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The Highland Captive

Page 3

by Johanna Maas

  It was completely dark as the small raiding party that counted less then ten stood patiently by and waiting for Blake to send up the signal. When the keep went still and when the men had passed through the back walls into the cemetery, the Highlander knew the castle would be all but deserted. At that point and only then, the warrior knew it would be their time to fulfill their objectives.

  His faithful spy and youngest brother Lucas regained his side and had just reported to Blake the Macnab men had begun the ceremony keeping them away for a brief time. Blake silently fisted his hand above his head, wordlessly alerting his clansmen the time was now upon them. Together they moved forward as they ever cautiously gained the ground into the enemy's keep.

  The Campbell clansmen rode their horses boldly over the lowered and unprotected drawbridge and beyond the massive iron gates. Once inside, Blake motioned for two of his men to begin their assignment which was to scout the trade buildings lying just inside the vast stone walls. They would document their layout and record their bounty as they gained knowledge for their future attacks.

  The rest of the Campbell clansmen moved directly into the center of the courtyard and were greeted with complete silence. An ominous and quiet stillness emanated around them as the small party of men dismounted and left their horses behind with one of their own. Together, the Highlanders moved quickly up the steps and entered the enemy's great hall. Blake gazed composedly over the large and cold room that lay disturbingly below them.

  Blake moved down the stairs cautiously and seeing no one about, he made his way guardedly over to what was obviously the family's head table perched high above the rest. The massive wooden slats still held remnants from the evening meal with streaks of greasy food lying upon the table along with half eaten platters of fowl. Both empty and half-filled cups of tepid ale sat about with bones scattered haphazardly across the timbered top.

  Blake drew an unmarked sword he had strapped to his waist and raised it high above his head as he brought it down forcefully into the center of the long family table. He left it piercing into the roughened wood, effectively standing itself upon its blade and boldly and threateningly protruding from the high table. This was a sign to let them know theirs had been penetrated.

  Next, he unsheathed his own massive sword and moved to stand before the large hearth in search of his next objective. For long moments he stood looking upwards and towards the enormous painting that hung above the considerable mantle with a malicious smile upon his face.

  Laid out before Blake was a larger than life portrait of the great Laird Macnab himself in his younger years as he sat atop his large and massive steed. He sat tall and proud with a hard glare upon his face. The background of the image depicted this very castle, captured in the best light with luscious green lawns and trees.

  With a quick motion of his arm and a flick of his powerful wrist, Blake raised his own blade high above his head and slashed the work from corner to corner, allowing the canvas to gape heavily and effectively destroying the work within. He stepped back three paces and with a smile nodded at his fine effort, knowing the absolute fury this act would bring.

  Blake moved steadily across the hall and up the stairs to the landing above to what conceivably were the family rooms to see what other harm he could cause as his men continued to plunder below. The first room he came upon and entered was large but not overly nor prettily furnished. The chamber held only a small wardrobe in the corner and bed standing directly across from a massive hearth. Blake looked up heatedly at the walls adorned with ancient weaponry, a cruel and loathsome reminder of what was known to be the Macnab's vicious ways.

  He moved quickly over to the bed and raised his sword high above is head. With one swift movement, Blake cut deeply into the mattress while effectively spilling its contents upon the floor and destroying the filling within. He turned slowly around in the room and spying nothing else of true value and nothing more that could be done, he moved on to the next chamber.

  He brashly opened the door to the second room upon the landing and realized it was a slightly smaller rendition of the first. Again, nothing spectacular neither of this chamber nor of the next, but he made his point within each as he laid his sword and his mark upon their beds.

  When Blake tried the handle on the fourth and final door within the hallway, he found it was locked. As he gazed upon the latch he noticed something quite strange…it appeared to be locked from the outside. The warrior stepped back one small pace as he considered this detail. Was its motive to prevent access or to prevent someone from exiting? He contemplated for just a moment as his interest peaked for what may lay within. He moved forward and silently laid his ear upon the door as he intently listened for any noise as his own curiosity continued to mount.

  When he heard no sound coming from within the room, the warrior took a large step backwards and lowered his shoulder as he moved violently forward. Under his weight, the door splintered noisily as it crashed heavily upon the floor. Once he was over the threshold and in one swift movement, he pulled his sword from the sheath at his side and positioned it in front of him. He was ready to attack and ready to battle the occupants or to gain whatever it was of value within.

  There was a single candle upon the stand at the bedside table and a large fire within the hearth effectively illuminating the room's lone occupant. She stood alone and proudly near the solitary darkened window across the room. She raised herself up as tall as her petite frame would allow, not backing down nor cowering upon his unheeded arrival. She simply stared back at him with a silent and confused look upon her face.

  Her hair was of a golden color cascading long and heavily down her back all the way to her slight waist. She had generous breasts whose tops could be seen slightly over the dipping neckline of her simple gown and moved provocatively as she drew in her heightened breath. But it was her lovely face that captivated Blake most, for it was soft and confident, yet bold and brave as she held her chin slightly elevated. She had beautiful ivory skin and full lips, the kind he knew were just begging to be kissed. Her large indigo eyes were wide betraying her confident stance for a slight fear was within their depths. She raised her chin further in defiance and at his brash perusal, even though she had nothing to be confident about for the position she found herself in.

  Lizbeth stared at the magnificent warrior who now stood before her as an uninvited guest within her chamber His arms were very well muscled and were tensed as he held a massive sword before his intimidating body. He was wearing nothing but his plaid upon his bronzed body. The material was covering only his midsection and he had dark boots upon his feet. She gazed intently at the colors woven within which she noted did not resemble any she recognized.

  She moved her eyes upwards and to his sculpted chest as Lizbeth openly admired his strength as his skin glimmered in the faint fire light. His lightly colored hair was wild and fell well below his shoulders yet was clean. His deep blue eyes had an anger to them and his strong chin was set in a defiant line. Her breath quickened at the sight of him, not understanding what made her react as she did.

  For long moments neither moved as each simply chose to stare at the other and appraise each other silently. Finally and many moments later, it was the great warrior who spoke.

  "My lady, do not be afraid for I will not harm you." He continued to stare at the lovely maiden before him and asked, "What is your name?"

  Lizbeth looked up from her own extensive appraisal of the handsome Scottish Highlander before her and into his eyes as she heard the man with a voice like honey speak. She could not quite understand why but her own voice was not immediately forthcoming. She was uncertain if she should really respond or how she should do so for she did not understand who he was or the meaning of his presence within her room.

  When he spoke no further and continued to intensely stare at her, she spoke hesitantly and lowly.

  "Lizbeth is what I am called."

  She offered no more. She provided no surname, no cla
n, just her given name. She closed her mouth tightly as she stared back at the large warrior while her heart pounded within her ears as he continued to gawk back at her.

  "Are you of the Macnab?"

  Lizbeth stared at the Highlander before her, not understanding his line of questioning. She did not wish to speak in untruths and was afraid of who he may be and unsure of the feelings he provoked within.

  She responded guardedly but truthfully, "I am intended for the eldest son Garret. We are to be wed in a fortnight."

  Blake looked at her then back at the door as it lay broken upon the floor with a confusion washing over him for it had been locked. He stared back at the young maiden as he gazed deeply into her eyes, attempting to gain an understanding of the lass before him.

  "Are you here willingly?"

  Lizbeth simply stared at the Scottish warrior as her eyes widened slightly. She did not know how she should respond. She knew she should not allow herself to trust this man, but she had to admit she trusted the Macnab even less. Was this a sick test of her loyalty? What if this were a trick and he sent by Garret, himself? If he were, she could not risk speaking out against her intended for she knew he would punish her or worse yet, punish her family for any ill advised response. For that reason alone and for the duty she had to her family and to her clan, she did not reply.

  A sudden smile came to the warrior's lips as he lowered his sword slightly as he still held it before him but it no longer was threatening. For several moments he continued to stare at her as the dark blue depths of his eyes turned a slight shade darker as they ever pierced her soul. In that slight moment when he had asked her if she was there freely, he watched as a fear and an uncertainty crossed her face. It was subtle, but clearly detected by the Highlander.

  He looked at her deeply considering his options then simply spoke in a bold and authoritative voice, "Come."

  She stood transfixed for only a moment as she assessed what was laid out before her. She could argue and stay in a place she despised and where she was eternally afraid, or go with this unknown stranger to an unspecified destination. Would he simply escort her down to the great chamber below or somewhere outside of the keep? So little was known and nothing had been exchanged between the two for her to understand completely and she was simply too frightened to ask.

  Even though she felt a slight trepidation for the bold warrior who was standing so daringly before her, the decision was really not too difficult to make. In the end, she did not argue and she simply did as she was told by the powerful warrior within her room. Even though she was unsure of what she was trading her current existence for, she had a clear understanding of what her life would be like here with the Macnab. She could only hope this was her chance for her escape and understood now it was the only prospect for her to obtain a new fate. She was uncertain if this was to be the right choice but she was convinced it would be difficult for her destiny to be worse than where she currently resided.

  Blake was confused. He observed as she considered his words only briefly then watched as the lovely lass tilted her chin slightly upward and calmly walked with him without question. He lowered and sheathed his sword as she gracefully moved past him over the now demolished chamber door. He quickly gained her side and was now guiding her with his hand at her back as she walked willingly before him and beyond the threshold towards the front hall.

  Lizbeth walked hastily out of the keep and down the massive stone steps with the large warrior's hand lightly upon the small of her back as a strange sensation emanated from where it lay. The warrior guided her across the square and to where a small party of men with like plaids had gathered. She watched as the men moved quickly upon their arrival and took their mounts, obviously understanding that the Macnab clansmen were soon to return.

  The large warrior led her towards the massive and only unoccupied steed standing in the center of the group. When they neared, she felt the light touch of his hands upon her as he circled her waist and lifted her effortlessly upon the large mount's back. When he did not immediately gain the horse behind her, she looked over and watched as he moved to another man's side as he spoke quietly and not quite loud enough for her to hear.

  Lucas Campbell and the younger brother to Blake, looked at his brother in frustration and then over to the unknown woman as she sat upon the horse. A faint frown appeared upon his face for this unplanned turn of events for this was never discussed nor was it in their strategy. And who was this lass and why would he risk all for her? For bringing a captive along with them, even though she was quite beautiful, was a great gamble if they truly wanted their identity to remain unknown. As he looked back at the mysterious lady, he had to admit she was quite comely but what were they to do with her?

  Blake reached his brother's side and spoke quietly with an urgency about his tone, "She is the eldest son's intended and I do believe she is being held here against her will for I discovered her behind a locked door within the chambers above." With a slight smile he continued, "They are to be wed in just a fortnight. Let us hope the man loves her."

  Lucas could only stare back at his brother, not knowing what he should say and realized this could either end up being the best or the absolute worst initiative of their entire night. And what would their father say when they brought this captive home? Lucas could only shake his head as he was not willing to attempt to guess at which one it would be, so he remained silent while neither condemning nor condoning her presence.

  With a small chuckle, Blake spun and returned to his great steed and gained its back behind the lass in one quick motion. As he settled himself in, he pulled her close upon his lap and then too late he nearly regretted it. He realized she was soft and she smelled of the spring sunshine and from the moment he laid her upon his lap she had affected him.

  His breath caught in his throat as he held her close as his hand spanned her tiny waist and brushed accidentally at the underside of her full breast. From the corner of his eye, he silently perused her luscious curves as he noted her softness was evident when she was within his arms. Slowly he breathed in of her scent as his pulse began to quicken.

  He would have sat unmoving silently and closely assessing her body for a very long time if the rest of the small party had not begun to gallop out of the square and down the path to the looming drawbridge beyond. Their sudden and quick motions started Blake out of his silent and heated appraisal and brought him suddenly back to the moment.

  Blake shook his head to bring his mind back to the present and recognized this woman was simply too distracting. As he attempted to push her from his mind, he squeezed his knees into his own beast's back as he moved his great steed along behind his brother and the rest of his clansmen. They galloped quickly away from what the he deemed to be their exceedingly successful raid and into the complete darkness of the night. Blake had a slight grin upon his face and an unplanned exhilaration within his heart.


  In the dimness of the evening and as they galloped quickly along upon the massive warrior's great steed, Lizbeth stared about in wonder as they crossed the drawbridge as the large Highlander held her closely within his powerful arms. As she gazed eagerly about, she felt a quickening of her breath and a blissful sensation move throughout her body for seeing the outside of the keep's walls for the very first time in seven long years. She sighed heavily and nearly pinched herself as she wondered if this were true and really happening or merely a dream from which at some point she would surely awaken.

  As the horse galloped and his arms circled her protectively, she felt the heat upon every inch of where they touched even though she held a fear for this unknown man. Strange sensations moved up her arms and a certain glow-like feeling began to build deep within her stomach where his large and powerful hand boldly lay. More than once, she shook her head in an attempt to clear her thoughts and focus on the one thing that mattered…she was now free of the Macnab.

  For endless hours they rode into the night as they continu
ed to quickly cover ground and her body began to grow weary. She attempted to be alert and concentrated upon staying awake as she swore to herself she would not surrender to the weariness beginning to consume her. She was determined to not concede and fall into the arms of this unknown warrior.

  They moved over the vast hills and through the valleys, steadily in the direction of the Campbell holdings as they put as much distance as possible between themselves and the Macnab. As they continued their ride, Blake could feel the lass began to lose her battle with alertness and drift off to sleep. He could feel her delicate form as she would begin to settle into his arms and when she found herself moving to rest back upon his strong chest, she would suddenly wrench herself forward in an obvious attempt to keep her distance.

  Blake knew she was exhausted and smiled at her persistence. He knew she could not last much longer and was surprised she had endured this long. He gazed down at her sadly as he felt her once again within his arms begin to succumb to her fatigue. With the one hand that had been surrounding her waist, he gently pressed at her shoulder and effectively moved her head to lay upon his chest as he silently permitted her a comfortable resting place. Surprisingly, she did not argue and he soon found her leaning into him as she finally fell into a deep sleep.

  They rode in silence until just a few hours before the new day was to dawn upon them. It was only at this point they slowed and entered a small cropping of trees to rest the horses and gain a couple hours of much needed sleep.

  Blake slowed his pace as he walked his steed to the outside of the trees and a few paces beyond the rest of his clan. He slowly dismounted and brought his beautiful and sleeping captive with him. He held her for long moments within his arms and stared down at her in the murky darkness as a sudden warmth began spread through him. As he gazed down upon her, he conceded she inspired a sure gentleness upon his heart and a need to protect. And it startled him.


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