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Murder At The Knife's Edge: A Mystic Pines Mystery

Page 27

by T. G. Hanson

  John stood and tried to calm Helen down, but unable to hold in his laughter. He could here several others at the table snickering as well.

  “Helen dear. I’ve known this swatter belonged to you for some time now. We found it in Henry’s house the other day, though I have no idea how it wound up over there. But dear, there is no way this swatter could have killed anyone you hear me?”

  “Really, you don’t think so John? But I hit him hard with it.” Helen sat down with a thump onto the bench.

  “No honey. But you did give him one heck of a mark on his face that’s for sure.”

  “Well I thought he was bothering our Megs and was just trying to make him leave her alone. When I saw him creeping around outside that night at the diner I ran out and yelled at him. When he laughed at me I got so mad I just walked up and smacked in the face as hard as I could. And then I ran as fast as I could back into the diner. Then he was dead and I was sure it was me that killed him.”

  “Helen dear you are either the bravest or dumbest, no offense, woman I’ve ever known. You could have been hurt you know.”

  “Gee, I never thought about it that way, least not till I swatted him and he got all red faced and mad about it.”

  John placed a hand on her shoulder. “What I don’t like about all this Helen was that you didn’t just come and tell me what had happened.”

  “I know John I should have, but I was scared to death, and that’s why I’ve been so grumpy lately. I just couldn’t figure what to do.”

  “I figured as much. However, because you didn’t come forward, I have to do something about that you know.”

  “Do whatever you must Sheriff, I deserve it.”

  John looked over at Meg and Meg shook her head yes. “All right Helen, Meg here needs some extra help in the diner since Daisy has all but disappeared. So, I sentence you to two months of helping Meg out as needed. You get with Meg tomorrow and she’ll let you know when she might need you. You hear me.”

  “Oh I will Sheriff, I will for sure.”

  Helen went back to sit with the rest of the widows and John announced that he was now, indeed going home. As he drove off John could hear loud laughter coming from inside the diner and smiled to himself all the way home.


  Wade stayed behind while Meg locked up for the night. Everyone was tired from the day’s activities so Lynn decided to go home and get a good night’s sleep. She knew that Wade would be parked down the road so Meg would be safe.

  They dropped Lynn at her place then returned up the street to Meg’s house. “Okay Meg, same drill as last time. Unlocking the door, Wade walked in first with Meg close behind. They stopped just inside the door staring at the sight before them.

  Bookshelves were overturned, cushions were off the couch and sliced open with stuffing all over the room. Cabinets were standing open with food spread all over the floor and the bedroom was just as bad. The entire house was a mess. As soon as Meg sat Chewy down, she began running all through the house barking her little head off.

  “Oh Wade, what on earth happened here? Who could have done this?”

  Wade walked over and picked up Chewy then the small crate, placing the little dog inside. “I’m not sure Meg but one thing is sure. You are NOT staying here tonight. Grab what you need for yourself and Chewy then let’s get out of here.”

  Meg quickly picked out clothes for tonight and tomorrow along with some toiletries and threw then into an overnight bag. She stopped in the kitchen to fill a small baggie with enough food for Chewy for a few days. Together they walked out the front door, stopping just long enough to lock the door and climbed back in Wades truck.

  “Just take me down to Lynn’s. She has room.”

  “Not happening sweets. You’re coming with me to my house and you are not leaving my sight till this whole mess is over. It’s clear to me that you are not safe on your own and nobody is going to harm one hair on your pretty little head long as I’m around!”

  Meg, seeing there was no point in arguing with Wade picked up her cell to call Lynn and let her know what happened, and where she would be.

  “Good idea Meg. Try to get some sleep and I’ll let John know what happened in the morning when I get to the office. We can all meet up and check out the damage together.”

  Hanging up Meg turned to Wade, “Thanks so much for this Wade. I don’t know what I’d do without you and Lynn.”

  Wade made a half grin, “You might want to hold on to that thanks till you see my place. Typical bachelors pad. You might prefer the Haunted Inn.”

  Wade’s house was on the corner of Christie St. The homes all looked about the same. Smaller brick style one bedrooms with fenced yards and small stoop like front porches. Only the landscaping seemed to make one house appear different than another.

  “It’s not much but for a single guy it does me just fine.” He parked the truck in front of the house and helped Meg out and picked up both her overnight case and Chewy’s crate. Stepping inside he sat the dog crate down in the living room then carried her overnight case into the bathroom down the small hallway, returning with a pillow and blanket.

  Meg took the pillow and blanket from him and arranged them on the couch. “This will do me fine; the couch looks comfortable enough and I doubt I’ll sleep much tonight anyway.”

  Setting his keys and hat on the kitchen table Wade walked over to the fridge and pulled two beers out from inside. He popped off the tops and handed one to Meg. “Drink.” was all he said. Standing in silence they looked at each other as they both drank their beer. Out of her crate, Chewy sat between them looking back and forth from one to the other.

  Walking up to Meg he took her hand and pulled her down on the couch sitting down next to her. He turned on the TV finding some old movie, turned the volume down low, then turned to look at her.

  “The couch is for me; you take the bedroom back that way.”

  “Wade, I can’t take your bed. I’ll be fine here on the couch, really I will.”

  “Again, not happening. There is only one way in and out of this house and I’m staying between it and you my dear. So, don’t even bother to argue. There are fresh towels under the sink in the bathroom and anything else you might need. Feel free to snoop around if you need something you don’t see right away.”

  Meg smiled a little. “Hmm, permission to snoop. Not every day a girl hears that one.”

  “Got nothing to hide sweets. I’m an open book. As to you though, I think it’s time for a little talk.”

  Meg hesitated. She could tell over the past few days that Wade was not exactly comfortable with everything that had been happening. “Wade, there are things about me, things in my past that I just can’t share right now. Things that I need to take care of before I can share my past.”

  “I realize that Meg but you’ve shared with Lynn so why can’t you trust me just as much. Maybe I can help in ways that Lynn can’t. Have you ever thought about that?”

  “Honestly, no I haven’t. I hadn’t planned to share my past with anyone. It just kind of came out one night when I was talking with Lynn. I know you mean well Wade but I’m just not ready. Is it too much to ask for some time.”

  Wade sighed and laid his hand on Meg’s leg. “Alright, I’ll wait, but it’s difficult for me to try and have a relationship with someone who won’t confide in me. I hope that one day soon you will learn to trust me. There’s something here between us, but I don’t think it can move forward until you can.”

  “I understand Wade and I hope so as well.”

  Meg stood up and saying good night, picked up Chewy and walked down the hallway to get ready for bed. She crawled into Wade’s bed but found that she was only tossing and turning. It wasn’t the bed, it was comfortable, it was more that she no longer felt safe here in Mystic Pines.

  She could tell that Wade was still awake and watching TV from the light shining down the hallway. Crawling out of bed she walked up to the couch and sat down beside him. Following beh
ind her, Chewy jumped up on the couch and curled up in the middle of Wade’s lap then laid down and shut her eyes.

  “Can’t sleep” he asked.

  “Seems that way. Anything good on TV?”

  “Actually, no but it’s better than staring at the walls.”

  Meg grabbed the remote and began flipping channels stopping on one that was showing one of the Batman movies. “Here that’s better.”

  “Ah the lady likes action movies I see. Guess you learn something new about people all the time huh.”

  “Not really but who can resist that tight leather outfit and a cape.”

  Wade pretend punched her. “Bad girl.”

  Meg got comfortable and leaning backward, snuggled into Wade to watch the movie. It’s wasn’t long before she was fast asleep. Wade fell asleep not long after.


  The widows, having had such a good time at the sale, decided to keep celebrating at Nyla’s. They all wanted to get started on the new book the club was reading and were going to take turns reading chapters aloud to each other, for a few hours.

  Myra had been eyeing the notes on the desk while Nyla was making a pitcher of sweet tea. “Say Nyla, what’s all this about over here on your desk?”

  Nyla glanced up as she sat the tea and some glasses on the coffee table, she realized Myra must be looking at her notes. “Oh that, well I may as well spill the beans now. You girls will find out sooner or later.”

  Helen jumped up and walked over to the desk to see what all the fuss was about. “Nyla, you’re writing a book aren’t you!”

  Nyla smiled. “Well I’m trying to. Only time will tell if it will be any good or not. I’ve not had a ton of luck getting the Sheriff to talk to me about the case.”

  “What case would that be” asked Myra.

  “Why our little murder right here in Mystic Pines, what else would it be?”

  Myra thought for a moment then asked, “Sheriff know you are doing this?”

  “Not right now he doesn’t. I thought once he solved the case, he might be more willing to share information with me, so I’ve decided to wait till then to approach him about it.”

  “Probably a good idea. So, you figured anything out yet?”

  “Naw, just gathering information and clues right now.”

  Helen sat back down on the sofa shaking her head. “And here you go again Nyla. I swear, one of these days your curiosity is gonna get you in a heap of trouble.”

  Nyla laughed. “Relax dear, who would ever suspect I’m writing a book. Besides, I plan to use a pen name and a fake photo on the jacket.”

  Myra came around the back of the chair and set down to join the others. “So where you gonna sell this here book Nyla?”

  Grinning, “That’s the easy part. Amazon of course. It will be one of those eBooks” she replied.

  The ladies all got comfortable and Nyla began reading the first chapter in the book.


  When Wade dropped Meg off at her house to get ready for work, Lynn was sitting on the front porch waiting for them. Meg went inside while Lynn remained sitting to wait for her. “Thought I’d let you head on into work Wade and I’ll stay with Meg. Figured between the two of us we can keep her covered around the clock.”

  “Works for me. I’ll let John know and come relieve you after lunch. If you get a chance, give me a call when Meg can’t hear you. I’ve got an idea I want to run by you.”

  “Will do. Soon as I can.”

  Wade took off for the station and Lynn went inside Meg’s house. Meg stood looking around the room. “Who on earth could have done this Lynn?”

  Picking up books and furniture she made her way back to the bedroom. When she had changed her clothes, and returned to the living room, she found Lynn staring at something on the floor. “Meg, do you have some tape, a ruler, and a camera I could use?”

  Getting the items from her worktable Meg crossed the room to the back door where Lynn stood looking down at the floor. There was a partial footprint on the floor where someone had stepped in the yard or flower bed before coming into the house.

  Lynn taped off the area around the foot print then laid the ruler alongside of the print. After taking a photo of the print she began walking around the room taking additional pictures. Meg noticed that she took several of the lock on the back door.

  Lynn also found a second foot print just outside the door that matched the one inside. She taped this print off and took a picture like she had the other. “Looks like they jimmied the lock back here and that’s how they came inside. Do you notice anything missing right offhand?”

  Meg glanced around the room paying close attention to the areas where valuables might have been as well as checking her bedroom. “Far as I can tell, nothing is missing.”

  “So we have to assume the money is once again the motive for all this. Hard to tell though if it was just one person or two. And I’m not sure these prints will be good enough to help much.”

  “This is just getting to be way too much for me Lynn. I’m beginning to wonder if I should just pack up and leave for someplace else.”

  Lynn rushed over to Meg. “Honey, you can’t do that. We need you here and there are people who love you here. Please don’t worry. I promise I’m going to figure all this out and you will once again be safe.”

  Meg walked into the kitchen and grabbed some more dog food for Chewy.

  “Pack a bag with enough clothes for a few days, and food for Chewy. You’re staying at my house till this is over once and for all!”

  “Are you sure Lynn, I don’t want to put you out.”

  “You could never do such a thing sweetie now please, just gather some things and don’t give it another thought.”

  The two girls put Meg’s things in the car then dropped them off at Lynn’s. Afterwards they drove on into town.

  Once they were inside the diner and Meg had checked to see that Randy had arrived, she told Lynn to go on to work. “I’ll be fine here Lynn. Randy is here and Myra comes in today as well. Between all of us and the customers, I don’t think anyone would try anything do you.”

  “You’re probably right so I’ll go but, if anything funny happens or you notice any strangers, you call the station right away! Wade or I will come by after the lunch hour and check up on you, then one of us, or both, will be here at dinner.”

  After Meg promised to call and Lynn had told both Randy and Myra to keep an eye on her, Lynn left for the station.

  On her way, she stopped into the five and dime and asked David Manford to run the film for her. Shortly after she was on her way to the station, prints in hand.


  Wade, John and Lynn were sitting in the office going over the information from the board as well as looking over the prints Lynn had brought in with her. Wade was instantly in a tizzy when he saw that Lynn had left Meg alone at the diner.

  “Calm down Wade. Both Randy and Myra are there with her and they all know to call the station if they notice anything strange.”

  A little calmer, but still on edge, Wade walked over to the board and taped one of the footprint photos to the board. With a marker, he wrote: size 10? black work boots under the photo.

  “So what gives you the idea those are size ten and that they are work boots my son.”

  “Simple John, I wear a ten and the heel looks to be the same size as mine. Also, look at the pattern of the heel tread. It’s very similar to mine.” He raised his foot so that John and Lynn could examine the heel of his shoe.”

  “What’s more, they don’t sell those kinds of boots in town. I have to order mine from a shop in Houston.”

  The three sat looking at the board and thinking the same thing. Another clue and no more answers.

  John picked up the phone and called the station in Houston. After speaking with the office in charge of Henry’s case for a few minutes, he hung up and turned to Lynn and Wade.

  “They were able to hold the loan shark but had to let t
he other two go. Without a positive ID from Henry they had nothing concrete to hold them on.”

  Lynn stood up angrily, “But John, they had the rope from the chair and the rope burns on Henry, wasn’t that enough to hold them.”

  “I had hoped so but unfortunately they couldn’t match the rope pieces to the burn marks on Henry’s wrists so it’s only circumstantial and not enough to hold them. Plus, we still don’t know if the victim was working with them, or pay phone guy.”

  “But what about the Bat? Couldn’t they get any fingerprints from it?”

  “Afraid not. The guys must have had gloves on they figured.”

  Wade was not happy at all but he couldn’t think of a reason why the two men would show up here in town, when Henry was still in the hospital. “Well, my guess is that we won’t see the guys here because Henry isn’t here. You think the same John?”

  “Yup Wade I think you are right. I think our problem is that we still have no idea who messed up the bookstore or Meg’s house. The only thing we can be sure of, is that she has something somebody wants and they probably won’t stop till they find it.”

  Lynn sighed; “It just seems like we are getting no place fast doesn’t it.”

  Walking over to the board Wade crossed off Helen’s name and fly-swatter from the board. “Well, that’s not entirely true. We now know that our victim wasn’t killed in the alley, with the fly-swatter, by Helen Bells” and burst out laughing.

  Both John and Lynn followed suit. “Oh my gosh John, I thought I was going to die laughing last night. That poor woman thinking she was going to be some big gal’s girlfriend in prison. We maybe should suggest to Meg that she curb Helen’s reading materials for a bit.”

  “You two stop it now. Murder isn’t funny at all. But”, snickering, “I had a real hard time trying to not laugh myself last night and even more sentencing her” replied John, who then, burst out laughing as well.


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