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To Trust a Warrior: An Alien Rogue Romance (Starflight Academy Book 4)

Page 2

by Immortal Angel

  “Lie down,” she commanded him.

  He did, brows raised. “Where I’m from the male is the one in charge.”

  She gave him her sweetest smile. “Well, you’re on Turonga now, big guy. Why don’t you try it? You might like it.”

  He scowled. “Fine, but next time, I’m in charge.”

  “Agreed,” she said, crossing her fingers behind her back. Maybe. She lay down and brought him with her. “Now, go to sleep.” She caressed his face gently.

  He caught her hand. “To sleep?” he asked with incredulity. “You can’t honestly expect that after rubbing me down, undressing in front of me, and leading me to bed, you’re going to get two seconds of shut-eye.”

  She kissed his stubbled chin. “That’s exactly what I expect, my big Keltair male. Now, quit whining. If you’re good, maybe we can have a little fun before class in… well, a few hours.”

  He groaned in frustration, but she could see the tired circles beneath his eyes. “I’m never going to be able to sleep.”

  Hiding her smile, she closed her eyes. Even though she had everything but sleep on her mind, she knew both of them desperately needed it.

  A few minutes later, he was snoring.

  She eased out of bed and grabbed her computer off her bed. Pulling on a robe in Starflight Academy blue, she returned to the bathroom and sat on the floor. Taking a deep breath, she called her father.

  He answered instantly. “Hannah, is it done?”

  “Yes, Father.”

  The relief on his face was almost comical. Almost. His silver hair was rumpled to the point of being a complete and utter shock. The man slept? He was actually human? But then she caught sight of his dark, cotton pajamas, they looked perfectly pressed. Only my father would have his pajamas ironed. Just the sight of something so like her father eased her tension.

  “Gabrielle is on The Magic Spicery.” She kept her voice level.

  He leaned back in his chair, throwing his head back. “Thank God. The president has been contacting me hourly since it happened.” Then, he frowned. “Do you know where she is on the ship?”

  Vivid memories of her dream threatened to pull her back under. She gasped in a breath, trying to shake away the images.

  “Hannah…” her father said, his voice soft.

  She stiffened. “If you remove the panels on the freezer protecting their rare meats, you’ll find the girls within the crystals. They can’t move, but they’re aware of everything.” She swallowed as sickness bubbled inside her. “And they’re naked.”

  He was quiet for a very long time, his eyes studying her intently. “Did that bastard Ahmed hurt you?”

  She looked away to avoid his gaze. “You’ll need to get to the girls as soon as possible. He might suspect something was off—“

  “What happened?” But the question was no longer that of a concerned father, but that of Fleet Admiral Stowe.

  A man I know better.

  “I almost lost consciousness. When I did, I changed back into myself in the dream.” She swallowed, preparing herself for the anger that was about to come. “He saw my real face.”

  “You’ve got to be…Hannah, have you any idea how dangerous this is?” His eyes blazed. He reached for something, and suddenly he was pouring a glass of scotch.

  She glared at him. “Do you think I wanted this to happen?”

  His voice was like ice as he spoke. “If he ever recognizes you, both of us are in trouble beyond anything you can possibly understand. Ahmed Zhou is one of the most powerful criminals I’ve ever come across. One of the few who no one can prove has done anything.” He took a huge swallow of his scotch and let the glass hit his oak table with a clatter. “I knew letting you go to the academy was mistake. You can’t possibly study and do your job without screwing something up.”

  Rage slammed into her. “The hell I can’t.”

  “Watch your mouth,” he shot back.

  Her pulse raced as she tried to control the volume of her voice. “I didn’t choose this gift, Father. You did. And I’ve done as you asked with it, no matter how awful, without complaint. But you listen to me, this academy is what I want, and no one is going to take it from me. Not even you.”

  He leaned forward, his pale green eyes flashing with rage. “Young lady, if I hadn’t made that choice for you, you’d be dead. And what you owe the people of Earth is your complete dedication. Your skill has saved thousands of lives, and I’m not about to let you throw it all away. And for what? A dream? Yes, you’d make a fine captain one day. But you know what? I don’t think you’ll ever be able to balance the two responsibilities. So if you think you’re honestly going to be able to command a Level 10 spacecraft when—“

  “Shut up!” her voice shook as she spoke, and she realized her entire body shook, too. “If I can’t do both, then I won’t Dream Jump anymore.”

  “Hannah…” The word held all the warning of a snake about to strike.

  She held his gaze. “It’s your choice, Father. Keep pushing me and see what you get.”

  Her finger trembled as she clicked the screen, and it went blank.

  Sitting in the bathroom, she gathered her legs to her chest, overwhelmed by it all. She was so tired. She hadn’t wanted to say those things to her father, but he left her no other choice. Because the secret truth, the dark one she hid in the back of her mind, is that she didn’t want to Dream Jump. She never had.

  Her hand slid to the back of her hair, the sensitive nerves on her fingertips stroking the two tiny scars that were all that was left of her experimental surgery. A tiny cry escaped her lips, and she jerked her hand back. The scars were sore and a little swollen.

  This is all too much. I just want to live a normal life. I don’t want to be a freak. I don’t want to see the things I’ve seen. Can’t I just feel safe and happy? Just for a little while?

  Pain radiated from the scars down the back of her neck as if to say, “Never. You’ll never be free of us.”

  Chapter Three

  Liam stood behind the many students gathered at the end of the Hawks’ penthouse floor. Shimmering screens flashed the scores of the first tests of the year. A few students swore. Some yelled, “Yes!” and moved out of the way.

  With a slight growl, Liam’s patience evaporated. Shoving the tiny cadets out of the way, he stood in front of the screens, surprised when his face gave a throb of protest. Pain means nothing! He would not acknowledge it.

  “Combat—Hannah Clark first, Liam Fallow second.” Hannah’s voice slid down his spine, awakening all kinds of things he preferred not to feel when they were surrounded by others.

  He ignored the raging hormones and focused on the smugness in her voice, his gaze going back to the scores. “Battle strategy—Liam Fallow first, Hannah Clark second.”

  Her brilliant green eyes flashed with rage. “Communications—Hannah Clark first, Liam Fallow third.”

  “Bah!” he shouted, sending a few of the cadets scattering from him. “Communications is for females.”

  She raised a cocky brow. “The whole, ‘anything we can do you can’t do better thing’, huh?”

  It took him a second to process her insult. “I could have done better, if I’d wanted to.”

  Her false pout was obnoxious. “Sure, sweetheart.”

  Rage and desire flashed through him. He knew exactly how to put her in her place.

  Not yet, his mind chided.

  “Weapons—Liam Fallow first, Hannah Clark second.”

  She stood up a little straighter, drawing his gaze to the white fabric of her thin shirt, stretching over her impressive breasts. “You just wait until next time. Then, we’ll see.”

  Turning, people shifted out of her way as she headed back down the pristine hallway. He followed the swaying of her perfect ass, pushing himself harder as he felt his right leg start to limp. Cadets moved out of his way, shooting him pointed glares.

  “Female! Wait!”

  She didn’t slow, which only fueled his rage furt
her. Didn’t she ever just obey?

  When she paused outside her door and began entering the code, he caught her hand in his, pulling it away from the pad.

  To his annoyance, she smiled.

  Who the hell kept knocking the breath from his lungs? He shouldn’t care that such a beautiful woman was smiling at him. And the only reason to find himself obsessed with her lush mouth was because he was busy imagining that sweet mouth around his cock again.

  To his shock, he hardened at just the thought.

  Because you haven’t yet fully satisfied yourself with her.

  “About our bet…”

  Now she perked up. “Yes?”

  “We have a break between classes, and I’ve got clearance to fly Zenon for a few hours. Are you available?”

  She nibbled her lip. “Am I available? Hmm…”

  God, she’s so damn sexy.

  It took her a painfully long time to answer. Maybe this was a mistake. I should’ve just followed her into her room and buried myself in her, despite my aching body. I won’t be able to think clearly until I do.

  “Okay,” she said.

  The relief he felt bothered him. Why did he care that she got to fly in his ship? He’d never allowed a human on it before. He should have put off allowing her on it. No, I’m a man of honor. I want to follow through on my word, that is all.

  And you have plans for her.

  He pushed aside the thought. “Come on then.”

  They walked together to the elevator. When the doors slid shut, she turned and pressed herself against him. He hissed from the pain in his chest and stomach, but despite that felt his manhood growing.

  She peered up at him seductively. “I thought you might like that, big boy.”

  And then, to his horror, she reached down and curled her hand around him.

  He groaned. “Female. Stop. There’s nowhere to…”

  She stroked him through his jeans, stealing his every thought. He closed his eyes as his need grew. Take her here and now.

  The elevator chimed, and she was away from him in an instant.

  It took him a second to open his eyes and stare, once again, at her firm ass swaying as she made her way out of the elevator.

  Damn tempting female.

  As he started after her, he was startled to discover a human male talking to her. Mine! He strode over to them and slid a hand around her hip, to rest on her lower back.

  The man glanced at Liam, his voice faltering for half a second before continuing. “So if you wanted to meet at the club tonight—“

  “She’ll be busy. With me.” Liam towered over the blond-haired male and was satisfied when he flinched, then took a step back.

  “Liam, relax,” Hannah said, running her fingertips over the muscles of his stomach, before turning back to the human. “Greg, maybe we’ll try to figure out a time to hang out. Okay?”

  Greg’s whole demeanor changed. “You’re actually fucking this Keltair, aren’t you?”

  Liam clenched his fist. This human is going down. His muscles tensed in preparation for the fight they would have. It would be brief. Very brief.

  “Oh, Greg,” Hannah said, her voice soft and sweet, “of course I am. He’s a big, sexy Keltair. And if you really want to know, he’s also big in all the ways that count. Why wouldn’t I be fucking him?”

  Greg’s eyes widened. “You’ve—got—to be—“

  She leaned in closer to him and winked. “If you hear me screaming his name, don’t assume it’s some kind of human-Keltair battle going down, okay? He’s probably just going down on me.”

  Flipping her long, dark hair over her shoulder, she sexily strutted away.

  Liam forgot about the other male. He’d follow his female anywhere. His?

  She was unlike anyone he ever imagined. She was brave to the point of being foolish. Her fighting was that of a cornered Telusian dragon, vicious and unexpected. And when he’d been injured…no one had ever treated him with such gentleness. As he’d held her during her nightmare, he’d been overcome by her. It seemed impossible for such a creature to exist, so soft one moment, a warrior the next.

  Doing a small spin just as she reached the exit, she turned back to him. Standing in her dark blue uniform in the center of the bright, ridiculously tall ground floor of the academy, she took his breath away. One side of her mouth quirked up, as if she knew exactly what he was thinking.

  He hurried toward her, pulling the damned female against him and crushing her mouth to his. He didn’t even care about the residual pain of his swollen face. Sparks flew between them. She groaned and ran fingers through the back of his hair. He ground her hips against his erection, then plunged his tongue into her mouth. Heat spread through him.

  She pulled back from his kiss, panting.

  He tried to catch her lips again.

  “Liam! I don’t know how they do things where you’re from, but here someone’s likely to shout ‘get a room’ at us.”

  He ground her against his cock again.

  Her cheeks flushed.

  “Excellent advice,” he said, opening the door.

  Putting a possessive hand on her hip, he led her out the archway leading into the gardens. They wove past the nightclub tucked in one corner, vines nearly swallowing the stumpy building, and down a path.

  A short time later, they came upon his ship. Pride swelled within his chest. Zenon. The ship was his pride and joy. And for some reason, it was important to him that Hannah meet his ship, and that the ship like her.

  Have you lost your mind? She’s a human. Father would never live it down.

  Or maybe all the blood in your cock came straight from your brain.

  He took a deep breath. “Meet Zenon.”

  Chapter Four

  The last time Hannah had been in Liam’s ship, she’d been so busy trying to escape a possible kidnapping that she hadn’t stopped to fully appreciate the beauty of a living ship. Now, however, she had all the time in the world. Zenon, as Liam had called her, was incredible.

  Reaching out gently, Hannah stroked the deep green of her hull. The ship vibrated softly beneath her touch, or perhaps it was her imagination. Walking slowly along the length of the spacecraft, she was amazed by the combination of plant and technology.

  A spike of jealousy buried itself in her stomach. Why did these creatures only bond with Keltairs? She would love one for herself.

  “Do you like her?” Liam asked, his voice soft.

  She turned to him, sensing nervousness behind his dark eyes. “I love her. Liam, she’s beautiful. Just amazing. Can we really fly her?”

  His lips curved into a smile that made her heart stop. “Of course.”

  He leaned in, crowding her back against the side of the ship. For a minute she thought he’d kiss her again, and heat grew in her core. But his hand brushed the hull of Zenon, and a door opened, a ramp forming below.

  “Want to take a ride?”

  Her entire body tingled with anticipation. “Hell, yeah.”

  Stepping into the ship, she was surprised by how bright it was. Windows peeked from the walls, and tiny white flowers flowed along the vines, glowing softly. It was more beautiful than she remembered.

  The door closed behind them.

  She circled the small area, letting her fingers glide along metal and vegetation, until she came to the front of the craft, where two chairs sat at the control panel, staring out a large window into the gardens.

  He sat gingerly on one of the chairs.

  He’s still hurting, though he tries not to show it.


  Excitement buzzed through her. She sat down on the other chair, and they both buckled up. He reached out and touched his palm to a large square of green on the control panel. Beneath his touch, the green seemed to melt. The ship hummed softly, and suddenly, seemingly effortlessly, they were rising from the ground.

  “Wow,” she whispered reverently.

  It was unlike anything she’d experienced before.
Like flying in the belly of dragon, rather than a metal machine. The ship maneuvered like a bird, banking and soaring. As they rose higher and higher, she laughed, amazed by the strange sensation. Soon they left the atmosphere and entered space. Only then, did he take his palm away from the controls, and turn to her.

  Words bubbled out before she could stop them. “This is incredible. I thought I loved flying before, but this is like something entirely new. She moves so smoothly, so gracefully. I can’t imagine technology ever being able to compare with this.”

  She unbuckled, and he followed.

  Peering around the ship, she laughed. “Zenon is something else…”

  He pulled her against him.

  Her gaze met his. His emotions were written clearly on the strong lines of his face. They washed over her, stealing her breath. Never had she seen a man look at her like that, as if he cared for her, as if he was amazed by her. As if… her heart stammered.

  “I’m so glad you like her.” He ran a finger along the line of her jaw, and she shivered. His gaze said far more than his words ever could.

  She leaned into his touch. “You know. You’ve ruined me now.”

  He frowned. “Ruined you?”

  Smiling, she pressed a light kiss to his fingertips. “Yes, for other ships. How am I ever supposed to fly something else?”

  He took a step away from her. “I want to show you something.”

  She instantly missed the feel of him so close to her. He wasn’t just warm and comforting; he had somehow become familiar in a way that sent her blood singing through her veins.

  Maybe it wasn’t just his ship that had ruined her.

  “This way.”He turned and walked to the center of the ship. Pressing his fingers to the wall, a circle opened above him. Using steps she hadn’t seen before, he climbed up into the ceiling. She followed after him, nervousness and excitement bubbling through her stomach.

  She gasped as she came through the ceiling into the upper level of the ship. The entire high-domed ceiling of this level was made up of square glass, with vines covered in glowing white flowers woven between the squares. Space was all around them, stars glittering in the vast darkness.


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