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The Highland Captive

Page 18

by Johanna Maas

  He handed her a tankard of wine from the table and a small piece of dark bread. Once Lizbeth had made a reasonable effort to consume a portion of each, she handed the remains back to Blake. She had an eagerness upon her face for her duty to heal was upon her and she was ready to see her brother.

  Blake bent over her watching her closely for a reaction as he tenderly picked her up within his arms. He gazed intently upon her face as she closed her eyes and clenched her jaw slightly, knowing she was feeling every movement he made. He stood unmoving for a moment holding her gently within his arms so she could adjust to this new position and control her pain. He could feel his heart beating wildly for just the warmth of her body within his embrace.

  Blake asked her softly, "Are you alright?"

  She breathed deeply and opened her eyes slightly as she placed a weak smile upon her face. Lizbeth simply nodded her head and concentrated upon calming her body. Slowly, she relaxed into the curve of his arms, laying her head upon his chest as she heard the thundering of his heart and felt the warmth of his gentle embrace.

  It was but a moment she felt the extreme pain of her shoulder, for it did hurt but if she were to be truly honest with herself, she knew it was the pain upon her heart affecting her more deeply. As she felt the power of his arms and the gentle way he held her, the memories of their lovemaking came flooding back. These burning thoughts caused fiery sensations everywhere their bodies converged and her breath quickened at just the remembrance.

  Blake carried her out of her room and into the darkened hallway while attempting to make his gait as smooth as possible. As he held her warm body next to his, he felt all the stirrings he had that morning in the stables. She was so exquisite and knew she affected him quite fully.

  When he gained her brother Burk's room and moved through the large doorway with Lizbeth in his arms, he was greeted with an angry gasp as Macay looked at Blake harshly.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Please, Macay," Lizbeth interceded, "I begged him to bring me. I could not stay away. I needed to see Burk…"

  Macay looked from Blake's eyes down to Lizbeth's, acknowledging he could not scold her nor blame her for her wants nor her need to see her brother. But her injury…this made him concerned for she was but a small lass and he was ever fearful for her weakened state.

  Blake walked further into the room and over to the bed as Macay moved a chair near Burk's head as he set Lizbeth down gently upon it. Once again, she closed her eyes as she winced slightly as she was moved from her warrior's arms and down upon the wooden chair. When she was settled, she drew in her breath deeply and opened her eyes to stare upon her beloved brother before her.

  Burk looked very ill and he was gravely injured. His dark and long hair hung limply around his face and was dampened by the fever. His skin had a pale hue about it and his breathing was shallow as his chest rose ever so slowly with each low breath he took. Lizbeth reached forward and grasped the heated and lifeless hand within hers and startled at its great warmth.

  With a solemn voice, she spoke, "Please, Macay, can you show me his injury?"

  "Lizzie…I do not think…"

  She looked up at her brother with a firmness about her face and a stubbornness within her eyes and of course, he conceded. Slowly, he moved the covers as Lizbeth watched in sadness as he revealed the darkened bandages upon his side.

  She began, "First, we must wash his body down with cool water in an attempt to bring out the fever. Then, we will need to take new bandages and dress his wound."

  And so they did as Lizbeth commanded while she sat by watching the men tend to her brother while instructing them thoroughly with his care. When they had done all she had asked, she sighed with a satisfied smile and knew she had completed what she could to help, at least for the moment. She was hoping it was enough and praying she was not too late.

  The three of them stayed near for a few minutes in silence, simply staring down at Burk as each was hoping for a good outcome but recognizing that he was quite ill. Lizbeth sat in the chair and the Highlanders flanking her on each side, each willing him to fight and hoping he would survive.

  Lizbeth asked in a quiet voice into the night, "Macay, where is Cait?"

  With a sigh, he said, "She is abed."

  Without taking her eyes from her brother Burk, in a slight voice Lizbeth replied, "I will stay with Burk for a while and you go see to her for I will not sit by and watch you neglect your new wife."

  No movement was had and no words were spoken as the men both gawked down at her in silence for the words she had just spoken. With as much of a smile as she could put upon her face, she turned and peered over her shoulder at Macay with a glow in her eyes and a pretend sternness upon her face.

  No further prompting was needed as Macay exited the room hastily to seek out the loving arms of his wife. He justified it for himself because of course, it was only at the insistence of his beloved sister to whom Macay could never deny anything.


  "Please, I fear I must return to my bed."

  While Lizbeth recognized she felt the sharp pain within her injury, she knew she was feeling the agony much worse in her heart. She understood she both wanted and needed to be alone and away from the warrior who was the cause of her grief.

  "And I know my brother has not yet returned but I will be fine quite alone. If you would please take me back to my room and then return to Burk. For this, I would be so grateful."

  Blake looked down at Lizbeth who was still perched upon the chair. As she had spoken, she had not looked up at him even once and only stared down at her brother. Without saying a word, he bent forward to comply and took her gently into his arms so he could return her once again to her bed. As he walked with her down the hallway, his chest filled with such a tenderness for this one. He continually looked down upon her face, attempting to catch her eyes but she kept her gaze fully averted.

  When he gained the room, he moved over to the edge of the bed and tenderly placed her within its center. Lizbeth winced slightly as her shoulder came into contact with the bed and Blake was angered with himself for causing her discomfort. Blake froze as he watched the anguish cross her features while he once again acknowledged he would do anything to take away her pain.

  As her breathing slowed and return to normal, he saw her open her eyes slightly. He was still bent over her bed and holding her lightly within his grasp as their eyes locked for a moment. His were warm and hers wide and darkening. He slowly bent further forward, wishing for nothing more than to kiss her tenderly and show her how much he cared.

  When Lizbeth felt his arms around her, memories flooded back of their time together and her heart surely broke for the agony of it. She understood what could not be and what could never be, for she refused to give herself to anyone out of pity and out of duty. Especially this man. For the knowing of that would surely break her.

  When Blake began to lean in towards her, Lizbeth averted his gaze while she moved her chin slightly away and effectively stopped his movements. In that same moment, she reached down and removed his plaid from her body he had provided and pressed it upwards and into his chest. Silently she was rebuffing his gesture and openly refusing him.

  Blake could only stare down at her in sadness as a pain crossed over his heart for what this surely meant. As he stared down at his plaid, he realized she was silently turning him away. As he thought back at how he had treated her and how he had misused her, he could do nothing but understand her feelings. He conceded he had no one to blame but himself.

  "Please, I am fine. I am most certain my brother Burk needs you by his side and I wish you to leave me and return to him."

  After her words were spoken, she turned away from him and with her actions, she excused him from her room.

  With a heavy grief and confusion for what had just transpired, he stood and did as she had requested without question. Blake slowly moved from her bed and at the doorway he hesitated. Slowly, he turned to look
back at her. Before she averted her gaze, for she immediately did so, he saw her face. Upon it was an agony like no other he had ever seen while the tears fell heavily down her cheeks.

  With a forlorn heart, he moved from Lizbeth's room as she had asked while knowing he had wounded this woman deeply. As the vision of her tormented face continued to burn into his mind he felt the claws of torture now clenching at his heart and he understood completely there was no one to blame but himself.


  It was the morning of the fifth day after they had returned from the battle with the Macnab, and Blake, Lucas and Cait were summoned to their father's chamber. As the three stood side by side in front of the hearth, they watched their powerful Laird Campbell pace in front of them with his lips pursed and deep in thought and a clear plan upon his mind.

  "My sons, it is time for us to return with our men to our own keep. I asked you to be here Cait, so you could say your goodbyes for we are leaving within the hour."

  Blake could only stare incredulously towards the great laird as he spoke, "But father…"

  His words immediately caught in his throat while a fierce look appeared upon his father's face and a fury like no other.

  "You will obey me."

  Blake pursed his lips together as he drew a deep breath as he willed a calm upon his body. He drew himself up to his full height as he slightly elevated his chin and challenged this ever powerful man. For the first time in his life, he was going to take a stance against him.

  "Father, I am not leaving."

  The laird responded at a near shout, "You will obey me!"

  Blake could only stare and said in a firm, yet quiet voice. "No."

  "Then you will be banished from my household for your insolence is not warranted nor is it appreciated and you will no longer be of our Campbell clan!"

  Blake was not quite sure what he had expected, but it surely was not that. He could only stare back at the man he had grown to love and admire his entire life, the powerful laird and chieftain of the Campbell clan. His breath constricted in his throat for the decision upon him, the pronouncement he knew in his heart he must make. He replied quietly.

  "How can you say that, father? Do you not recognize what Lizbeth has done for all of us? You cannot pretend it is for no other reason than to remove me from her presence and to separate me from the one who has done so much for our family. For it is understood that had Lizbeth not sacrificed herself for Cait, who knows what the Macnab would have done to her. And Lucas would most assuredly not be here today with us and would most likely be dead had she not taken the arrow intended for him."

  Blake's heart continued to thunder loudly within his chest as his anger mounted with each breath he took.

  "We owe her our lives and it is our duty to be here for her. And whether you agree to it or not, I intend to offer myself to her and can only hope she will do me the profound honor of becoming my wife."

  An ominous silence passed over the room as the father and son glared heatedly at one another. Neither spoke and neither was wishing to back down as the full of it was laid out between them.

  With scorn upon his face he stared at his first-born son, the great laird sneered to his younger two children, "Leave us…"

  Lucas looked first at Blake and took note of his hardened form as he was still staring at his father. He slowly turned to Cait and taking her by the arm, moved from the room with a grave pain upon each of their hearts for the sad situation their brother now found himself in. Together the two now moved into the hallway, fear upon their faces and an overwhelming dread consuming them. With more grief than she ever had known, Cait moved into her brother's arms as the tears began to well within her eyes. She was frightened of what the two men would do to one another and understood this would surely break them apart forever.

  Lucas placed his arm about her shoulders as he walked her down the hallway to Burk's room in search of Macay. He held Cait tightly as her shoulders began to shake with her sadness as the tears fell freely down her face. As they crossed the threshold into Burk's room, they looked up spying Lizbeth sitting beside the bed with Macay at her side.

  Macay looked up in surprise and concern upon his face as he saw the tears within his wife's eyes and the misery upon her face. He asked gently as he quickly moved to her side.

  "What has happened?"

  Cait walked hastily forward and into her husband's arms as Lucas explained what had just occurred within the great laird's chamber. He relayed every detail and every word spoken by Blake of his duty towards Lizbeth. When he conveyed the words Blake professed, his eyes moved towards Lizbeth. More than anything, he wanted her to understand the full of it. She needed to know his brother was willing to give up everything for her as was Lucas, himself, for all she had done for them.

  It was Lizbeth who reacted and shouted for all to hear as she startled each of them.

  "No, he cannot do this! I will not allow him to do this. For 'tis his birthright and he will not forsake that right on my account!"

  She stared back at the three in the room standing before her as she continued on in her heart with only her forlorn mind to hear, "And I will never marry a man for his pity. He does not love me and his duty will one day break him and he will end up hating me the rest of his life. I will not make him choose, cannot allow him to throw it all away for what he thinks is only his duty towards me..."

  Lizbeth could only stare at Cait and at Lucas while taking a deep breath and silently pushing away the pain consuming her as she continued to speak.

  "And he owes me nothing, for I did nothing remarkable. Any one in my position would have done the same."

  After those words were spoken, she closed her eyes against the pain resounding in her shoulder and against the full anguish resonating within her heart. She took a deep breath and pushed herself up from the chair beside her brother's bed, breathing deeply as she attempted to move to stop this sure travesty that was occurring in a chamber just down the hall.

  Lizbeth took but two steps as the darkness began to consume her, the blackness of her mind descending down upon her as she spiraled into oblivion.


  Lucas, Cait and Macay entered the great Laird Campbell's chamber. They did not bother to knock and with no permission granted they simply admitted themselves freely. As the door slammed heavily upon the wall and they moved over the threshold, they noted with a sadness the chieftain and his first born son were in a heated argument with anger apparent upon each of their faces.

  As the small group entered, the laird looked at Macay asking angrily, "What are you doing here?"

  "I come with my family in support of my wife and my brothers."

  Blake looked sidelong at him with gratitude in his heart for the words of support. For long moments, no one spoke as the silence hung in the room. Finally, it was Lucas who stepped forward who spoke with conviction.

  "I will honor your alliance and marry the Monro."

  At this daring declaration, the great laird stared over at his youngest son as a small smile appeared upon his face as if in victory. He understood this was confirmation he had made the right decision for the clan. The chieftain gazed over to Blake as a surprise registered on his eldest son's face as he scoffed loudly.

  "You see? I have one son who will honor the wishes of his father and perform the duty of his clan without question. For that is the way of this family!"

  Lucas stared at his father with spite in his eyes as he sternly replied to his laird's outburst.

  "I will be clear and wish you to understand I do this for Blake, father and I do this for Lizbeth. I do not do this for you!"

  The great laird looked back upon his youngest son with a vast anger in his eyes. Deliberately, he moved his stare back to his eldest son while a black rage consumed him.

  "And this Lizbeth. Why would you want one such as her when she is undoubtedly not pure? Who really understands what fate has befallen her all those years among the Macnab?"

  All those within the room were mortified by the callous remarks of the chieftain for what he implied and for the situation completely out of her control. Cait's breath hitched violently, as she placed her hand over her mouth in certain distress.

  Blake's pulse began to thunder violently as his fists clenched at his sides and an anger grew within him as he spat, "Pure? And what would you know of her purity, father?"

  He looked at his son levelly as he spoke softly, "All I know for certain is on one early morning coming from the stables…"

  For the first time a full realization as to what must have occurred coursed through Blake's body and a rage surfaced unlike he had ever known. He now understood his father's remarks and comprehended his laird's disapproval of Lizbeth. He realized it had nothing to do with clans and had nothing to do with her character but it was about what he thought he knew and assumed he could control.

  "And this is the reason you announced your decision to me of the Monro? For you are angered because I chose my path and I had not consulted you first?"

  Blake's anger boiled over as a fury built within him unlike any he had ever known for the man who stood before him. With an ominously quiet voice he spoke through clenched teeth.

  "And all this, from a loving and caring father? These are the words of a great man? Of a compassionate leader?"

  With a lowly and saddened voice he said, "I am your son no longer."

  Blake stood for long moments gazing heatedly at his laird who he had loved and respected his entire life. But now, he confessed sadly he knew little of the man. With grief upon his heart for all that he had been taught, for all that he had been raised to know, he walked from the room and away from his family. In that moment, Blake knew he would be willing to forgo his life and the one he called father as he moved down the hall with only one destination upon his mind.


  Lizbeth remembered becoming slowly awakened and aware of her surroundings while keeping her eyes closed. In and out she breathed long and deep breaths. She was listening intently as her heart beat lowly, concentrating on breathing slowly, in and out, as she sorrowfully remembered the recent events.


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