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Page 4

by Greene, Brook

  “I do.” His gravelly voice makes my spine go rigid and I almost spit my beer out on the bar. I turn to see Leo has walked up behind me relieving Beeker of his babysitting duties. His white tee shirt is now covered by a leather vest adorned in dirty patches. My eyes travel up and are immediately meet with the word President sown into the leather over his right peck muscle.

  He taps the gentlemen who had been occupying the seat beside me, gawking at my boobs the whole time Piper and I had been sitting and gossiping, clearing his throat the man stands and nods freeing up the stool for Leo.

  “Piper.” Leo tips his head in my best friend’s direction but she is no longer with us as she has taken up the task of scouring the crowd for Dalton. I watch as she bounds through the mass of people looking for her man.

  As soon a Leo takes the seat Kayla is quick with a beer and a flirty smile. Leo takes the beer offered and then directs his heavy coal gaze on me, ‘now, you want to tell me what is wrong with the way I picked you up today?” I am mesmerized by his eyes and his voice is making my girly parts flip.

  Turning and giving him my full attention, ‘well Mr. Tucker, let’s just say for the sake of being sane, I don’t appreciate being bossed around.” I give my best uptight girl impression.

  “I didn’t boss you around,” he leans his lips close to my ear, ‘I said please.” The heat from his breath on my ear makes my body tremble and my skin jump up with gooseflesh, winding me up like a top. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I am slowly resigning to the fact this is how I am going to be, twisted up in knots anytime I am around this man.

  I have to fight this, I will my body under control taking a deep calming breath, ‘no, you threw me over your shoulder and cavemaned me down the hallway. Swatting my ass, like I was a two year old.”

  He takes a draw from the long neck bottle, ‘it is such a fine ass too Avery.” His eyes are full of ill intention as they stare at me, ‘that is what I like about you, don’t get me wrong Piper is good lookin’, if you like skinny woman. I like them to have curves,’ his lips are back at my ear again testing my will, ‘and you baby are fine as hell.”

  Leo gets up from his stool promptly pulling me from mine, ‘come on, gotta dance.” He leads me to a makeshift dance floor spinning me into his strong arms. The song had turned from a sultry striptease to a soulful slow ballad. I have to say I am more than shocked Leo can move around a dance floor as good as he can work on a car. Kind of makes me wonder how well he can move around in the bedroom. I feel my cheeks flush at the thought, glancing up at him only to find him looking down at me.

  “What are you thinking about that would make your cheeks all rosy, Avery?” He leans his head back so he can look me in the eye.

  Snickering and looking away feeling a little self conscience, ‘oh nothing,’ looking back up at him and hoping to change the subject, ‘you are a great dancer.” I gush unsolicited compliments on him.

  “Thank you, now I have to know what you were thinking about because I know it wasn’t about how well I dance.” His devious smile is wide and I think I might be falling just a little bit.

  We swirl around as my composure gradually slips down leaving me vulnerable to Leo Tucker’s charms. The feel of his hands on my body, as they roam, caressing my exposed skin than taking my ass up in one hand pulling me closer into him, ‘god Avery.” He breathes into my ear as a shockwave of lust floats through my body.

  My hands glide up his back under his vest. I can feel his muscles roll and contort as we dance. I bury my face in his chest even though I have heels on I am still at a height disadvantage.

  “Have you eaten this afternoon?” His tone less hostile as he leans back and meets my eyes with his black gaze, ‘what?” A smile curves his full lips up throwing me even more. I close my eyes for a moment and I can feel them on my skin. His tongue licks the salt from the base of my neck as we are tangled and rolling around in a bed. His naked body on top of me giving me something Piper has been saying I have needed for a long time, fucking me and doing it hard. Making me scream in pleasure and sigh with contentment. The all too familiar pull in my belly has begun, jerking my eyes open I have to slightly back away and remove my body from the full on frontal assault of the slow dance.

  Looking away as I can feel the heat start to flare once more, I realize he is looking down at me waiting for me to answer his question, ‘oh nothing and yes I have thanks for asking.” Redirecting my eyes anywhere else in the room but his face, I mentally kick myself for filling my own head with lust inducing images.

  The painfully long song thankfully comes to an end as my brain is at its limit of dirty thoughts for this year. Leo takes my hand and leads me back inside where the party is raging, is the only way to describe it. What was a one woman show outside, inside there were three naked gyrating women, giving all the men a show.

  Seemingly unfazed by the display, Leo turns to me with a slight grin on his face, ‘things can get out of hand quickly on nights like this, just ignore them.” Another demand or order I am not sure but I think I will listen to this one. I set my eyes on him and give him a nod of acceptance. He leads me over to the couch, sitting he pulls me down on his lap.

  He is quickly joined by Roman, who leans in and kisses my cheek, ‘hey baby, told I would see you later.” His smile shows me he knows something he isn’t going to share with me. Stepping to the side I see the cowboy, Piper had referred to as Calvin earlier, standing just behind him.

  “And this is Calvin Harris,’ Roman smiles, ‘Cowboy for short.” Roman slaps the man hard on the back, whatever it is these boys are eating, it's working cause they are all huge.

  The tall man leans in and offers me his hand, ‘pleased to meet you Avery,’ he smirks at Leo, ‘finally.”

  I look at Roman and address his comment from before he introduced Calvin, ‘Ass.” I shove his shoulder away from me. Leo all but growls at Roman who turns and gives him a shit smile, ‘and Calvin it is nice to meet you too.”

  Both men take vacant seats around Leo and begin talking shop. Tuning them out, I scan the crowd, and see the blonde from earlier. She is sitting across the room on a bar stool and is throwing daggers at me with her eyes. She takes a drink from her beer never taking her eyes from me. She is older than I am and her attire suggests she is regular here at the clubhouse. Her tank top is two sizes to small and she had to use Vaseline to get into the jeans she is wearing. Her knee high boots have at least a four inch heel and are scuffed from years of abuse I am sure.

  Curiosity getting the better of me I lean into his ear and whisper, ‘Leo.”

  “Uh?” He answers me while he is still listening to whatever Roman is babbling on about.

  “Who is that woman?” She and I never break eye contact as I inquire about her identity. She gives me a smirk knowing I am asking.

  There was no need to point her out, it was as if he knew who I was speaking of. He never turns to eye her or me, ‘nobody.” His answer is short as he turns his attention back to Roman and their discussion.

  Not happy with his shortness I decide now was the time to go to the bathroom. I start to push myself up off his lap and find my waist in a vice grip, ‘where you goin’?” his brow furrows.

  “Bathroom.” I continue to push against his chest trying to free myself.

  “I’ll take you.” He releases my waist and hauls me up as he stands. Leo is a big man, his height dwarfs me. I feel like a child standing next to him. He places his hand at my back as he begins to push me in the direction of the restroom.

  Pushing his hand away, ‘I don’t need help, just point me in the right direction and I think I can make it on my own, Leo.” I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Uh no, follow me.” He leads me through the crowd not giving me much of a choice on the whole follow me thing, pulling me to the hall I had spied earlier.

  “I told you, you aren’t going to be left alone around here right now.” He throws a look back over his shoulder at me

  I stumble behin
d him, ‘why not now?” If all these people are his so called friends why would he be so leery of leaving me alone with them?

  “Not information you need to function at the moment Avery.” He continues to all but drag me down the hall.

  I jerk my hand free from his, ‘you are such an asshole, I have decided I don’t really need to go to the bathroom. What I really need is for you to take me home, so you can find yourself another bitch to order around.” I turn and start to go back down the hall only to be hauled up and slung over his shoulder, again.

  I start to punch his back, ‘Leo put me down damnit!” I screech. I hear a door getting kicked open and I am flying through the air and land flat on my back with a slight bounce. The door is slammed and the sound of the lock clicking into place perks my ears. I look up as a large shadow stands over me.

  “There you’re down now quit your fucking screaming. Damn Avery.” His gruff voice is laced with aggravation he pauses as he runs one hand through his hair trying to wrangle his temper into some semblance of control.

  I push myself up leaping to my feet trying to skirt around him. I am not spending another minute with him or at this god forsaken place. I have had enough of the caveman act and had my fill of Leo Tucker.

  He takes me up around my waist pinning me with his coal black eyes, ‘where the fuck do you think you are goin’?”

  “Home and don’t think you are going to stop me.” I wiggle trying to get free.

  He grabs me by my upper arm and slings me back on the bed. I feel the mattress dip under his weight as he climbs on pinning my arms above my head. He sits his large frame down on my torso making any kind of movement difficult.

  “You gonna calm down because the way you are bucking those hips I can do this shit all day.” I loathe this man right now and if I could get a knee up I would smash his large family jewels.

  “Get the fuck off me!” I yell only making his smile widen.

  “You remembered how I told you I liked a dirty mouth in the bedroom.” I stop kicking at him long enough to look around and see I am actually in a bedroom. With all my fighting and frustration I had not taken in my surroundings. It is furnished with a dresser topped off with an old foggy mirror. The chest in the corner has seen its better days, as two of the four drawer fronts are hanging by what looks like the last screw.

  The realization he might be going to rape me hits me and I feel a tear burn down my cheek. Taking his thumb and swiping it away and speaking as if he can read my thoughts, ‘take it easy babe, I am not going to force you to do a damn thing you are not going to be begging me for later.” He sucks at reassuring me but it is there in his eyes, he would never hurt me, intentionally, ‘you calm now?” He asks as I nod and he begins to get up to let me free.

  He releases my wrist looking over me skeptically, I sit and I massage the sore skin, ‘the bathroom is in there.” He points me around the corner. Sitting up I can now get a better look at the room I am prisoner in. It is somewhat clean with a few piles of clothes littering the floor. I stand shakily and move to the bathroom feeling the weight of his eyes on my back.

  I have got to figure out a way to get out of here and away from Leo, he is dangerous to my weak constitution. I scan the bathroom going to the window and notice the bars, damn not going to be able to get out this way. Digging my phone out of my pocket I send a quick test to Piper.

  I need for you to get me out of here.

  Quick, simple and to the point.

  “Everything okay in there babe?” Leo is rapping a knuckle on the door. Shit in my rush I had forgotten to lock the door. I scramble to get to the commode, shucking my pants in the process. Sitting on the cold porcelain I cringe to think of the nasty asses that have donned this very seat and decide at the last minute to squat.

  “Yeah.” I answer hoping he will not just barge in like he had done at my house earlier.

  My phone chirps, why?

  Leo is a fucking psycho!

  Lol no he’s not, give him a chance.

  Shit she is in on this, Piper actually wants me to spend time with this guy.

  No Piper! I have to leave.

  She doesn’t answer me back. I stand and flush pulling my pants up. I scan the bathroom for some sort of weapon. The door is flung open making me jump, ‘took you long enough.” Leo glides his big frame around me and begins to relieve himself right in front of me.

  “Oh God.” I shout as I throw my hands up to shield my eyes, ‘do you not have any manners?”

  “What, never seen a man pee before, good lord Avery loosen up. At this rate you are going to have a heart attack before you’re forty.” He talks back to me over his shoulder.

  I see my chance and rush for the door throwing it open, only to find Beeker leaned up against the opposite wall. Righting himself he begins to laugh, ‘Leo said you would try to run.”

  I can feel Leo at my back, ‘thanks man.” Beeker nods as he almost skips down the hall back to the party.

  Taking my shoulder Leo spins me around to face him, ‘where were you going?”

  “Leaving, like I said, if I ask nicely will you take me home, please?” I am not above giving him the pouty lip.

  He steps back and rubs his hand through his sexy hair. I wiggle my fingers resisting the urge to help him with the task, shit get it together Avery. I watch as he wages an internal struggle with the fact I don’t want to be with him. Which I am certain, by the look on his face, doesn’t happen often, if at all ever.

  “Okay fine, let me go and talk to a few people and I will get you home within the hour but you have to stay right on my ass. Don’t go trying to wonder off again, we clear?” I start to argue but I appreciate the effort because for a man like Leo this is a huge step to compromise.

  “Fine.” I agree.

  “Fine.” Leo repeats as he is once again dragging me behind him down the hall and back out into the large room filled to the brim with people.



  She has got to be the most infuriating woman on the fucking planet. What the hell was I thinking when I decided to throw my lot in with her? I can't leave her alone with any of the guys, they have a tendency to want to brag and the last thing I need is them telling secrets that do not belong to them. The fact she is the bosses daughter makes their lips loose, trying to impress her with knowledge she isn’t ready for.

  After I get her somewhat calmed down, we head back out into the general population of the party. I see Roman and nod in his direction letting him know we need to finish the conversation we had started before she tripped balls on me in front of everyone. If she sticks around we are going to have to have a talk about her mouth and using it to back talk me in front of my crew.

  She is acting much better this time around, standing at my right as I finish up the business at hand, ‘hey man so did you get the twenty on the car?” We keep it vague, talking in only mechanic shop lingo just in case she decided now would be a good time to pay attention to me.

  “Not really, they couldn’t find the street, but they know the color and the plates.” Roman is joined by Dalton and Calvin, I nod in greeting.

  “They just called, we need to get a truck over to follow.” Dalton flips his phone closed shoving it down into his pocket.

  “Okay,’ I glance over my shoulder at Avery who has stepped away to be with Piper. Looking back to my guys and smiling knowing Roman and Calvin will be the fall guys tonight, ‘any volunteers? I have my hands full with this one tonight.” I throw my head back in the direction of Avery and plaster a grin on my face as I watch as Roman’s face contorts with a bit of jealousy. Maybe after tonight he will be over that bout of stupidity.

  Dalton snickers and slaps Roman on the shoulder, ‘looks like the odd man out is in.” Dalton’s snide comment garners him a punch. Dalton will be with Piper tonight, I am sure.

  Calvin looks between us both and then smiles giving Roman a punch in the shoulder, ‘Dude you might as well give it up and you know it.” Calvin doesn’t
work in the shop, he works as foreman at a farm just outside of town most days. So he has been out of the Avery loop all week, but as soon as his boots hit the parking lot Kayla had filled him in on all the gossip floating around.

  Shrugging us all off, ‘dick heads, both of you,‘ Roman steps away then turns back, ‘hope you fuckers get a severe case of erectile dysfunction.”

  I throw my hand up to my heart acting hurt, ‘oh man, don’t be like that.” Dalton slaps my back as we both laugh at Roman as he heads for the door flipping us off for good measure as he leaves with Calvin close on his heels.

  He turns to point his finger at Dalton, ‘I am going to beat your ass if you hurt my sister.” He moves through the crowd bidding everyone goodbye. He and Calvin will keep an eye out tonight until I can relieve him of his duty in the morning.

  “Keep your phone on just in case things turn ugly and they need our help.” I tell Dalton as I walk to Avery.

  “Will do.” He nods as he sweeps Piper up into his arms whispering something into her ear making her laugh.

  I place my hands on Avery’s small hips and out of reflex she reaches and touches my hand with hers, realizing what she had done she quickly withdraws it and shoves it in her pocket.

  Leaning into her ear I take a minute to smell her perfume before speaking, ‘you ready baby?”



  True to his word, we are on his bike and screaming down the road on the way back to my apartment. I had been permitted to step away from Leo for a while and talk to Piper while Leo discussed whatever with Roman and Dalton.

  Pulling up I noticed a few lights switch on at the noise the bike made, I give Leo an aggravated stare, ‘what, isn’t my fault they go to bed at eight.” He shrugs his shoulders with his comment.

  “It's not eight Leo, it is more like eleven thirty.” I stomp up the walk to the front porch I only turn to tell him goodbye forever when I am stopped dead in my tracks by a wall of Leo.


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