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Murder At The Knife's Edge: A Mystic Pines Mystery

Page 28

by T. G. Hanson

  With the tension released a bit, the three spent the rest of the morning going back over the evidence.

  A few hours later Wade announced that he’d found an address for the victim and would drive over there and take a look.

  Lynn jumped up. “Wade, it’s your turn to go check on Megs so give the address to me and I’ll go check it out.” She knew he’d jump at the chance to see Meg and would be more than happy to let her check out the victim’s house instead.

  “Sounds good to me and I’m hungry anyway.” Handing Lynn the address he picked up his hat and left.

  Behind her she heard John mumble, “Boy’s got it bad” and snicker to himself.


  Lynn pulled up in the driveway, of the address Wade had given her. The term, House, was a very loose description of what stood before her. Nothing more than a shack is more like it she thought.

  Old tires, a few wheels, a broken-down car and miscellaneous trash littered the front yard. There were no other houses close to this one beyond a run down and abandoned trailer from what she had seen driving up to Danny’s.

  The shack was covered in wood siding that looked to be rotted in a few spots and falling off in a few others and the roof leaned to the right end of the house at least two feet.

  Lynn grabbed a flashlight she had brought with her from the station, and finding the front door with no lock on it, walked on in. The inside was not much more to look at than the outside.

  There was a single small wood table and chair, a worn-out couch with a block of wood underneath it where a leg used to be, and an old cot in the main room. An overturned cardboard box severed as a dresser with only a few changes of clothes on top. Doesn’t look like he had plans of staying here for very long, she thought.

  A small sink jutted off the back wall with a wooden shelf mounted above it. Hung over the sink was a dingy mirror and a toilet to the left of the sink. She noticed a hot plate on the shelf. Nice, one could do their business, wash and cook without taking more than a few steps in either direction.

  Lynn walked around the small room raising window shades to let more light into the room. Making it back around the room to where the cot stood, she bumped her toe on something and looked down. Reaching down, she looked under the cot and discovered a small black notebook.

  Finding nothing else in the shack she walked outside and began to look over the contents of the notebook. Reading only the first few pages she closed the book and climbed back into her car.

  Heading back to town all she could think was Meg must see this and not in front of John or Wade.


  Lynn walked into the diner and found Wade at the counter in the back. He was eating a piece of pie and talking to Meg. “Hey you two what’s up and can I have some tea please Meg.”

  Wade looked up smiling. “Not much just trying out some pie here, wanna bite?”

  “Umm thanks but think I’ll pass. Wouldn’t want you to have pie withdrawal or anything.”

  “So, you find anything out at the victim's house?”

  “Nothing much. It wasn’t much of a house. More like a one room shack and to me, didn’t appear as if the guy had been staying there for long or, had any intentions of staying there for any length of time.”

  Finishing up his pie Wade stood up to leave. “I’ll let John know what you found, or didn’t rather, and that you are on Meg duty for the rest of the day.”

  “Thanks Wade and we’ll see you at dinner time I’m sure” she laughed.

  Seeing Wade leave Meg pulled Lynn toward the bookstore. “Myra, would you mind watching and helping out in the diner for a few hours?”

  “Oh hey Lynn. Sure thing Meg. Just yell if you need me for anything else.”

  Meg pulled Lynn back into her office and the two sat down. “So, spill it, what did you find?”

  Lynn pulled the black notebook out of her bag and showed it to Meg. A few minutes later Meg closed the book and leaned back in her chair. “Well that pretty much confirms it, doesn’t it?”

  “Looks like Steve’s buddy Danny has been following you around and spying on you for several months now.”

  “Sure does look that way.”

  “Then right now we can be sure that pay phone guy is probably Steve and he hired our victim, Danny, to come here and find you. But, it still doesn’t explain who messed up the bookstore that night, or your house last night, and that worries me.”

  Meg handed the book back to Lynn. “Would sure seem that way huh. So now what do we do?”

  “I’m guessing that he won’t come here himself. He’d be to easily spotted. What worries me is that this isn’t over. I’m thinking, he will just find someone else to send out here because by now, he has to be wondering why Danny hasn’t gotten in touch with him.”

  Meg frowned. “You’re probably right because I can tell you, he’s not a person to just give up and walk away.”

  “So, I think I might run home and use my computer to do a little bit of research in private. You should be fine here with Myra and Randy. Besides, isn’t today the day that Sherry is coming to meet with you?”

  “Oh gosh, I’d almost forgotten about her but yes, she should be here sometime after six I think.”


  The rest of the day passed without anything unusual happening. Lynn and Wade showed up about the same time, and were sitting with Meg at a table having dinner when Sherry Winslow arrived.

  Meg introduced Sherry to Wade then had her sit down to join them. “Can I get you something to eat or drink, Sherry?”

  “That would be great. I missed dinner because of my meeting and I’d love a glass of whatever you have. Thanks so much.”

  Meg walked off the get a plate and some tea for Sherry and told Randy he could head on home for the night. After bringing Sherry her food, Meg locked the front door to the diner, and sent Myra on her way home as well.

  “Oh my, this food is wonderful! Are all your dishes this good?” asked Sherry

  Wade grinned, “You won’t find any better food within miles of here. Plus, she has the best homemade pies in the state.”

  “Stop it Wade. You like anything that is a slight bit better than those Hungry Man dinners you eat at home” laughed Meg.

  “Wade, you can head on home now as well. I’ve got Meg duty for the night remember.”

  “Fine Lynn but you two be careful and call me if anything funny goes on you hear me.”

  “Sure thing Wade.”

  Meg walked Wade to the front door and let him out, locking the door behind him. She watched him get into his car and wave out the car window as he drove off.

  When she turned around Lynn was standing right behind her and made her jump. “Oh goodness, you scared me. You leaving as well?”

  “I figured I’d head home for a bit to do some research, and then come back and pick you up. I want to check on something and think you and Sherry will be all right here, don’t you?”

  Sherry, hearing what Lynn had said, stood up, “I can drive Meg to your house when we’re done if you like Lynn.”

  “Oh, that would be great. Thanks. Meg you lock this door behind me and it might be a good idea to pull all the shades down as well.”

  “Okay mother. See you in a bit” she laughed.

  As Meg turned back around, Sherry stood up and carried her dishes back to the counter. “Hey, you didn’t have to do that. Just leave them there. Randy will get them in the morning.”

  “Nope, lead me to the dishwasher, it’s the least I can do for the wonderful meal and the trouble you went through. I insist. And besides, I think better while doing dishes for some odd reason.”

  “Hmm well now, that’s makes two of us and something we have in common.”

  Meg led Sherry around to the kitchen and pointed towards the large dishwasher. She pulled up a counter chair and sat down while Sherry began to wash off her dishes. “So Sherry, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about - and where is this tape Lynn mentioned?”

/>   Sherry pulled a small portable tape recorder out of her purse as well as a slip of paper and placed them on the counter in front of Meg. “Is this your signature on the release form?”

  Meg looked it over and shook her head. “No, it’s not mine.” She reached over the food counter and pulled an order receipt off the spindle then showed it to Sherry. It was obvious the handwriting on the two papers were nothing alike.

  “I expected that after what Lynn had told me in my office the other day. Now listen to the tape and tell me what you think.” Turning the tape recorder on, Sherry went over to the sink and finished up the dishes while Meg listened. When she turned around Meg had finished the tape and was sitting with a look on her face that would have killed.

  “I take it you recognize the voice?”

  “Sure as heck do. But I still can’t figure out why on earth she would have done such a thing.”

  Sherry smiled and sat down by Meg. “You have anything stronger to drink in here other than tea?”

  “Sure do, beer or wine?”

  “Beer would be great, thanks”

  Meg grabbed a beer for Sherry and motioned for her to follow her back to her office in the bookstore.

  “Nice set up you have here Meg. And from what I can see, a nice selection of books as well. I might need to check them out further on another visit.”

  “Thanks, Sherry. I’ve been very fortunate to have found a home here in Mystic Pines and lucky enough to have both businesses do well.”

  Chewy had heard the two talking and began to bark as well as jump up and down in her pen. “Oh what a sweet little thing. What’s her name?” She had bent down and was patting Chewy on the head cooing to her. The little dog was eating up the attention from the nice lady.

  Oh, she likes little dogs and Chewy likes her. Two things in common and two points for the reporter lady.

  Sherry visited with Chewy for a few minutes while Meg fixed a glass of wine. Turning on one of the reading lamps beside the Wing Backed chairs she sat down and motioned for Sherry to join her.

  Sherry spoke up first. “Let me begin by saying how sorry I am that I ever wrote the article. If I had known the request wasn’t legit I would never have done it.”

  “I fully understand Sherry and can see how that all happened now. But, you didn’t come all the way out here just to tell me that did you?”

  “No I didn’t Meg. You see, after Lynn visited me in the office the other day I did a bit of digging. I’m not sure if she mentioned it to you but I have what they call a photographic memory and when I came to your diner, the night of the Mystery Dinner, I thought you looked familiar.”

  Meg nervously asked “So what did you find while digging?”

  “First, let me say that whatever I have found has not and will not go any further than the two of us. Secondly, let me tell you a little story and then you can decide what to do from there.”

  “Fair enough Sherry, I’m listening.”

  Meg sat with her mouth hanging open as Sherry finished her story. “I can’t believe you figured that all out with no more information than you had.”

  Sherry laughed. “Well, I’ve won several awards in the past due to my investigative skills. It wasn’t that difficult actually and I’m surprised the Sheriff or your friends, Wade and Lynn, have not figured it out yet.”

  Meg nodded. “That’s probably because Lynn knows most of the story, but not all of it, and the other two know nothing.”

  Taking a long drink on her beer Lynn looked at Meg closely. “Let me ask you this. In my research, two police reports were found. One with you accusing your adopted brother Steve of tampering with the brakes on your car. The other for the same thing, but he claimed you had tampered with the brakes to frame him. So, which is the true story, can I ask?”

  Meg shifted in her chair and took a drink. “You certainly are thorough; I’ll give you that.” Taking another drink, she continued. “Steve was correct. I was so intent on seeing him punished that I tried to frame him by fixing the brakes on my car myself. I know better, but wasn’t in my right mind at the time.”

  Sherry smiled. “I had a feeling that was what happened. My informant, who shall remain anonymous, said the cops didn’t believe Steve - but they couldn’t find evidence he’d messed with the car, so couldn’t do anything about it.”

  Meg shook her head in agreement. “I sort of figured they knew as well. See Steve had a rather colored past with the local cops and, they think he might be selling drugs as well. So far, they’ve not been able to prove anything and I think they were hoping the car thing would be something they could pin on him. Because of that, and lucky for me, they didn’t put much stock in his version of the story.”

  “Makes sense to me and I also got that impression. So, can I ask, why is it that you’ve not shared that part of the story with Lynn?”

  “Because, Lynn works for the police and I don’t want to do anything to put her in an awkward position. Here, they don’t have a past with Steve and have no idea what he is like. I’m not sure how they would take what I tried to do and I’m not sure but it’s possible I could go to jail over something like that.”

  Sherry stood up and placed her empty beer bottle in the trash. “Actually, Meg, I’m not sure about that either. I can certainly see how you could do what you did, but I would like to believe that these people, your friends, would understand. Personally, I think you should tell at least Lynn the whole story.”

  Meg stood up as well and stretched. “Thanks Sherry and I’ll give it some thought. Right now, I’m still blown away by the idea that Steve found me by searching online news articles. Neither Lynn nor I had thought about that possibility. Not real bright on our part, huh?”

  Sherry smiled. “The internet is an amazing thing. It brings the entire world to us, right in our very own homes. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes, like in your case, it can be bad.”

  Putting her hand out to Sherry, Meg added, “That’s so true. In any case, I want to thank you for bringing the tape out to me and not sharing what you’ve found out. I’d appreciate it if you kept the information between us for the time being if it’s not too much to ask?”

  “No problem Meg. No matter what, I happen to think you are a good person who’s just caught up in a mess. I hope you can figure it all out and please know I’m here to help if needed. I’ll stay in touch and be sure to let you know if my informant catches Steve leaving California.”

  Meg reached over and gave Sherry a hug. “That’s more than I could ask for Sherry. I appreciate it.”


  Randy had been working on the Prince Albert Tin for a few days here and there. He had been online chatting with a few fellow collectors, when they suggested he try a new product on the rusted areas. He ordered some that night and it had just arrived in today’s mail.

  Sitting at his kitchen table he’d been working on the lid for about an hour when he had finally managed to remove all the rust from the outside of the lid. Carrying the tin over to the kitchen sink and using a small flat blade screwdriver, he carefully pried the lid open.

  To his surprise there was something inside wrapped up in some old paper towels. Turning the tin upside down on the counter, the paper towels slid out and unfolded before him.

  “Oh my goodness” he said out loud. Quickly he found a paper bag and stuffed both the paper towels and the tin inside. Grabbing his jacket, he jumped in the car and drove off toward Meg’s house.


  Lynn had gone over all the facts they had gathered, several times, trying to fit it all in with what Meg had told her. It seemed to her that something was missing. Something that might tie everything together but she just couldn’t seem to find it. She also sensed that Henry fit in here somehow, but couldn’t figure that part out either. Lastly, she couldn’t figure out why Meg, having done nothing wrong, was so reluctant to confide in Wade or the Sheriff when telling them what she’d been through would only help them to protect her.

  Deciding to give it up for the night she had been picking up the house and was walking out with the trash when she noticed Randy pulling into the driveway at Megs. Dropping the trash can lid she sprinted down the street to find out what he was doing and why he was there.

  Reaching the house, she called out to Randy who was standing on the front porch. “Hey Randy, you looking for Meg?”

  “Oh hey Lynn, yup but she isn’t answering her door. You know where she is?”

  “She’s still at the diner talking with a friend but they should show up at my place soon, you want to come down and hang out till she gets here?”

  “Okay thanks Lynn, think I will if you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all come on. I’ll fix us a beer and some snacks while we wait. So, what is it you wanted to talk to Meg about? You aren’t quitting are you!”

  “Oh gosh no. Meg’s a great boss, wouldn’t want to work for anyone else in town. Sides, all I know how to do is cook” he laughed.

  They walked inside and while Lynn went to get the beer Randy pulled up a chair at the bar and sat down. Lynn reached to move Randy’s bag out of the way so she could set down the beer. He quickly reached up and snatched the bag out of the way and set it in his lap, looking up at Lynn.

  “What ya got there in the bag Randy?”

  “Just something for Meg is all.”

  Curious Lynn tried to coax him into showing her what was in the bag. It took some doing but she managed to convince him mid-way through the second beer.

  “Wow Randy, where did you get this and what does it have to do with Meg?”

  “Meg gave it to me a while back. It was all rusted shut and I just managed to get it open tonight. It’s one I’ve been looking for in my collection but when I saw the money that was inside, I knew I had to give it back to her.”

  Lynn hadn’t heard the rest of what Randy had said. “Randy, do you by chance know where Meg got the tin from?


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