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Cheyenne (A Timeless Series Novel)

Page 10

by Wiedmeier, Lisa


  “It was at the bank?”

  I nodded.

  “Is that why you manipulated the bank clerk? To get into the safe deposit box?” He raised his brows.

  “Yes,” I responded shamefully. How had I stooped that low?

  “Poor guy. Never saw it coming, huh?” Callon’s demeanor softened.

  “Guess not.”

  “That’s quite a weapon you have there. I feel sorry for the poor man you unleash it on—he won’t stand a chance. I only saw a small portion you used on me today…”

  I cut him off, “I didn’t use that on you today. You say you would’ve let me go if I asked, but I don’t know if I believe you. I had to take matters in my own hand.”

  “So you think our words and actions should agree, huh?”

  “Yes?” What was he getting at?

  “So, the way you touched me, the trembling in your hands and lips, they were saying something?”

  Oh great, the kiss! I knew this would come up. I didn’t answer. How could I? He’d cornered me, and I’d walked straight into his trap. I lowered my head as I ran my fingers over the ring. When would I learn to think before speaking?

  “And the words you spoke. ‘One day we’ll meet up again under different circumstances. I can see the passion in your eyes. Who knows where that would lead?’”

  He quoted me almost perfectly. “You forgot maybe,” I snapped back, trying to defend my reckless actions.

  Callon ignored my comment and continued. “Who knows where that would lead, not could. You said would. That would implies something. Would is stronger than could. Could is a maybe, whereas would is a definite.”

  “And maybe overrides would, and the meaning thus changes,” I shot back.

  There was no anger. He was calm. He was in control again. He was making me uncomfortable and taking great satisfaction from it. “You know it was always meant to be this way. We were to meet up with Gene and Alexis; you were meant to be with us.”

  His words may be true, but I didn’t know. My parents never told me about their plans. Somehow I knew this confusion was not what my parents wanted for me. I remained silent.

  There was a distinct tone in Callon’s voice when he spoke again. It was a mixture of curiosity and manipulation. “That was quite a kiss back there.”

  “It was…unexpected.” I closed my eyes again. I didn’t want to look at him. I continued to run the ring and strap through my fingers. Callon was taking great pleasure in torturing me.

  “Colt certainly seemed to sweep you off your feet back there.”


  “He also made you somewhat breathless?”

  “Yes, he was holding me too tight, and I was having a hard time getting air into my lungs.” Callon wasn’t going to get the better of me this time.

  “Did you like that?” he asked, sounding like he was merely curious.

  “I like to breathe,” I snapped.

  “That’s not what I asked.”

  I knew what he was asking, but I didn’t want to answer him. I was becoming angry, and when I got angry, I said things I didn’t want to say.

  I glowered as I replied, “Then what are you asking? Did I like the way Colt grabbed me and pulled me in his arms? When he pushed his body against mine and kissed me? The way I felt totally and completely under his control and helpless to stop him?”

  “You’re getting closer, but that’s still not what I asked.”

  Now I was really pissed. What did he want me to say? Why was he making me say this?

  “Yes!” I screamed. “Is that what you want to hear? I also sometimes like tender moments, a gentle caress, and a soft kiss. At other times I want romance. I want to feel my heart flutter, anticipate the unknown. I don’t always know what I want; I’m not the most experienced woman when it comes to men, if you haven’t noticed. I’ve only been kissed once, and you witnessed it.”

  “You may have only been kissed once, but you’ve kissed before. You kissed Colt when he was helpless on the sofa and you kissed me—both in the same afternoon. I’d say that you have experience.” He was gloating.

  “Your kiss was an accident! Are you purposely trying to drive me insane?” I was screaming, completely out of control.

  “Maybe a little. It’s only fair. I’m trying to figure out what you want. You like the comfort that Colt brings you; he’s safe and you can be yourself with him. You like being wrapped in his arms, but you don’t have the same passion for him that he has for you. You love him, but not like he does you. You weren’t passionately responding to his kiss earlier; you were actually trying to stop him.

  “He misread your reaction as something else. You’re hesitant to accept his full love because you don’t feel like you can reciprocate it. And you don’t want to hurt him because it would hurt you to see him suffer.”

  My demeanor went from angry to grudging acceptance in a flash. He was right on, and I knew it. How did he figure this out? Then it dawned on me…they’d been watching me for years. They knew me better than I knew myself. Tears streamed down my cheeks. Callon continued to speak, holding my gaze.

  “You become uncomfortable when I come into the room; your heart starts to race when I look at you. You don’t like to make eye contact because you’re afraid to show your emotions.”

  “You scare the crap out of me,” I blurted out, but I knew he was somewhere close to the truth. There were moments when his look was warm and inviting.

  “You tremble when I touch you; you were trembling when you touched me today—when you kissed me. You don’t know why you did what you did, the way you caressed my arms.

  “You held your hand to my face and whispered into my ear. You enjoyed the fact that you had momentary power over me. You were in control, and you could do what you wanted. You taunted me to come after you and find you; you don’t want to be alone. You’re afraid to let go because you don’t know where your feelings may take you.”

  I didn’t know what to say. I had no appropriate response. Callon started to smirk.

  “I knew I was right. I can see it in your face.”

  The blood began to grow cold in my veins, icy cold as the realization set in. I stuttered, “Y-y-you tricked me? You really didn’t know so you tricked me into showing my feelings, to lie them right out in front of you? So you could have control and get what you wanted? You twisted my thoughts and feeling around until I was confused?”

  I was angry now, livid! I needed to clear my head. I’d picked the worse day to wear a dress and sandals; I wanted to get up and run away from him. I wanted the safety of Colt’s arms. I wanted him to protect me right now and to make Callon go away. I wanted him to kiss me again, to make me forget all my problems.

  I jumped up from the log and started to dash back into the forest. I didn’t know where I was going and kept tripping and falling to the rocky floor below. I didn’t get very far before Callon grabbed my arm, spinning me around. He had a self-satisfied gloat across his face.

  “So it’s okay for you to trick me, but when I do it back it’s a problem?” he asked.

  “I only tricked you into eating something so I could leave and get the book. I didn’t trick you emotionally.” I said, my hands shaking.

  “What do you call kissing me then? Just tasting the food to make sure it went down the gullet well?”

  “Yes, that’s it exactly,” I hissed.

  He let out a big chuckle, “Oh, I see. Just remember, Cheyenne, two can play your game.”

  I sighed. I was still irritated and angry, but I knew he was right.

  “I’m cold and want to go back now.” My arms were freezing, and my legs were cut up and scratched.

  “I guess, since you’re done being in trouble for the moment. I think this was punishment enough. I meant it when I said I wouldn’t underestimate you again. I will constantly watch you at all times.” His words were laced with threat, and I swallowed. No getting away from him now.

  He led me out of th
e forest, pulling the branches back so I didn’t get any more scratches. I clutched the book in my left hand. The ring was slid on my index finger, still tied to the leather strap.

  Colt was waiting on the porch. He rose from the chair as we neared the stairs. He raised his eyebrows at my appearance. I was sure I looked a mess. My white shirt was torn and dirty; my legs were covered in bumps, dirt, and bloody scratches, and I had tearstains on my cheeks.

  He flashed Callon an angry glare, and I was secretly glad. I was hoping he might come down off the porch and pummel him. I wasn’t as heated as before, since the walk back had calmed me, but I still wasn’t very happy, and he could see it.

  They exchanged glances. Then Colt grinned at me and Callon. I frowned. Why did they keep doing that? Could they read minds or something?

  I glared at Colt, “What?”

  Chuckling, he leaped down the stairs, wrapping me up in his arms and kissed me on my head. This time his arms were gentler; however, the damage had already been done earlier and it still hurt.


  Colt pulled back immediately and spoke, although the comment was meant for Callon, “You must have been in more trouble than I thought. I didn’t realize you would come back so dirty and ragged. Next time I won’t let you go alone.“


  He smiled and took my hand as we headed into the cabin, Callon trailing behind. “Let’s get you cleaned up, honey. You look good in a skirt, but not with all the dirt and blood attached.”

  I grinned. I was in my safe, happy place now, and there was nothing that Callon could do about it. Colt two, Callon zero.

  Chapter 9

  I was completely worn out by the emotional trauma of the day. As curious as I was, I would have to wait until tomorrow to inspect the book from the bank. It was no use wrapping myself up in whatever was in there when my brain was in a fuzz. I needed to be fresh and have my mind working at its best.

  After showering, Colt helped me bandage the cuts on my legs and arms. He kept fussing, checking and rechecking that he hadn’t missed anything, until I snapped at him to cut it out. With a playful grin, he led me into the great room to sit on the sofa. The others were watching TV, catching up on what they had missed the day before because of my little escapade. Callon was watching me just like he said he would, complete with a scowl. I longed to say something nasty, but in the end I curled up closer to Colt and fixed my best “don’t mess with me” glare on my face. Colt saw the look directed at Callon and chuckled.

  It had been a long and trying day. I should have felt bad, but I didn’t. I’d needed to get to the bank to find the notebook and ring my parents had left. Hopefully the answers I needed would soon follow.

  I was somewhat surprised Colt wasn’t angrier. He had shown me his feelings in other ways—the kiss said more than I realized. I still wasn’t sure what I felt for him, and Callon made me uncomfortable. He could switch from caring and concerned to downright enraged in the blink of an eye, without any warning. I hated not being able to gauge his thoughts, especially when he seemed to read mine so freely. But sometimes—and maybe it was just my imagination—it seemed as if he was holding back. He knew more about me than he was letting on, and the thought chilled me to the bone.

  When I first arrived, he had refused to tell me anything and was cool and aloof. He warmed slightly when I started to resist less, but when I returned with the ring and journal, his cold and distant demeanor came back with a vengeance. What was the deep secret he was keeping from me? And why did I feel so drawn to him? He was the polar opposite of Colt.

  I sighed. The pair of them knew my heart held something there for them both. I’d kissed them without thinking of the repercussions, accident or not. My eyes were becoming heavier, and a yawn revealed my tired state. I rose from the couch. Colt began to follow, but I motioned for him to stay. “I’m just going to bed.” I felt the need to add, “Don’t worry. I won’t try to escape out the windows or anything.”

  My eyes shifted to Callon. “Colt will be close, and he won’t let me go anywhere. Besides, if you thought what happened to you this afternoon was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

  I flashed a cunning smile and left the room. Colt guffawed as I walked toward the bedroom, and I heard Daniel ask, “She’s not going to cook for us again, is she?”

  Something flew across the room and hit the wall with a soft thud. Was it Callon who threw the pillow? I smiled as I crawled into bed.

  I grabbed the book from the nightstand and laid it next to me on the bed. I stroked the ring with my index finger, admiring the icy blue stone. It was about the size of a one-carat diamond; the craftsmanship was astonishing. Even in the dark, it sparkled in the moonlight. This was meant for me. It would tell me who I was, I was sure of it. Maybe it would confirm what Callon had said earlier, that I was always supposed to be with them. What had he meant by that anyway? My eyes grew heavy, and the last thing I remember was gazing at the ring in my fingers.

  I slept well. Colt must have come into the room, as when I woke, the book had been moved to the nightstand and I was under the covers, not on them. He wasn’t with me now, and the sun was up. Streams of light were gliding through the windows.

  I gave a big stretch, suddenly feeling the ache in my body. I would have to take something today if I was going to be able to move around. I slowly pulled my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, looking at the closet.

  Colt had hung my clothes, making it clear I wasn’t going to be leaving anytime soon. Well, it wasn’t like I had a better alternative. I threw on a pair of off-white walking shorts, a cream colored tank and a form-fitting turquoise button down blouse. I always loved turquoise, along with the lighter and brighter blues. When I wore a shirt that color, it made my complexion brighter and brought out the color of my eyes.

  I headed to the bathroom and finished cleaning myself up. I made my way down the hall and into the great room with the book in hand. No one was there; that was odd. I thought I wasn’t to be left alone? I glanced up the stairs, still no one. When I came down the hallway, the other two bedroom doors were open, and they were empty. Should I be uneasy? I shook my head. No, I knew they had to be close by. Probably out securing the area because of the great danger I was in. I smirked. I’d find out soon enough. I’d go look out front while I ate breakfast.

  I grabbed something from the kitchen to snack on. I found a small bottle of orange juice in the fridge and reached into the pantry for the granola bars. As I walked by the trash to throw the wrapper away, I saw the pie and tin lying in it. I let out a small laugh and headed for the front door. I had a feeling they wouldn’t let me cook for them for a long while.

  The large porch was inviting. It had a number of seating areas available, and it made me think of Mom. The way the furniture was arranged, the fabric on the cushions; this would have been something she would have done, and she would have approved. I smiled at the thought. I didn’t need to cry anymore.

  There were a couple of large chairs with an ottoman, and an oversized loveseat at the far end of the porch just outside the kitchen area. I chose the loveseat. I set down my juice and what was left of my granola bar on the side table, and placed the book in the open seat next to me. I still didn’t see or hear any of the boys, but I wasn’t too worried yet. I knew I couldn’t go anywhere; I didn’t need to or have the desire now that I had gotten what I came for in the first place. I had the book now, and this is what my parents wanted me to find. Besides, I had no place else to be…

  I finished eating and drank the remaining juice while I looked out into the forest. My gaze travelled down the road and followed as far as it could before the road curved. I glanced at the outbuilding. Both the Jeep and truck were parked there, so they couldn’t have gone too far.

  I settled into my seat and pulled the book into my lap, untying the leather strap holding the ring and letting it fall to the side. The ring rolled into my palm. It was just as remarkable as I remembered last night.
I put it on the ring finger of my right hand and arranged the stone so it was facing my palm. This way I could look at it without flipping my hand over as I turned the pages.

  I drew my attention back to the book and removed the cloth wrapped over it. It wasn’t a regular book; it was a worn leather journal with unique symbols engraved on its cover. It was cracked on the spine from being held open so many times, and the edges were worn.

  I opened the first page. It had darkened with age, and in the center of the page were more strange symbols. Different from the ones on the front of the cover, these were entwined together in a single strip that ran across the page. It was strangely familiar. I looked over at my right hand to the ring my parents had given me as a small child, the ring I had always worn. My eyes widened; the symbols were identical. I’d thought it was just an intricate design, the curves looping and weaving in and out of each other.

  I flipped through a couple of pages, examining the symbols. They were always in the center and always in a straight row across. At first glance they appeared similar, but then they would be in a different order, or new glyphs would crop up. Some resembled clovers and squiggly lines connected together.

  There were five pages in total with the symbols. I continued to flip through the journal; the following pages held more writing. It looked like a foreign language I had never seen before, but I wasn’t quite sure. It was some sort of ancient script.

  I frowned. This made no sense. Why would my parents give me a book written in a language I didn’t understand? I didn’t remember them ever talking about it, or seeing anything with this type of writing on it. But I was sure this is what they wanted me to find. Somehow, they must have believed I would understand.

  I pursed my lips. I needed to do some research.

  I set the journal down and ran back into the cabin. I didn’t recall seeing my laptop in the bedroom, but maybe Colt had brought it in for me. Why hadn’t I wanted it earlier? I looked in the closet. It wasn’t there. I quickly strode into the great room and glanced around. Empty. I thought back. The last time I used it was at the coffee shop in town. I had done some research on the cathedral and, when I finished, I had tossed it in the case and put it in the back of the Jeep. Of course! It must still be sitting there.


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