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The Highland Captive

Page 17

by Johanna Maas

  Slowly Blake turned and moved to his beast as the emotions coursed through his body. After gaining the back of his steed, he leaned down to lovingly accept the extraordinary gift his new brother Macay was now bestowing upon him.


  It had been two full days and Blake still continued to sit by her side. His constant vigil over Lizbeth was obvious to all while he acknowledged it was completely unappreciated by one. She lay still and unmoving upon the sheets within the center of the bed with her ivory skin pale and her lids lowered. Lizbeth was yet to waken for her injury was quite grave and she had lost much blood.

  Late in the afternoon of the second day, Blake moved forlornly from Lizbeth's side and down the hallway and onto another family member's room. He was doing his duty, visiting the other injured men within the keep. The door just two down from Lizbeth's stood opened wide for the steady stream of visitors who moved freely about. It was Burk's chamber and while he was still alive after being rescued from the dungeons, he was critically wounded and his injuries rather severe.

  When Burk battled upon the wall, he had taken a sword in his side and had fallen from a great height. When he landed upon the ground his arm was beneath him and as a result it was severally broken. While they all knew the bones could be set aright and would heal with time, it was the fever raging within his body that had most everyone concerned. But all those who knew him well understood he was a strong one and there was always a hope he would survive.

  After inquiring after Burk and being told of no improvements yet to be had, Blake then moved slowly down into the great hall below where the rest of the clansmen laid and were being tended. He stopped to check on each one whether they were Campbell or Stewart, for in his mind they were all now brothers and seen as one.

  As he stood in the great hall next to the hearth with a heavy heart looking over the injured men, he noticed movement on the stairs above. Glancing up he saw his sister Cait as she spoke loudly to him from across the expanse of the room with an urgency to her voice.

  "Blake, come quick! 'Tis Lizbeth!"

  She immediately spun around and was gone from his sight. A sudden fear gripped at his heart as he ran across the chamber and took the stairs three at a time. He moved quickly down the hallway and in the direction of her chamber. Within moments, he was crossing the threshold to her room with a fear now consuming him. He gazed towards the bed in the center of the chamber and stopped short as he watched as Lizbeth slowly turned her head and gazed up at him. This woman who had touched his heart and had proven countless times she was more worthy than most anyone in the entire keep, was finally awake.

  He closed his eyes briefly as a sudden relief flooded through his body. After drawing in a deep breath, he moved quickly to her side and around the many visitors to stand next to her bed. As he grew near, he slowly reached down for her hand and felt its warmth as it sent a fire through his body. Gently, he knelt down beside her as he raised her fingers to his lips and laid a light kiss upon them.

  Blake moved himself from the floor and over to sit upon a chair next to the bed while continuing to hold her hand. Slowly, Lizbeth attempted to focus her eyes as she gazed up at him. Confusion crossed over her face as she moved her stare from Blake then on to the others who stood gazing down at her from within her room.

  A loud noise was heard from the entryway as Macay came bursting into the chamber with a smile spreading across his lips.

  "Lizbeth? You are awake?"

  A look of bewilderment continued to remain upon her face as she looked once again at those around her and at her surroundings.

  Weakly she said, "How…did…I…get…here?" A slight grimace crossed her face as she continued, "What …happened?"

  It was Macay who answered.

  "Lucas found you down in the dungeons of the Macnab keep. Lizbeth, there were a couple of other men in there, too. Burk…"

  She looked deeply into his eyes as a remembrance passed through her mind, a vision of her brother being carried from the keep. She slowly spoke.

  "Burk, is he…?"

  Macay breathed in deeply and said, "He is still alive and just down the hall from you. He has a broken arm and has quite a nasty gash and is fighting the fever right now."

  When he saw the concern flash over her eyes he said, "But he is strong, Lizzie, and we are all hopeful."

  It was Cait who spoke next as she bent over her with a slight bowl of broth.

  "Please everyone, she needs her nourishment and her sleep to get well. No more talk for now. I will come get you when she next awakens."

  Cait turned and looked at each one of the men who were in her room while understanding their concern but knowing her first duty was to Lizbeth. She had taken responsibility for nursing her and seeing to her needs while doing everything in her power to see her well. Nodding, each one of the men understood as they exited, save one.

  Blake sat by her side as he held Lizbeth's hand. Her eyes were now closed and she once again was deep in sleep.

  It was Cait who finally spoke and broke the silence for the first time as she broached a subject weighing heavily upon her mind.

  "My dear Blake. I do not mean to pry and it may not be my place to ask, but what will you do?"

  Cait looked deeply into his eyes, a sure sadness upon them as she continued to speak.

  "For if you do plan to do your duty according to father's will, then I think you must leave."

  Blake stared at her with a shock in his eyes as she continued while not allowing him to speak or attempt to justify his presence.

  "If you plan to honor father's request for the duty of the clan and you stay here, it will only get her hopes up. And dear bother, that will not be good for her. She has already suffered so much. She needs to recover and your presence will not help."

  A voice was heard from the edge of the room, a visitor who had entered unbeknownst to the siblings. He had arrived moments before and had heard many of Cait's words.

  Lucas looked over the bed containing Lizbeth and noticed immediately how his brother Blake had her hand wrapped within his. He also would have had to been blind to not understand the full of it as he witnessed Blake's reactions to her injuries out on the battlefield. This simply put everything into perspective for him.

  "Cait? What is it that you speak of?"

  Blake looked at his brother with sadness in an attempt to explain the situation he now found himself in and the conflict weighing heavily upon the family.

  "Lizbeth and I have formed what you might call a bond over these last several weeks. It is an attachment neither of us had planned nor expected."

  He hesitated as he looked down at her sleeping form, caressing her with his eyes while her loveliness warmed his heart.

  "Then the night of Cait's wedding, father relayed to me he had pledged me elsewhere. He told me he had promised me to a Monro, a clan from the north. The banns will soon be announced and we are to be married as soon as possible, thereafter."

  With a sigh, he continued, "I understand my duty to our father and to our clan, but I also know in my heart what my duty is to Lizbeth."

  He looked once again down at the petite one who still lay unmoving upon the bed. His heart was breaking for the position he now found himself in.

  "For she has given more to our family then we could ever repay her for and I fear I cannot abandon her. But father. He is quite adamant and has proven to be rather stubborn. And when he has his mind made up…"

  All three of the Campbell children understood the truthfulness of Blake's spoken words as they silently concurred with his thoughts. It was regrettable but each were unsure of what could be done. They all knew their father well, understood he was a powerful laird and one who had always placed duty of his clan before all else. Even where his children were concerned. And that is what he expected from his family. He understood that is what made the Campbell clan dominant, the Campbell clan flourish and is what ensured they had survived. Duty was everything to this man
and they all conceded that within the great laird's eyes, it was the only thing that ever mattered.


  Lizbeth remembered becoming slowly awakened and aware of her surroundings while keeping her eyes completely closed. The last time she had opened them, she remembered she was surrounded by so many clansmen and she was a bit fearful and completely confused. And it just felt better and not nearly as painful for her to lay quietly and not move anything including her lashes. She was not yet ready to acknowledge her wakefulness for this allowed her to concentrate on controlling the steadiness of her breathing. The pain within her body just made it difficult to do something as simple as that.

  Lizbeth remained very still upon the bed while she breathed deeply all the while painfully aware of the pitiful state of her body. She knew it must be daytime for she could see through her lids the brightness that could only be from the sunshine. In and out she breathed as she concentrated, attempting not to think of the severe ache as it continued to consume her.

  As she lay upon the bed, her mind began to clear slightly as bit by bit she recalled the events of the last several days. Her homecoming…the men leaving to battle the Macnab…Cait's abduction…Lucas coming to the dungeons and rescuing both she and Burk…and the bowman upon the wall.

  In and out again she breathed long and deep breaths. She listened intently as her heart beat lowly and concentrated on breathing slowly in and out as she attempted to push the pain into the back of her mind.

  And her hand. As she lay upon the bed, she also noted the warmth and slight pressure surrounding her left hand. Every once in a while she could feel a light brushing of fingertips as they moved across her palm. It was a pleasurable feeling in an otherwise painful existence.

  As she breathed deeply again continuing to concentrate only on her breaths and not on the throbbing within her body, she heard slight footfalls as someone moved from the doorway and over to her side. She continued to lay silently upon the bed as the pain reverberated throughout her body and she continually breathed deeply and ever so slowly.

  "My dear brother."

  It was Cait speaking lowly. There was a long and exaggerated silence as nothing was said as she continued.

  "What will you do?"

  She felt a slight pressure upon her hand as she heard him sigh deeply, speaking softly and sadly.

  "I cannot abandon her, Cait."

  With a start, Lizbeth realized it was Blake. From the nearness of his voice, she now realized it was also her warrior who had been holding her hand. A gladness spread through her body as she heard words she had longed to hear but thought she never would. He had said he would not abandon her. Could this really be true?

  He continued to speak with a firmness to his voice.

  "I will not abandon her, Cait, for all she has done for our family."

  As quickly as Lizbeth had felt the joy his words could bring, when he spoke again, she could feel her heart plummet and the devastation of their assured meaning…'for all she has done for our family.'

  The family? For is that all she meant to him? Was he taking pity on her for things most anyone in her position would have done? Did he think her such a pathetic soul he felt she needed saving? Lizbeth understood without question she loved this man with her entire heart and with her full being, but it was now very clear to her he did not share those same feelings. Her feelings were of love, his must be of duty for what she had conceivably done for his family.

  A fierce dejection continued to fill Lizbeth's heart as she struggled to control her raging emotions while still lying silently upon the bed. She laid quietly a long while as no one spoke and a hollowness filled Lizbeth's breast as she thankfully, drifted back into the darkness of her mind.


  This time when Lizbeth woke, it was nighttime and the darkness of the late evening was upon them. Slowly she opened her eyes and winced slightly as she became aware once again of her pain. Lizbeth's room was silent as was the keep around her while a single taper burned upon the side table and a small fire smoldered within the hearth.

  She slowly looked around the room finding it mostly empty, save for the hardened warrior asleep in the chair by the head of her bed. It was the one she had always referred to as her warrior. A sad smile came to her face as the reality of her situation struck her with a full force while she remembered the words he had spoken with the meaning all too clear.

  She looked lovingly upon him as he slept. Blake's firm chin and his handsome face tugged at her heart as memories of his smile, his kind heart and of his tantalizing blue eyes flashed through her mind. She looked longingly at his powerful arms, remembering how he had held her with such possessiveness that early morning in the stables. A warmth spread through her body as she remembered quite clearly how he had loved her intensely, made her passions rise and allowed her to feel things she had never before. How she longed for him to take her in his arms once again.

  The tears began to fall down her cheeks as she turned her head away from him as the agonizing memories flooded her mind. For she understood clearly the two of them could never be together. She moved herself abruptly upon the bed attempting to escape and distancing herself from her warrior while wanting to move away. Her breath hitched harshly within her throat as a sharp pain coursed through her body for her sudden movements.

  Blake was immediately awake and noticed her shifting upon the bed while he heard the sharp intake of her breath. He was on his feet instantly and leaning over her as he touched her tenderly in an attempt to comfort her. He looked down upon Lizbeth noticing her furrowed brow and the tears upon her cheeks. He gently wiped them away with his thumb as he wished for nothing more at that moment then to take away her pain.

  "Please Lizbeth, do not move. It will only hurt you further."

  His words to her were like a ray of warm sunshine on an otherwise cold stormy day. If her head had not understood how he truly felt for her, her heart would have warmed to his words. Instead, she took in deep breaths while attempting to quiet her sore body and her pained heart. She forced her mind instead to drift in another direction. She thought of her brother whom she remembered was near.

  She spoke quietly with an eagerness about her words, "Burk…I must know. How is he?"

  Lizbeth looked into Blake's eyes, beseeching and fervently hoping he would provide good news.

  He looked down at her with a sadness upon his face as he said, "The fevers continue to plague his body, Lizbeth." When he saw the concern immediately cross her brow, he added hastily, "But he is strong…we are hopeful."

  She may have believed him if she had not been looking intently at him when he spoke, but his eyes contradicted his words and told quite another story. She noted a sadness was within them for what he must have truly known and suspected.

  Lizbeth took a deep breath and with her feet, began to push herself up slightly and up higher upon her pillows. She looked down at her body and noticed her right arm was bound to her side while the bandages encompassed the top part of her body. She breathed heavily again pushing the pain that was surfacing deep into the back recesses of her mind as she moved once more to a near sitting position. As she struggled, a new resolution was building within her.

  "Lizbeth, what are you doing? You need to lie still!"

  Lizbeth simply looked at Blake with a firmness in her voice and said, "I must go to him."

  "No. It is too soon, for your own injuries are quite severe."

  "Blake, please, you must understand. I must go to him and do what I can for him. My mother…" She closed her eyes breathing deeply as another pain washed over her. She let her breath out slowly and continued, "My mother was a knowledgeable healer. She tended many sick and infirmed and she taught me much during our time together. Please take me to Burk. I must see him before it is too late."

  She looked at Blake pleadingly, understanding she needed his help for this task.

  Blake closed his eyes, knowing he should not concede for her sake alone but
knew he could never refuse her anything. He opened his eyes and looked back at her, shaking his head in disbelief he would even consider something as foolish as this. But when he saw her gazing at him intently, there was but one course of action open to him and that was to comply.

  He responded tentatively and with a note of hesitancy, "I will take you."

  Lizbeth forced a slight smile upon her face as a relief flooded through her body for she truly did not believe he would consent. Lizbeth also understood that had he not, she knew she would have attempted to walk there on her own.

  "But you must drink and eat something before you go, for you are in a much weakened state. You must also promise me if your pain becomes too much, you will let me know so I can return you to your own bed."

  Lizbeth could only look up at him as she nodded her head slightly, agreeing to his terms for she knew this was the only way.

  Blake leaned over her still form upon the bed and gently pulled back the covers while making ready to lift her into his arms. Before he did so, he turned slightly to the chair he had recently vacated and pulled a blanket that lay there to protect her from the night's chill. He turned back to her and while he continually looked into her eyes, he gently laid a plaid, his plaid upon her body for warmth. Lizbeth closed her eyes as her heart thundered in her breast. For had she not known of his true feelings and had not completely and clearly understood his position, she would have taken great pleasure in this gesture. For when a man offers to a woman his plaid…

  She shook her head slightly, removing that line of thought from her mind. She was not willing to let her heart believe nor move in that direction. She understood this could only be a simple act of kindness and an offering to keep her warm and nothing more. Based on what she knew to be true of his thoughts and what she had overheard of his words of duty...


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