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Harlequin Desire June 2021--Box Set 1 of 2

Page 15

by Katherine Garbera

  “Okay, well then, what’s the problem?” her dad asked. “I can tell you really like this boy and he’s got a job.”

  “Leo, there are important things other than a job and liking him,” her mom said.

  “Well, not every man can have my special talents of being charming, sexy and supersmart.”

  Her mom shook her head and playfully smacked him. Lila smiled, too. Her dad had gotten straight to the heart of the matter. What was the issue?

  “He lives in LA, for one. The other is that he really likes that entire lifestyle he’s selling, and I don’t mind taking a few pictures now and then but I want something a little quieter. I mean, I really like him, but we are just too different.”

  She had hoped they weren’t. That after she laid it all on the line that he’d want to be real with her. Find a life away from his Benningnites. But she’d gotten on that plane by herself and come back to Texas.

  Which pretty much said it all, right?

  “That’s too bad, sweetie,” her mom said. “I wish it were different.”

  “Me, too,” she admitted. “But it’s not. And even though I’m sitting here like I have nothing to do all day, I do need to head into work. Would you mind driving me home?”

  “Not at all,” her dad said. “Want to come for dinner tonight?”

  “Sorry, I can’t.” She was meeting the advisory committee later on to bring them up to speed on her meeting with Abby, and also needed to fill them in on the new ticket sales thanks to Zach’s online posts about Soiree on the Bay. “Working on the event.”

  “Well, then over the weekend. I’ll text you,” her mom told her.

  “Thanks,” she said, hugging her mom and dad. As she did she realized that Zach had never had this. That he didn’t trust in anything other than followers because that was the only time he’d had some kind of affection other than in the sack. She wondered if there was a way to show him how special and extraordinary love could be coming from one person instead of from the masses.

  That thought was in the back of her mind as she went back into the office. Everyone commented on the parties she’d attended and the photos she’d posted. They wanted to know all the details of her glam time in LA.

  She shared it with them but kept the details of her time with Zach to herself. That was private, and she realized that she’d seen him do that with the two of them, as well. Maybe she’d overlooked something...or was she just grasping at straws, trying her best to get back together with him because she’d never had a broken heart before?

  “Is Zach here with you?” one of her coworkers asked.

  “No, he had to stay in LA for some events he had lined up. But I’m sure we will see him at the Soiree.”

  “I can’t believe we are only like a month away. This event is really coming together. You did a great job,” her coworker raved.

  “Thanks,” she said, but she knew she wouldn’t have been half as effective without the social media and personal makeover that Zach had given her. He’d introduced her to people she’d never have met without him. She could say that he’d made her into someone he wanted to like but she knew those words had come from her own fears. She’d wanted to be someone who fit into his world, but then she’d been afraid to stay there.

  And her biggest regret? That she’d never had the courage to tell him she loved him because she was afraid that she really didn’t fit in his life. Could never be the kind of woman he would love.

  * * *

  Zach lay on the deck of his yacht moored at the yacht club in Marina del Ray. He had tried to drink Lila off his mind but that hadn’t worked. He couldn’t stop thinking about what she’d said. She wanted him to be real for her. In fact, he’d done all of his usual moving-on tricks, picked up a hot chick and tried to hook up but he’d called her Lila as he was kissing her and she’d pulled back. He’d left her with some friends and come here.

  Where he could be alone. His team were at the house and had all been trying to reach out to him but he wasn’t in the mood to talk. What was he going to say? It seemed as if he’d screwed up the one thing that might have been real in this life of his.

  He wanted to figure out a way forward but honestly, he had been doing this for so long that he had no clue how to move on.

  “Dude, please tell me you are at least wearing massive amounts of sunscreen,” Shantal said as her shadow fell over him. He looked up to see his makeup artist flanked by Dawn and Vito.

  “Of course, I’m not a total idiot,” he muttered.

  “Just a partial one, right? I mean, I assume this is because we’re here and Lila is in Texas,” Vito said, sitting down on the lounger next to Zach. Vito had on a baseball cap, linen pants and a long-sleeved linen shirt.

  “Maybe,” he admitted. “So why are you guys here?”

  “You need us. Or maybe, more precisely, you need Lila,” Dawn said, pushing his legs to the side and sitting down on the end of his lounger as Shantal did the same to Vito.

  “She doesn’t like this lifestyle.”

  “Do you?” Shantal asked. “We know you like the adoring followers and the parties, but you were different when she was out here. It seemed sort of...”

  “Like you were finally growing up and realizing there was more to life than partying,” Dawn said. “If I’m out of line, fine.”

  She wasn’t out of line and he suspected she knew it. “You’re right. But I have no idea how to show her that.”

  “You’ll think of something, boss,” Vito assured him. “You’re smart when you’re not being dumb.”

  Zach laughed for the first time in days. His team weren’t just employees, he realized, but also friends who understood him. “I’ve been thinking about how to win her back and the future. What do you guys think of a sort of brand company who does what we did for Lila but for businesses? I’d need my number one team with me.”

  “OMG! I love it,” Shantal exclaimed. “But how would it work?”

  “We’d give our clients social media makeovers, help connect them to influencers that they want to work with or help mold someone from their company into the influencer they want them to be.”

  “Yes, that will work,” Dawn said.

  “Now what are you going to do about Lila?” Vito prodded. “She’s going to be a hell of a lot harder to win back.”

  “I have a few ideas, guys. But I’m going to have to do this on my own,” he said.

  “All alone?” Shantal pouted. “I was hoping we could all head back to Texas.”

  “Oh, no worries, we’re all going to Royal. I’m going to base the new business there. And I really could use some help finding a permanent house.”

  “Mrs. Smith and I already found a few that we think you’ll like,” Dawn informed him. He shook his head as he looked over at her. “What? It’s not like I had much else to do since you’ve gone completely silent on social media. Which I have to say is making the gossip sites and your fans go wild. They are sure you are announcing something big.”

  He almost laughed. Even when he tried to disappear it just continued to feed the need for him in the media spotlight. He was going to have to try very hard to convince Lila that he’d changed. This might look like a gimmick to her. But he wanted her to know he was real.

  Which meant he was going to have to just strip back all the layers he’d been using for years to build his following and his influence. He was going to have to be humble and show her that there was one thing that mattered to him in this world, and it was her.

  Zach was pretty sure that he loved her. Hell, he knew he did. He’d been hedging around her and pretending that he didn’t know what the emotion was but only because he’d never said those words to anyone since he’d been an adult. And he knew he was going to have to tell her how he felt.

  “If I can’t win Lila back...I still want to stay based in Royal. There’s a lot
of good stuff happening there, and we’ll be centrally located for the entire US.”

  “That’s fine with me, boss,” Vito said. “I’ve been looking for a change.”

  “Me, too,” Shantal concurred. “And my mom lives in Dallas, so she’ll be over the moon that I’m closer to her. And Dawn has her own reasons...”


  “I met a guy at the diner. We’ve been texting. It might be something, I don’t know. I mean, moving there is a good thing but I’m not moving for him.”

  As Zach chatted with his friends, it struck him that his life wasn’t as hollow as he’d thought it was. His heart started racing. All along he had thought he’d been protecting himself and keeping everyone at arm’s length, but saw now that wasn’t true. He’d created some strong bonds over the years, and he knew that what he’d felt and found with Lila was solid, too. He just had to get her attention the right way this time.

  And he had an idea how to accomplish that. In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he loved it.

  He told the team and they all were surprised but thought it would work, too. Now he just had to get back to Royal and pray that it wasn’t too late to convince Lila he loved her.

  * * *

  Lila got dressed in one of the outfits that she’d gotten with Zach, realizing how much she had enjoyed their time together, and drove her new red VW convertible to meet the advisory committee. She’d decided to trade in Milo for a new car because she’d always wanted a convertible and she was tired of denying herself. She’d kept the group apprised of everything that had gone on in California in their group chat, but they were getting together for some drinks and to finalize some details tonight.

  She took a photo of herself, tagged the brands she was wearing and used #SoireeontheBay before leaving. Gina and Valencia were there when she arrived, and she ordered a skinny margarita from the bar before joining them.

  “California looks like it was good to you,” Valencia said after she’d sat down.

  “I tried to make the most of my time there. Everyone was really interested in the event and thought we were doing something groundbreaking,” she replied. “And the best part? Lil Dominator is going to come, and he offered to perform if we have room on one of the stages.” She’d really enjoyed meeting him and his wife Tisha. They had texted her photos of the kids playing on the ride-on mustangs she’d sent them.

  “That’s great. Zach’s notoriety has really given the Soiree a boost. I hope he will continue to keep it going,” Gina said.

  She nodded. “I’m sure he will.”

  Really, what else could she say?

  “Is he coming tonight?”

  “Uh, not tonight. He had to stay in LA.”

  “Really?” Charlotte murmured as she joined them. “His account has gone dark. The social world is all abuzz about what’s coming next from him.”

  “It is? He’s probably got a new account or brand partnership he’s going to announce. He never does anything without a plan,” she said.

  “Who doesn’t?” Jack asked.

  “Zach,” she said. “How have you been? How’s Lexi?”

  “I’m good and so is she,” Jack answered, turning to Charlotte. “How’s Ross?”

  “Good. He’s doing good,” Charlotte said.

  “I can’t believe that he is still estranged from Dad,” Gina lamented.

  Lila couldn’t, either. But then men didn’t always make sense to her. “You’d think standing up and being a father to little Ben would have been something that Rusty would support.”

  “You’d think,” Charlotte said. “But there is a lot of ego to Rusty and he likes to think he runs the world.”

  “Ha. So true. To be honest I wish I ran the world,” Jack quipped. “But Lexi keeps me grounded.”

  Billy showed up and they all chatted about the event and life stuff while they waited for Rusty. Lila only half paid attention to the conversation, pulling out her phone to check Zach’s account. Not only had it gone dark, it had been suspended.

  That worried her. What was going on with him? She told herself she was going to give it some time to try to figure out what to do next but what if he needed her? Heck, forget waiting. Zach loved all of his followers and to shut down his account, something had to have happened. She texted him.

  Hey, hope you are okay.

  I’m good.

  Well, there it was. That wasn’t exactly a chatty invitation for more texts but she couldn’t let it go.

  I’d love to talk sometime.

  Me, too. Can’t now.

  Okay. Text when you can.

  He gave her message a thumbs-up and that was it.

  Lila tried not to feel sad that this was what they were reduced to. She still cared so much for him. And while she was trying to be strong and move on, this was a sign, right? It had to be. She sent him a text and he sent back a thumbs-up. Let him go, girl.

  The rest of the committee were laughing and talking about stuff at the Texas Cattleman’s Club, trying to stretch out the conversation while they waited for Rusty.

  Then Charlotte did a double take toward the door and they all turned to see what had caught her attention. Lila was shocked to see Ross walking toward them with his father by his side.

  Billy got up first. “Ross, great to see you. This is a surprise.”

  Charlotte went to her man and gave him a sort of quizzical look, but he just kissed her and took her hand in his.

  “Sorry we are late,” Rusty said.

  “I’m just glad to see you both here,” Lila told them.

  “Me, too,” Gina agreed. “Lila has some news—”

  “Before we get to that,” Rusty interrupted. “Ross has something you all need to know.”

  Lila didn’t like the sound of that. Seems like there was something going on that none of them had an inkling about. It must be something big for Rusty to have brought his estranged son to the meeting, because despite them showing up together it didn’t seem as if they were super close now. But Lila wasn’t privy to the inner workings of the Edmond family.

  Ross took a deep breath, putting his hands on his hips. “There is money missing from the festival’s bank account.”

  “What? Are you sure?” Jack asked. “I haven’t turned in my last invoice. Do you think there is something you missed?”

  “I’m sure and I haven’t missed anything. Someone has been stealing from the account.”

  What did that mean for the Soiree? “Will it affect the festival?”

  “Yes, I think it will. We need to find out who has taken the money and put an end to it,” Rusty said.

  Lila listened to the others who discussed what the next steps were. She had no part in the money so she wasn’t sure she could add anything. When the meeting finally broke up, she was a little worried about why someone would steal from the festival.

  Was it simply that they thought no one would notice? And who would be ballsy enough to take from a charity event? That was simply creepy.

  She went home unable to think of much besides this new development and Zach. He hadn’t texted her again. What did that mean? She hoped it wasn’t that he was over her and had moved on. Not now, when she was ready to do whatever it took to win him back.


  Lila got an account recommendation when she checked her phone the next morning for @LJLVR21. It sounded like one of those spambot accounts, but she clicked on it anyway while she was making her breakfast and getting ready for work.

  The feed looked very similar to how hers used to pre-Zach. There weren’t many photos and the most recent was one of a stoneware mug that had the state of Texas on the side of it and a heart where Royal was with a teabag in it. The caption read: “Left my heart in Texas. Going back to find it.”

  How cute. There were two other photos on the account. One o
f a breakfast plate with just crumbs from some kind of pastry and the other of a slightly askew photo of the Hollywood sign. She clicked follow and then immediately felt a pang for Zach and his California life.

  Enough of this missing Zach. She had somehow made herself believe that without her makeover she wouldn’t have been enough for him. And maybe she hadn’t been. But she loved Zach. She wanted him in her life. Thinking about how different they were actually made them so good as a couple. The fact that she wasn’t like all the other people in his life, and that he wasn’t like the ones in hers, made them unique and special. And ultimately, it came down to one undeniable truth: she was crazy about him and was tired of acting like they couldn’t be together.

  Lila texted him but it was undeliverable.

  Uh, what?

  Had he blocked her?

  Well, that was going to make getting back together with him hard. She’d insulted his lifestyle, to be fair. Maybe he had gone dark because he was moving on. Moving away from the life he’d had because of her?

  Lila wasn’t sure but knew it would have to wait until she got to work. She was running late and there had been an email from Rusty to the festival advisory committee with some questions about expenses and who had access to the account. It seemed that he was determined to get to the bottom of who had taken the money.

  She wanted to respond to him as soon as she was at her desk. And sure hoped he didn’t think it was her. After all, she’d been wearing a lot of expensive clothing that she couldn’t afford on her salary and bought herself a brand-new car. She might have to explain how brands worked with influencers to him the way she had with her dad.

  She was mentally composing her email to him when she pulled up in front of the chamber of commerce building. Glancing at the coffee shop, she saw the regulars at their tables and then a guy in the corner with hair that was the same shade of brown as Zach’s. But Zach would never be out in public in the jeans and slouchy T-shirt that guy had on. Also he had on some sort of bucket hat with a pair of large blue-lensed sunglasses.


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