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Page 3

by Greene, Brook

  He is making my head spin as he stands tempting me to sample his goods, his hands are still firmly placed on either side of the door frame, ‘and why twelve, do you turn into a pumpkin?” He laughs as he leans back out of my space, propping up on the opposite wall leaving me shell shocked.

  Gently closing the door, I put a much needed barrier between me and him. I rush over to my bed and absentmindedly throw on the first few items of clothing I find, I am not even sure if the ensemble matches. Scooting my feet into a pair of flip-flops, I whirl myself around and head for the door. Jerking it open, I see Leo is standing leaning against the wall with his arms casually crossed over is chest.

  He snorts a laugh then pushes forward, ‘not exactly what I had in mind.” He brushes past me and starts to sort through the stack of clothing Piper had pulled from my closet earlier. I look down and notice I am wearing a Mickey Mouse club t-shirt, which is not really something one would wear to an actual Motorcycle club.

  He fishes through the assorted pile throwing a few articles of very suggestive clothing to the side, ‘here try these.” His gruff tone crawls across my skin, ‘and hurry, I am already running late.” He steps around me and goes back to his original waiting spot.

  I skeptically eye the clothing choices and know it is not something I would wear in public these days, ten years ago maybe, but not now. I push the door closed behind me and make a more conservative choice but not Mickey Mouse this time.

  Ten minutes later I step through the door and Leo’s eyes nearly roll back in his head, ‘shit babe, you are going to be the death of me, and I barely know ya.” I had chosen a black halter-top setting right at the top of my navel exposing a portion of my stomach. The low-slung bell-bottom jeans looked great with the pair of heeled sandals made of the same material as the top.

  Taking my hand he literally drags me outside, I barely had a chance to grab my purse on the way through the living room to the door. We stop at his bike and I watch as he slings his long leg over the seat straddling the leather. It is a flat black monster but Leo has the ability to make is seem like a tricycle with his size.

  He nods his head at the vacant space behind him, ‘get on.’ Handing me the only helmet he had hanging from the handle bars.

  I hesitate, ‘what about you, want you get a ticket or something for not wearing one of these?” I ask holding up the helmet.

  Shaking his head, ‘no, we are not going far anyway.” He leans the bike up and waits for me to climb on behind him. I shift my weight between my feet and stare blankly at the helmet, not sure where to begin strapping it on.

  He turns to see the confusion on my face, ‘never rode before have you?” I nod no, ‘ah hell.” He mutters as he leans the bike back on the stand and gets off. Placing the helmet on my head, he adjusts the straps so it fits snug under my chin, ‘to tight?” He raises his eyebrows with the question. Again nodding my head no.

  Finishing with me he swats my ass again, ‘now, get on.” As he climbs back on, I jump as the engine roars to life under us. Reaching back, he takes my knees and pulls them into his sides and then grabs my hands pulling them around his waist, ‘hold on, I will have to put the bitch seat back on later for you.” I can barely hear him over the roar of the engine and the output of the pipes.

  He pulls from the drive out onto the street, as we pass the neighbors are glaring at us, which only spurs Leo on. He gives the engine a few revs making the pipes roar, the loud rumble echoes off the houses on each side of the street. I shake my head and lean my forehead against his back hiding my face from the judgmental eyes of all my neighbors. I will have to go door to door making apologies for my very rude guest.

  As the bike tears down the road, I hold on so tight I can feel him breathing. His stomach expands and falls with each movement of his lungs. My knees are in a death grip at his hips and I think I swallowed a few bugs. But he smells wonderful and having my arms around him is heaven. I tuck my nose into the center of his overly large back, taking in his cologne and the slight scent of detergent, not the flowery kind either, his is all male smelling. My stomach, for about the millionth time since I have met this man, is doing that little flipping thing. The rumble of the bike is tap dancing on long neglected nerves running to the sweet spot between my legs. I press my knees in drawing out the tingle for as long as I can.

  Looking back over his shoulder, his hair is whipping with the wind flowing around the wind shield, ‘I want wreck you baby, I have plans for you later.” A wicked smile splits his face, only adding to the flutters flying over me.

  We ride a few blocks, the way Piper and I had gone to the garage, never having the need to use the interstate. I ever so often peek over his shoulder at the road and feel as the wonderful wind blows over me. The rush from riding fast and being on the edge is exhilarating, I can see why they form clubs for this sort of thing. But I have forgotten myself and the predicament I am in, letting the uncertainty overtake me up again.

  We pull to a stop at a red light, ‘where are we going?” I yell in his ear. The smell of his shampoo fills my nose, I quickly commit it to memory because after tonight, his is never to expect me to do anything of this sort again.

  “Club house.” Was all he said and then the engine roars as we take off like a jet, only making my grip around him tighter. I feel his gut move as if he is laughing at something probably me and the death grip I have on his torso.


  We pull up into the parking lot of the mechanic shop but instead of stopping in front of the bay doors Leo pulls the bike slowly around and into a chain linked fenced area. It contains what seems like hundreds of bikes. Leo kicked out the stand and waited for me to remove myself from the bike and then he followed me off. He takes the helmet from me and sets it on the spot I had just vacated.

  There were several groups of leather-clad men standing around holding beers in their hands talking and laughing loud. Spotting Leo and I they part as he leads me through the crowd. They each give him a handshake and a customary smack on the shoulder in greeting.

  They would politely node acknowledging me, when he had said all the hellos he took my hand and drug me passed all the rest of the attendees into a metal building behind the shop. The inside was just as full as the outside had been with men but this time a few women mingle in and out of the groups. Handing them full beers and taking the empty bottles and tossing them into a large trash can.

  A curvy blonde looks my way as she slithers over shaking everything extra God had given her. She hands Leo a beer and then caresses his arm with her finger, ‘hey baby, I thought you were coming alone?”

  His gruff snort, ‘what gave you that idea?” He turns to me effectively dismissing her, getting the hint Leo was done talking to her but before she walks away, I get a death stare from her. I am now officially freaked out. Who are these people and why would Leo want me here.

  I check the crowd for Piper but see no sign of her; Leo shoves a bottle in my hand, ‘take these only from me for the time being.” He furrows his eyebrows making the silver brow ring glisten under the florescent lights lining the ceiling, ‘or Beeker over there okay.” Leo slings his hand to a skinny kid leaning against the far wall. I take this time to examine the decorations on the walls, it is your typical man cave. Metal Harley signs hang from every free area on the wall, neon beer lights flash, and the atypical naked girl draped over the seat of a bike posters fill the space with a tasteless decorum.

  “Avery tell me you understand.” Leo takes my arm giving it a slight jerk turning me into him. My stomach flutters at his touch and my skin goes all goose fleshy. I am going to have to get these damn emotions under control if I am going to survive the Leo tsunami crashing into my life.

  “Avery.” This time he squeezes my arm to pull me out of my inner monologue.

  I nod, ‘okay, be a little weird about it why don’t you.” I take my arm and rub where his vice grip was, hoping it will not leave a small bruise.

  Anger fills his eyes and I can say I am
not liking being on the receiving end of it, ‘listen any of these men wouldn’t think twice about drugging you and fucking you, take beer only from me or Beeker and I fucking mean it Avery.”

  I hold up my hands in surrender, ‘okay, okay Leo.” Now even more confused as to why he would bring me here if the party is crawling with drug toting rapist. Leo motions at Beeker, who had yet to take his eyes off either of us.

  Leo summons Beeker over, he leaves his place and walks dodging people as he makes his way through the ever-growing crowd.

  Beeker is cute with his baby face and light blue eyes, his blonde hair is scruffy and disheveled over his head, ‘ya boss?”

  Leo snakes his arm around me pulling me into his side, ‘this is Avery, she’s with me, if she needs a beer you get her one, needs to go pee you take her, don’t leave her side until I get back.” I winch at the gruff tone he has taken with Beeker, but he seems like it is all in a day’s work for him to babysit a grown woman.

  Understanding fills his eyes, ‘yes sir.” Beeker nods as his chest puffs, I turn my head at him examining my companion for the evening or at least until Leo returns from doing Lord only knows what.

  Leo takes the untouched beer out of my hand draining it of most of its contents, patting my ass, ‘gotta go to work baby, you hang out with Beek here and I will come and find you when I am done.” Then he walks away. Leaving me standing next to Beeker alone in a crowded room.

  I sling myself around to face Beeker throwing my hands up in the air, ‘He insists I come to a party at his club and then when he gets me here, he leaves me with a baby sitter, Beeker is it?” I asked somewhat screaming and it is not due to the music being too loud.

  “Yes ma’am.’ His face masked with pride. The moniker must have been given by Leo and I see his admiration in the boy’s eyes as the large man moves away from us. Following his fine ass just for good measure and telling it good bye because it will be the last time sadly I will see it.

  Turning my attention back to Beeker and giving my head a slight shake, ‘I want you to take me home.” I start for the door in a huff but before I can reach it I am hauled to an abrupt stop by the arm.

  Beeker scratches his head and steps in front of me before I get too far, ‘can't let you go ma’am.”

  “My name is Avery, ma’am was my mother and I am leaving now,’ I take my arm from his grip and go to move around him, ‘so if you would kindly just move out from in front of the door.”

  Seeing the panic on his face, ‘please don’t, just stay like Leo said he will be back soon and besides,” he pauses and leans into my ear, ‘if you leave you will get me in trouble.”

  I lean back and cross my arms over my chest I sigh, ‘Listen Beeker, I didn’t want to come in the first place.” I pinch the bridge of my nose with my fingers. I really did not want to stay but I did not want to get the poor boy in trouble either, I decide against my better judgment and wait it out, ‘Okay fine, I will stay but you need to help me find my friend Piper.”

  “Piper, Roman’s little sister?” Recognition hits his eyes, taking my hand he leads me to the back of the compound and out a set of French doors into a grassy area crawling with people. They were all standing around a large fire in the middle of them, studying the flames and talk about things I can't hear. A few men turn their gaze to me, scanning me from head to toe then tipping their beer at me. I give a cautious nod as I am ushered to a makeshift bar lined with people bellied up for beer.

  I finally see Piper sitting on a stool, alone I gratefully sigh. Beeker tugs me over to her, ‘Oh my God, Avery!” She nearly spits beer out as she jumps from her perch and throws her arms around my neck. Stepping back, she holds my hands out to my sides and whistles, ‘looking hot babe!” She pats the seat next to her signaling me to slide up.

  Beeker stands at my back and catches Piper’s eye, ‘babysitter?” She draws from her beer waiting for me to answer.

  “Yeah, where is yours?” I look around and notice she has been left unattended, which rather scares me seeing how this party is populated with degenerates as Leo had so successfully informed me in a not so gentile sort of way.

  “Oh honey I don’t get one,’ she smiles a shifty grin as she takes another drink, ‘those are saved for the Prez and his woman.” Her eyes dance with delight.

  I feel like a complete moron, ‘I am sorry, the who?” I fumble with my fingers and glance down the bar waiting to be served or should I get up and serve myself, I am not sure so I just turn back to Piper.

  She pokes my bare shoulder with her boney finger, ‘the woman of the Prez. Besides everyone knows I am the VPs little sister, so I am basically untouchable.” She signals the girl at the end of the bar. A bubbly brunette comes bouncy down to us.

  “Hey Pipe need another one?” She leans down taking one out of cooler behind the bar and opens Piper a beer setting it in front of her.

  “I would like one too please.” I lift my hand, she also gives me a once over hesitating to acquiesce my request .

  “You’re new.” She quips leaning back putting her hands on her hips and shooting me down with her eyes, ‘who ya here with?” She smirks leaning a hip against the bar and crossing her arms over her chest.

  Beeker stalks up behind me, ‘get her anything she needs Kayla.” It takes her a minute to get there but when she does, as with Beeker, the knowledge of me being here with Leo seems to garner people waiting on me hand and foot. I can see she is sweet on Beeker too, and I can't say I blame her, reluctantly I will admit my keeper is a cutie.

  “Oh, is a Budweiser okay?” Her whole demeanor has changed with the knowledge I am here with the President.

  Piper takes a drink, ‘see it's good to be with the king isn’t it?” Her smile is testing my patients and I will die before I admit it is pretty sweet being treated like a queen, but like I said I would die before I admit it out loud, at least.

  Propping my elbows up on the counter I sigh, ‘I don’t think that has anything to do with it Piper.” Watching her smile fade being replaced with a grimace she rolls her last drink around in her mouth.

  Piper slaps my arm, ‘it has everything to do with it and go ahead admit it you like it. I can see what he does to you Avery, when he talks to you, you go all googly eyed and your face flushes that rosy color.” This would be another bit of information I would never admit out loud but something about the way Leo’s voice booms out the orders makes me wet and the way he walks into a room and owns it has my body vibrating at the thought of his command in the bedroom as well.

  I continue with my reasoning why this man gets under my skin, ‘What, being bossed around in my own home, given a babysitter,’ I throw my thumb back over my shoulder at Beeker before I turn to him and smile, ‘no offense Beeker.”

  “None taken.” He waves his hand through the air as if to swat away the comment.

  I turn and continue to tick off the items summing up Leo’s faults, “And then being left alone and told to only take beer from a guy who doesn’t even look old enough to vote, yeah it's the life.” I smirk as I dutifully drink from only the pre-approved beer that had been left in front of me.

  Piper laughs at me, ‘Whatever Avery Delany, you mean to tell me being bossed around by a man as hot as Leo Tucker isn’t stirring those crazy loins of yours?” She had a point there if Leo wasn’t sex on a stick I would not be putting up with this shit.

  However, I argue for the sake of getting her feathers ruffled, ‘see I didn’t even know his last name was Tucker, Piper,’ I take a drink of my beer, ‘He actually threw me over his shoulder and carried me down the hall to my room!” I shriek.

  Piper’s face is shocked but filled with humor, ‘he did not.” She lays her head back laughing harder than I have seen her do in awhile.

  “You act like it doesn’t surprise you and stop laughing it isn’t funny.” I swirl what little beer I had left in my bottle mesmerized by the gold liquid.

  “Actually it doesn’t, no not at all and hell yes it's funny, it is some of
the funniest shit I have heard in a long time. I can just see you now Avery, beating on his lower back with your fists, kicking and screaming for him to let you down.” She snorts, she actually snorts she is laughing so hard, ‘I am sure there are going to be a lot more things shock you about him.” She looks at me a raises her eyebrows with the knowledge

  Her comment have sparked my curiosity, ‘oh really how do you know him, I mean other than Roman being a member of the club?” I turn to her and gesture Kayla for another two beers.

  Kayla places them in front of us and Piper takes a swig, ‘Leo, Roman, Calvin and Dalton played football together when we were in high school. They were always together,’ turning and craning her neck looking back over the crowd behind us, she points at a tall blond with a cowboy hat on, ‘That is Calvin. After they graduated shipped off to the marines and after a few tours they came home landing us where we are now.” She takes her hand and swipes around the outdoor bar.

  A girl screaming behind us makes us turn in the direction of the noise, we find a half naked woman on a table surrounded by men waving dollar bills urging her on to take more off. I eye the crowd and left my gaze fall onto the man with the cowboy hat, who has been watching me every since he caught Piper rudely pointing at him.

  I give him a polite smile as he raises his beer to me. I turn back to Piper as she tries to convenience me of Leo Tuckers worth, ‘Oh Avery, he isn’t really that bad once you get to know him,’ she leans her head on my shoulder, ‘he has a tendency to come on a little strong at first but you will be hard pressed to find anyone better.” She sets her beer down, ‘give him a chance is all I am asking.”

  I shake my head, ‘I mean, I don’t even know the man, who comes into a person’s house and demands they get ready and go to a party which he promptly abandons me at?” I shrug my shoulders as I am out of reasons why Leo Tucker is a bad idea.


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