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Reaching for My Angel [The Royal Wolves 5] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 3

by Honor James

  “For you, love, nothing in this world or the next could make me break a promise I make you,” he murmured to her. Burying his nose in her neck, he inhaled her scent, letting his breath back out on a sigh of pleasure. “As much as I want to keep standing here on your lawn, I think we’re beginning to attract attention, Evangeline.”

  Evan looked up and around and nodded. “Right, yes, we should go inside.” She turned to look at her car that was half on the lawn and half on the drive. “I should actually park beside your car, though, Benedek.” She pulled back slightly. “But I can’t seem to want to let you go. I’m afraid if I do, you will vanish like our dream.”

  Shaking his head he leaned in and kissed her cheek lightly. “Not going any place at all. Go and move your truck. I’ll be right here the whole time until you return. Then we can go inside where I intend to properly greet you.” His eyes dropped to her lips for a moment as his lips began to slowly curl into a smile.

  Her lips tingled as she stepped back. “Right, proper greetings.” Her whole body tingled in memory of the dream. She moved from him reluctantly and slipped into the truck. Starting it up she moved it so that it was better parked and not half in the street, half on her lawn. When she slipped out the keys once more, she put them into her pocket and approached him. Her hand out to him, she moved for the front door and once more pulled out the key, her eyes constantly moving back to look at him. The nervous gesture not lost on Benedek.

  Taking her hand in his, he let her lead him into the house and looked around in the early evening dimness at the neat room.

  Once they were in the house she didn’t even flip on lights, just turned to look at him and licked her dry lips. “You’re a wolf, aren’t you?” she whispered softly, her mind worked everything out. “In our dream, you were trying to get me to see that, weren’t you?”

  Nodding down at her he smiled slightly. “Yeah,” he said softly. “I didn’t want to just come out and say it since I wasn’t sure how you felt about it. Besides, I figured letting you get used to the idea slowly, at your own pace would likely frighten you less,” he told her as he stepped closer to touch her cheek lightly.

  She leaned into his touch and sighed. “Promise me you will never hurt me,” she whispered softly. He was a wolf. She knew that if he gave her his word it would be golden and she would never have to worry about being beaten, not like she had before. “If you give me your word I will believe you.” But she had to hear the words, needed to hear them.

  Taking her hand he pressed it over his heart with his flat over hers. “I will never hurt you, Evangeline. You are my other half. To hurt you is to hurt myself. You are precious to me, you are my mate,” he whispered softly before lifting her hand and pressing a kiss to the tip of each of her fingers.

  She smiled and closed her hand around his and nodded. “I believe you, Benedek, I’m sorry that I had to ask but it’s been a very, very hard time for me.” And that was an understatement. “But it’s over now and I believe in you. I believe in you not only because you are a Wolf and I have learned a lot about them over the years, but because I have felt your very soul.”

  Moving in closer, he dipped his head down and kissed her cheek lightly. “I want to know everything, Evangeline, good and bad about your life. I know you may not be able to tell me anything right away, that the trust it would take may require time, but one day I want you to tell me, please,” he requested, softly teasing the corner of her mouth with his lips and tongue.

  “Maybe,” she whispered noncommittally and turned to him. “For now though I need you to kiss me again as you did in our dream?” She understood from the wolf couple she knew that drove for Knight what that meant. It meant that she was destined for him, meant to be his one and only soul mate.

  “Gladly,” he breathed over her skin as he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her with everything locked inside of him. The kiss was so much more than their dream kiss had been because he’d been holding back, not wanting to scare her. But now, now she needed to realize just how deeply he felt for her already, that theirs would be an explosive and amazing relationship for all time.

  Evan opened to him and shivered as he kissed her unlike anything she had ever in her life felt before. Her fingers clenched on him and she whimpered as she tugged him closer. She wanted, no, she needed to feel like he had made her feel in their dreams. She was desperate for someone to love her that completely.

  Sliding his hands down her body, he bent enough to cup her ass and lift her, dragging her against him. Growling into her mouth he moved her to a wall, pressing her there, his hips holding hers tightly to the flat surface. Moving his hands down her legs, he encouraged her to wrap them around him and then moved his hands back up her body slowly, brushing the curve of her breasts gently.

  Her arms held on to his shoulders and her legs were wrapped around his hips. She held onto him as she rubbed against him roughly. Pulling back she was gasping for air and nodded. “I want you, Benedek. I really very much want you, Benedek, and I know that sounds very bad because we have just met but I need you.”

  Kissing her softly he dragged her against him. “We can do anything you want, Evangeline,” he said softly. “If you want to go to your bedroom, strip naked and make love like bunnies I’m all for it.” He stroked his hand up and down her back. “It’s your choice, my mate.”

  “And if I want to start here and then work our way to the bedroom?” she asked with her hands moving to cup his cheeks lightly. “I love how that sounds. I know a wolf couple, mates, and the way they treat each other.” It had always been something she had wanted. “I want to love you, Ben, but my heart’s been so scarred I’m afraid I can’t give you everything in me. Help me?”

  “We have so much time, honey. Don’t worry about what may or may not come until it’s time,” he said, softly rocking against her with a growl of need. “I won’t hurt you, little one. I will help you heal if you let me, let us, who we are, who we’ll be, help to heal all your wounds.”

  She felt tears pricking at her eyes and nodded. “I will let us heal me. I will let you heal me, Benedek,” she whispered softly as she held onto him. “I need you, Ben, I need your love.”

  “You have it, Evangeline.” He smiled gently stroking her cheek lightly. “You will always have my love, now and for all time. I give it freely to you, my gift to you, sweetheart. But I need you, too. I need you now, love,” he said softly kissing her lightly. “I need to feel your naked flesh against mine, your body against mine, moving with me as we make love together.”

  Her hands tugged at his shirt and she nodded. “I need that, too, Ben. I want to feel you naked against me and moving with me.” She leaned in and nipped his lips roughly. “Strip me, Ben, because I plan on stripping you.” Quickly, too, or she was going to explode.

  Setting her back on her feet, he tugged at her clothing being careful not to tear any of it. It was close though at one point, especially after he had a good amount of her flesh bared to him and he could breathe her in even easier. Pressing his nose between her breasts as he knelt to tug off her pants, he inhaled deeply before completely losing track of what he was doing and gripping her hips in his hands once more to hold her as he trailed his lips over her belly slowly, his eyes closed as he breathed only her.

  Her head fell back against the wall, hands braced on his shoulders as he breathed her in. She stood naked before him and forgot, if only for this one moment, that she was covered in scars, surgical and man-made courtesy of her ex. “I need to remove yours, Benedek, please.”

  Growling softly he pulled himself from her and stood to let her have her time. Holding his arms out from his body, he waited. His eyes skimmed over her flesh slowly, noting all the scars on her, and knew that, from what he could see, he was not going to be a happy wolf by the time she even accounted for half of them.

  Her hands moved over him. She didn’t see the look on his face as her concentration was on getting him naked alone. Fingers deftly moved through the shirt
, removing it even as her hands connected with his skin. Her lower lip was caught between her teeth as she bent to her knees, kneeling before him as her hands freed his dick from the confines of his pants.

  Eyes wide she looked up. “Uhm.” Yes, she had seen cocks before but none as hard as he was and none as large. “Wow.” Yep, she forgot how to think, speak, and do anything other than feel.

  Smiling slowly at her expression, Benedek chuckled softly as he reached down to lightly brush his hand over her hair, barely keeping from rocking back and forth in satisfaction at her words.

  Slowly, her hands moved his jeans down but her body leaned forward and she rubbed her cheek against his cock reverently before pulling back. “Step out?” She was so close, it was killing her because she wanted him so badly. She had never had such intense need in all her life, but she did now.

  Lifting a foot he let her move his pants before he shifted and lifted his other foot. Watching as she tossed the pants aside he waited with an expectant look. When she just sat there he touched her cheek. “Are you okay?” he asked softly.

  “You are going to think I’m some kind of a hick.” She slowly rose, allowing all of her body to rub against him and feeling the gooseflesh of pleasure rise. “But I never knew that cocks could get so big and be so hard.” One of the reasons her ex always beat her was because it simply couldn’t stay hard, even when beating her it was only semi-erect and he always took it out on her.

  “Not a hick, you’d just never had a wolf in your bed.” And a damned good thing, too, or he’d have to kill the bastard. While he was the most easy going of his brothers, he also had a temper that was flash fire fast to ignite and really slow to blow over. Sliding his hands down to cup her bare ass, he pulled her against him, lifting her up to her toes as he ground his dick against her soft belly.

  She moved a leg instinctively to circle his hips and her eyes closed as she moaned at the feeling. “Oh god.” She leaned in and used the wall as leverage up. “I need you now though, Benedek, please?” He had made her feel better with just that smallest of statements. He hadn’t belittled her or laughed at her but gave her the truth of the matter, and that mattered more than anything else ever would. “I need you to fuck me.”

  Shifting her a little higher, he rubbed the head of his cock against her very moist pussy. He didn’t let her move though, keeping her trapped just enough that he was able to get himself under control. Slowly, very slowly he slid her over him gently. “If anything doesn’t feel right tell me, I’ll stop,” he promised and, no matter the cost to him, he’d keep that promise to her, too.

  She nodded and bit her lip. “Slow,” she whispered because he was more than she had ever felt before. Her body was adjusting to his cock as he pressed into her dripping pussy and growing wetter with each passing second. As he slowly made his way into her body, she clenched her hands on his shoulders and wrapped her other leg around his hips as well. “Benedek.” There was no way that he was going to fully fit his freaking cock inside of her cunt, she thought briefly before she moaned. “Yes,” she hissed then as he pulled out and then pushed back in, her body drenching him with her release.

  Dropping little kisses on her jaw, he pressed in deeper until there was resistance. Then pulling back he rocked his cock in and out of her pussy with short strokes before pushing into her wet folds. That time, finally, he slid into her fully and shuddered as her body clenched around him tightly. Holding her close he stayed still as he let her body adjust to him.

  Her body was clenching his cock tightly while her breath was shuddering in and out of her lungs in rapid gasps. Finally she turned her face to him, watching him carefully as she used his body and the wall to lever off of the turgid steel flesh of his dick just a small amount and then slide back onto him. Deep and intense pleasure rocked her world but she kept her eyes open so he could see just what he did to her.

  Lifting a hand he stroked her cheek gently. “Are you all right?” he asked softly as he let her move. Cupping her ass gently he slid out and pushed into her again, harder than she had been moving. “I’m not hurting you, am I, Angel mine?” he asked, worrying that it was too much. She was so tiny and delicate and he was not a small man by any definition of the word. It felt good though. The domed head of his cock felt like it was touching her womb. He could swear he could feel it opening for him and that drove him to work her pussy harder and faster.

  It felt amazing and all she could do was shake her head before saying, “I’m fantastic.” She was better than that. “Not hurting, feels so good.” She stressed the word so on a slight hiss between her teeth. “More, Benedek.” It felt amazing, being pressed between the solid wall of his body and the solid wall of her home, being shown a love even in the act of making love.

  Smiling at her words he began to move slowly in and out of her body, enjoying the feel of her accepting him over and over. “Like this,” he asked tipping her hips to press against her inner nerves. Nipping at her chin gently, he rubbed his teeth lightly back and forth over her skin.

  She sobbed in pleasure. “Yes!” she cried out. “More like that.” More from his teeth lightly scraping her neck and shoulder than anything, strangely. “Please, Ben, more. Just there.” She gripped his hips tighter and pulled him harder into her body. “There.”

  Brushing his lips over her skin, he nibbled at her flesh and knew that he wanted to mark her, but it wasn’t right from the front so he fought it down. The mating had to be done with him taking her from behind, like a wolf did in the wild. Nipping at her skin over and over again, he licked at her flesh as he drove into her, his body moving faster and harder, but keeping from hurting her too badly.

  She shuddered and let her head fall back as she sobbed out quietly only a moment before she screamed his name. She had never felt such intense pleasure in all her life. Nothing had ever felt as right as it did with him taking her right there in the living room against the wall. “Ben, please,” she begged but wasn’t sure what she was begging for.

  Scraping his teeth over her flesh harder, he pushed his dick into her hard once more and came, his whole body shuddering as he growled against her neck. Shivering, he wrapped his arms around her and held her to him so she didn’t get hurt against the wall. “Evangeline,” he breathed her name out in reverence as he held her, his knees locked to keep from falling with her.

  She cried out when she felt his dick expanding even more inside of her, softly, very softly tears fell but it was a mix of pain and incredible pleasure. She pressed her eyes against his neck and wrapped herself tighter around him. She knew in that moment the feelings she had for him and whispered them quietly, as if afraid they would be shunned. “I think that I might love you, Benedek Farkas.” She remembered his last name from their shared dream. It had been only a whisper of a sound, but it had been there.

  His heart clenched at her words and the feeling of the hot wetness on his neck. “I love you, too, Evangeline,” he whispered back gently. Stroking her hair lightly he kissed her cheek and looked around. Seeing the couch he moved toward it slowly and sat down carefully so she was draped over his lap. Rubbing her back he rocked her gently. “Don’t cry, love, please,” he whispered softly, her tears cutting through him.

  She nodded and rubbed herself closer to him. “I can’t believe you’re here and not laughing at me,” she whispered finally when she was able to find a voice. “And you gave the words back to me. You love me for who I am and not what I may or may not have.” It was a blessing, it was heaven. “I want to bottle up this moment and keep it forever, Benedek, I want these moments for the rest of our lives together.”

  “Honey,” he breathed, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her close. She had been hurt, bad, and those words in that moment told him that clearer than any others she could have given him. “You have my love for all time. Wolves mate for life, Evangeline. You have had my heart from the moment I saw you in our dream. This is just the beginning for us, I promise.” Pressing a kiss to her shoulder, he squeeze
d her gently.

  She nodded and finally worked up the courage to pull up and look at him. Her hands cupped his cheeks as she looked into his eyes. “It is a beginning.” She licked her lips and grinned. “I know they mate for life. I have a couple of friends who are mates and the way he looks at her, and she him.” She traced her fingers over his lips and then his eyes. “It’s that look you are giving me now. I am a blessed woman, Benedek.” And she was. She had never felt particularly blessed, but now she knew, now she knew she was. It was more than the look though it was the feeling that the look gave her. It was knowing that she was the singular most important being in the world. She was blessed, she was loved, and that was all conveyed in that one single look.

  Smiling at her he caught her hand and kissed her fingertips one at a time. “I’m the lucky one,” he told her softly. “I have my mate. I’m truly blessed to have you,” he said rubbing his thumb over her palm. Leaning in he kissed her softly. “As much as I want to stay right here with you, I think we might be more comfortable if we go and lay down.”

  “Right.” She felt his cock still locked deep inside of her pussy and grinned. “You will have to carry me. I’m the last door at the end of the hall on the right.” She would later ask him about that. Her friends had told her a lot, but not this and not how long they would be connected as they were. Secretly she hoped for forever.

  Sliding to the edge of her sofa, he stood up slowly and headed for her bedroom. “I don’t mind carrying you, not at all,” he told her with a smile. Kissing her cheek he pushed open her door and stepped in, shutting it behind him. He didn’t bother with the lights. With the little bit of light filtering in off the street, he didn’t need further lights. Sitting on her bed he moved back a little and then lay down with her. Letting out a sigh he rubbed her back as he pulled up the blankets.

  She nuzzled close against him as she felt her comforter and sheets pulling up and settling over her back. “I could get used to this.” She had always wanted to be able to have this closeness, not just of body but heart and soul as well. She knew that their bodies, their hearts, their souls would always be as one.


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