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To Trust a Warrior: An Alien Rogue Romance (Starflight Academy Book 4)

Page 3

by Immortal Angel

  It took her a second to look at the actual room, too overcome by the beauty of the unique ship’s design. It was sparsely decorated, with a large bed to one side, and an equally impressive desk to the other. But even though there was little that felt personal about the dark wood furniture and silver bedspread, the patterns of swirling flowers on the walls gave the room a strangely personal touch. A beauty like nothing she could compare it to.

  “I’ve envisioned this room from the first time I was handed Zenon.” Liam was watching her again, his expression guarded.

  She closed the distance between them, running her hands from his chest up to his broad shoulders. “I would’ve never had the imagination to create something this beautiful.”

  He closed his hands over hers. “You’re the only person I’ve ever shown this room to, besides my father.”

  His words raised every hair on her body. She should be afraid. The last thing she wanted was to see this man as anything more than a sexy alien to satisfy her every desire. But he’s already more than that to you. She pushed the dangerous thought aside and rose on her tiptoes, needing his kiss more than she needed her next breath.

  “Last time,” he said, his husky voice sending heat shooting through her stomach, “we did things your way. This time, we do things the Keltair way.”

  Need and excitement raced through her. “And what way is that?”

  He reached for the buttons on her shirt. “I’m the male.”

  She tilted her head, doing nothing to stop his nimble fingers as they moved from one button to the next. “What does that mean?”

  He undid the last one and slid her shirt off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor in a pool of dark blue fabric. “That means I’m in charge.”

  A shiver made its way down her spine. “I’m always in charge.” Her voice came out as husky as his own.

  His gaze traveled down to the translucent black lace barely covering her breasts. “Then it’s about time for something new, don’t you think?”

  “I wore this just for you,” she murmured.

  His eyes darkened, and he reached out, brushing his warm fingers against one nipple and then the other. She gasped as her nipples hardened, straining against the soft fabric.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured. His fingers trailed through the valley between her breasts and down her stomach. They stopped at the button to her uniform slacks. “Still sure you want to be in charge?”

  She couldn’t breathe for a long second. “Liam…”

  He undid the button, then slid down the zipper. Her pants joined her shirt on the floor. His hot gaze traveled to the scrap of lace that matched her bra.

  “Those…” He met her gaze, murmuring, “can’t possibly be considered underwear.”

  She took a deep breath, trying to calm her voice before speaking. “Are you complaining?”

  “Always such an attitude,” he whispered, moving closer to her.

  Their gazes met and held.

  She gasped as he slid the lace aside and slid one finger inside her. Her knees nearly caved, but his other arm wrapped around her and held her as his finger slid tortuously slowly back out, then back inside her again.

  “Oh, God,” she groaned, closing her eyes as trembles racked her body.

  He is right. I don’t want to be in charge, not if it means feeling like this.

  “You’re so wet,” he groaned into her hair, his rhythm increasing.

  Her knees did give out then, but he didn’t let her fall. Instead, his magical fingers left her body and he picked her up. She whimpered in frustration, a sound so foreign that it took her a moment to realize it’d come from her own lips.

  Instead of taking her to the bed, he set her down in front of his desk. His need-filled gaze met her own. “Take it off.”

  She reached for the clasp between her breasts.

  “No,” he commanded. “The underwear.”

  With trembling fingers, she slid the scrap of lace down her legs, letting it drop to the floor beneath her. Without being told, she placed her hands on the desk behind her and spread her legs, thrusting her breasts toward him.

  “Shit,” he groaned, and the curse was music to her ears.

  He was on her in an instant, one hand brushing up her spine and the other going to her core. He stroked her once, making her cry out in shock and surprise.

  He cursed again, stepping back. He didn’t bother with the buttons on his shirt, but simply tore it off, throwing it over his shoulder.

  For a second the sight of him was almost too much. The heat. The power of his movements. Am I really going to orgasm from the view of his spectacular body? She ground her teeth together. No. She had more self-control than that.

  Still, she loved to see him like this. His golden-bronzed skin, the hard muscles of his stomach and chest. His desire barely under control. It sent waves of need through her that left her hot and bothered in a way she never had been before in her life.

  He undid the buttons on his pants and they fell in one quick motion.

  He wore nothing beneath.

  She drank in the sight of his large manhood. Before, things had been so quick, so unexpected, she’d really had no more than an impression of how large he was. Now, she knew. He was huge. So large that she wanted nothing more than to take him in her mouth, to taste the thing that left her wet and painfully aroused.

  She reached for him.

  He took a step back. “No. Turn around.”

  She didn’t give a damn about his orders and grabbed him anyway. A groan ripped from his lips as she knelt down and took him in her mouth.

  “Hannah, no. No.” But the words were a chant as he rocked back and forth, his expression pained.

  She took him in and out, bringing him so deep she had to fight an instinct to gag. But inside of frightening her, it only turned her on more. She hummed against him, reaching out to stroke the sensitive parts of him that didn’t quite fit in her mouth.

  He cried out and drew back from her. “Gods, woman. Do you want me to finish right now?”

  She licked her lips and looked up at him. “Maybe I want to taste you.”

  His hands fisted, and he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the fire burned her to the core. This is a Keltair male in charge.

  Half of her wanted to run, but there was really nowhere to go.

  And then, he was on her, spinning her and pushing her facedown on the desk. Her hardened nipples brushed the smooth surface, and she felt the heat of his body as he covered her from behind.

  One hand slid around to cup her breasts through the thin material of her bra, thumbing the tender nubs. Then, it slid down her spine, making every hair on her body stand on end.

  “You want to taste me?” he growled sexily into her ear. “Maybe I want to taste you.”

  His large hand ran along her ass, sweeping down, one finger flipping into her from behind. She cried out, unable to control herself. Her core was throbbing, and when he removed his finger, it felt painfully empty.

  She heard him suck his finger, and then he groaned. Her body trembled in response.

  “I’m going to enter you now,” he whispered.

  His manhood pressed against her ass. He slid it along her butt cheeks. Her legs shifted in anticipation, but his cock continued its slow, torturous rubbing against everything except where she wanted him.

  “Damn it, Liam,” she groaned, running out of patience. “Fuck me.”

  In an instant, he plunged inside her.

  She screamed in utter pleasure.

  His hands rested on her hips.

  She tried to wiggle, to force him to begin the rhythmic movements that would send her into an orgasm unlike anything. But he held her still with his hard grip.

  To her frustration, he kept them that way, leaving her painfully aware of the hardened cock inside her. She could feel it pulsating, sending every nerve in her body spiraling. He filled her, stretching her to make room for him. But he didn’t move.
r />   She scratched the surface of his desk, gasping as her body screamed for release.

  He reached forward, brushing back her bra and capturing her nipple. Holy hell. I didn’t think he could make this any worse. His fingers squeezed her in just the right way.

  “I’m—going—to—kill you,” she groaned.

  He chuckled humorlessly. “Well, my little warrior. Perhaps you’ve suffered enough.”

  “Bastard!” she cried, wriggling so his cock rubbed just enough to send stars dancing before her vision.

  Releasing her nipple, he leaned over her on the desk so that his breath brushed her ear. “But then again, maybe you haven’t. Shall we bargain, wee warrior? You want me, and I want more than four more times.”

  It took her spinning thoughts a second to grasp his words. “Just four more—“

  He slowly withdrew his manhood from her.

  “No,” she choked on the word. Damn him. “Fine. Please, Liam.”

  Both his hands grasped her breasts as he slid back inside her. “I want you as often and as many times as I want.”

  You might as well just hand him your heart on a silver platter.

  “No, that’s way too many. I have to study…”

  He growled and slid all the way out. She tried to back into him, to force him into her. “As often as I want, Hannah. Nothing less.”

  Her head was spinning, her senses overloaded. Every cell in her body trembled and cried out for him. I don’t fucking care anymore. I just need him. “Yes, yes, all right.”

  He groaned with relief. And that’s when he finally gave her what she wanted. His large cock slid in and out of her, and the stars before her vision turned into blasts of white. Her entire body shook as she moved, matching his rhythm. He moved faster and faster. The sounds of their panting filled the air. Her heart raced, pounding until she thought it was going to explode.

  And then she came. Screaming his name. Desire burning through every nerve. Her body spasming around his erection. And then as her body descended into twitches and her vision blackened, he came. The feeling of his hot seed and the sounds of her name torn from his lips had her coming again. She spiraled upward into pleasure once more.

  When it was over, her entire body twitched. Her legs felt numb. He lay against her from behind, his hands still cupping her breasts. Her sight slowly returned, even while her head continued to spin.

  “That was—“

  “Incredible,” he finished for her.

  Incredible doesn’t even begin to describe it. Whatever I thought I was doing all these years, I was doing it wrong.

  A second later, he turned her around and swept her up into his arms.

  “But you’re hurt,” she protested softly.

  He shook his head, his jaw locked as he carried her to the bed and laid her down like something precious. Stubborn male. But her words lacked their usual chastisement—she just felt too damn good to be angry. Then, he was climbing in beside her, his long body cradling her own.

  She reached up and brushed the soft hairs on his face. “Is that how it always is with a Keltair?”

  His eyes narrowed. “If you’re thinking of trying out more of my kind, you should know I’m the only male who will ever make you feel that way.”

  She laughed. “And are all of you so well-endowed?”

  “Just me.”

  “You answered that pretty quickly,” she said, raising a brow. “Could it be you’re hoping I never have an opportunity to be proven wrong?”

  He rolled on top of her, sliding between her legs.

  She gasped as his erection brushed her womanhood.

  “All this talk of other males tells me you’re not satisfied just yet.”

  Her head spun. “Liam, already?”

  He slid inside her, tearing a groan of pleasure from her lips.

  “When I’m finished with you, you’ll never think of another man again.”

  When his hot mouth took one of her nipples at the same time as his manhood came fully inside her, all she could think of was if this is how he punishes me when I talk about other men, I’m going to make sure to do it all the time.

  But as he slowly made love to her again, she was left with absolutely no thoughts, her heart and body overwhelmed with emotions.

  Chapter Five

  Hours later, Hannah stumbled through the gardens back at the Starflight Academy, grinning at the thought that Liam would soon wake to see her gone. He might have been in charge for a little while, but he needs to be reminded that I’m the true alpha of our relationship. She’d never felt so weak or so satisfied in her life. But the best and worst part of it all was the strange feeling that filled her chest. Liam was special. He suited her in unexpected ways. As much as she wanted things between them to stay superficial, they weren’t.

  She should be terrified, but she wasn’t.

  Her mother might not have been able to balance her love for her father and her pursuit of her graduation from the academy, but Hannah was not her mother. She could do both, and she could do both well.

  Someone stepped onto the path in front of her.

  She jumped back into a slight crouch on instinct. Then she saw him.

  “William,” she said, letting her fists fall. “You scared me.”

  Her friend adjusted the cap on his bald green head, pulling it lower over his dark eyes. “I’ve been looking for you.”

  Guilt crept up. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.”

  It took him a second to answer. “You were with that Keltair, weren’t you?”

  Hannah patted her hair, wondering if her day of ecstasy was so easy to see. “I’m glad I ran into you. The whole school probably knows by now, but I don’t exactly want to walk in screaming sex, if you know what I mean.”

  The corners of his mouth turned down, and he shifted his backpack higher. “We need to talk.”

  She frowned, swiftly coming back to reality. Why does William seem so serious? Is something wrong? The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.“Let’s just go inside. I’ve got a weird—“

  “You said you didn’t want to be like your mother.”

  She sat up straighter. “I don’t. I just—“

  “You said you didn’t just want to be Fleet Admiral Stowe’s bratty, rich daughter.”

  “I don’t,” she said, wondering at the growing venom in his voice.

  “But all of it was a lie, right? You were always going to act like some slutty, lazy girl and excel just because of your damn name.”

  “William! What are you talking about?” She stared at her friend, barely believing the words coming from his lips. “Just because I took a few hours for some fun doesn’t mean I’m a completely different person.”

  He looked up from beneath his baseball cap, anger glittering in his dark eyes. “You missed our Communications test.”

  Shit. “I got distracted.”

  “Clearly,” he said, the word laced with sarcasm.

  She bristled. “It was a dumb mistake. It won’t happen again.”

  He glanced around them. “There’s more. I learned some stuff about that Keltair.”

  His words knocked the air from her lungs. “What—?”

  “Not here,” he said, weaving her down an unfamiliar path in the gardens.

  Her stomach twisted as she followed him. William was one of her closest friends. She’d never seen him this angry before. There had to be something really wrong, and she dreaded what it might be. Is it possible I’m wrong about Liam?

  She sped up. “What did you learn?”

  He didn’t turn to her, but spoke softly, almost to himself. “You trusted the wrong person. I know you think you know everything, but you don’t.”

  They circled deeper down the path. Large trees grew closer and closer, their full branches blocking out the sunlight. In the shadows, the day no longer felt so warm. She shivered, wrapping her arms around herself.

  “Where is all of this coming from?” she asked, her thoughts sp
inning. “I know you’re worried about me, but I’m not going to make the same mistake as my mother. It was a momentary lapse in judgment. I’ll fix it.”

  “I bet. You’ll just use your name, and the professor will let you retake it.”

  “No, William, I’m not like all the rich humans who’ve treated you and your dad like crap. I’m your friend.” She took a deep breath, feeling her heart squeeze. He’s not angry. He’s sad. And scared. He’s worried that now that I have Liam, I won’t need him anymore. “Everything is going to be okay. We’re going to achieve all our dreams.”

  He started walking again. The twenty-foot walls surrounding the academy towered over them, deepening the shadows of the trees.

  “Did you even look at my scores?” he asked the question over his shoulder, not looking back at her.

  More guilt rose inside her. “No. I was…” She’d been distracted by Liam. “I’m sorry.”

  He walked farther, his short legs moving surprisingly fast. She hurried to keep up with him.

  “I had the bottom score. In every class.” Hurt laced each word.

  She caught up with him, circling to stand in front of him. He wouldn’t look at her. “You got in, William. You. On your own. These are just the first tests. You were nervous. You’ll do better on the next ones. And I’ll be there to help you.”

  He was quiet, staring down at his feet. “I don’t think I’m going to do any better. Not without more help than you can give me.”

  She grasped his arm. “Yes, you will. I believe in you. One day you’ll make an amazing starship engineer.”

  “Do you see that over there?” He gestured with his head.

  Frowning, she turned to look behind her. “What?”

  Something stabbed into the side of her neck. She grasped it with her fingers and pulled out a long, metal injector. It lay in her hands, blurring more and more with each second. She looked back at William. He was staring at her, his expression unreadable.

  She crumpled to the ground, lying on her side. She tried to move her arms, but they wouldn’t listen. She couldn’t feel her legs. “Why?” The question came out garbled.

  He crouched down beside her. “You rich kids are all the same. You think the world is there for the taking, but it isn’t for all of us.”


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