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Even at the tender age of ten, Lizbeth of the clan Stewart understood duty to her family and to her clan and was forced into a harsh reality when she and her mother were abducted. It was all her fault and now Lizbeth would have to live with that guilt for the remainder of her days. She realized only too late that if she had not held her mother to that promise, they would have stayed safely within the castle walls and away from the vile men of the Macnab. This story is an emotional rendition of how seven years after losing her family, her home and what she understood as her life, Lizbeth finds the strength to rise up from her wretchedness after she is unknowingly rescued by the stunning and powerful Scottish Highland warrior. She is forever bound by her duty and her fierce will to protect, pushing her to lengths no one could predict while she grows into the compelling woman she was truly sired to be. Lizbeth is forever sacrificing for everyone, including the man she will be eternally grateful to and for whom she will most assuredly sacrifice everything.But the question that lies heavily upon Lizbeth's heart will forever be...Why did her family not come for her?