispose of a body quickly. Besides, vampires don’t usually eat flesh. The blood is what we’re after. Isn’t that right, Quintus?”

  “Where’s the Kris?” Quintus asked, stepping in front of Kai.

  “Why do you seek the Kris? Why not just use an athame from the coven? Ilsbeth has many, I’m sure. Ah…that’s right.” He scratched his temple, and smiled. “I’ve heard the high priestess is quite ill. Some say she’s lost her magick. A shame really. She was quite the queen. How the mighty have fallen.”

  “It’s none of your concern what we do with the Kris. Money for information. Do you have it or not?” Jake pressed.

  “Tsk. Tsk. Such impatience.” Jonathon blew a kiss into the fish tank, and turned to the Alpha. “Why isn’t Logan here tonight? Why send you? No offense, but you’re not even the beta. I find this interesting.”

  “It’s not your concern to question my Alpha. Just know that this is my business. Don’t test me,” Jake growled, baring his teeth. He stepped forward, still holding Kai’s hand.

  Her instinct to attack reared, the beast stirring within her chest. She closed her eyes, her heart racing as the creature flapped its wings. Kai blinked and glanced to Jake, studying the tick in his jaw. Her eyes widened in surprise as the Alpha’s anger rushed through her, leaving her limbs trembling with his strength. The unusual sensation rippled his emotions through her as if they were her own. Stay, Kai. Don’t move, she heard Jake say, yet his mouth didn’t move, his eyes trained on Jonathon.

  “Flies come to honey. Sticky, sticky sweet,” Jonathon sang defiantly as he tossed another drumstick to the vicious school of fish. A sinister smile crossed his face as they devoured the rotting meat. “I have no need for money. Hmm…what would I like? A dance perhaps with the witch?”

  “Not happenin’.” The Alpha glared at him, disgust crossing his face as the vampire licked the chicken juice from his fingers.

  “Blood then. Yours. Hers.” He gave a cool smile.

  “No fucking way,” Jake responded before Kai had a chance to speak.

  “Perhaps I like to watch,” the vampire suggested, a coquettish tone to his voice.

  “This is bullshit, vamp. Cash. That’s what I’ll give you. No blood. No dance,” Jake insisted.

  “The beat of the music is intoxicating, is it not? Spells weave themselves as we speak.”

  Kai sucked a breath as the infectious ambrosial odor permeated the air, the heavy sexual beat pulsing into her ears. The warmth between her legs ached as she turned into Jake. She brushed her palm over the scruff on his cheek, tilting his attention to her. The intensity in his expression shifted from anger to desire, his gaze settling on hers. Voices disappeared as he reached around her waist and brought her into his arms.

  Kai’s head lolled backwards as Jake’s lips burned a trail along her neck. Gripping his shirt, she yanked at the fabric, sliding her palms up his chest. She lifted her head, biting at his chin, nipping his lower lip. He smashed his mouth onto hers; his tongue roughly swept against hers. As he reached for her thigh, she swung her leg around his waist, grinding her pelvis against his erection. She moaned in response, her orgasm building as she sought contact.

  Lost in time, Kai blinked as his lips tore from hers. Specks of light floated in the air like snowflakes, their iridescent sparkle frolicking around them. A spell, she heard Jake say as he shoved up her dress and slid his hand under her panties. She cried in pleasure as his fingers flitted through her wet folds and over her clit.

  “What did you do to them, asshole?” Quintus’ voice echoed in her head.

  “Taking what I want as payment. He won’t let me touch her, so someone else will. It’s a logical choice. Besides, I’d never attempt to enchant you. You’re our kind. These two? They want something for free. Everything comes at a cost.” Jonathon sniffed. He took a step toward Kai and Jake, shoving his palm into his pants.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Quintus asked, his tone low and tense.

  “Don’t worry, my friend. Oh yeah, fuck, I’m hard,” he grunted, stroking his cock. “I don’t plan to take her blood. No, no, no. Can you smell that pussy? That’s hot as fuck, isn’t it? She’s creaming all over his fingers. I just want a little look. A little touch.”

  Pain stabbed through Kai’s entire body as Jonathon palmed her breast. Her beast revolted at the foreign touch, shrieking with anger. The spell broken, Kai’s eyes flew open to Jake, who quickly withdrew his hands. Shock rolled through her as Jonathon attempted to slide his fingers underneath her bustier, his cold stubby digits inching toward her nipple.

  Before Jake had a chance to grab him, Kai lost control, her beast demanding his punishment. Kai seized, the creature barreling through her psyche. She fought the shift as the strength of the pixiu tore through her body. Her mouth widened, fangs descending.

  “Don’t touch me!” Her clawed fingers snatched Jonathon’s wrist and shoved him against the edge of the balcony. Thrusting his hand into the piranha-infested water, she delighted as he screamed for mercy as their razor sharp teeth sliced into his skin.

  Let him go, Kai, Jake called, but she resisted his direction. The wild nature of her beast recognized him, but the taste of the kill beckoned. Kai hissed at Jake as he wrapped his arm around her waist in an attempt to tug her away from the vampire.

  “Not that I don’t enjoy a good bloodletting but if we want to find the Kris, you might want to command your pixiu.” Quintus suggested. “She will kill him.”

  “But I’m not her…” Jake began.

  “Looks like they’ve reached an artery. Nasty little suckers. Might want to do this quickly.”

  “How would you suggest I get her off him?” Jake asked, struggling to dislodge her grip. “Could use a little help here, Quint.”

  “You must command her. Tell her now. Make her understand you’re her master. She must be tamed or y
ou will be forced to kill her someday.”

  “Look, Kai. I’m sorry about this but it’s for your own good,” Jake warned. “You will listen to me. I claim you as your master. If you don’t let him go, there will be consequences. Now Let. Him. Go.”

  The growl of her Alpha ripped through her soul. Kai’s beast cowered in fear, his words searing into her mind. As her creature submitted to his wish, she collapsed into Jake’s arms.

  “It’s all right, sweetheart. I got ya,” he told her.

  Kai struggled to remain upright, but her legs gave out. Jake swiftly scooped her off her feet, holding her tight to his chest. Squinting, she caught sight of the vampire, wrapping his jacket around the bloody stump, his entire hand missing.

  “What the fuck did that bitch do?” Jonathon screamed. Several dozen vampires rushed to the balcony; the music cut to silence. “That’s no fucking witch. What the hell is she?”

  “Tell them to back off,” Quintus demanded as more members of the coven rushed forward.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? The two of them are going to die tonight for this. Logan’s going to be sorry he ever sent this fucking animal to see me.”

  “Fuck off, vamp. Go ahead and try to touch me. Come on. Try it, assholes,” Jake yelled at them, keeping his back to the wall so they couldn’t reach Kai. “I should have let her fucking kill you.”

  “Where’s the damn Kris?” Quintus loomed within a foot of Jonathon.

  “Like I’m going to tell you now. No way.” He stumbled backward, panting as blood continued to gush from his wound.

  “Tell us now, or none of these vampires will save you. I’ll kill every last one of them.”

  Jonathon snarled at Quintus, baring his fangs.

  “I’m not fucking around. Who’d like to die first?” Quintus laughed, a dark smile crossing his face. His expression went cold as he focused back on Jonathon. “You’re going to bleed out. What’s it goin’ to be?”

  “You’re every bit the bastard I’ve heard you were. Blood first. Then I’ll tell you,” Jonathon spat.

  “Where’s the fucking Kris? The entire Acadian pack is going to rain down hell on this shithole if you don’t tell me now. I’ve had enough of this fucking bullshit,” Jake yelled.


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