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Cheyenne (A Timeless Series Novel)

Page 9

by Wiedmeier, Lisa

  Leaning forward, I bent close to his ear and whispered, “You should have never underestimated me, Callon. I was surprised at how easy it was. I’m sure you’re dying to know what I did. Here’s a hint: I hope you liked the berry pie. Not so much fun being held against your will now, is it?” I lightly blew warm air through my nose.

  My mouth continued before my mind caught up. “Maybe one day we’ll meet up again under different circumstances. That passion in your eyes, who knows where that would lead?” Oh great! I was getting cocky and stupid and wrapped up in his good looks. Step away, Cheyenne. Don’t waste all your hard work.

  But my body took over, moving without my consent. I caressed his ear with my lips, then lifted my head…right as my hand slipped off the couch and my lips collided with his. I quivered slightly—he felt it. I’m not sure why I said what I said or why I didn’t pull away when my mouth met his, but it was too late now. It was foolish and reckless and totally unlike me, but I wasn’t me, I was someone else—the secret!

  It didn’t matter now, this would be the last time I would see them for a while. Any attraction, conscious or subconscious, I had for Callon I would force myself to forget. He’d only looked at me twice with any warmth, but seeing his gaze now…

  I took a shaky breath as our eyes met. “Good-bye.”

  I jumped up and ran to the kitchen counter to grab my pack. Time to go.

  I flew out the front door and dashed to the Jeep with car key in hand. It started right up. I was very grateful my dad had insisted on getting a GPS system installed. I had saved the bank address in my favorites menu. I stomped on the gas and was soon speeding down the dirt road.

  It took about ten minutes to reach the main highway and then I was able to really open the engine up and rocket down the road. My heart was pounding, the adrenaline flowing, but my mind was clear.

  I was back in control again.

  Chapter 8

  Time raced by. I had known my plan would work, but I was still in shock over the success. I had never done anything like this in my entire life. I could picture my dad being proud of me—I was proud of me.

  I had so many questions racing through my mind, observations I’d made about the trio. I knew Colt, or at least I thought I did; however, I knew nothing about Callon except his rather bossy attitude. Even with as little conversation as Daniel and I had, I’d learned the most from him. Either he didn’t know anything, was excellent at hiding the truth, or was afraid to reveal too much because of Callon.

  That their presence had been kept hidden from me continued to both hurt and anger me. They’d been watching me along with Colt, although I’d never seen or caught wind of them. Why hadn’t my parents told me? I inhaled a shaky breath. Probably because they knew it might frighten me, and they wanted me to have as normal a life as possible. So much for normal now…

  Town was an hour away; at least, I guessed it would take that long because I was too busy screaming down the highway to notice the time. The mileage log on the GPS system said it was about one hundred and twenty-five miles; I must have been driving like a bat out of hell to get there so quickly.

  Glancing at the clock, I saw it was five fifteen. The sign on the bank door said it would close at five thirty; I had just enough time to get what I needed.

  I parked the car around the corner and jumped out, my heart burst into flight. Everything was falling into place.

  Straightening my shirt and blouse, I made my way to the bank entrance. Once inside, I located the clerk in charge of the safety deposit box area. I was in luck; he was a young man, about twenty-five. He was scrawny and had a pale complexion. Probably hadn’t had much luck with finding a girlfriend.

  The sign said that access wasn’t allowed into the safe deposit box area after five p.m. I put my best foot forward, and strolled over to his desk. I was going to have to really work this poor guy to get what I needed. But I was prepared to do just about anything at this point. I had to find out what lay in wait for me. I needed answers; who I was, and what else was being kept from me. You’re an actress, I reminded myself.

  Callon, Colt, and Daniel would be on their way by now. I was positive they would come into town first; that’s what I would have done. I didn’t tell them where I was going, but they seemed pretty adept at finding me, and they’d already found the key. Regardless, I wasn’t going to make it easy for them. I had managed to get away and was fairly confident I could stay away.

  “Hello, Joseph,” I said in my most persuasive voice. I wanted to gag. I wasn’t going to win any Oscars for this performance.

  The clerk’s head flipped up so fast that if it hadn’t been attached at his neck it would’ve flown into the air.

  “Uh, hello. Can I help you?”

  “Well, Joseph, you don’t mind if I call you Joseph, do you? That’s what your nametag says, and it’s such a cute name.” He blushed as I poured on the charm.

  “You can call me Joseph,” he answered, hope in his eyes. “What can I do to help you?”

  “Well, you see, Joseph,” I emphasized his name on purpose, “your sign says I can’t get into my safe deposit box after five, and I was hoping you could help me out. I left some important documents in my box, and I really have to have them for tonight. I tried to make it down here earlier, but got a flat tire along the way. Some really nice gentlemen stopped to help me, but it took longer than I expected.” I batted my lashes. Inside I was cringing at the foolish display I was making.

  He stared at me for a moment, glancing at his watch and then answered, “Bank policy says we can’t allow customers into the secure area after five, but in your case, you did really try to get into the bank before the cut off time, so I’ll make an exception.” He gave an optimistic grin. “Do you have your key?”

  “Yes,” I replied, and placed it in his hand as I squeezed his fingers. I was relieved it had worked so easily.

  “Please follow me.”

  He led the way behind the counter to open the secure door to the room. He glanced at the number, and proceeded to the right where he stopped and hopped up on the step stool, placing the key in box number 258. He then placed his master key into the adjoining lock and turned them both. The small drawer popped out and he stepped down the stool with the contents in his hands.

  “This way, please.”

  He motioned for me to follow. We entered a private room where he set the box on the table.

  “It’s all yours.” He smiled and walked out, closing the door behind him.

  My hands were shaking. I didn’t have time for nervousness; I needed to get the contents out speedily. I released the lid and slid the items in the box toward the table. A small package wrapped in a cloth with a leather strap fell out. Attached to the leather strap was a ring. But it wasn’t just any ring. It was the most stunning piece of jewelry I’d ever seen.

  It was a sterling silver band that held a brilliant, sparkling, blue stone. It reminded me of the rare blue diamonds I’d heard about but never seen. I touched it with my fingertips, and it threw flecks of light onto the walls. Was this what my parents wanted me to find?

  A soft knock on the door made me jump. I’d have to explore the ring and package later.

  “Ma’am, we’re closing, and I need to ask you to come out.”

  I rose to my feet and swiftly opened the door. This time the clerk jumped. “Thank you so much, Joseph.” I reached out and squeezed his arm. He was pleasantly surprised.

  He smiled and said in a choked voice, “You’re welcome. Come back anytime.”

  Grinning, I walked to the front entrance with my prize in hand. It was five thirty. Only fifteen minutes had passed. This would give me plenty of time to head out of town before the trio could make it.

  My attention remained on the ring and wrapping on the small book as I walked around the corner. I knew approximately the distance the car was from the bank entrance and didn’t bother to look up.

  I didn’t realize someone was walking very closely behind me, unti
l I was at the driver’s side door with my hand raised to unlock the car.

  I froze.

  Colt was standing there, arms crossed, but his disposition wasn’t as angry as I’d thought he’d be. I stopped in my tracks, only to have two hands grasp my arms from behind. Colt shook his head and closed his eyes. How could they have found me so soon?

  Colt reached over and pulled me to his side as the other hands released their grip. I turned to see Daniel standing behind me. A moment later, the same sandalwood-colored truck I saw at the cathedral pulled to a stop in front of us. Colt moved me to the side while he opened the front door, and Daniel took the key for the Jeep from my hand. In one quick motion, I was hoisted into the front seat and pushed to the middle, sandwiched between Colt and Callon.

  I looked at Callon’s face while he watched Colt buckle me in. He didn’t look angry—in fact, he looked almost gleeful, as if he knew they’d catch me again. They both glanced at my hands and saw the book with the ring. Suddenly their expressions became alarmed, but the emotion disappeared as rapidly as it had come. That was strange. Moments later we started the long drive home.

  My mind was whirling. I had given the three of them an extra large dose of the Wallow berries; it should have knocked them out for a least an hour. But they were here waiting for me, and I was only in the bank for fifteen minutes. It didn’t add up.

  Callon hadn’t said anything. Memories of our parting flooded back, and I pressed my eyes shut. How could I have done something so stupid?

  Cringing, I decided I would speak first to gauge their reactions. After all, I wouldn’t be leaving them anytime soon. “I guess I’m in a heap of trouble, huh?” I tried to make my tone light, but it came out with a nervous laugh.

  “Heaps,” Colt replied, as he slid his arm around my waist. My breathing hitched a little.

  “How did you recover so fast? You should’ve been down for at least an hour.” Was what my dad had taught me wrong? Still no response. Without thinking I muttered under my breath, “Next time I’ll have to try something different.”

  Callon flipped his head so fast that it jolted me back. “There will not be a next time, Cheyenne.” His voice was cold as he spoke through clenched teeth. “If I recall, you said, ‘Don’t ever underestimate me.’ I won’t leave your side, if that’s what it takes. You took advantage of the situation once, and you can be damn certain it’s never going to happen again.”

  He who must be obeyed was rearing his ugly head and scaring the crap out of me.

  Callon drew in a deep breath to calm himself.

  “Colt warned me I shouldn’t be too trusting of you,” Callon informed me, “and he was right. I know how you manipulated that bank clerk; don’t expect that to work on me. Heaps of trouble is the tip of the iceberg. You have no idea what you’ve got yourself into.”

  I blinked. It was all I could do; I had nothing to say. I’d been a fool. How did I ever think I saw a softer side to him?

  I averted my eyes from Callon’s anger and stared down at the book in my hands. I ran my fingers over the cloth wrapped around it and played with the ring, wondering what significance it held. Colt’s hold provided a small sense of comfort from Callon’s rant. I leaned my head into his shoulder, and he squeezed his fingers around my waist.

  No one spoke a word the remainder of the drive to the cabin. Daniel was following behind us in my Jeep. I began wondering how mad he was at me. He’d been nothing but nice to me, and I’d repaid that kindness by using him.

  Why did I care? It wasn’t like we were all that close. But I’d felt so at ease with him in the meadow. I would have to apologize and earn his trust again. I told myself it seemed like I’d have plenty of time to make it up to him, at least.

  We pulled onto the dirt road that led up to the cabin. The sunlight had faded, and darkness crept into the trees. We came to a stop just to the side of the outbuilding. Colt opened the door and slid me off the seat and into his arms.

  He wrapped both his hands around me and pulled me close. One of them found its way to the small of my back, pushing me closer still. The other hand moved to the back of my neck as he pressed his lips to mine. I blinked.

  My arms were locked against his chest, clinging to the small book; I could do nothing to stop him. He kissed me with such zeal, his lips unyielding, searching for a response. I closed my eyes.

  He was pressing against my sides and my chest; it was hard to breathe. I parted my lips trying to speak, and he misunderstood, he thought I wanted more. He began kissing me with even more fervor, taking one step forward and pinning me against the truck door while his massive arms tightened about me. The ring tied to the leather strap on the book was digging into my chest. My head started spinning.

  Colt finally loosened his grasp, and I sucked in air. My body trembled. Every part of my arms and chest were aching, and my neck was on fire. Colt’s breathing wasn’t labored at all. He knew exactly what he was doing.

  He whispered in my ear, “Cheyenne, you don’t know what I’m capable of; how much love, how much passion, how much strength. How I want to keep you wrapped in my arms to make you safe.

  “Your life is so fragile right now. You left me helpless tonight, even if it was for a short period of time. I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if something happened to you.

  “You need to know I would go to the ends of the earth for you. I could and would do anything to keep you from harm. Don’t you ever make me helpless to protect you again. If you think that heaps of trouble is bad, you don’t want to know what comes after that!”

  I was still trembling in his arms, as he moved his lips down my jaw again and this time tenderly kissed my lips, one, two, and three times. I let out a sigh and kept my lids closed for a few more moments before I could peer into his baby blue eyes. He had that protective look again, like when he had me cornered in the kitchen before I left Idaho. I couldn’t decide if it was romantic or possessive, but I knew he had been scared for my safety. I was still pinned up against the truck in his arms when Callon interrupted.

  “Are you done now, Colt?” His voice had an edge to it I’d never heard before.

  Colt released his hold, and I dropped to the ground. I was happy to be against the truck for the moment. I was able to steady myself against it. Colt made sure I didn’t fall by keeping his hands under my arms for support. He moved them to his sides and turned.

  “I’m done now. She’s all yours.” There was a grin on his face as he walked away, giving a quick wink he bounded up the steps into the cabin. I was stunned momentarily until I turned towards Callon.

  Crap, now I was really in for it. Callon stared at me for a lengthy moment, studying me, contemplating what he was going to do. Panic began to bubble in my chest. Being alone with him was not on my list of top ten things to do in life. I didn’t know if I should be scared, or nervous. I was stupid, and now I’d pay the price for my recklessness.

  I kept my hands wrapped around the book—I didn’t move an inch. He quickly cleared the distance between us and grabbed my arm. It wasn’t a gentle pull, it was I’m mad at you and you’re going to get it pull.

  I stumbled alongside him as he led me into the forest. It was dark, and I couldn’t see where he was taking me. My feet were tripping over stumps, and branches were scraping across my legs. My shirt caught on a branch and I heard a tearing sound. Damn! This was one of my favorite ones.

  We were getting further and further into the forest and walking faster and faster. I was having a hard time keeping up. My upper body was already sore, Callon’s grasp on my arm was tight and painful, my legs were getting scratched up, and my good shirt was torn. Scared or not, I’d had enough. I planted my feet, and yelled, “Stop! You’re hurting me!”

  He continued to drag me through the undergrowth until I was standing directly in front of him. He sat me down onto a fallen log abruptly. He released his grasp and took a couple of steps back, crossing his arms and leaning against a large pine tree.

he gurgle of a small creek trickled in the distance. The darkness encased us, and I couldn’t see the expression on his face. I didn’t know if he was angry, and I couldn’t tell if I had pushed him too far. I shouldn’t have touched him the way I did. I shouldn’t have said the things I said. I shouldn’t have kissed him, accident or not…what had I done?

  Callon’s expression had changed after I kissed him. For once, it didn’t frighten me; it made me wonder what if? What if the circumstances were different? Would he be drawn to me the way I was drawn to him? Was I teasing him, tempting him to come and find me? If that was the case, it worked, because he found me and now I was in trouble. Or was it that I enjoyed feeling some sort of momentary power over him, like the power he had over me?

  We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. My fingers still clung tightly to the book in my lap. Turning away from his gaze, I attempted to break the invisible barrier between us. My fingers loosened and drifted across the leather strap that held the ring. I examined the ring, admiring the beauty in the small stream of moonlight that broke through the dense trees. Callon cautiously approached and sat down on the log.

  I didn’t look up and sighed before I spoke, “I’m not sorry for leaving. I don’t like being held against my will. I didn’t have any other choice.”

  Callon replied quietly, “You always have a choice, Cheyenne. You could’ve asked.”

  “I did, and you told me I wasn’t allowed to leave.”

  “Yes, I did, but I didn’t say you couldn’t go with an escort.”

  “Maybe next time you should clarify,” I sneered as I met his cold stare.

  “Maybe next time you should ask,” he growled. He waited a moment before he spoke again, only this time with more control. “Is that what you were looking for?” He pointed to the book in my lap.


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